Pane-Joyce Genealogy
21828. Hannah Phelps. Born 22 Jan 1701/2 in Hebron, CT.331

Children of Jacob and Hannah (Phelps) Sherman, born at Hebron:
    i. John Sherman, b. 5 Mar 1734/5;
    ii. Jacob Sherman, b. 31 Mar 1735/6;
    iii. Joshua Sherman, b. 9 Oct 1737;
    iv. Hannah Sherman, b. 8 Feb 1738/9; and
    v. Nathaniel Sherman, b. 11 Oct 1741.331
On 20 Mar 1734 Hannah married Jacob Sherman in Hebron, CT.331
21829. Lieut. Nathaniel Phelps. Born on 19 Sep 1703 in Hebron, CT.331 Nathaniel died in Hebron, CT, on 13 Aug 1781; he was 77.331

From The Phelps Family of America:116
    (#192) Lieut. Nathaniel Phelps, b. Hebron, Ct., 19 Sept., 1703, m. Mary Curtis, 26th Aug., 1726. She d. Hebron, Ct. He m. 2nd, 26 Mar., 1752, Rachel Sawyer, (daughter of John and Barsheba Sawyer), b. Hebron, Ct., d. in Orford, N.H., where with Mr. Phelps she removed with her daughter Barsheba and son Nathaniel, unmarried. Here she died soon after the date of her letter, or in 1813. The following is a copy of her letter, her age then about 83 years.
Orford, N. H., July 7th, 1812.
“Affectionate Son: —
    I wrote you a letter about five weeks since, which informed you of Nathan Stickney–he died the 13th of May, with what the Doctors call the spotted fever, and now write to inform you of the death of your sister Bersheba. She departed this life the 20th of last month with the same disorder that your brother died with, she was decently buried, the twenty-second of the month by the side of your honored father. This is one more loud call for us to become ready, for us to follow our departed friends. How painful will be our condition to see our friends by their obedience receive that blessed sentence, Come ye blessed of my father, inherit the Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the World–while on the other hand, we by our disobedience have that cursed sentence, Depart ye cursed into everlasting punishment.
    Therefore let us so live, that when on Earth we fail and leave this Earthly Ball, we may be so happy as to arrive in CANAANS FAIR Banks, and there join both our friends in
one eternal song of ‘Praise to God and the Lamb.’
    I have not received any letter and fear you have never received mine, therefore I would inform you that the Selectmen have orders to turn me off of this land: if there is not something done about paying the rent, and what to do I do not know, I am left here alone with Nathaniel excepting an old lady is going to tarry a few days. I cannot stay longer than the crops comes off what little there is, unless there is something done immediately, and I want you to come or send as soon as possible. Please to give my love to your wife and the children. I and all your friends are as well as usual and hope these few lines will find you and yours so.
    I remain your affectionate parent till death.
    Rachel Phelps.”
    To John Phelps, Albany, N. Y.

Her son John Phelps died June 15, 1812, nearly one month before this letter was written. John Sawyer, was son of Edward and Elizabeth Sawyer. Edward Sawyer's will dated Feb. 6th, 1746, mentions Rachel, Phebe, Elizabeth, Lydia, John, Thomas and Isaac Sawyer.
    Lieut. Phelps settled in Hebron, Ct. He was an active man in church and town affairs, and was in the Lexington Alarm, serving 21 days. He also enlisted in the 8th Regiment, Col. Huntington, and was Sergeant in 6th Co., Capt. Rowley, enlisting 9 Jan., 1775, discharged 17 Dec, 1775, then in his 73rd year. In 1779-1780, he, with his wife and three young children, Lucinda, Nathaniel and Bersheba, returned to Orford, N. H., where he died 13 Aug., 1781, in his 78th year. Some of his children remained in Hebron, Ct., where his death is also recorded. At one time there were five of this family in the Revolutionary War.
    Children by 1st wife, b. Hebron, Ct.:
    i. Joshua, b. 9 Jan., 1729-30, m. Hannah Tarbox.
    ii. Hannah, b. 7 Aug., 1734, m. Nathaniel Rowley.
    iii. Benajah, b. 30 March, 1737, m, Phebe Denison,
    iv. Elizabeth, b. 19 Oct., 1739, d. unm.
    v. Samuel, b. 6 July, 1742, m. Lydia Morey.
    vi. Joel, b. 24 Nov., 1746, m. Mary Morey, 21 Sept., 1768. No children. Settled in Or-
ford, N.H.
    vii. Ephraim, b. 14 May, 1748, m. Ruth Strong. Settled in Coos or Grafton Co., N. H.
    Children by 2nd wife, b. Hebron, Ct.
    viii. Barsheba, b. 4 Aug. , 1754, m. Nathan Stickney.
    ix. Eleazer, b. 13-18 May, 1756, m. three times.
    x. John, b. 12 Aug., 1758, died the same year.
    xi. John S., b. 10 Aug., 1759, m. Catherine Conegue.
    xii. Rachel, b. 8 July, 1761, (probably) Horton.
    xiii. Rosalinda, b. 5 May, 1763, m. Daniel Coleman. [Coburn?]
    xiv. Lucinda, b. 29 Feb., 1765, removed with parents to N.H. Not of sound mind, d. unm.
    xv. Nathaniel, b. 4 May, 1767, d. Orford, N.H., April, 181 2, unm.
    xvi. Beulah, b. 13 Jan., 1769, d. 30 Nov., 1774.
On 26 May 1726 when Nathaniel was 22, he first married Mary Curtis, daughter of Samuel Curtis (7 Jul 1681-24 May 1740) & Mary Parker (-14 Dec 1724), in Hebron, CT.331 Born on 3 Mar 1706 in Hebron, CT.331 Mary died in Hebron, CT bef Mar 1752.
Their children include:
Joshua Phelps (9 Jan 1729/30-12 Mar 1809)
Hannah Phelps (7 Aug 1734-)
Benajah Phelps (30 Mar 1737-)
Elizabeth Phelps (Died unmarried) (19 Oct 1739-)
Samuel Phelps (6 Jun 1742-)
Joel Phelps (24 Nov 1746-)
Ephraim Phelps (14 May 1748-)
On 26 Mar 1752 when Nathaniel was 48, he second married Rachel Sawyer, daughter of John Sawyer & Barsheba, in Hebron, CT.331 Rachel died in Orford, Grafton County, New Hampshire ca 1813.116
Their children include:
Barsheba Phelps (4 Aug 1754-)
Eleazer Phelps (18 May 1756-)
John Phelps (Died soon) (12 Aug 1758-)
John S. Phelps (10 Aug 1759-)
Rachel Phelps (8 Jul 1761-)
Rosalinda Phelps (5 May 1763-)
Lucinda Phelps (Died unmarried) (28 Feb 1765-)
Nathaniel Phelps (Died unmarried) (4 May 1767-Apr 1812)
Beulah Phelps (Died young) (13 Jan 1769-30 Nov 1774)
21830. Joshua Phelps. Born on 19 Sep 1709 in Hebron, CT.115,331 Joshua died in Hebron, CT 1 Jan 1727/8.331
21831. Lieut. Solomon Phelps. Born on 29 Jul 1716 in Hebron, CT.331 Solomon died in Hebron, CT, on 8 Apr 1796; he was 79.116

From The Phelps Family of America:116
    (#194) Lieut. Solomon Phelps, b. Hebron, Ct., 29 July, 1716, m. 10 July, 1738, Temperance Barber, d. Hebron, Ct., 15 Aug., 1798, aged 80.
    Lieut. Phelps settled in Hebron, Ct., served in the Revolutionary Army in 1776. as 2nd Lieut, under Col. Roger Eno, died in Hebron, 8th April, 1796, in his 80th year.
    Will in Hebron Records, dated 13 Oct., 1795, mentions sons, Solomon, Bissell, and daughters, Delight Finley and Hannah Geer.
    Children b. Hebron, Ct.
    i. Temperance, b. 3 May, 1739, m. Ezra Strong.
    ii. ——, b. 26 Dec, 1 741, d at birth.
    iii. Solomon, b. 26 Dec, 1741, d. July, 1742
    iv. Solomon, b. 3 Oct., 1743, m. Lucy Lord.
    v. David, b. 3 Oct. 1746, m. Damise Pratt.
    vi. Hannah, b. 29 May, 1749, d. Oct. 6, 1749.
    vii. Bissell, b. 16 Feb., bapt. 17 March, 1754, m. Lovina Skinner.
    viii. Delight, b. 17 April, 1756-7, m. Finley. Referred to in her father's will.
    ix. Hannah, b. 10 March, 1758-9, m. Joel Porter, 2nd, —— Geer.

1790 Federal Census. Hebron, Tolland County, Connecticut
Roll 1, page 155
Family of Sol’m Phelps
    1 white male under 16
    1 white male 16 and over [Solomon]
    1 white female
    4 other free persons
Family of Sol’m Phelps Junior
    2 white males under 16
    1 white male 16 and over
    2 white females
On 10 May 1738 when Solomon was 21, he married Temperance Barber (27570) , daughter of David Barber (12 May 1686-7 Nov 1739) & Hannah Post (11255) (29 Mar 1692/3-7 May 1759), in Hebron, CT.331 Born on 8 Aug 1718 in Hebron, CT.331 Temperance died in Hebron, CT, on 15 Aug 1798; she was 80.116
Their children include:
Temperance Phelps (3 May 1739-)
(infant child) Phelps (Stillborn) (26 Dec 1741-26 Dec 1741)
Solomon Phelps (Died soon) (26 Dec 1741-Jul 1742)
Solomon Phelps (3 Oct 1743-)
David Phelps (3 Oct 1746-)
Hannah Phelps (Died soon) (29 May 1749-6 Oct 1749)
Bissel Phelps (16 Feb 1754-)
Delight Phelps (17 Apr 1756-)
Hannah Phelps (10 Mar 1758/9-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.