Pane-Joyce Genealogy
49814. Hendrick Van Giesen. Born on 3 Aug 1689 in Bergen, New Jersey.422 Hendrick was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 7 Oct 1689.422 Hendrick, son of Bastiaen van Giesen & Aeltje Hendrickse, witnesses Hendrick Jorise & Dierckje van Giesen. Hendrick died 1764/5. Occupation: Farmer.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Hendrick lived near Belleville, where he is said to have established a chocolate mill; in his will, however, he is called a farmer. That instrument is dated June 16, 1764, witnessed by Henry King, John Boudinot and Dix Yoralemon; proved May 18, 1765; he leaves all his property to his wife, in fee, and makes her sole executrix.
Hendrick married Hendrickje Van Dyke, daughter of Frans Van Dyke (Apr 1682-) & Fytje Dirks. Born ca 1712. Hendrickje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 8 Jun 1712.159 Hendrikje, dau. of Frans Van Dyk & Fytje Dirks, witnesses Gerret Hassing & Engeltje Hassing. Hendrickje died in 1768.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Hendrickje made her will Feb. 9, 1768; it was proved Feb. 16, 1768. She devised all her property to her nephew and nieces — Fransose Van Winkle, Anoiche, wife of Hendrick Van Blarcom; Antje — and to her brothers and sister, Nicholas and Frans Van Dyk and the widow Bradbury Van Winkle. Executors — her brothers, Nicholas and Fransose Van Dyk
49815. Reynier Van Giesen. Born on 22 Jul 1693 in Bergen, New Jersey.422 Reynier was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, in Oct 1693.422 Reynier, son of Bastien van Giesen & Aeltje Hendrick, witnesses Reynier van Giesen & Claesje Cornelis wife of Hendrick Jorisen. Reynier died bef Oct 1768.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Reynier was of Acquackanonk. He owned the eastern half of the Van Giesen farm on Totowa, together with much land southwest of Totowa; he had no children, and by his will, dated July 15, 1767, proved Oct. 26, 1768, witnessed by George Reyerse, Garrebrant Van Houten and Halmagh Van Houten, he devised all his estate to his wife, Catrintje, during her widowhood, with remainder to his brother, Dirck Van Giesen. Executors — his brother Dirck, and John Roelof Van Houten.
In 1737 Reynier married Catreyna Merselis (50276) , daughter of Marselis Pieterse Merselis (33130) (ca 1657-23 Oct 1747) & Pieterje Van Vorst (49906) (ca 1659-3 Sep 1744), in Acquackanock Dutch Reformed Church. Born on 17 Nov 1696 in Bergen, New Jersey.422 Catreyna, dau. of Wesselse Pieters & Pietertje van Voorst. Catreyna was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 6 Dec 1696.159 Catharina, dau. of Marcelis Pietersz & Pietertje Van Vorst, witnesses Gerrit Gerritszen Jr & Annetje Cornelis. Catreyna died aft Oct 1768.
49816. Joris Van Giesen.

Joris was a member of the Acquackanonk church in 1726.470
49817. Johannes Van Giesen. Born on 26 Jun 1687 in Bergen, New Jersey. Johannes died on 29 Apr 1731; he was 43.

Johannes first married Annatje Westervelt, and second Susanna Vincent.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church
30 May 1727. Johannes Van Gÿsen, y.m. from Acqueggenonck, & Annatje westervelt, y.d. from Ackinsack, married June 16
On 16 Jun 1727 when Johannes was 39, he first married Annatie Roelofse Westervelt (18175) , daughter of Roelof Lubbertse Westervelt (6552) (19 Mar 1659-1733) & Urselina Steynmets (33217) (ca May 1665-bef 15 May 1731), in Hackensack Reformed Church.347 Born ca Oct 1707 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. Annatie Roelofse was baptized in Hackensack Reformed Church, on 5 Oct 1707.347 Annatie, daughter of Roelof Westervelt & Orselena Stimets, 2tnesses Hendrick Epke Banta & Sara Stimets. Annatie Roelofse died bef Apr 1731. Marriage bans on 20 May 1727 at Hackensack Reformed Church.347
Their children include:
Aeltje Van Giesen (23 Jun 1728-)
Roelof Van Giesen (31 Dec 1729-)
On 29 Apr 1731 when Johannes was 43, he second married Susanna Vincent, daughter of Levi Vincent & Hester Devoe, in Acquackanock Dutch Reformed Church. Born on 2 Feb 1711 in Second River, Belleville, Essex County, New Jersey. Susanna died on 13 Dec 1797; she was 86.

Susanna first married Johannes Van Giesen as his second wife, second Cornelis Spier.
49818. Abraham Van Giesen. Born ca Jul 1702 in Bergen, New Jersey. Abraham was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 23 Jul 1702.422 A son of Bastiaen van Giesen & Aeltje Hendricks, no witnesses.
In 1737 Abraham married Jannetje Cornelisen Van Houten (53726) , daughter of Cornelis Helmighse Van Houten (37134) (21 Mar 1682-4 Oct 1748) & Aagtje Johannissen Vreeland (ca 1690-), in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey. Born on 21 Jan 1712 in Acquackanonk, Passaic County, New Jersey.
49819. Dirck Van Giesen. Born on 3 Aug 1705 in Bergen, New Jersey.422 Dirck was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 19 Aug 1705.422 Dirck, seventh child and sixth son of Bastiaen van Giesen & Aeltje Hendricks, no witnesses. Dirck died between 16 FEb 1784 and 11 Apr 1787.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Dirck lived on Totowa, in a stone house, at the northwestern corner of Totowa and Preakness avenues, which was torn down by Ira Ryerson, about 1840, and replaced by the frame building now [1901] occupied as the Old Ladies' Home. He was a chosen freeholder of Bergen county in 1741–42, 1752–58, 1760–62, and was appointed a justice of the peace in 1762 and in 1768, and Judge of the common pleas in 1768 and 1770.
    His will, dated Oct. 16, 1782, codicil Feb. 16, 1784, was proved April 11, 1787
Dirck married Helena Marselis (50277) , daughter of Marselis Pieterse Merselis (33130) (ca 1657-23 Oct 1747) & Pieterje Van Vorst (49906) (ca 1659-3 Sep 1744). Born on 11 Aug 1699 in Bergen, New Jersey.422 Helena was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 27 Aug 1699.422 Leena, dau. of Mereselis Pietersen & Pieterje van de Voorst, no witnesses.
Their children include:
Johannes Van Giesen (23 Sep 1731-ca 1808/9)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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