Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Peter Storm (52554) & Rachel Bankert
61803. Elizabeth Storm. Born in 1746. Elizabeth was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 5 Jul 1746.157 Eliesabet, daughter of Petrus Storm, witnesss Dirck Storm & wife [grandparents].

Elizabeth first married Mathias Conklin, second Mathyas Van Tassel.
Elizabeth first married Matthias Conklin.
On 30 Mar 1771 Elizabeth second married Mathyas Van Tassel (51783) , son of Jacob Van Tassel (35766) (13 Jul 1720-bef 1790) & Elizabeth Foshay (34685) (ca 1726-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 Metys Van Tessel, j.m., and Elisabeth Storm, widow of Metys Canckelie. Born in 1747. Mathyas was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 26 Jul 1747.157 Matyas, son of Jacobus Van Tessel [& Elizabeth Fosuer], witnesses Matyas Fosuer & wife [Elizabeth’s parents]. Mathyas died in Elmsford, Westchester County, New York bef 1790.

From the Genealogy of the Van Texel–Van Tassel Family:291
    Mathyas lived on the road leading from the present Elmsford to Tarrytown. The home was situated on the north side of the road and about a half mile west of Elmsford.

That’s probably just where the entrance to the Cross Westchester Expressway, I 287, is located on West Main Street/White Plains Road.
Their children include:
Marytie Van Tassel (11 Mar 1772-)
Mino Van Tassel (30 Nov 1778-8 Dec 1832)
61804. Martie Storm. Martie was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 4 Apr 1753.157 Maritie, daughter of Petrus Storm, witnesses Jacob Van Waert & wife.
61805. Abraham Storm. Born on 16 Aug 1755.157 Abraham was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 9 Sep 1755.157 Abraham, son of Petrus Storm, witnesses Abraham Strom & Myno Banker.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.