Pane-Joyce Genealogy
35160. Mary Richardson. Born on 10 Jan 1695 in Woburn, MA.124 Mary died in Shrewsbury, MA, on 25 Oct 1798; she was 103.279

Vinton’s summary:279 When Mary “was one hundred years old, her pastor, Rev. Dr. Joseph Sumner, took her to a sleigh ride. Dr. Sumner himself lived to be eighty-five years old, and died Dec. 9, 1824, having sustained the pastoral office in that town more than sixty-two years.”

The following is a contemporary notice of Mrs. Baldwin's death: "At Shrewsbury, Mrs. Mary Jones, aet. nearly 105 years. Her maiden name was Mary Richardson. She was born in Woburn, January 10th. O. S., 1694. Her first husband was Henry Baldwin, Esq., of Pelham, N.H., by whom she had three children, who lived to settle in the world, and left families. Her second husband was Colonel Jones, of Hopkinton, who died about the year 1772, since which time she remained a widow. She enjoyed a good degree of health, until within a few weeks of her death. The serenity of mind, and quietness of temper, which she possesst to an uncommon degree, doubtless contributed to her great age. Being early imprest with the importance of religion, the practice of it, ever appeared natural and easy. As she lived, so she died in the hope of a blessed immortality, and but a few hours before her death was able to express, with great propriety, her views and prospects of futurity." - Columbian Centinel (Boston), November 3, 1798.457

Children of Henry and Mary (Richarson) Baldwin, born at Woburn: 124
 i. Henry Baldwin, b. 27 Feb 1718, d. 17 Nov 1789, m. 1st Abigail Butler of Pelham, NH, m, wnd Martha Abbott, resided at Pelham and removed to Shrewsbury;
 ii. Nathan Baldwin, b. 18 May 1720, m. 1st Sarah Oakes, m. 2nd Lydia Oakes resided at Worcester, MA;
 iii. Mary Baldwin, b. 4 Jan 1722, m. 8 Apr 1745 Rev. Abner Bayley of Salem, NH.279
On 7 May 1717 when Mary was 22, she first married Henry Baldwin (42001) , son of Henry Baldwin (22161) (15 Nov 1664-7 Jul 1739) & Abigail Fiske (1 Feb 1674-Jan 1771), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 12 Jan 1693 in Woburn, MA.124 Henry died in Woburn, MA, on 7 Jul 1739; he was 46.279
On 21 Sep 1758 when Mary was 63, she second married Col. John Jones, son of Isaac Jones (1 Dec 1664-) & Mary, in Hopkinton, MA. Born on 24 Oct 1691 in Boston, MA. John died in Hopkinton, MA, on 7 Feb 1773; he was 81. Occupation: Cordwainer.

John first married Elizabeth Simson, second Hannah Alden, and third Mary (Richardson) Baldwin, widow of Henry Baldwin.

From Temple’s History of Framingham:359
    Col. John Jones of Boston; cordwainer; removed 1715 to the Simpson farm, then in Framingham, afterwards Hopkinton, now Ashland, a part of which he received from his father-in-law; justice of the peace, and much in public office; owned slaves, James, Tom, and Bacchus.

Will: 0416780 Middlesex Co. probate papers - case #12863 John Jones 1773

    In the Name of God Amen. This Twenty ninth day of October Anno Domini One thousand seven hundred seventy two, and in the Thirteenth year of his Majesties Regin.
    I John Jones of Hopkinton in the County of Middlesex, andProvince of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, Esquire, being Sound in my understanding and memory praised be God therefore), and calling to mind my Frailty, and mortality, Do make + Ordain this my last Will, and Testament in manner following, That is to say first of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be buried in decent manner at the discretion of my Executor herin after named hoping thru? the merits of Christ my Dea rSaviour to obtain the Pardon of all my sins, and a Glorious Resurrection to Eternal Life and touching such worldly goods + Estate as it hath pleased God to Bless me withal? in this Life. I Give, Desmiss, + dispose thereof in a manner following. Viz.
    Imp. I Give, and Bequeath unto my Well beloved Wife Mary Twenty six Pounds, thirteen shillings, and four pence, The One half part of said sum to be paid within six months, + the other half part thereof to be paid within twelve months next after my decease + also the sum six pounds, thirteen shillings, and four pence to be paid immediately after my decease, and if not paid to be from that time on interest and also all the houshold goods she brought with her, agreable to an Inventory with the Settlement before marriage. And also a Priviledge in my Dwelling house together with my Executor at the cost of the Estate for Subsistance, and the use of my Horse, + Chaise if She Chooses to Accept, + improve it during her Pleasure.
    Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Loving son Simpson Jones over + above what I have settled on him by Deed my negro man named James, also one third part of my Oxen, horses, + steers and Utensils for husbandry; Also the Book called the morning exercise, and Law Book. And in case my said son Simpson survives his present Wife, the above articles are bequeathed to him his Heirs, and assigns forever, But in case his present Wife survives they are bequeathed to the Heirs of his Body, And to their Heirs + Assigns forever. I have bequeathed to my said son Simpson no part in my mills because I have lately paid him the sum of Forty pounds, Lawful money --
    Item. I Give and Bequeath to my Loving son John Jones, andto his Heirs, and Assigns forever over and above what I have settled on him by Deed One half part of my Grist mill, + Saw mill with one half of the Pond Stream, +Damm + Utensils for each mill and one half of about three quarters of an Acre of land including the Gravel pit + one half the old end of the dwelling house, Also my negro man named Tom. Also one third part of my horses, Oxen, and Steers, + Utensils for husbandry, and the whole of my Cyder mill, and Press, Also my Silver hilted Sword, ?lanc?,+ Surveying instruments my Silver tankard, Bible with annotations, and the Law Book which he now has, Also all my my Books of record containing the conveyances of Hopkinton; and Upton Leap? Lands, or Common lands does? in consequence of them. Also the Proprietors Book of records, and all the plans relating to said Lands
    Item. I Give, + Bequeath to my Loving son Anthony Jones, + to his Heirs, + Assigns forever Over, and above what I have settled on him by Deed One half part of my Grist mill, and Saw mill, and one half part of the pond, stream, and damm, + Utensils for each mill, and one half of about three quarters of an acre of Land including the gravel pit, and the old end of the dwelling house, Also one third part of my horses, Oxen, + Steers, + Utensils for husbandry, Also my negro boy named Bacchus, Also all my wearing apparel, my Sport? cup, Looking glass, Great chair, + cane chairs of? the west Room, also one great Bible + mr. Willards Body of Divinity --
    Item. I Give, and bequeath to my Grandson Nathaniel Alden Jones all my Lands in a place called New Hopkinton in the Province of New Hampshire to him his Heirs and Assigns forever. --
    Item. I Give, and bequeath to Grandsons John Jones, + Isaac Jones in equal shares two thirds parts of the seventy five acre Lot lying between my own land, and the Lot that Hugh Black livd on, to them their Heirs, + Assigns forever. Also I give my Gun to my said Granson John Jones. --
    Item. I Give, and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Saltmarsh her Heirs and Assigns forever thirteen acres of Land adjoining to the Land whereon she now lives, to be valued as part of her portion at thirteen pounds, six shillings, + eight pence --
    Item. I Give, and bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Homes, her Heirs and Assigns forever Fifty acres of Land Scituate near the Land She with her husband now lives on, to be valued as part of her Portion at Thirty pounds. --
    Item. I Give and bequeath unto Jone, Isaac, + Elizabeth Smith, the children of my Daughter Abigail Cuzzens by her first husband Smith, + to their Heirs + assigns Thirty Pounds to be equally divided among them which thirty pounds thus given to said three Children of my Daughter Cuzzens is to be ? ? part of her Portion and accordingly
Deducted therefrom --
    Item. I Give, and Bequeath to my six Daughters, and to their Legal Representatives, Viz. To the Heirs of Mary Robinson decd. to the Heirs of Elizabeth Learned decd. + to Sarah Chapman, Anne Saltmarsh, Hannah Homes, and Abigail Cuzzens, to each of them the sum of Fifty pounds to them their Heirs + assigns to be paid by my Executor as soon as it can be rais'd out of the money due to me for the Lands which I have sold which were formerly Chapman's, + Haw?ings, which Fifty pounds is to be over, and above what I advanced to each of them in furniture etc at marriage but what they or their husbands otherwise owe one is to be Esteem'd a part of sd bequest, + deducted therefrom -- It is my Will and Pleasure that all my Books, plate, + negroes, also my Stock of Cattle, and household furniture not otherwise disposed of in this my last Will be equally divided among my six daughters, or their Legal Representatives in equal Shares Viz. Sarah Chapman, Anne Saltmarsh, Hannah Homes, and Abigail Cuzzens, and the Heirs of Mary Robinson decd. and the Heirs of Elizabeth learned decd. to them, their Heirs, + Assigns. But so that the Lands which I have herein given to my Daughters Anne Saltmarsh, Hannah Homes, and the Legacy to the Children of Abigail Cuzzens by her first husband be accounted as part of the equal shares of my said Daughters - Anne, Hannah, + Abigail as the estimation, + Same herein set down and Also provided the Heirs of my Daughters Robinson + learned will discharge my Estate of a Legacy given to my said daughters by their Grandfather Simpson + which I have paid, but have lost, or mislaid the Receipt, otherwise to be excluded the benefit of the Bequest --
    Item. It is my Will, and Pleasure that all the Remainder of my Estate both Real, and Personal not disposed of in this my last, and Testament, after paying my Just Debts, and funeral Charges (and excepting? my Rights in Cedar Swamp which are hereby given to my three sons in equal shares) Be, and hereby is given, + Bequeathed to my nine Children, or their Legal Representatives in nine Equal Shares, or Divisions Viz. Simpson, John, + Anthony, Mary, and Elizabeth decd. Sarah, Anne, Hannah, and abigail to them, their Heirs, and Assigns -- Provided nevertheless and it is my express Will, + pleasure that if any of my Heirs Legatees herein named shall be dissatisfied with this my last Will, and shall bring my Action or Actions to put my Executor to trouble, or Expence that then, and in such case, He or She shall be excluded from my benefit - of what may be herein bequeathed to him, or her.
    Item. Whereas I have disposed of my negro Slaves to, and among my Children, + Legacies as is before expressed in this my last Will, and Testament, It is my Express Will, + pleasure that those to whom said Negroes are given shall maintain them in case of their being sick, unprofitable, or burthensome, otherwise my Executor hereafter named is Directed, + impowered to Deduct so much out of the Legacies, + Bequests herein given to such Refusing, and Neglecting Legatees, as shall be sufficient to ? to such infirm slave a sufficient maintenance -- Ellto? I Name, Ordain, Constitute, + Appoint my Beloved, + trusty son John Jones Sole Executor of this my last Will, + Testament hereby Revoking, and making null, and void all former Wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore made -- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, and Seal this day, and Date herein before written. --
    Memorandm. It is my Will + Pleasure that whereas I have disposed of the greatest part of my Lands, + amongst my three sons by Deed of Gift by which they are to come into possession immediately after my decease, + whereas it may so happen that I may decease at a time when there is a Crop on the Ground, I therefore order, + direct that if it should so happen that said Crops on the ground, or in the Barn shall go, + belong to those who have possess'd, + occupied s.d Lands the preceeding season -- I also hereby Give, + bequeath to my son John Jones three quarters of an acre of Land in sd. Hopkinton lying on Cold Spring brook between the land of sd. John Jones, + the land of Isaac Clark Junr. as the same is now bounded aforesaid? --
    John Jones
    Sign'd, Seal'd, Publish'd and Declared as his Last Will, + Testament in
presence of us who have subscribed our Names in the Testators presence
    Jno. Wilson
    Jesse Rice
    Ezra Gleason

John Jones (Jr.) presented will for probate 4 March 1773. John Nutt, Gilbert Dench, Isaac Clark junr. all of Hopkinton appointed appraizers of the estate 10 March 1773. They took oath of faithful appraisal March 25, 1773.

An Inventory of the Personal Estate of John Jones Esqr. late of Hopkinston in the County of Middlesex deceas'd. Taken by us the Subscribers, this SEventh Day of July 1773. + is as Followeth Viz. Sundry Articles of Quick-
    Stock + house-hold Furniture given to his Daughters in his last Will, apprizd @ pounds 176-15-10.
    Stock + Husbandry Utencils given to his Sons in ditto 60-10-4
    Debts Due to the Estate (Inclusive of Interest) 993-16-3 1/4
    ----------- pounds 1231-2-5 1/4
    John Nutt, Gilbert Dench - Apprizers

Sir, Hopkinton Novr. 13, 1773
    At the desire of Colo. Jones this is to signify to you, that Iwas present with the late Colo. Jones decd. at the time of his making, + signing his Last Will, + Testament, that He Dictated to me and I wrote it for him. And from what then passed I am very sure that He design'd that the Land therein bequeath'd to his two Daughters Saltmarsh, and Homes at an estimated price should be consider'd as part of their Legacy of £50. In this I am confirm'd because whereas the Legacies of £50. to each Daughter was to be paid out of an appropriated fund, when a Doubt was started whether said fund would be sufficient, He Replied that it undoubtedly would because said Legacies at least some of them were in a great measure paid by these very lands + certain notes of hand which He had against them, or their husbands, + made a rough calculate for that purpose.
    I am with Great Esteem + Respect, Sir, Your most Humd. Servt.
    Jno. Wilson
    The Honl. Saml Danforth Esqr.

List of Debts due to the Estate of John Jones Esqr Deceased includes: in pounds
    Simpson Jones Esqr. 120-11-10
    Isaac Loving 2-9-1
    Ezra Baker + Jos. Bond 46-13-4
    Saml + Stephen Clark 2-17-10
    John Burnet 11-1-5
    Caleb Claflin 3-3-8
    James Parker Jr. + Henry Dun 8-0-0
    Peter Dudly? 0-14-11
    Saml Stimson 2-11-1
    Jeremiah Goodhue 2-5-8
    William Gould 6-6-0
    Revd. Elijah Fitch 25-9-11?
    Saml Chamberlin 8-0-0
    Hezekiah Larnard 1-1-3
    Edmond Chamberlin 13-6-8 (4 same size & same date)
    ditto 11-15-4
    Jonathan Bathrick 6-13-4 (8 same size)
    ditto 11-4-0
    Isaac Clark jur. 26-13-4 (3 same size)
    ditto 5-6-5
    Jonathan Carrel 1-15-8
    Stephen Kingman 26-16-0
    Josiah Richardson 4-0-0
    Richard Smith 1-10-0
    Saml Stacy 6-4-7
    Israel Walker Jur. 4-0-0?
    Henry Mellen 12-16-0
    Thomas Freeland 4-4-8
    Timothy Townsend 9-19-3
    Elias Hayden 10-13-4
    David Kelley 2-5-8
    Ezra Eames 7-4-?
    John Long 1-12-4
    John Boid 4-0-0
    William Andruce 0-12-8
    John Boyd 0-14-7
    Jedediah Haven 3-1-7
    Thomas Chapman 7-4-0
    John Boid Jur. 1-5-0
    Nathaniel Pike 1-0-0
    Joseph Cody 0-11-0
    Jonathan Cody 0-14-2
    Elisha Hall 4-6-0
    Joseph Biglow 1-15-5
    Eleazer Giles 12-0-11
    Elisha Hall 10-16-3
    James Willson 0-8-0
    Palatiah Bixby 6-13-4
    ditto 7-10-4
    John Death 8?-6?-1
    Daniel Claflin 1-14-8
    William Marret 4-17-9
    Cornelus Claflin 3-14-3
    James Gibson 6-13-5
    William Hayward 1-0-0
    Jeremiah Butler (3/2/1768) 2-3-0
    Joshua Wheeler 2-14-10
    Abraham Boyd 1-6-0
    Lawson Buckminster 3-14-8
    John Snell 4-8-8
    James Hiscock 4-1-4
    Benjamin Burnet 0-12-0
    Tho. Bixby 1-12-2
    Sollomon Nuten 0-18-5
    Samuell ?cy 1-10-11
    John Clark 8-0-0
    ditto 10-0-0
    Isaac Clark Jur + John Clark 49-11-8
    John Pratt 10-0-0
    John Homes 19-17-8
    James Waer 13-8-6
    Ann Stone 28-5-1 1/2
    ditto 5-4-8
    Henry Boldwin 13-6-8
    ditto 13-6-8
    Benjamin Burnard 17-8-0
    John Clark + Isaac Clark Jr. 7-13-4
    Gilburt Dench 3-8-2
    Benjamin Wood 1-5-4
    John Clark 10-0-0
    Rogen? Dench 6-8-4
    Cash in the House 10-0-0
    Cash recd of Jonathan Bathrick? 26-13-4
Desperate Debts
    John Gould 5-15-0
    Richard Kelley 1-4-0
    Epheraim Clark 0-5-6
    Israel Taft 0-15-1
    Saml Wiswell 0-5-4
    David Morse 0-9-9
    Nathaniel Stimson 0-15-4
    James Gould 0-9-0
    Stephen Clark 2-13-4
    James McCullagh 1-3-2
    Josiah Stone 0-5-?
    Jabis Fairbanks 0-12-0
    Timothy Pike 0-16-6
    Silus Stone 0-4-0
    Isaac Clark 1-11-5
    Ezra Thomson 0-12-8
    Isaac Stowell 1-6-8
    Stephen Clark 7-1-10
    Moses Sever 0-5-4
    Timothy Clement 29-5-0 }

list of payments of/for executor includes
    Mary Jones 6-15-4
    To the said Deceasd's widow, to make good what she brought with her, upon marriage 1-15-2
    Mrs. Mary Jones 13-6-8
    Mrs Couzzens 7-0-0
    Simon Stone + Sarah Hill (in part of their legacies) 28-4-0
    Hezekiah learned + 2 sisters (in part of their legacies) 18-18-0
    Mrs Mary Jones 13-6-8
    Wm Valentine 11 shillings?
    Jacob Hill (in part of a legacy) 4-0-0
    Jos. Cozzens (in part of a legacy) 5-0-0
    Mrs. Chapman, in full of her legacy 50-0-0
and to the hereafter named persons, in part of their legacies, viz.
    Hezekiah Learned 6-0-0
    Hannah Stone 6-13-4
    Sarah Hill/Hall 6-13-4
    John Learned 3-6-8
    Asa Learned 3-6-8
    Jacob Hill 4-0-0
    To Mr. Holmes for a journey to Cambl?, citation, service of it + returning it 0-16-0
    To Do (in part of his wife's Legacy of 50. 19-0-0 due from him to the estate by note of hand. The note to be cancell'd the Remainder of the Legacy he has recvd in Land

Hopkinton Febr. 23, 1773
    To the Honbll Judge Danforth Esqr in Cambridge
    These may Certifie that the Hears of John Jones Esqr. Late of Hopkinton Decasd Have Mett and Agread that the will of the Testater be Sott up + proved Simpson Jones Anthony Jones Joseph Cozzens Abigal Cozzens Isaac Larned Ann Saltmarsh
35161. Hannah Richardson. Born on 17 Aug 1697 in Woburn, MA.124 Hannah died in Woburn, MA, on 8 Sep 1778; she was 81.

The Woburn Vital Records says Thomas Carter and Mary Richardson, both of Woburn, were married on 21 May 1728.124

Children of Thomas and Hannah (Richardson) Carter, born at Woburn:
    i. Hannah Carter, b. 15 Apr 1729; and
    ii. Mary Carter, b. 5 Feb 1733.124
On 21 May 1728 when Hannah was 30, she married Thomas Carter (28612) , son of Timothy Carter (12035) (12 Jun 1653-8 Jul 1727) & Anna Fiske (27 Mar 1659-27 Jan 1716), in Woburn, MA.279 Born on 14 Aug 1690 in Woburn, MA.124 Thomas died in Woburn, MA, on 29 Sep 1771; he was 81.124
35162. Joseph Richardson. Born on 9 Nov 1699 in Woburn, MA.124 Joseph died in Woburn, MA, on 7 Dec 1725; he was 26.124
Joseph married Susanna Wyman (41975) , daughter of Lieut. Seth Wyman (22117) (8 Aug 1663-26 Oct 1715) & Esther Johnson (13 Apr 1662-31 Mar 1742). Born on 30 Jun 1695 in Woburn, MA.124 Susanna died in Woburn, MA, on 7 Mar 1726; she was 30.124 Buried in First Burial Ground of Woburn.144 "Here lyes ye body of Mrs. Susanna Richardson, wife to Mr. Joseph Richardson, who deceased March ye 6th 1726, aged about 29 years".

Children of Joseph and Susanna (Wyman) Richardson, born at Woburn:124
    i. James Richardson, b. 1 Mar 1723/4, m.21 Jul 1749 (int) Sarah Leathe (dau. of Francis & Sarah Leathe of Woburn);
    ii. Seth Richardson, b. 6 Mar 1725/6; and
    iii. Susanna Richardson, twin, b. 6 Mar 1725/6, m. 1749 James Russell of Haverhill.279
35163. Maj. Josiah Richardson. Born on 12 Jan 1702 in Woburn, MA.124 Josiah died in Sudbury, MA, on 30 Aug 1770; he was 68.279

Josia was of Chelmsford when he married Experience.
On 23 Oct 1728 when Josiah was 26, he married Experience Wright, daughter of Benjamin Wright (14 Mar 1688-ca 1720) & Mary Smith.279

Children of Josiah and Experience Wright, the first born at Chelmsford, the other three at Sudbury:
    i. Gideon, 5 Jun 1730, d. 17 Mar 1758, Harvard 1749, ordained at Wells, ME, 27 Feb 1754, m. at Boston 12 Dec 1754 Martha Thornton of Boston;
    ii. Josiah, 29 May 173370, m. 31 Jan 1760 Elizabeth Eveleth of Stow, resided at Sudbury;
    iii. Experience, m. 31 Mar 1772 Abishai Crossman of Sudbury; and
    iv. Luther, b. 14 Jul 174870, d. 6 Oct 1752.279
35164. Reuben Richardson. Born on 12 Jun 1704 in Woburn, MA.124 Reuben died in Stoneham, MA, on 22 Dec 1776; he was 72.327
In 1726 Reuben married Esther Wyman (27990) , daughter of Samuel Wyman (11607) (29 Nov 1667-17 May 1725) & Rebecca Johnson (1 Mar 1665-aft 1735), in Stoneham, MA.327 Born on 25 Feb 1709 in Woburn, MA.279 Esther died in Stoneham, MA, on 8 Feb 1809; she was 99.327
Their children include:
Joseph Richardson (9 Feb 1727-3 Jul 1823)
Esther Richardson (16 Apr 1729-)
Reuben Richardson (Died soon) (22 Dec 1731-)
Reuben Richardson (Twin) (28 Mar 1733-)
Ruth Richardson (Twin) (28 May 1733-9 Mar 1808)
Abel Richardson (23 Oct 1736-27 May 1831)
Caleb Richardson (24 Oct 1738-4 Apr 1814)
Elijah Richardson (4 May 1741-20 May 1832)
Mary Richardson (2 Aug 1743-)
Jerusha Richardson (2 Jun 1745-15 Nov 1833)
Josiah Richardson (8 Nov 1747-28 Dec 1795)
Loammi Richardson (Died soon) (12 Jan 1749/50-ca Apr 1751)
Thaddeus Richardson (7 Aug 1752-14 Jun 1828)
35165. Oliver Richardson. Born on 15 Aug 1706 in Woburn, MA.124 Oliver died in Woburn, MA, on 7 Apr 1795; he was 88.279
On 24 Jul 1726 when Oliver was 19, he first married Lydia Wyman (27986) , daughter of Samuel Wyman (11607) (29 Nov 1667-17 May 1725) & Rebecca Johnson (1 Mar 1665-aft 1735), in Reading, MA.124 Born 1 Jan 1701/2 in Woburn, MA.279 Lydia died in Woburn, MA on 26 Oct 1754.124

Children of Oliver and Lydia (Wyman) Richardson, born at Woburn:124
    i. Jesse Richardson, b. 1 Feb 1729/30, d. 5 Nov 1813 at Woburn, m. 29 Dec 1756 Jemima Brooks (b. 20 Aug 1737, d. 5 Apr 1814, dau. of Ebenezer & Jemima (Locke) Brooks of Woburn);
    ii. Paul Richardson, b. 23 Dec 1734, m. Eusehia Harrington (b. May 1751 at Lancaster, dau. of Rev. Timothy Harrington);
    iii. Oliver Richardson, b. 28 Apr 1737, d. 2 May 1827 at Stoneham, m. 22 Jun 1769 Betsey Tidd, d. 28 Feb 1805;
    iv. Lydia Richardson, b. 21 Dec 1740, d. 31 Aug 1790 unmarried;
    v. Susanna Richardson, b. 23 Mar 1744, d. 13 Sep 1833, m. 3 Dec 1762 Joshua Tay (b. 3 Apr 1741, d. 29 Dec 1801 at Woburn, son of William & Abigail Tay of Woburn); and
    vi. Samuel Richardson, b. 5 Dec 1748, d. 15 Oct 1839, m. 1st 1763 Esther Simonds (b. 2 Mar 1750, d. 1778, dau. of James Simonds), m. 2nd 1782 Anna Eustis of Boston.279
Their children include:
Jesse Richardson (1 Feb 1729-5 Nov 1813)
On 30 Mar 1756 when Oliver was 49, he second married Eunice Pierce (43412) , daughter of James Pierce (28 Feb 1689/90-21 Dec 1773) & Phebe Reed (23624) (22 Mar 1695-1776).279 Born 19 Feb 1734/5 in Woburn, MA. Eunice died in Woburn, MA on 5 Apr 1774.124
35166. David Richardson. Born on 12 Oct 1708 in Woburn, MA.124 David died in Woburn, MA, on 12 Oct 1708.124
35167. Samuel Richardson. Born on 12 Oct 1708 in Woburn, MA.124 Samuel died in Woburn, MA, on 12 Oct 1708.124
35168. Charles Richardson. Born on 27 Jul 1710 in Woburn, MA.124 Charles died in Auburn, MA ca 1782.

Children of Charles Richardson:
    i. Mary, m. a Mr Woolston;
    ii. Lucretia, m. 16 Nov 1769 Samuel Marble of Sutton; and
    iii. Charles.279
On 2 Feb 1737 when Charles was 26, he first married Mary Roper (58474) , daughter of Ephraim Roper Jr (ca 1687-16 Feb 1729/30) & Sybillah Moore (46787) (2 Sep 1694-25 May 1750), in Oxford, MA. Born on 20 May 1715 in Sudbury, MA.

Mary, of Westford.
Charles second married Susanna.
35169. Ruth Richardson. Born on 17 Jun 1713 in Woburn, MA.124 Ruth died on 13 May 1791; she was 77.125

James and Ruth lived at "New Bridge," in North Woburn, where his grandfather, Henry Baldwin, settled in 1642.279

Children of James and Ruth (Richardson) Baldwin:
    i. Cyrus, b. 5 Nov 1740, drowned at Dunstable 5 Nov 1790, m. Ruth Wilson of Bedford, no children;
    ii. Reuel, b. 9 May 1742, d. 21 Feb 1745/6;
    iii. Loammi, b. 10 Jan 1744/5, d. 20 Oct 1807, Harvard M.A. 1785, Col., namesake of the Baldwin apple, m. 1st 9 Jul 1772 Mary Fowle (d. 27 Sep 1786, dau. of James Fowle), m. 2nd 26 May 1791 Margaret Fowle (d. 8 Aug 1799, dau. of Josiah Fowle), resided at North Woburn; and
    iv. Reuel, b. 30 Jun 1747, d. 18 Apr 1775, m. 4 Oct 1769 Kezia Wyman.125,279,144
On 29 May 1739 when Ruth was 25, she married James Baldwin (42004) , son of Henry Baldwin (22161) (15 Nov 1664-7 Jul 1739) & Abigail Fiske (1 Feb 1674-Jan 1771), in Woburn, MA.125 Born on 19 Oct 1710 in Woburn, MA.124 James died on 28 Jun 1791; he was 80.125
Their children include:
Reuel Baldwin (30 Jun 1747-18 Apr 1775)
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