Pane-Joyce Genealogy
46414. Mary Joy. Born on 8 Sep 1741 in Hingham, MA.45

From the Loring Genealogy, page 49:107
    Zechariah married Mary, daughter of Samuel and Thankful (Lincoln) Joy, born September 8, 1741. She and Mr. Loring joined with her sister Elizabeth and her husband, Jesse Sprague, March 26, 1788, in a deed of land in Hingham which they had inherited. The History of Hingham45 states that this Mary Joy married Stephen Mansfield, and makes no mention of her becoming the wife of Zechariah Loring; but the editor of this work [Charles Pope] believes that the wife of Stephen Mansfield was another Mary Joy who was born May 9, 1736, and who had no sister Elizabeth.

Children of Zachariah and Mary Loring, baptized at Hingham:
    i. Caleb Loring, bp. 2 Jul 1769;
    ii. Hannah Loring, bp. 22 Sep 1771, m. 8 Apr 1792 Levi Corthell;
    iii. Zaccheus Loring, bp. 21 Nov 1773;
    iv. Isaac Loring, bp. 10 Nov 1776; and
    v. Sarah Loring, bp. 11 Apr 1779.45
Mary married Zachariah Loring (21049) , son of Jacob Loring (7783) (21 Apr 1676-5 Dec 1751) & Hannah Jacob (36717) (22 Jul 1696-12 Nov 1778). Born on 7 Aug 1733 in Hingham, MA.45 Occupation: weaver.

Zachariah resided on East St. in Hingham. Late in life he removed to Passamaquoddy, ME.45

From the Loring Genealogy, page 49:107
    Zechariah Loring, according to his father's will, learned the trade of a “smith”; was called “weaver” in some documents, "barber" in others. He lived in his native town till well along in Hfe, when he sold his Hingham property (the latest deed was in 1795) and removed to Perry, Me., by the side of the St. Croix River, where it empties into Passamaquoddy Bay. [Zechariah’s will follows.]
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.