Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Reynier Sebastiaenszen Van Giesen (15664) & Dircktje Cornelese Van Groenland
32934. Johannes Van Giesen. Born in Netherlands.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Johannes bought from John Luby, March 24, 1697, a tract of 3 3/4 morgens (seven acres) of land at Bergen, which he sold, April 19, 1698, to Jan Adrianse Sip, and probably removed about that time to New York. He was a shop keeper, or merchant, in that city, when he bought, March 29, 1703, from Joseph Bond and Hannah Bond of Newark, their right to a tract 60 x 24 chains, apparently in the present Bloomfield or Montclair.
On 11 Jul 1687 Johannes married Aeltje Schepmoes, daughter of Jan Janszen Schepmoes & Sara Pieters Pieterse van Naerden, in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Johannis Van Giesen, y.m., from Utrecht & Aeltje Schepmoes. Born ca Sep 1645. Aeltje was baptized in New Amsterdam Reformed Church, on 3 Sep 1645.159 Aeltje, dau. of Jan Janszen Schepmoes, witnesses Simon Joosten & Marritje Lievens.

Aeltje first married Jan Evertsz Keteltas, second Johannes Van Giesen.
32935. Magdelena Van Giesen. Born ca Apr 1659 in New Amsterdam. Magdelena was baptized in New Amsterdam Reformed Church, on 12 Apr 1659.159 Parents: Reynier Sebastiaenszen & Dirckje Cornelis; witnesses: hans Steyn & his wife.

Magadlena first married Cornelis Roelofse Van Houten, second Sander Egberse as his second wife.
On 13 Nov 1677 Magdelena first married Cornelis Roelofse Van Houten (17980) , son of Roelof Cornelissen Van Houten (6508) (25 Jun 1628-Jun 1672) & Gerritje Cornelisse Van Ness (6513) (ca 1627-Sep 1689), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Cornelis Roelofs, ym, fr Amersfoort & Maddaleena Van Giesen, yd, fr NY. Born ca Sep 1651 in New Amsterdam. Cornelis Roelofse was baptized in New Amsterdam Reformed Church, on 10 Sep 1651.159 Cornelis, son of Roelof Corneliszen, witnesses Joris Jacobszen & Tryntie Claes. Cornelis Roelofse died bef 20 Apr 1701. Marriage bans on 14 Oct 1677 at Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.

Cornelis was one of the patentees for Acquackanonk on 16 Mar 1684.
Their children include:
Grietje Cornelise Van Houten (ca Aug 1678-bef 22 Mar 1701)
Roelof Cornelise Van Houten (31 Dec 1679-aft 29 Oct 1761)
Rynier Cornelise Van Houten (ca Dec 1681-1753)
Hendrick Cornelise Van Houten (8 Nov 1683-bef 6 Feb 1714)
Dirckje Cornelise Van Houten (7 Nov 1685-bef 4 Oct 1733)
Cornelis Cornelise Van Houten (ca Apr 1689-ca 1735)
On 20 Apr 1701 Magdelena second married Sander Egberse in Hackensack Reformed Church.347

Sander first married Elsie Staats, second Magdalen Van Giesen, widow of Cornnelis Roelofse Van Houten.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church
20 Aapr 1701. Sander Egberse, widower of Elsie Staets & Magdalena Van Gÿse, widow of Cornelis Roelofse
32936. Bastiaen Ryniers Van Giesen. Born ca 1661. Bastiaen Ryniers died aft 1730.

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Administration was granted on Bastiaen’s estate to his son Hendrick, July 22, 1751. He bought a large tract of land in the present Montclair township, adjacent to Third river, prior to 1696,8 and took up his residence on this purchase, to which he added from time to time.9 He perhaps also bought the eastern half of Lot No. 2, on Totowa, extending from Redwoods avenue nearly to North Twelfth street, and from the river to the mountain, embracing about 300 acres. 10 Family tradition says that "he bought of an Indian nearly the whole of Totowa, from Totowa avenue westerly to the Singack or Totowa road, and including the Falls." This, of course, is an error, so far as concerns the dimensions of the purchase. The tradition goes on to the effect that Bastiaen's purchase of the Indian was as much land as he could walk around in a day, the consideration being one dollar. While they were walking along, the Indian tried to make Van Giesen understand how the Red men had been gradually driven off their lands. Not being able to talk Dutch, he signed to Bastiaen to sit down beside him on a log, near one end; then he gradually shoved along, until Bastiaen was crowded off the log, signifying that in like manner the Indians had been pushed off their lands. Bastiaen was chosen one of the deacons of the Acquackanonk church, March l8, 1694, and again in 1697, and elder in 1700, 1706, 1712, 1719, 1721 and 1730.
On 25 Jun 1688 Bastiaen Ryniers married Aeltje Hendrickse Brinckerhoff (32974) , daughter of Hendrick Jorissen Brinckerhoff (15679) (ca 1629-25 Feb 1708) & Classje Cornelise Bogart (15670) (ca 1642-1708), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Bastiaen Van Giesen, ym, liv. achquechnonk & Aeltje Hendrickx, yd, liv. Hackensack, both fr Midwout. Born ca 1668.
Their children include:
Hendrick Van Giesen (3 Aug 1689-1764/5)
Reynier Van Giesen (22 Jul 1693-bef Oct 1768)
Johannes Van Giesen (26 Jun 1687-29 Apr 1731)
Abraham Van Giesen (ca Jul 1702-)
Dirck Van Giesen (3 Aug 1705-between 16 FEb 1784 and 11 Apr 1787)
32937. Isaac Van Giesen. Born ca 1666 in Bergen, New Jersey. Isaac was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 26 Dec 1666.422 Isaack, son of Reynier Van Giesen & Dirckje Cornelis, witnesses Ide van Voorst, Hans Didericks, & Janneke Edsall.

Isaac first marred Cornelia Hendericks Brinkerhoff, second Hillegond Classze Kuiper, and third Anna Breyant, widow of Nicasius Kip.

Marriage Record, Hackensack Dutch Reformed Church
10 Oct 1713. Isack Van Gÿsee, w. of Hillegond Kuÿper, & Anna Breyand, w. of Nicasis Kip, both living here

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Isaac probably lived at Bergen, or perhaps at Secaucus, until Dec. 4, 1697, when he bought from John Berry a tract of 200 acres in New Barbadoes, between the Saddle river and the Hackensack river. Three or four years later he sold this land to his father-in-law, Hendrick Joris Blinkerhoff (one of the original purchasers of Acquackanonk), for £150. Either no deed was passed at the time, or else it was lost, and on May 30, 1710, Isaac confirmed the title in the heirs of Blinkerhoff. Claesje Blinkerhoff, executrix of Hendrick Joris Blinkerhoff, and Cornells Blinkerhoff, his son and heir-at-law, conveyed their interest in the premises, the same day, by assignment entered on the face of the deed. This was doubtless the land occupied by the Van Giesens for a century and a half, in the village of Hackensack; it was bounded on the north by the Voorhis line, a short distance south of the New York, Susquehanna and Western railroad, and extended from that line southerly to a line somewhat south of Warren street.
    With his second wife Hillegond he joined the Hackensack church, by letter from Bergen, Jan. 2, 1709.
    He was elected to the Assembly in 1721,and in 1739 was appointed Judge of the Bergen county common pleas, and lieutenant colonel of the Bergen county regiment of militia. Administration on the estate of Isaac Van Giesen, yeoman, late of Hackensack, was granted to Hendrick Van Giesen, Aug. 20, 1741.
    The inventory of his personal estate, and his widow Antje's selection, dated August, 1741, are in the possession [in 1901] of Augustus Van Gieson, of Paterson.
On 10 Aug 1690 Isaac first married Cornelia Hendrickse Brinckerhoff (32972) , daughter of Hendrick Jorissen Brinckerhoff (15679) (ca 1629-25 Feb 1708) & Classje Cornelise Bogart (15670) (ca 1642-1708), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Isaack Van Giesen, y.m., from Bergen & Cornelia Hendrickx, y.d., from Midwout, L.I., living at Hackensack. Born ca 1668. Cornelia Hendrickse died in Sep 1707. Buried on 7 Sep 1707 in Bergen, New Jersey.
Their children include:
Reynier Van Giesen (Died soon) (ca Dec 1692-May 1693)
Reynier Van Giesen (Died young) (22 Mar 1694-Mar 1703)
Joris Van Giesen (22 Sep 1696-)
Dirckje Van Giesen (15 Aug 1699-)
Claesje Van Giesen (ca Apr 1702-)
Reynier Van Giesen (ca Nov 1704-Apr 1783)
On 19 Oct 1708 Isaac second married Hillegond Claasze Kuyper (49902) , daughter of Claes Jansen Kuyper (-Nov 1688) & Annatje Cornelise Van Vorst (32967) (-12 Jul 1725), in New York Reformed Church.122 Isaac Van Giesse, wid V. Cornelia Hendr. Blinkerhof & Hillegond Claasze Kuiper, jd V. Ahasyms. Born ca Dec 1682 in Ahasymus, Bergen County, New Jersey. Hillegond Claasze was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 4 Dec 1682.422 Hellegont, dau. of Claes Jansen & Annetje Cornelis. Hillegond Claasze died bef 10 Oct 1713. Marriage bans on 26 Sep 1708 at Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Isaac Van Giesen & Hillegont Klassen Kampen, y.d., born at Hasemes.
Their children include:
Hillegond Van Giesen (ca Nov 1709-1785)
On 10 Oct 1713 Isaac third married Antie Pieterse Breyant (12253) , daughter of Pieter Cornelisse Breyant (4181) (ca 1644-Apr 1692) & Hendriecktje Arents (ca 1651-), in Hackensack Reformed Church.347 Born in Sep 1671 in New York, New York. Antie Pieterse was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 10 Sep 1671.159 Annetje, dau. of Pieter Corneliszen & Hendrickje Aerts, witnesses Dirck Gerritszen & Catharina Foppe. Antie Pieterse died aft 31 Jul 1715.
32938. Abraham Ryniers Van Giesen. Born on 13 Nov 1666 in Bergen, New Jersey. Abraham Ryniers was baptized in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church, on 26 Dec 1666.422 Abraham, son of Reynier Van Giesen & Dirckje Cornelis, witnesses Sr. N. Varlet, Hermen Smee, Elyas Magliese, & Miss Anna Styvesant. Abraham Ryniers died on 19 Jul 1753; he was 86.470

From the History of the City of Paterson and the County of Passaic:470
    Abraham was commissioned one of the Judges of the Essex county courts, Aug. 26, 1715. In his will, dated June 23, 1753, proved May 1, 1758, he is styled "gentleman." He bequeathed to his son Rynier "a silver mug or high cup for his heirship;" to his sons Andries and Isaac " the plantation on which I now live to be divided into two parts," on Third river, the north side to Andries, and the south side to Isaac; to Rynier and Andries "a share of that land which formerly belonged to Johannes Van Giesen, deceased, lying north of said Rynier Van Giesen's plantation which he now lives on, to be divided between them;" to his four sons—Rynier, Andries, Abraham and Isaac — a tract of 500 acres in Morris county; "as for my land that I have in the county of Morris commonly called Acquach or otherwise Tewahkaw, I give to my four sons to be equally divided between them." Executors — Rynier, Andries and Isaac Van Giesen. To this instrument the testator affixed his mark, in the shape of a V. Witnesses — Alexander Cockefair, Margaret Degarmo and Pet Degarmo. Abraham lived in the present Montclair township. He and his brother Johannes, with others, bought, March 23, 1703, from Tapeshaw, " Commander in chief of all the Indians inhabiting what the English call the North part of the Jerseys for the Consideration of four hundred pounds of Wampom value, a Tract of Land on the East side of Pasack-River, and behind the mountain called the blue hills." This was called "the Van Giesen Purchase." The East Jersey Proprietors disputed the title, as not being derived from them, and attempted to eject the settlers. Numerous collisions ensued in 1745–49, and many of the settlers were indicted for rioting. The grantees under the Van Giesen title filed a bill in chancery, about 1750, asserting that Van Giesen and his associates bought of the Indians by virtue of a license from Gov. Carteret, given in 1666. The question was finally submitted to arbitrators, who decided against the Van Giesen title; the matter was ultimately compromised.
    His tombstone lies, prostrate and broken, next to the north side of the Acquackanonk
church. It is thus inscribed:
        Here lyes yo Body
        of Abraham Van Giesen
        Esq. Born Nov ye 13th 1666
        & Died July ye igtli 1753
        So that his Whole Age
        is 86 years 8 months & 6 Days.
On 25 Oct 1691 when Abraham Ryniers was 24, he married Feytje Andriesse, daughter of Andries Claesen (ca Feb 1644-7 Aug 1710) & Pryntje Michielsen Vreeland (ca Oct 1649-), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Abraham Van Giesen, y.m., from Bergen & Fytje Andriesse, y.d., from Gemonepa. Born ca 1671. Feytje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 20 Aug 1671.159 Fytie, dau. of Andries Claeszen & Teryntie Michiels, witnesses Thomas Laurenszen & Catalina Rappalje.
Their children include:
Pryntje Van Giesen (26 Jul 1692-)
Reynier Van Giesen (6 Aug 1694-)
Dirckje Van Giesen (19 Sep 1696-)
Andries Van Giesen (-bef Sep 1753)
Isaac Van Giesen (24 Mar 1707-1753)
Abraham Van Giesen (ca Nov 1702-)
Catharina Van Giesen (-aft 3 Mar 1781)
32939. Anna Maria Van Giesen. Born ca 1668. Anna Maria died bef 3 Aug 1698.

Anna was a member of the Dutch church in New YOrk 4 Dec 1679.470
On 31 Mar 1686 Anna Maria married Johannes Janszen Van Tilburg in New York Reformed Church.122 Johannes Janszen, jm van N. Uytrecht & Anna Maria van Giesen, jd van Midwout. Born ca 1664 in New Utrecht, Kings County, New York. Johannes Janszen died bef 1707.

Johannes first married Anna Maria Van Giesen, second Margrietje Jans.
Their children include:
Theunis Van Tilburg (Died young) (ca Jul 1686-)
Dirckje Van Tilburg (ca Oct 1687-)
Tryntje Van Tilburg (Died young) (6 Jul 1691-)
Pieter Van Tilburg (18 Jan 1694-)
32940. Jacob Van Giesen. Born ca 1670 in Bergen, New Jersey. Jacob was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 16 Jan 1670.159 Jacob, son of Reynier Van Giessen & Dirckje Cornelis, witnesses Claes Arentszen & annetje Cornelis. Jacob died on 13 Apr 1704. Buried on 17 Apr 1704 in Bergen, New Jersey.
On 1 Jun 1693 Jacob married Rutje Pluvier, daughter of Cornelis Pluvier & Neeltje Jacobse Van Couwenhoven (18 Sep 1639-), in Bergen Dutch Reformed Church.240 Jacob Van Giesen, y.m., from Bergen and living there & Rusje Pluvier, y.d., from NY and living there. Born ca 1672. Rutje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 16 Mar 1672.159 Rutje, dau. of Cornelis Pluvier & Neeltie Van Couwenhoven, witnesses Isaac Van Vleck & Marritie Loockermans.

Rutje, also spelled Rusje or Ruthje, first married Jacob Van Giesen, second Jan Christoffelsz.
Their children include:
32941. Gysbetje Van Giesen. Born ca Apr 1673. Gysbetje was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 30 Apr 1673.159 Gysbetje, dau. of Mr. Reynier Van Giesen & Dirckje Cornelis, witnesses Balthus Bayard & Annetje Harmens. Gysbetje died in Bergen, New Jersey in May 1673. Buried on 6 May 1673 in Bergen, New Jersey.
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