Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Michael Woods (2527) & Mary Campbell
6580. Magdalen Woods. Born ca 1705 in Ireland.
6581. William Woods. Born in 1706.

From Albemarle County in Virginia, pages 353–354:244
    William, no doubt the oldest of the family and born in 1706, succeeded his father at Mountain Plains, the old homestead. He seems to have been unfortunate in his business affairs. Twice he mortgaged his property, first to Thomas Walker, and then to a number of Valley men, among whom were his brother-in law, John Bowyer, and his nephew, Samuel McDowell. At length in 1774 he made sale of it toThomas Adams, of Augusta. At that time he was living in Fincastle County. His wife was Susanna, a sister of his brother-in-law, William Wallace, and his children, Adam, Michael, Peter, John, Andrew, Archibald, William, Sarah, the wife of a Shirkey, Susan, and Mary, the wife of George Davidson. All the children except William emigrated to Kentucky, and from there some went to Tennessee, and some to Missouri. Adam, Peter and Andrew became Baptist preachers. Archibald is mentioned in Hening's Statutes as a trustee of the the towns of Boonesboroand Milford, Ky., and in that State he died in 1838, at the age of eighty-nine. William remained in Albemarle. He lived on Beaver Creek, about a mile north of Crozet; on this account, as there were two other William Woodses contemporaneous, he was commonly known as Beaver Creek Billy. In many respects he was a remarkable man, in his sphere somewhat of a born ruler, of fine sense, and great decision. Many amusing stories have been told of his management of men and things, particularly of his fostering care over Mountain Plains Church. He died in 1836, ninety-two years of age. He was married three times, first to his cousin Sarah Wallace, next to his cousin Ann Reid, and thirdly to Mrs. Nancy Richardson. He had one son, William, who married Mary, daughter of William Jarman, and died in 1829. Their children were James, who lived on Beaver Creek, married Ann Jones, of Bedford, and died in 1868, William, who lived near Crozet, married Nancy, the daughter of John Jones, and died in 1850, Peter A., who was a merchant in Charlottesville and Richmond, married Twymonia Wayt, and afterwards Mrs. Mary Poage Bourland, of Augusta, and died in 1870, Thomas D., who married Miss Hagan, lived near Pedlar Mills in Amherst, and died in 1894, and Sarah J,, the wife of Jesse P. Key.
William married Susanna Wallace.
6582. Archibald Woods. Born on 11 May 1706 in Ireland. Archibald died on 11 Dec 1768; he was 62.

From Albemarle County in Virginia, pages 351–352:244
    Archibald, whose wife's name was Isabella, was one of his father's executors, and in 1767 joined with John, his co-executor, in convej'ing nearly seven hundred acres of the land on Ivy Creek to Rev. James Maury. In 1771 he purchased land on Catawba Creek in Botetourt County, now Roanoke, and removed thither about that time. He died in 1783 His children were James, who removed to Fayette County, Kentucky, John, Archibald, Andrew and Joseph. Joseph died in Roanoke about 1840, devising half of his property to the Presbytery of Montgomery. The descendants of John are still citizens of that county, his grandsons John W. being the present Judge of Roanoke City, and James P. its present Mayor.
Ca 1734 Archibald married Isabella Gass, daughter of John Gass (-31 Dec 1734) & Margaret Cowan. Born on 8 Jan 1717 in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Isabella died in Albemarle County, Virginia, on 2 Nov 1766; she was 49.
Their children include:
Michael Woods (10 Nov 1735-17 Jan 1808)
Susanna Woods (ca 1746-1828)
6583. Michael Woods. Born ca 1708 in Ireland. Michael died in Buchanan, Botetourt County, Virginia on 11 Mar 1777.
Michael married Anne Lambert, daughter of Charles Lambert (ca 1681-1 Sep 1753) & Elizabeth Hamilton (ca 1685-17 Nov 1762). Born ca 1712 in Ireland. Anne died in Muhlenberg County, Kentucy on 2 May 1814.
Their children include:
Jane Woods (ca 1735-ca 1796)
6584. Hannah Woods. Born ca 1710.
Hannah married William Wallace.
6585. John Woods. Born on 19 Feb 1712.244 John died on 14 Oct 1791; he was 79.244

From Albemarle County in Virginia, pages 352–353:244
    John lived on Mechum's River, not far above the Depot of that name. In 1745 he was sent as a Commissioner to prosecute before the Presbytery of Donegal in Pennsylvania, a call which the churches of Rockfish and Mountain Plains had given to Rev. John Hindman. He is the only one of the original family, the dates of whose life are certainly known. He was born February 19th, 1712, and died October 14th, 1791. He married Susanna, daughter of Rev. James Anderson, whom he knew as a child in Pennsylvania, and whom years later he returned to woo as his wife. His children were Michael, James, Susan, Mary, Luta and Ann. Michael lived on his father's place on Mechum's till about 1801 , when he removed to a farm in Nelson on the south fork of Rockfish, recently occupied by Charles Harris. His wife was Esther Carothers, of Rockbridge, and his children were William M., Mary, the wife of Hugh Barclay, Susan, the wife of Nathaniel Massie, John, James and Samuel. William M. was twice married, first to Louisa, daughter of William S. Dabney Sr., and secondly to Martha, daughter of Charles A. Scott. He left eight children, who removed to Mississippi. His brothers, John, James, and Samuel, who married Sarah, daughter of John Rodes, emigrated to Marion County, Missouri, James (1748-1823) was an officer in the Revolutionary army, married Mary, daughter of James Garland, of North Garden, and removed to Garrard County, Kentucky, where he had a family of twelve children. Susan became the wife of Daniel Miller, who removed to Kentucky, and from whom descended General John Miller, who fell at Perryville on the Federal side, Mary, the wife of John Reid, lyUta, of Samuel Reid, and Ann, of James Reid and afterwards the second wife of her cousin William Woods.
6586. Margaret Woods. Born ca 1714.
Margaret married Andrew Wallace.
6587. Martha Woods. Born ca 1720.
6588. Andrew Woods. Born ca 1722.
6589. Sarah Woods. Born ca 1724.
Sarah married Joseph Lapsley.

Joseph, of Rickbridge.244
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D. Pane-Joyce
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