Pane-Joyce Genealogy
8793. Edward Wanton. Born ca 1631. Edward died in Scituate, MA on 16 Oct 1716.52 He died in his 85th year. Occupation: Ship builder. Religion: Quaker.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    Edward Wanton was in Boston before 1658: tradition says he came from London; and further, that his mother came with him; but of his father we have neither record nor tradition. He appears in Scituate as a resident in 1661, and had lands 1660. Before he left Boston, he became a convert to the faith of the Quakers, the narritive of which is as follows. The severity of the Massachusetts Government towards this new sect, having been carried to the extent of executing three of them in 1659, 1660 and 1661. Edward Wanton was an officer of the guard, on one or more of these occasions. He became deeply sensible of the cruelty, injustice and impolicy of these measures: he was greatly moved by the firmness with which they submitted to death, and won entirely by their addresses before their execution. He returned to his house, saying, ‘Alas, Mother! we have been murdering the Lord’s people,’ and taking off his sword, put it by, with a solemn vow never to wear it again. From this time he conversed, on every opportunity, with the Friends, and soon resolved to become a public teacher of their faith. In Scituate 1661, he purchased a farm of 80 acres, of William Parker, at the well known ship-yard, a little below Dwelley’s creek. He had also extensive lands on Cordwood hill: and also south-west of Hooppole hill, which latter were sold to Nathaniel Brooks 1723. The house of Edward Wanton stood near the bank of the river, on the land that is now improved as a ship-yard, and on the spot occupied by the smaller Work-house. Here he conducted the business of shipbuilding with great success: and we may add, that he held a distinguished place amongst the enterprising settlers of the Town. Of his success as a religious teacher we have spoken elsewhere, (see Ecclesiastical History53). He remained firm and active to an advanced age. His last visit to Newport as a representative from the quarterly to the yearly meeting was in 1716, when he was fourscore and five years old, and he deceased soon after his return, Oct. 16th, 1716, and was buried on his own plantation, a few rods north-east of his house, where several of his family and of the family of Rogers have since been buried. The farm bears the name of this venerable man, though it has passed into the possession of another family nearly a century since. His name will go down to posterity so long as a history of the Town shall be known. His memory is held in respect, by tradition, from generation to generation. It may gratify some antiquarian, when we record, that a widow Mary Howland, a descendant, on the Island of Canonicut, has preserved some curious articles of the household furniture of Edward Wanton, which he brought with him from England.
“He was probably married before he left England. In Boston were born to him Edward 1658, Margaret 1660, neither of which children lived to mature years: and their motther also deceased 1660-1. After his removal to Scituate, one of the Ministers, of his sect visited him, having recently come form England, and took an opportunity to recommend to him a woman of his acquaintance in England for a second wife. Proposals were accordingly sent in wrriting, and she came in compliance therewith. Her name was Elizabeth _____. There were married 1663, and had children, Joseph born 1664, George 1666, Elizabeth 1668, William 1670, John 1672, Sarah and Margaret 1674, Hannah 1677, Michael 1679, Stephen 1682, Philip 1686.

Edward died age 85.52
In 1663 Edward married Elizabeth. Elizabeth died in Scituate, MA on 30 Sep 1674.52

Elizabeth, wife of Edward, d. 30 Sep 1674.52
Their children include:
Edward Wanton (13 Sep 1658-Mar 1695)
Margaret Wanton (Died young) (1660-)
Joseph Wanton (1 May 1664-3 Mar 1754)
George Wanton (25 Aug 1666-1684)
Elizabeth Wanton (16 Sep 1668-)
Gov. William Wanton (15 Sep 1670-Dec 1733)
Gov. John Wanton (24 Dec 1672-5 May 1740)
Sarah Wanton (Twin, died soon) (22 Sep 1674-1675)
Margaret Wanton (Twin, died soon) (22 Sep 1674-19 Apr 1676)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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