Pane-Joyce Genealogy
2527. Michael Woods. Born in 1684 in Ireland.244 Michael died in Blair Park, Albemarle County, Virginia on 11 Jun 1762.

From Albemarle County in Virginia:244
    Page 6: Nineteen patents were taken out in 1737. Michael Woods, his son Archibald, and his son-in-law, William Wallace, secured grants for more than thirteen hundred acres on Lrickinghole, Mechum's River and Beaver Creek, embracing the present Michum's Depot and Blair Park. Thesameday Michael Wo is purchased the two thousand acre patent of Charles Hudson on Ivy Creek. These transactions took place at Goochland C. H., or more likely at Williamsburg; and this fact lends probability to the tradition that the Woods settlement occurred at the mouth of Woods's Gap in 1734. Crossing from the Valley into an unbroken forest, as Michael Woods did, it is almost certain that he made a clearing and built a cabin, and thus established his right to the estate the law gave, before he set himself to acquire a knowledge of the surrounding country and its owners, and to make large purchases.
    Page 351: The first Woods who settled in Albemarle was Michael, who was born in the north of Ireland in 1684, and with his wife Mary Campbell, and most of his children, came to this country sometime in the decade of 1720. Landing on the banks of the Delaware, he spent some years in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, thence ascended the Valley of Virginia, and crossed the Blue Ridge by Woods's Gap in 1734. In 1737 he entered more than thirteen hundred acres on Mechum's River and Lickinghole, and the same day purchased two thousand acres patented two years before by Charles Hudson, and situated on the head waters of Ivy Creek. It is believed he was the first settler in western Albemarle, and perhaps anywhere along the east foot of the Blue Ridge in Virginia. His home was near the mouth of Woods's Gap. He died in1762, and was interred in the family burying ground about a hundred yards from the dwelling. His tombstone was standing just after the Civil War, when it was broken to pieces and disappeared; but a fragment discovered a few years ago indicated the year of his birth. His will is on record, in which are mentioned three sons and three daughters, Archibald, John, William, Sarah, the wife of Joseph Lapsley, of Rockbridge, Hannah, the wife of William Wallace, and Margaret, the wife of Andrew Wallace.

From Albemarle County in Virginia: page 354244
    According to credible evidence, Michael Woods and his wife Mary Campbell had two sons and two daughters in addition to those just mentioned, Michael, Andrew, Magdalen and Martha. Michael lived southwest of Ivy Depot till 1773, when with his wife Ann he removed to a plantation in Botetourt, on the south side of James River, a few miles below Buchanan. He died in 1777, leaving eleven children, among whom were Samuel, from whom descended Rev. Neander M. Woods, of Memphis, and Rev. William H. Woods, of Baltimore, and William. William remained in Albemarle, and became a Baptist minister, on which account he was known as Baptist Billy. His home was also southwest of Ivy. He represented the county in the House of Delegates in 1799, and in 1810 removed to Livingston County, Kentucky, where he died in 1819. His wife was Joaqna, daughter of Christopher Shepherd, and his children Micajah, David, Mary, John, and Susan, the wife of Henry Williams. Micajah resided in Albemarle, was appointed a magistrate in 1816, served as Sheriff in 1836, and while filling that office died at his country seat near Ivy in 1837. He was twice married, first to Lucy Walker, and secondly to Sarah, daughter of John Rodes, and widow of William Davenport. His children by the first marriage were Martha, the wife of John Wilson, Mary, the wife of James Garth, Elizabeth, the wife of John Humphreys, and Henry, who died young, and by the second William S., who died unmarried, and Dr. John R., still pleasantly remembered in the community.
Michael married Mary Campbell. Mary died in Blair Park, Albemarle County, Virginia ca 1762.
Their children include:
Magdalen Woods (ca 1705-)
Archibald Woods (11 May 1706-11 Dec 1768)
Michael Woods (ca 1708-11 Mar 1777)
Hannah Woods (ca 1710-)
John Woods (19 Feb 1712-14 Oct 1791)
Margaret Woods (ca 1714-)
Martha Woods (ca 1720-)
Andrew Woods (ca 1722-)
Sarah Woods (ca 1724-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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