Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Alice Carpenter (740) & Edward Southworth
1848. Constant Southworth. Born ca 1612 in Leiden, South Holland.16 Constant died in Duxbury, MA 11 Mar 1678/9.16

Constant was admitted as freeman of the colony in 1636/7.33

From the Southworth Genealogy:33
    Beside the land he owned in Duxbury, he owned land also in Tiverton and in Little Compton. From his position as treasurer he had an opportunity to know what land was of value, and had opportunities to select land. He dealt considerably in land.

Will: The last will and testament of Mr. Constant Southworth, deceased:33

        To all to whom these Presents shalt come &c; Know yee that I Constant Southworth of the Towne of Duxburrow in the Collonie of New Plymouth in new England being weake of Body through sickness, Not Knowing how soon it may please God to change my temporall Life to death but Att the day of the date herof of whole perfect and sound understanding and Memory, have made and ordained & by these presents I doe make and ordain this To be my Last will and Testament to continue for ever ffirme and Inviolable as followeth;
    Imps: I Will and bequeath my body to the dust and my soule to God that gave it mee, in hopes of a Joyful Resurrection, only by and thorow the Merretts of my Redemer.
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my deare and loving wife Elizabeth Southworth for and dureing the tearme of her Naturall Life my dwellinghouse with the out housing and Mill belonging vnto it, and all my vplands and Meddowes; Lying and being within the towne of Duxburrow or Marshfield for her support & comfort
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my son Edward Southworth, after the decease of my aforesaid Wife Elizabeth my aforesaid dwelling hose with the out housing, and Mill belonging to it: and all my vplands and Meddowes lying within the Towne of Duxburrow and Marshfield; To belong to him and his heires forever: Alsoe I Give and bequeath vnto my said son Edward twellve, pounds in Mony that is in John Tracyes Hands.
    Item I Will and Bequeath vnto my son Nathaniel Southworth the one halfe of Share of Lands that lyeth neare Taunton by name of the ffreemans Lands: With the appurtenances and privilidges therevnto belonging. To belong to my said son Nathaniel and to his heires for ever:
    Item I Will and bequeath vnto my three Daughters Marcye ffreeman Allice Church and Mary Alden: my other one halfe Share of the ffreemans Lands with the appurtenances and privilidges therevnto belonging, to be sold by or for them when they have opportunitie:
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my Daughter Elizabeth Southworth my Next best bed and furniture, vnto my wifes bed. Provided Shee doe not Marry William Vobbes but if Shee doe then to have five shillings: and the bed and furniture to Returns to my wife:
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my Daughter Prissila Southworth my next best bed and furniture:
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my son William Southworth: my next best bed and furniture:
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my Grandson Constant ffreeman; all those my lands and Meddows that I have at a place comonly Called Pawomett in the towne of Eastham with the appurtenances therevnto belonging: To belong to him the said Constant: and his heires forever:
    Item I will and bequeath; vnto my sonnes Edward and nathaniell and Daughters Elizabeth and Pesilla, equally all my parte of the proffitts that shall or may arise by the ffishing at the Cape:
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my Cosen Elizabeth Howland My brother Thomas his daughter five pounds in Silver Money:
    Item I will and bequeath vnto my deare'and Loving wife Elizabeth Southworth (my Debts and Legacyes being first payed) All the Rest of my estate be it Mony Goods Cattle and Debts owing me; and any other estate in whatsoever it is or wheresoever it maybe found I Give it all vnto her my aforesaid Dears and Loving wife And I doe by these presents appoint make ordaine my Deare and Loving wife Elizabeth Southworth my full Lawfull and sole Executrix of this My Last Will and Testament To administer on my said Estate To pay all Debts as I owe And to Receive all such Debts as are Due vnto mee: To see that my body be Decently Buried: And to Defray the Charge thereof: And my Will and Charge is to my two sonnes Edward and Nathaniell, That they Doe healp and Assist theire Mother, in the Management of her affairs or business that shee may Imploy them in, and Also I Give vnto my son Edward and my son Nathaniell each of them one of my Musketts or Guns And I Give to my son William my . . . . . . and one of Gunnes or Musketts.
    Thuse hopeing that this my Last Will and Testament Will be performed and Kept; Repealing All former Wills; either verball or written: In Witness Wherof I the said Constant Southworth have
heervnto sett my hand and Seale; This twenty seauenth Day of ffebuary; one Thousand six hundred seauenty and eight; And my Will is that my aforesaid wife with the advice of my two sonnes Edward and Nathaniell, Doe out of my Debts make up to such of My children as are short of what some have had; A Due proportion of Goods; and Not of Lands to them:
        Signed Sealed and his - Seale
Delivered to be his last Will
and Testament In the
presence of John Alden Senir
        William Crow

        An inventory of the estate of Constant Southworth Esqr of the
Towne of Duxburrow, in the Collonie of New Plymouth deceased
Taken and Apprised, by Cornett Robert Studsen George Watson
and William Crow, this 15th day of March, 1678-79, and exhibited
to the Court held att Plymouth the 7th day of June Anno: Dom:
1679 on the oath of Mistress Elizabeth Southworth as followeth:

Imps his house and furniture and his wearing apparrell 14-00-00
Item 1 Court Cubbert 2 Cubbert clothes plate and 1
        cushen 27-00-00
Item Table and forme cash stooles chaires and cushens 152-00-00
Item Red stooles covers 01-00-00
Item 1 looking Glasse pictures and drinking Glasses 00-12-00
Item 1 paire of anjrons 1 paire of tongs fier shouell and
        1 glasse Casse 00-12-00
Item a winescott bedsteed with curtaines & vallence
        1 bed bolster and pillowes 08-00-00
Item 1 Rugg and Quilt and a blanket 02-00-00
Item 2 Chests 2 chaires and a Trunk 01-07-00
Item 3 yards & half of broad cloth 9 yards of serge 03-06-06
Item 8 yards of Grogorum I yard course cloth & 3
        quarters 02-03-06
Item 2 Beds & Boding I Trundle bed stead 04-00-00
Item Seuerall sorts of Bookes 04-15-00
Item 1 Curtaine and lumber 00-07-00
Item in table Linnins and sheets 12-04-00
Item towells Pillowbeers 1 pillow beer and some
        other smale litinins 01-09-00
Item 6 Guns 1 Rapier 1 Cuttle axe 1 Tucke 1 paire of
        Stillyards powder shott & fflints 03-13-00
Item in pewter Iron brasse and ten and baggs belong-
        in to the kitchen 22-18-06
Item earthen and wooden vessells and other thinges 01-00-00
Item 1 bed & bedsted Rugg blanket and curtaines 02-00-00
Item 1 Table with some old caske and lumber 01-08-00
Item 1 Table & carpett and bedsteed 02-05-00
Item 1 chaire 2 stooles and one dozen cushens 01-04-00
Item 1 feather bed and bedstead & furniture 07-06-00
Item 2 stooles and one bed and furniture 07-05-00
Item 1 liveing cobbert 8 chaires 3 stooles 02-10-00
Item carpett and 2 beeds 10-10-00
Item 1 smale bed with 2 blankett & coverlid 10-00-00
Item 1 case of Glasses with other Glasses 01-00-00
Item 1 dozen of cushens 01-04-00
Item bookes spoons & smale thinges 00-10-00
Item 2 carpetts and 1 Cubbert cloth 01-05-00
Item 1 looking Glasse trancher & smale thinges 00-07-00
Item 1 chaire some wooden & earthen vessells 01-07-00
Item Iron things & lumber 2 barrells som tubbs 01-07-00
        There were some provisions of meat & som
        wheat and some other smale Matts for family ex-
        pence which wee valued Not
Item 16 bushells of Mault 02-08-00


Item In Neat Cattle & six swine 16-04-00
Item seuerall sorts of Iron Tooles or tackling for hus-
        bandry and old Iron 02-18-00

        Debts due to the estate ffrom William Har-
        low Sen. 06-00-00
        John Tracye of Duxburrow 11-00-00
        Joseph howland of Plymouth
        William Crow
        Marke howland
        Mark Barker
        Benjamin Church

Item an Indian boy
There are some other debts due the estate but how much
        att present is not certainly knowne there hath bine
        disbursements that is to be taken out of the estate
        to value of about 20-00-00
Wee find that the Treasurer died possessed of about
        twenty five acres of Land in the Towne of Dux-
        borrow whereon standeth big dwelling house one
        Barne and one Grist mill
Item a parsell of Land att the North hill the quantity
        wee know not
Item seuerall parcells of Meddow lying in the towne of
        Duxburrow and Marshfield about 12 acres
Item one share of land at a place Commonly Called the
        ffreemans land near Taunton
Item 1 parsell of land and meddow att a place Com-
        monly Called Paonett in the Towne of Eastham
On 2 Nov 1637 Constant married Elizabeth Collier (1370) , daughter of William Collier (616) (ca 1585-ca 1670/1671) & Jane Clark (ca 1590-aft 28 Jun 1666), in Duxbury, MA.62 Born ca 1618 in Southwark, Surrey. Elizabeth was baptized in St Olave, Southwark, on 9 Mar 1619.16 Elizabeth died in Duxbury, MA after 20 Feb 1678/9.16
Their children include:
Mercy Southworth (ca 1640-25 Nov 1712)
Edward Southworth (ca 1644-7 Dec 1728)
Alice Southworth (ca 1646-5 Mar 1719)
Nathaniel Southworth (ca 1649-14 Jan 1710/1)
Mary Southworth (ca 1654-ca 1719)
William Southworth (ca 1659-25 Jun 1719)
1849. Thomas Southworth. Born ca 1616 in Leiden, South Holland.33 Thomas died in Plymouth, MA on 8 Dec 1669.33

Thomas was admitted as freeman of the colony in 1642/3.33

From the Southworth Genealogy:33
        His death is thus recorded in Plymouth County records:
        "On the eight day of December, anno Dom. 1669, the honored Capt. Thomas Southworth changed this life for a better, being then about the age of fifty three years, who was a majestrate of this jurisdiction, and otherwise a good benefactor to both church and commonwealth, and that which is more than all hath bine named, hee was a very godly man and soe lived and died full of faith and comfort, being much lamented by all of all sorts, sects, and conditions of people within our jurisdiction of New Plymouth."
        The records of the First Church at Plymouth give a more extended
notice of his death:
        "It pleased God heavily to afflict this chh & people by the Death of Capt. thomas Southworth, of whom Honourable mention is made in the foregoing Narrative, & that most deservedly: He was a great Pillar in this chh, & in the dayes of blessed Mr Reyner, after the death of Elder Brewster (whose Name is here very pretious & ever will be see) when the chh had agitations about the choice of a Ruling Elder, this Mr Southworth was Judged by many of the chh a very sutable man for that place, yet it was wisely foreseen by Govr Bradford that the necessity of the Commonwealth would doubtlesse call for the improovment of his Talent in the Magistracy, & So it prooved, for immediately upon the death of that Honourable Govr. he was chosen a magistrate & soe continued to his death. There were other Bretheren that did exercise their gifts for edification of the chh in the vacancy of the ministry, yet such was the desireablenesse & excelling of his Gifts & graces that for divers yeares together he was espetially singled out by the chh to carry on the publick worship, one part of the Sabbath, Elder Cushman ordinarily spending the fornenoone & Mr Southworth the afternoone; His Death was on December, 8: (about 53 yeares; old) after a monthes sicknesse: His death was much lamented & is to this day, he was loved & feared & of Such a conversation as commanded both. The chh kept a day of prayer for his life, Dec: 1: but his time was come to die."

Will: The following is the will of Thomas Southworth:33

        The Last Will and Testament of Captaine Thomas Southworth
deceased exhibited to the Court of his Matie held att Plymouth the
first day of March Anno: Dom: one Thousand six hundred sixty and
nine: on the oathes of George Bonum and John Morton:
        This eighteenth day of November Anne: Dom one Thousand six
hundred and sixty nine: The Last Will and Testament of Captaine Thomas
        I give vnto my daughter Elizabeth howland all my housing and
Lands both vplands and meddow within the Township of Plymouth
to her and her heires Lawfully begotten vpon her owne body: to
them and theire heires forever Item I giue all my other Lands out
of the Township of Plymouth vnto my said Daughter Elizabeth and
vnto her husband Joseph howland; Towards the payment of my
debts to be done with the advise of the Supervisor of this my last
will and testament: Item I giue my Rapier and belt to my sonne in
Law Joseph howland.
John Raynor (Raynor, Reinor) was born on his ancestral estates at Gildersome, in the
parish, of Batley, County York, England. He graduated in 1625 at Magdalen College, Cam-
bridge. He married, first, - Boyes; second, Frances Clark. Elizabeth was the child
of his second wife.
        Governor Bradford in his history of Plymouth Plantation thus speaks of Rev. John Raynor:
"This year (1636) Mr. Smith layed down his place of ministerie partly by his own willingness,
as thinking it too heavy a burden, and partly at the desire, and by ye perswasion, of others:
and the church sought out for some other, having been often disappointed in their hope and
desire heretofore. And it pleased the Lord to send them an able and a godly man, and of a
meeke and humble spirite, sound in the truth, and every way unreprovable in his life and
conversation; whom after some time of triall they chose for their teacher, the fruits of whose
labours they enjoyed many years with much comforte. in peace and good agreement."
        He remained with the church until 1654, when he resigned and went to Dover, N. H., to live,
where he died in 1669. By his will, recorded at Exeter, N. H., we learn that when
he died he still owned an estate in Gildersome.


        Item I giue to Thomas ffaunce forty shillings to be payed in
sheep or neat Cattle
        Item I giue vnto Deborah Norton the sume of forty shillings to
be payed in sheep or neat Cattle.
        Item I giue vnto, William Churchill a sheep to be delivered to
him the next Spring following the date heerof
        That lott and half of Land which is att the Eelriver which was
exchanged by Mr. William Bradford deceased with John ffaunce
for a Lott att Jonses River I doe yield vp all my Interest in the said
Lott halfe To Thomas ffaunce and his heires for ever
        The Rest of my estate I leaue in the hands of my son Joseph
Howland and my daughter his wife & my brother Constant South-
worth To be disposed of as they shall see Reason: for the supply of
my wife in her poor Condition.
Witness John Norton
        Gorge Bonurn and a seal
On 1 Sep 1641 Thomas married Elizabeth Reyner, daughter of John Reynor (ca 1571/2-1638) & Ellen, in Bristol, RI. Elizabeth died aft 3 Jun 1679.16

It is likely that Elizabeth Reyner was a sister of Rev. John Reyner (who d. 1669). See Maxine Stansell’s article “More on the Reyners” in the New Eng. Hist. Gen. Soc. 624 (2002), 322-326.183
Their children include:
Elizabeth Southworth (ca 1644-Mar 1717)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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