Pane-Joyce Genealogy
17689. Abigail Rogers. Born on 3 Nov 1663 in Marshfield, MA.165 Abigail was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 24 Apr 1664.52 Abigail died aft 1721.109 Religion: Quaker.
On 19 Sep 1681 when Abigail was 17, she married Nathaniel Chamberlain, son of William Chamberlain (ca 1624-22 Oct 1678), in Society of Friends, Pembroke.52 Nathaniel and Abigail were married by Quaker custom at the home of Edward Wanton. Born on 4 Sep 1659 in Hull, MA.165 Nathaniel died in Pembroke, MA, on 22 Sep 1716; he was 57.109 Occupation: weaver. Religion: Quaker.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Edward Wanton, by his will dated in 1716, gave his wearing apparel to Nathaniel Chamberlain of Pembroke, and to his two daughters, Abigail and Joanna, five pounds each.
    Joanna Butler, in her will (1745), gave legacies to her “cousins,” Elizabeth and Patience Chamberlain.
    Nathaniel^4 was appointed Adm’r in 1716, and dower was set off to the widow, Abigail, in 1721; the rest of the property was assigned to Benjamin^4, “son of the deceased,” who gave bond, with Thomas Parris, as surety, to pay at the death of Abigail, the widow, certain sums to the others, or a part of them, among whom were Joseph, Eunice and Patience, “children of Nathaniel Chamberlain of Pembroke, and to the son of Ruth Fletcher, deceased, grandson to said Nathaniel.”
    March 6, 1723/4, Benjamin Chamberlain^4 made a nuncupative will, not probated, in which he provided that his mother and Eunice, Patience and Joseph should have a living out of his estate, “as long as they live or as long as the property holds out,” and as his “cosen,” Naomi, had been sick a great while, he gave her ten pounds “to pay ye Doctor”; he also gave to his sisters Abigail, and Joanna, twelve pounds each.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Chamberlain (18 Jun 1682-)
Nathaniel Chamberlain (10 Aug 1683-)
John Chamberlain (26 Dec 1684-)
Mary Chamberlain (5 Feb 1685-)
Joanna Chamberlain (17 Jan 1686-)
Abigail Chamberlain (28 Feb 1687-)
Sarah Chamberlain (Died soon) (8 Apr 1689-2 Sep 1689)
Patience Chamberlain (28 Apr 1690-)
Bathsheba Chamberlain (Twin, died soon) (28 Jun 1692-5 Jul 1692)
Experience Chamberlain (Twin, died soon) (28 Jun 1692-7 Jul 1692)
Ruth Chamberlain (1 Dec 1693-)
Thomas Chamberlain (21 May 1695-)
Benjamin Chamberlain (ca 1696/1700-)
Freedom Chamberlain (15 Jun 1697-bef 22 Oct 1781)
Eunice Chamberlain (20 Jul 1698-)
Joseph Chamberlain (21 Jul 1699-)
17690. Mary Rogers. Born on 10 Mar 1665 in Marshfield, MA.236 Mary was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 16 Apr 1665.52 Mary died in Marshfield, MA, on 15 Apr 1690; she was 25.60 “Mary the Wife of Samuel Dogget deceased Aprill the 15 1690”.

Mary’s children, Samuel Dogged, Mary White, and Sarah Allyn, were named in her father’s will.236
24 Jan 168[3] Mary married Samuel Doggett, son of Thomas Doggett (ca 1607-18 Aug 1692) & Elizabeth Humphrey (-1652), in Marshfield, MA.60 “Samuell Dogged and mary Roggers were maryed the 24 of Jan [worn]”. Born ca 1652 in Weymouth, MA.280 Samuel died in Marshfield, MA on 15 Sep 1725.280
Their children include:
Samuel Doggett (Died soon) (24 Dec 1683-)
Samuel Doggett (7 Apr 1685-Sep 1745)
Mary Doggett (26 Apr 1687-)
Sarah Doggett (7 Apr 1689-)
17691. Joanna Rogers. Born on 7 Oct 1667 in Marshfield, MA.236 Joanna was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 12 Apr 1668.52 Joanna died in Marshfield, MA, on 6 Dec 1745; she was 78.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Joanna Butler in her will, d. Dec. 6, 1745, p. Jan’y 16, 1748/9, describes herself as of Marshfield, and gives her property to her “cousins,” in which term she includes nephews and nieces. She mentions (omitting the word “cousin “) John Rogers of Hanover (nephew) ; Hannah Thrift, “the daughter of my brother John Rogers, deceased”; Elizabeth Chamberlain, to whom she gives an annuity for life and various articles among which is “a silver spoon which used to be called the boy’s spoon”; Mary White and Sarah Allen (children of Samuel and Mary (Rogers) Doggett); Patience Chamberlain; Joanna, daughter of Joseph Rogers of Marshfield; Susanna Rogers, daughter of Joseph Rogers; Elizabeth Stetson, daughter of Samuel Stetson of Scituate; “the said Joseph Rogers”; Moses Rogers, son of Joseph; Jemima Torrey and Kezia Torrey of Scituate [not identified]; Rhoda Wing, “daughter of my cousin, Rhoda Wing”; Samuel Russell (son of George Russell who was son of Ann Rogers^2); Bethiah Wady; “Sarah Rogers, wife of John Rogers, son of my brother, Thomas Rogers”; sons of Rhoda Wing; and gives to “cousin John Rogers, son of Brother Thomas” all the residue; and makes him executor. Among the witnesses are Caleb and Mary Torrey.
    Abigail Hudson^3, the aunt of Joanna Butler, married a Stetson, and Elizabeth Stetson was probably her granddaughter; but Barry’s Stetson Family gives no such marriage, and no Samuel with a daughter Elizabeth, who could have been this Elizabeth.
Ca 1701 Joanna married Judah Butler, son of Daniel Butler (ca 1642-) & Elizabeth Howes (ca 1643-). Born ca 1665/6 in Falmouth, MA. Judah died in Falmouth, MA on 10 Sep 1712.
Their children include:
Judah Butler (Died unmarried) (ca 1702-10 Nov 1720)
17692. Elizabeth Rogers. Born on 19 May 1669 in Marshfield, MA.236

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Elizabeth Rogers was born in Marshfield, December 19, 1669; she married. May 11, 1699, as his second wife, Hugh Copperthwaite, who came from England and settled in Flushing, L.I., where he lived fifty-six years and was a Friends’ minister nearly forty years; he died, May 20, 1730, at the age of eighty-two years; his first wife, Elizabeth, died November 25, 1697; his second wife, Elizabeth Rogers3, died, August 27, 1707; we have found no record of any children.
On 11 May 1699 when Elizabeth was 29, she married Hugh Copperthwaite.236 Born ca 1668 in England. Hugh died in Flushing, Queens County, New York on 20 May 1730.236 Religion: Quaker.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.