Pane-Joyce Genealogy
60118. Johannes Van Giesen. Born on 23 Sep 1731 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey. Johannes was baptized in Acquackanock Dutch Reformed Church, on 24 Oct 1731. Johannes died ca 1808/9.

John’s will was dated 10 Oct 1808, and probated 5 Sep 1809.

At least five of Johannes & Metye’s children moved to western New York. Their daughter Antje & husband Ralph Van Houten moved about 1810; their daughter Helena & husband Robert Van Houten moved about 1820; their son Merselles and wife Jannetje Doremus; their son Cornelius & wife Ellen Lake in the late 1820s; and their son Adrian & wife Elizabeth Kip about 1824. All of these moved to Monroe County except Helena who moved to Ontario County.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Johannes lived on Totowa. His will, dated Oct. 10, 1808, was proved Sept. 5, 1809. By deed, Nov. i, 1793, for £17 N. Y. money, he conveyed to the Society for Establishing Useful Manufactures, one acre of land, "beginning on the bank of the Passaic river at low water mark near a pepperage saplin opposite the gap in the rock cut by Major L'Enfant, running thence on the margin of said river southerly 30 rods, to a black oak tree on the bank of said river, thence at right angles with said river 5 1/3 rods to a stake witii stones around it, thence northerly 30 rods in a line with said river to a black oak tree, and thence easterly 5 1/3 rods to the first mentioned point." This was on the northwest bank of the river, about 300 fee above the Falls bridge. In 1807 he was assessed for 66 acres of improved and 40 of unimproved land. It is said that when he was about to die, after dividing up his property, the Falls v/ere left; that property was considered good for nothing except for the fishing, so he concluded to leave it to all his children, to be enjoyed equally by them.
On 24 Jul 1762 when Johannes was 30, he married Metye Van Houten (60229) , daughter of Helmagh Van Houten (49948) (ca 1714-ca 1783/4) & Antje Post (50295) (20 Aug 1719-), in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey. Metye died bef 8 Oct 1808.
Their children include:
Halmagh Van Giesen (ca Aug 1762-7 Nov 1826)
Dirk Van Giesen (14 Jan 1763-2 Jan 1838)
Antje Van Giesen (10 Nov 1768-)
Leena Van Giesen (Died soon) (ca Oct 1770-)
Helena Van Giesen (3 Oct 1771-22 Nov 1859)
Marsellus Van Giesen (ca 1775-3 Apr 1853)
Johannes Van Giesen (8 Sep 1776-)
Elisabeth Van Giesen (9 Jul 1779-)
Marretye Van Giesen (16 Aug 1781-)
Cornelus Van Giesen (Twin) (7 Oct 1788-18 Jun 1883)
Adrian Van Geison (Twin) (7 Oct 1788-14 Aug 1863)
60119. Merseilles Van Giesen. Merseilles died bef 1782.
On 3 Apr 1768 Merseilles married Caty Van Riper in Schraalenburgh, Bergen County, New Jersey.
Their children include:
60120. Marretye Van Giesen.
Ca 1760 Marretye married Cornelis Van Houten (42095) , son of Roelof Helmighse Van Houten (37132) (ca 1677-bef 1 Dec 1770) & Feitje Sickels (22236) (ca 1690-aft 1769). Born on 16 Jan 1715 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey. Cornelis was baptized in Acquackanock Dutch Reformed Church. Cornelis died aft 1806.
Their children include:
Lena Van Houten (24 Nov 1761-15 Jul 1821)
Elisabeth Van Houten (Twin) (14 Mar 1764-5 May 1846)
Feytje Van Houten (Twin) (14 Mar 1764-10 Mar 1818)
60121. Aeltje Van Giesen.
Aeltje married Cornelis Neefie. Born ca 1740.

Cornelis received from his father-in-law a deed for two acres of land at the Falls, whereon he erected a mill.470
Their children include:
Leena Neefie (Died young)
Catelyntye Neefie (10 Dec 1763-)
Marretje Neefie (ca 1768-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.