Pane-Joyce Genealogy
52628. Maria Elizabetha Althauser. Born in 1727 in Dutchess County, New York. Maria Elizabetha was baptized in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, on 24 Sep 1727.
In 1746 Maria Elizabetha married Johann Jacob Meyer in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York. Born ca 1708.
Their children include:
Peter Meyer (1749-)
52629. Catherina Althauser. Born ca 1730 in Dutchess County, New York. Catherina died aft 1775.

Niclaes Tingebach & Catharina Althuyser were witnesses for the 1750 Linlithgo baptism of Nicolaes, son of Abraham Kilmer & Eva Laux [Catharina’s aunt]
On 10 Apr 1750 Catherina first married Nicholas Dincklepagh, son of Paulus Dincklepagh & Maria Apolonia [Hents], in Germantown, Columbia County, New York. Born in 1731 in Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York. Nicholas was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 21 Aug 1731.157 Nicklaes, son of Paulus Tenchelbag & Maritie his wife , witnesses David Storm & Esters his wife. Nicholas died on 15 Jan 1751.
Their children include:
Anna Dincklepagh (Posthumous) (ca 1751-)
Ca 1755 Catherina second married Heinrick Keller, son of Conrad Keller (ca 1695-) & Maria Barbara Proper (ca 1700-), in Columbia County, New York. Born ca 1737 in Athens, Greene County, New York. Heinrick died aft 1775.

Heinrick, or Hendrick, Keller, frequently spelled Kelder.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Keller (5 Jan 1761-ca 1834)
Eva Keller (27 Oct 1767-)
Jacob Keller (1771-)
Niclaes Keller (ca 1775-)
52630. Gertraud Althauser. Born ca 1732 in Dutchess County, New York.

Was Catharina baptized 14 Oct 1753 at Lutheran Trinity church of Stone Arabia, a daughter of Johannes Bartel & Gertruy?

Johannes Bartel & wife Geertruy Althuysen were witnesses at the 1760 Linlithgo baptism of Geertruy, daughter of Benjmain Decker & Grietje Althuysen [Geertruy’s sister]
Ca 1752 Gertraud married Johannes Bartel, son of Andreas Bartel (ca 1692-) & Sophia Elisabeth Mertz. Born ca 1729 in Kinderhook, Columbia County, New York. Johannes was baptized in Kinderhook Reformed Church, on 17 Aug 1729.
Their children include:
Catharina Bartel (ca 1753-)
Madilena Bartel (ca 1754-)
Anna Bartel (ca 1766-1793)
Andreas Bartel (ca 1767-)
Christina Bartel (ca 1770-)
52631. Peter Althauser. Born ca 1734 in Dutchess County, New York.
Peter married Helena Witbeck, daughter of Jan Witbeck (1691-) & Ariaantje Decker (1698-).

Magdalena, also known as Helena or Leyntje.
Their children include:
Elisabeth Althauser (1 Feb 1755-)
Johannes Althiser (ca 1756-ca 1802)
52632. Anna Margareta Althauser. Born on 1 Mar 1735 in Dutchess County, New York.427 Anna Margareta was baptized in St Peters Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, on 9 Sep 1735.427 Anna Margreta, daughter of Peter Altheuser & Elisabet Cath., witnesses Claus Stikkel & his wife Anna Margreta.
Anna Margareta married Benjamin Decker, son of Jacobus Decker (ca 1701-) & Annatje Schmidt (say 1705-). Born ca 1733 in Germantown, Columbia County, New York.
Their children include:
Jurien Decker (ca 1754-)
Geertruy Decker (ca 1760-)
Jacobus Decker (ca 1762-)
Eva Decker (11 Feb 1767-)
52633. Johannes Althauser. Born in 1739 in Dutchess County, New York. Johannes was baptized in Rhinebeck Reformed Church, on 19 Aug 1739.427 Johannes, son of Pieter Althuysen & Elisabeth Luyk, witnesses Johannes Smoek & Mary Keth.
52634. Eva Catharine Althauser. Born ca 1741 in Columbia County, New York.

Jacob and Eva had children baptized at Churchtown Lutheran, Manorton Lutheran, Linlithgo Reformed, and Germantown Reformed Churches.386
Ca 1759 Eva Catharine married Jacob Proper, son of Johann Pieter Proper (ca 1705-) & Rachel Hoogteeling (ca 1710-). Born on 7 Mar 1740 in Tarbush, Columbia County, New York. Jacob died in Albany, Albany County, New York in 1805.

In 1790 Jacob was in Rensselaerwyck. By 1795 he moved to Highgate, VT.
Their children include:
Peter Proper (1760-11 Sep 1818)
Johannes Proper (7 Mar 1762-5 Nov 1834)
Teunis Proper (ca 1764-)
Catharina Proper (ca 1766-)
Elizabeth Proper (ca 1768-)
William Proper (29 Nov 1771-)
Eva Proper (ca 1773-)
52635. Christian Althauser. Born ca 1742 in Dutchess County, New York. Christian was baptized in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, on 2 Mar 1743. Christianas, of Peter Altheiser & Lisabeth Loucks.
Christian married Elisabeth Laury.
Their children include:
Margaret Althauser (ca 1770-27 Oct 1849)
Eva Althauser (21 Mar 1772-)
Peter Althauser (22 Jul 1776-)
52636. Anna Althauser. Born ca 1744 in Dutchess County, New York. Anna was baptized in St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Red Hook, on 8 Jan 1744.427 Anna, daughter of Pitter Altheuser & Lisa Cattarina, witnesses Nicklas Lauck Jr [uncle] & Anna Jungbluth.

Anna Althuysen, of Rhinebeck, NY.

William and Anna were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1775 for Magdalena, daughter of Christian and Catharina Jung;
    1782 for their granddaughter Anna, daughter of Christian Tamson and Franzisca Deinhart;
    1795 for their granddaughter Anna, daughter of Adam Cohl and Anna Deinhart;
    1796 for their grandson Willem, son of Willem Deynhart and Maria Scherweck;
    1799 for Hannah, daughter of John Wyatt & Elizabeth Le Roe, at West Copake;
    1800 for their granddaughter Anna Deynhart, daughter of Pieter & Rebecca Deynhart, and on the same day for thier grandson, William, son of John Jager & Eva Deynhart;
    1801 for their granddaughter Anatje Smit, daughter of Adam Smith and Gertruy Deinhard; and
    1807 for their grandson William, son of Jeremias Deinhart and Magdalena Jung.
On 18 Nov 1760 Anna married Wilhelm Dinehart (49700) , son of Wilhelm Deinhard (32903) (ca 1683-21 Aug 1736) & Maria Anna Francisca Wille, in Reformed Dutch Church of Albany.156 Willem Deinhart & Anna Althuize, living at Half Moon. Born in 1735 in Heidelberg, Germany.534 Wilhelm died in Churchtown, Columbia County, New York on 14 Mar 1816. Occupation: Farmer. Religion: Lutheran.

Wilhelm, or William, Deinhardt, sometimes spelled Deynhard, Deynhart, etc. (Start with ‘D’, add some combination of ‘e’, ‘i’, and ‘y’, then an ‘n’, another ‘e’ if you like, usually an ‘h’ next, another opional ‘e’, an ‘ar’, and finish off with a ‘d’ or a ‘t’ or both. Census takers couldn’t abide by these stringent rules and used their imagination instead.) By 1800 the spelling Dinehart was becoming common, institued, no doubt, because of the uniform English spelling for censuses and legal documents.

William’s surname was NOT Finehout, and he was not the son of Peter Finehout and Rebecca Ostrander.

There’s an interesting paragraph in the section about Copake in the History of Columbia County, New York, author Franklin Ellis, published in 1878 by Everts & Ensign, Philadelphia. Being written 125 years after the fact, the story may be slightly embellished. From page 388:
    In the spring of 1753 the captain of a Dutch vessel advertised that his vessel would make an excursion on Whit-sunday. Among those enticed to take the trip were Peter Rhoda, Peter Swart, Abraham Decker, Jacob Haner, and William Dinehart. The latter was from near Heidelberg, in Baden, Germany. The excursion was taken according to promise, and a grand feast was spread for the delectation of the excursionists, after partaking of which, dancing and music whiled away the time. Liquors were furnished in great abundance, and the merry company soon became oblivious to all external surroundings. When they began to get sober they awoke to the realization of the feet that they were bound to take a longer “excursion” than they had bargained for. The captain told them they were bound for New York, and at that port they were landed in the fall, after a long passage. Not being able to pay their passage, the captain, according to the laws and customs of the time, apprenticed them to the highest bidder for a length of time sufficient to pay his claim. The men were all apprenticed to Livingston and brought to the furnace at Ancram, where they served the term of their apprenticeship, four and one-half years, to pay seven pounds passage-money. At the expiration of their term of service Livingston offered them the choice of any unoccupied farm on the manor which they might select, and which he promised to lease to them upon favorable terms. They all accepted his offer. Jacob Haner selected a farm in Taghkanick. Wm. Dinehart chose a farm on the north shore of Copake lake, west of the outlet. He married, and reared a family of ten children, six of them boys. His grandson, Killian A. Smith [son of Adam and Gertruy (Dinehart) Smith], lives in Taghkanic, near the place once owned by Dinehart. One of Dinehart's sons, William, Jr., settled in the west part of Copake, and his only son, John W. Dinehart, is now living [in 1878] at West Copake. A daughter, Mrs. Hannah Link, is also living in Copake.

The Leading Citizens of Columbia County; a Biographical Review. The Biographical Review Publishing Company. Boston, 1894, page 55, has a section on Delbert Dinehart, a great-grandson of William. Describing William it says,
    “His great-grandfather, William Dinehart, who was born in Germany, came to this country many years ago, and settled in the town of Ancram, Columbia County, where he lived to a good old age. He [the great-grandson] reared one son and five daughters, all of whom are deceased. He was a large, robust, strong man, and at his death left a considerable property, a part of his estate being a well-stocked farm in the town of Copake.”
Their children include:
Francisca Dinehart (2 Jan 1764-aft 1830)
Anna Dinehart (ca 1767-)
William C. Dinehart (ca 6 Jul 1767-26 Oct 1838)
Eva Dinehart (18 Jul 1771-)
Peter J. Dinehart (ca 1775-11 Feb 1844)
Charity Dinehart (ca 13 Apr 1776-16 Feb 1854)
Jeremiah Dinehart (24 May 1779-30 Dec 1826)
Christopher Dinehart (27 Jan 1781-aft 1870)
Dieterich Dinehart (14 May 1785-aft 1860)
Christian Dinehart (26 Jun 1787-1847)
52637. William Althauser. Born in 1746 in Dutchess County, New York. William was baptized in St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Red Hook, on 2 Mar 1746.427 Wilm, son of Pitter Altheuser & Elisabeth Laucken, witnesses Wilm Moor & Maria Fritz.
52638. Maria Althauser. Born in 1748 in Dutchess County, New York. Maria was baptized in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, on 2 Mar 1748.
52639. Emera V. Altizer. Born in 1749 in Dutchess County, New York. Emera V. was baptized in Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, on 8 Apr 1749. Emera V. died in Riner, Montgomery County, Virginia in Sep 1819. Buried in Altizer Family Cemetery.

Emera Altizer, also known as Emmerich or Emeriah, Althauser.

Some Counties in Virginia

        Since 1738 all the land in Virginia from the Blue Ridge mountains all the way west was Augusta County. Augusta County included what was later became Kentucky and West Virginia. In 1770, the southern part became Botetourt County, and in 1772 the southern part of Botetourt became Fincastle County. These three counties—Augusta, Botetourt, and Fincastle—stretched indefinitely west.
    Fincastle County did not last long as is was split into three counties in 1776. The westernmost portion became Kentucky County (which became a separate state in 1792). The part that became the soutwest few counties of Virginia became Washington County. The remainder which stretched from the Appalacians to the Ohio River became Montgomery County
        In 1778 the western parts of Montgomery and Botetourt County were set off as Greenbrier County now in West Virginia. In 1789 parts of Montgomery County and Greenbrier county were set off as Kanawah County, now also in West Virginia.
        Giles county was created in 1806 from parts of Montgomery County, Monroe County (now part of West Virginia), and Tazewell County. Tazewell itself had been created in 1800 from the northwest half of Whthe County and part of Russell County.
        The southern part of Montgomery County was set off as Floyd County in 1831. Pulaski County was created in 1839 from the western part of Montgomery County and eastern part of Wythe County.

1810 Federal Census. Christiansburg, Montgomery County, Virginia
Roll 70, page 660
Family of Emeriah Altizer
    1 male 10-15 [William]
    1 male 16-25 [Jonas]
    1 male 45 and over [Emera]
    1 female 45 and over [Anna]
Neighbors on the census: Geo. Reed (sun of Hup.), Willm. Reed, Geo Reed (son of And.), Emeriah Altizer Jr, Emeriah Altizer Sr, Wm. Delaney, Ander Reed Sr.

Altizer Family Cemetery, Montgomery County, Virginia
    Emera V. Altizer, d. Sep 1819, Pvt. VA. Inf, Rev. War.
The cemetery is about seven miles southwest of Riner center near the end of
Chestnut Ridge Road (route 695), part way to the top of a hill on the right that overlooks an oxbow of the Little River. As the earliest other stone in the cemetery is dated 1876.
In Jul 1773 Emera V. married Anna Maria Pitzer, daughter of Michael Pitzer (20 Feb 1733/4-17 May 1822) & Sophia Carlotta Baishore (24 Mar 1739/40-ca 1789), in Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Born on 15 Feb 1756 in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Anna Maria was baptized in Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Holland, Lancaster County, on 25 Apr 1756. Anna Maria died in Montgomery County, Virginia, on 25 Aug 1850; she was 94.
Their children include:
John Altizer (ca 1776-11 Dec 1850)
Elias J. Altizer (Mar 1778-13 Nov 1840)
Emera Altizer (ca 1780-1872)
David Riley Altizer (ca 1784-26 Sep 1854)
Elizabeth Altizer (ca 1787-ca 1858)
Nancy Altizer (ca 1791-aft 1860)
Jonas Altizer (ca 1791-Aug 1861)
William Alexander Altizer (ca 1795-11 Feb 1879)
52640. Heinrich Althauser. Born in 1749 in Dutchess County, New York. Heinrich was baptized in Germantown Reformed Church, on 8 Apr 1749.
Heinrich married Catharina.
52641. George Althauser. Born in 1754 in Dutchess County, New York. George was baptized in Linlithgo Reformed Church, Livingston, on 8 Aug 1754. Jurie, son of Pieter Althuysen & Cathrina Luyck, witnesses Jurie MOrris & Cathrien Melius. Was on the census for Rhinebeck, Dutchess County, New York, in 1790. George Althausen. Was on the census for Dutchess County, New York, in 1800. George Althizer. Was on the census for Dutchess County, New York, in 1810. George Althisen.

1800 Federal Census. Rhynbeck, Dutchess County, New York
Roll 21, page 153 [on the same page as North East, Dutchess County
Family of George Althizer
    3 males under 10
    2 males 10-15
    1 male 45 and over [George]
    1 female under 10 [Elizabeth]
    1 female 10-15
    1 female 16-25
    1 female 26-44 [Maria]
Neighbors on the census: Peter Ten Brook Myer, Phillip H. Livingston Patric Devenny, George Althizer, Gilbert M. Livingston, Peter Cole, John Shuntz.
George married Maria A. Meyer. Born ca 1760.
Their children include:
Helena Althauser (2 Mar 1786-)
Nicholas Althauser (9 Oct 1791-)
Nicholas Althauser (9 Feb 1795-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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