Pane-Joyce Genealogy
17948. Jan Hardick. Born ca 1683 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Jan died ca 1737.

“John Hardyck” was a freeholder in Claverack in 1720.241

The member list for the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church (Stone church), Rhinebeck, about Feb 1734, has as a family group Jean Hardik, Anna his daughter, Catharina, Heletje, Gertraut, Frank, and Benedictus Valkner. His wife, Maria, is not listed, so she probably died before then.
On 22 Dec 1706 Jan married Maria Becker, daughter of Johannes Becker (13 Jun 1663-ca 1712) & Annetje Vanderzee (13 Jun 1665-19 Dec 1739), in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.156 30 Nov 1706 [banns date], Jan Hardiks, y.m., born and living at Claverack, and Maria Bekker, y.d., born at Albany, living on colony of Rensselaerswyck, married at the Parsonage. Born ca 1685 in Albany, Albany County, New York. Maria was baptized in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, on 15 Nov 1685. Maria died bef 1734.

Jan and Maria were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1720 for Elsje, daughter of Thomas & Margareta Carter;
    1721 for Jacob, son of Hans Jurgen Rau & wife Anna Catharina;
    1721 for Johannes Valentin, son of Adam Schmidt & Christina; and
    1723 for their nephew Benedictus, son of Rev. Justus Falkner and wife Gerritje (Jan’s sister).
Their children include:
Anna Hardick (ca 1708-)
Catharina Hardick (12 Dec 1711-)
Hilletje Hardick (18 Feb 1715-24 Sep 1748)
Gerritje Hardick (15 Dec 1717-)
17949. Willem Hardick. Born ca 1690 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Willem died aft 1750. Religion: Lutheran.

Marriage Record of Rev. Justus Falckner471
1722, Third Sunday after Easter: William Hardyk and Anna Cathar. Falknern.

The member list for the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, about Feb 1734, lists the family group: Wilhelm Hardik, his wife Anna Catharina, Frank, Daniel, Gerhart, Jacob, Jean, Justus, Leonhart, also Sarah Valkner and Catharina Valkner, and grandfather Frank Hardik.
On 15 Apr 1722 Willem married Anna Catherina Falckner, daughter of Daniel Falckner. Born say 1700.

Willem and Anna were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1727 for Cathryne, daughter of Thomas Carter & Margareta;
    1732 for Tanneke, daughter of Jan Hannesse & Tanneke Van Hoesen;
    1732 for Anna Margreta, daughter of Samuel & Anna Catharine Miller;
    1738 for Helena, daughter of Jacob & Gertruyd Van Hoesen;
    1740 for Janneke, daughter of Hannes & Sara Van Hoesen;
    1745 for Moses, 8 years old, son of William & Sarah Beacrofts; and
    1750 for their granddaughter Anna Catharine, daughter of Francis and Gritje Herdyk.
Their children include:
Francis Wilhelmse Hardick (7 Feb 1723-1783)
Daniel Hardick (ca 1725-)
Gerhart Hardick (ca 1727-)
Jacob Hardick (Died young) (18 Mar 1728-bef 1738)
Jan Hardick (7 Feb 1730-)
Justus Hardick (23 Nov 1731-)
Leonhart Hardick (12 Dec 1733-)
Willem Hardick (8 Oct 1735-)
Jacob Hardick (3 May 1738-)
Jonathan Hardick (20 Feb 1740-)
Abraham Hardick (5 Apr 1742-)
17950. Gerritje Hardick. Born ca 1692 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Gerritje was baptized in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, on 17 Jan 1692.156 Gerrigje, daughter of Franc Hardig & Catrine Jansz, witnesses Gerrit Lucasz, Class Lucasz, & Lucas Gertsz. Gerritje died bef 1737.
On 26 May 1717 Gerritje married Rev. Justus Falckner, son of Daniel Falckner, in New York, New York. “License of Sr Robert Hunter, Gov. of N.Y., Justus Falckner, preacher of the Pr. Luth. Congr., and Gerritge Hargick y.d., they were married by Rev. William Vesey, at Rev. Falckner’s parsonage in the Little Queens Str., N.Y. City”. Born on 22 Nov 1672 in Langenreinsdorf, Crimmitschau, Zwichau, Germany. Justus died in Newburgh, Orange County, New York in 1723. Education: matriculated University of Halle 1693.

Marriage Record of Rev. Justus Falckner471
26 May 1716, License of Sir Robert Hunter, Gov. of N.Yl, Justus Falckner, preacher of the Pr. Luth. Congr., and Gerritje Hargick, y.d., they were married by Rev. William Vesey, at Rev. Falckner’s parsonage in little Queens Str., N.Y. City. (Entry made by Rev. M.C. Knoll from notes left by Rev. Falckner.)

From, part of the ELCA Family History, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, American Lutheran Developments in their Historical Context—Some Major Landmarks —Prepared by the Department for Communication:

    “Justus Falckner, born in Germany and educated at Halle, came to the new world in 1700 as an attorney and surveyor, having left Germany to avoid the ministry. When he arrived in Pennsylvania Falckner made the acquaintance of Swedish missionaries, who three years later recommended him to the Dutch congregation in New York. Ordained by the Swedes on November 24, 1703, Falckner was the first Lutheran to be ordained in America. Falckner's parish grew in area and in numbers as he continued to serve faithfully. His flock ultimately was composed not only of Dutch and Germans but also of Black and American Indian people. Falckner was also known for authoring treatises on doctrine and the hymn "Rise, O children of salvation" (LBW #182) as well as founding New Hanover Lutheran Church in New Hanover, Pennsylvania.”

Justus’ will was dated 9 Sep 1723, proved 11 Jan 1723/4. Check out TAG Vol XXVI, July 1950.

Check out the book The World of Justus Falcker by Delbert Wallace Clark.

His hymm “Auf! ihr Christen, Christi Glieder” was written in Germany about 1697 set to Joachim Neander’s “Unser Herrscher, unser König” of 1680. It was translated into English by Emma F. Bevan in 1858.

Rise, ye children of salvation,
 All who cleave to Christ the Head;
 Wake, awake, O mighty nation,
 Ere the foe on Zion tread;
 He draws nigh, and would defy
 All the hosts of God most high.

    Saints and martyrs long before us
 Firmly on this ground have stood;
 See their banner waving o’er us,
 Conquerors through the Savior’s blood.
 Ground we hold, whereon of old,
 Fought the faithful and the bold.

    Fighting, we shall be victorious
 By the blood of Christ our Lord;
 On our foreheads, bright and glorious,
 Shines the witness of His Word;
 Spear and shield on battlefield,
 His great Name; we cannot yield.

    When His servants stand before Him
 Each receiving his reward,
 When His saints in light adore Him,
 Giving glory to the Lord;
 “Victory!” our song shall be
 Like the thunder of the sea.

Their children include:
Sara Justa Falckner (5 May 1720-)
17951. Sara Hardick. Born in 1694 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Sara was baptized in Kingston Church, Kingston, on 10 Jun 1694.537 Witnesses: Cornelis Martensen & Cornelia Vredenburg.

Herdyk, or Hardick.
On 25 Apr 1716 Sara married Jonathan Rees (17635) , son of Willem Andriesse Rees (6430) (ca 1651-aft 1721) & Catrina Janse (-aft 1721), in Klinkenberg, Greene County, New York. “At Klinkenberg, Jonathan Reest, j.m. of Claverack, to Sarah Hardick of Claverack” Recorded at Athens Lutheran Church, also the New York Lutheran Church. Born ca 1690 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Jonathan was baptized in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany, on 26 Jan 1690.156 Jonathan, of Andries Rees, witness Dirk Ten Broek, presented for baptism by Styntje [Christina] Ten Broek. Jonathan died in Claverack, Columbia County, New York aft 24 Nov 1753. Religion: Lutheran.

Although Jonathan’s baptism says “of Andries Rees,” his father was probably William Andries Rees, not William’s son Andries. Jonathan’s first son Hendrick’ baptismal witnesses were William and his wife Catharina, not Andries and an unknown wife (Andries married his first known wife in 1697).

Marriage Record of Rev. Justus Falckner471
April 1716, at Klinckenberg, Jonathan Reest and Sarah Hardick.
[duplicate] 25 Apr 1716, Jonathan Rees, y.m., and Sarah Hardick, both at Klaverack in Albany Co.

“Jonat: Rees” was a freeholder in the north part of Livingston Manor in 1720.241

The member list for the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, about Feb 1734, has Jonathan Rees, his wife Sarah, Henrich, Volje, Francisca, Jean, Wilhelm, and Jonathan. Catarina is not listed.

Jonathan and Sara were witnesses at the 1734 baptism of Lea, daughter of Thomas Gertser [Carter] & Margreta (on the same day Thomas and Margret were witnesses for Jonathan and Sarah’s son Jonathan), also the 1742 baptism of Abraham, son of Jacob and Gertruyd Van Hoesen.

Will abstract: Jonathan Rees of Claverack. Dated 24 Nov 1753, probated 28 Mar 1801. Mentions eldest son Hendrick, sons Jan, Jonathan, Francis, & William; wife Sarah; daughter Volkie. Executors: wife Sarah, Joris and Jacob Herder. Witnesses: Jonathan Becraft, Sacharyas Haus, & James Stenhouse.558
Their children include:
Hendrick Jonathan Rees (24 Nov 1716-aft 1790)
Catherina Rees (6 Nov 1718-)
Francis Rees (ca 1728-)
Jan Rees (ca 1730-ca 1814)
Jonathan Rees (12 Dec 1733-)
William Rees (ca 1735-aft 1781)
Volkie Rees (ca 1740-)
17952. Volkje Hardick. Born ca 1697 in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Volkje died aft 1750.

Volkje’s older sister Sara married Leonhard’s younger brother Jonathan a year before Volkje married Leonhard.
On 10 Mar 1717 Volkje married Leonhard Rees (17634) , son of Willem Andriesse Rees (6430) (ca 1651-aft 1721) & Catrina Janse (-aft 1721), in Claverack, Columbia County, New York. Born say 1687. Religion: Lutheran.

Marriage Record of Rev. Justus Falckner471
20 Mar 1717, at the house of Francis Hardick, Klaverack, Leonhard Roest and Volckge Hardick.

Leonhard and Volkje were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1719 for their neice Cornelia, daughter of Pieter Lassen and Cornelia Rees;
    1719 for their neice Catherine, daughter of Jonathan Rees and Sarah Hardick;
    1727 for Anna Catharina, daughter of Hans Jurgen Rau & Catharina;
    1732 for their nephew Justus, son of Willem and Anna Catharina Herdyk.

Leonhard was a witness in 1734 for his nephew Benjamin, son of Benjamin Rees.

The member list for the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, about Feb 1734, has Leonhart Rees, his wife Volje, Catharina, and Sara.

(Leonard was left out of the Rees/Race Family234 genealogy .)
Their children include:
Katharina Rees (5 Oct 1717-)
Sara Rees (ca 1719-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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