Pane-Joyce Genealogy
44171. Capt. John Burden Barstow. Born in 1764 in Hanover, MA.174 John Burden was baptized in First Congegational Church of Hanover, on 17 Jun 1764.446
On 7 Feb 1788 John Burden married Betsey Eells (56966) , daughter of Capt. Robert Lenthal Eells (43904) (7 Feb 1731/2-19 Jun 1800) & Ruth Copeland (44683) (16 Aug 1738-21 May 1831), in Hanover, MA.52 Born on 30 Oct 1760 in Hanover, MA.174 Betsey was baptized in First Congegational Church of Hanover, on 19 Apr 1761.446 Betsey died in 1851.174

Betsey, also called Betty, Eells.
44172. Dea. Elijah Barstow. Born in 1771 in Hanover, MA.174 Elijah died in Hanover, MA on 22 Jun 1842. Buried in Hanover Center Cemetery.

From Vernon Briggs’ History and Genealogy of the Briggs Family:42
    Capt. Elijah Barstow learned the art of shipbuilding in his father’s yard on the North River, and while still a young man he sailed the seas in command of a vessel built by his father’s firm. He followed his father’s and grandfather’s calling of shipbuilding on North River. After his marriage to Caroline O. Briggs they lived for a few years in the old Stockbridge house at Hanover, which stood on the site of that of Edmund Q. Sylvester. In 1841 he went to East Boston, where he began shipbuilding on his own account. Here he built the barque Sparton, 196 tons, for Provincetown, and the ship Columbia, 329 tons, for Charles and Henry Coffin of Nantucket (which was condemned at Upola in 1861). In 1842 he built a vessel which he named after his sons, Albert Henry, which was commanded by his brother Capt. Andrew Barstow. On 22 June 1842 his father died and he returned to the old homestead in Scituate. He resumed shipbuilding at his father’s yard in Hanover in 1844, and two years later built his last vessel in Hanover (the schooner Deane) before removing to Fox Hill with Capt. Thomas B. Waterman. The firm of Barstow & Waterman continued until 1869, when they launched their last vessel, the schooner Hope On, and Captain Barstow retired, owing to the burning of his workshop and other losses. (For an extended account of the vessels built by Capt. Elijah Barstow see ‘Shipbuilding on the North River.’) After retiring from shipbuilding, Capt. Elijah Barstow conducted his large farm for the remainder of his life.

Hanover Center Cemetery, Plymouth County, Massachusetts
    The grave of Dea. Elijah Barstow
    Born Feb. 13 1771
    Died June 22 1842 In the 72 year of his age
    also of
    Lucy (Eells) his Consort
    Dau. of Robert L. Eells Esq.
    Born Aug. 12 1776
    Died June 21 1840 In the 64 year of her age
On 8 Nov 1798 Elijah married Lucy Eells (56974) , daughter of Capt. Robert Lenthal Eells (43904) (7 Feb 1731/2-19 Jun 1800) & Ruth Copeland (44683) (16 Aug 1738-21 May 1831), in Hanover, MA.52,485 Born on 12 Aug 1775 in Hanover, MA.174 Lucy died in Scituate, MA, on 21 Jan 1840; she was 64.52 Buried in Hanover Center Cemetery.
Their children include:
Capt. Nathaniel Barstow (16 Aug 1799-3 Apr 1885)
Lucy Eells Barstow (22 Dec 1801-26 Nov 1842)
Capt. Elijah Barstow (3 Oct 1805-21 Feb 1894)
Nabby Barstow (6 Dec 1812-)
Capt. Andrew Barstow (30 Dec 1813-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.