Pane-Joyce Genealogy
51340. Thomas Stockbridge. Born on 2 May 1725 in Scituate, MA.52 Thomas was baptized on 6 Aug 1725.236 Thomas died in Scituate, MA in May 1786.52
51341. Hannah Stockbridge. Born ca 1728 in Scituate, MA. Hannah was baptized on 26 Sep 1728.236
51342. Stephen Stockbridge. Born ca 1733 in Scituate, MA. Stephen was baptized in First Congegational Church of Hanover, 24 Mar 1733/4.446 Stephen died in Scituate, MA 23 Apr 1802[9?].52 Buried in Church Hill Cemetery, Norwell.

From John Rogers of Marshfield:236
    Stephen Stockbridge died about 1800, leaving a widow but no children. His property was divided between Rachel Stockbridge, his widow, and Bettie Hoxie, his “heir at law.” The real estate was sold by Nathaniel Freeman, as attorney for Betty Hoxie, appointed by the judge for that purpose; the money seems to have been paid to him; he settled an account in the Probate Court and paid the balance over to Betty Hoxie, taking a release signed by her, dated Jan’y 7, 1803, and witnessed by Isaac Hoxie and Sarah Hoxie 3rd, her children. July 7, 1803, the administrator was ordered by the Probate Court, to pay the balance in his hands “to Rachel Stockbridge, widow of said Stephen, and to Betty Hoxie, heir at law of said Stephen.”
Stephen married Rachel Howland (31518) , daughter of Abraham Howland (14241) (-19 Feb 1787) & Sarah Simmons (41169) (15 Nov 1699-17 Oct 1798). Born on 26 Oct 1738 in Pembroke, MA. Rachel died in Scituate, MA, on 27 Jul 1828; she was 89.52 Buried in Church Hill Cemetery, Norwell.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.