Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Peter Schwartz (64280) & Barbara Wambach
66558. Eva Schwartz. Born on 14 Sep 1854 in Klek, Banat. Eva died in Glen Ullin, Morton County, North Dakota, on 21 Feb 1916; she was 61. Buried in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery, Glen Ullin.

Ava and her children arrived in Baltimore, MD from Klek on September 1, 1898 on the North German Lloyd ship Willehad. She was headed to her brother-in-laws, Josef Duppong, in Hebron, North Dakota.710
Ca 1875 Eva married Thomas Schirado (66433) , son of Mathias Schirado (1 Mar 1827-) & Rosalia Dekold (64240) (4 Nov 1831-27 Feb 1913). Born on 8 Mar 1851 in Klek, Banat. Thomas died in Glen Ullin, Morton County, North Dakota, on 25 Sep 1931; he was 80. Buried in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery, Glen Ullin.

Helen's notes say that Thomas came from Klek in 1899. Lived in Glen Ullin but farmed two miles out of town. Other notes say Klek was in Romania and they arrived in 1898.

His farm was 11 quarters plus 80 acres.

Klek in Banat County, Hungary, near the Demaswar River where the family watered their animals. Book says they arrived in 1899. Glen Ullin Yesteryears 1883 -1983.

David Dreyer’s Ship Extraction Database of the Banat669
SCHIRADO Thomas -[S630]- Age: 47 -From: Klek
    -DtAr: 1 Sep 1898 - To: North Dakota, ND -Via: Bre/Bal -Ship: Willehad
    -Note: Accompanied by wife, Eva 45 and kids, Katharina 14, Lorenz 11, Johann 10, Thomas 9, Anton 7 and Mathias 3 [b. 8 Mar 1851, d. 25 Sep 1931, Glen Ullin. m. Eva Schwarts (b. 14 Sep 1854 Elisenhain, d. 21 Feb 1916 Morton Co, dau of Peter Schwatz and Barbara Wambach)].

Baltimore Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Roll 11, page 144. [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. Original data: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Baltimore, Maryland, 1891-1909. Microfilm Publication T844. RG 85. 150 rolls. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Thomas Schirado, age 47, and his family sailed from Bremen, Germany on 18 August 1898 and arrived in Baltimore on September 1. They were going to be met by Josef Duppong in Hebron, North Dakota. Josef is listed as both a friend and a brother-in-law. Thomas had $240 with him when he arrived in America. Thirty dollars was expected for each immigrant and since Thomas and his family totaled eight, this was the minimum amount of money he needed to enter the country to avoid any problems. The family lived in the province of Toronthal and were subjects of Austria. Their mother tongue was German and they were Roman Catholic.
Eva was 45 years old and pregnant with their youngest son, Joseph. Thomas’s nationality is listed as “Hungary,’ his last residence was Klek, and he was a farmer. Their children were:
    Katharina 14
    Lorenz 11
    Johann 10
    Thomas 9
    Anton 7
    Mathias 3

Listed next to Thomas and his family on the Willehad Manifest was the Mihaly Beierlein family. Their nationaliy was from Hungary and their last residence was Bega. They were also going to meet a friend, Josef Duppong, in Hebron. Mihaly, age 36, was also a farmer. The family lived in the province of Toronthal and were subjects of Austria. Their mother tongue was German and they were Roman Catholic. He had $720 with him. Members of the family were:
    Mihaly 36
    Anna 36
    Josef 18
    Susana 16
    Mathias 14
    Miklos 11
    Ferencs 9
    Wengl 7

Others on the Willehad going to Hebron include: (page 130)
    Anton Mulhlberger 32
    Margaretha 30
    Michael 5
Anton is a farmer from Temesvar. Freid Lupricht will meet them in Hebron. The manifest indicates that Mr. Lupricht is Michael’s uncle. Margretha is pregnant.

On page 138, Georg Roth and his family are also going to Hebron to meet Freidrich Lubrich. Freidrich is Georg’s brother-in-law. Georg is from Josef falva. He brings $300 with him.
    Georg 58
    Rosalia 50
    Filip 17
    Franz 8

From the Database of North Dakota Banaters In U. S. Customs Passenger Ship Records by David Dreyer, at
        Thomas Schirado, age 47, on 1 Sep 1898, port Bal, ship Willehad, origin Klek His farm was 11 quarters plus 80 acres.

The Ship’s manifest for the Willihad indicates the ship left Bremen on 18 August 1898.

1900 Federal Census. Twp 140 Range 88, Morton County, North Dakota.
Series: T623 Roll: 1230 Page: 150
SD 199, ED 238, sheet 21
Dwelling 318, family 318
    Thomas Schirado, head, b. Mar 1851, age 49, m. 25 years, farmer
    Eva Schirado, wife, b. Sep 1852, age 47, m. 25 years, 11 children, 7 living
    Lorens Schirado, son, b. Jan 1885, age 15
    Thomas Schirado, son, b. Nov 1888, age 11
    Anton Schirado, son, b. Feb 1891, age 9
    Mathias Schirado, son, b. Apr 1895, age 5
    Joseph Schirado, son b. Dec 1898, age 1, b. ND
All were born in Hungary as were their parents except son Joseph who was born in North Dakota. The family immigrated in 1898. Only the father can speak English. He and his son Thomas can write. He, his wife, and Thomas can read.

David Dreyer’s Ship Extraction Database of the Banat669
SCHIRADO Thomas -[S630]- Age: 59 -From: Klek
    -DtAr: 16 Mar 1910 - To: Glen Ullin, ND -Via: Bre/NY -Ship: Kronprinz Cecilie
    -Note: Accompanied by wife, Eva 56, both born in Klek, and son, Josef 10 who was born in the U. S. Mother, Rosa Schirado, lives in Klek. Going to join brother, Thomas Schirado. Previously lived in ND 1898-1909. Thomas and family departed the U. S. 17 Dec 1909.

New York Passenger Lists; 1910; Microfilm Serial: T715; Microfilm Roll: T715_1429; Line: 5; Page Number: 58. New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36; National Archives, Washington, D.C.
    On 8 March 1910 Thomas, Eva and their youngest son, Josef, sailed from Bremen on the Kronprinzessin Cecilie to return home to the United States. Thomas was 59, Eva 56 and Josef ten. Thomas’s nationality is USA, and Eva and Josef’s Hungary, and all three are of the German race. They have been to Hungary to visit Thomas’ mother, Rosalie Schirado, because she has been ill. The manafast also indicates that Rosalie is Eve’s mother-in-law and Josef’s grandmother. Thomas’ permanent residence is listed as Glen Ullin and Eva’s as Klek. Their final destination is St. Louis, MO. They arrived in New York on 16 March.
        On the same ship, and listed on the same page is 17 year old Ferencz Zahner born ca 1893. She has also been to Klek where she visited her father, Andreas Zahner at 88 Klek in Torontal. Her destination when the ship returns to the United States is also St. Louis where she will go to her uncle Mathias Schirado.

1910 Federal Census. Glen Ullin, Morton County, North Dakota.
Series: T624 Roll: 1144 Page: 21
SD 2, ED 120, sheet 8
Dwelling 146, family 149
    Thomas Schirado, head, age 59, m1. 36 years, imm. 1898
    Eva Schirado, wife, age 57, m1. 36 years, 11 children ,7 living, imm. 1898
    Joseph Schirado, son, age 11
    Monica Schirado, daughter, age 13
    Andreas Schirado, son, age 12
    Theobald Schirado, son, age 18, laborer
[Apparently, the enumerator got some of the information wrong. So far, no other sources refer to Monica or Theobald Schirado. Andreas could be Anton, but the ages are ten years off for both him and Joseph. The ages for Thomas and Eva are correct.] All were born in Hungary, including parents, except Joseph, Monica, & Andries, who were born in North Dakota. All speak German, except Joseph, who speaks English

1920 Federal Census, 2-WD Glen Ullin, Morton Co., North Dakota
Series: T625 Roll: 1337 Page: 67
SD 247, ED 139, sheet 8
2nd Street, Dwelling 145, family 147
        Thomas Schirado, age 68, widowed, b Hungary, parents b. Hungary, imm. 1898, nat. 1905
Living by himself. His son Math Schirado’s family is only a couple houses away.

In 1930 Thomas was living with his son John’s family.

Early Settler Passes Away
Resident of the Community Since 1908
Funeral Service Held Monday
    Thomas Schirado, a resident of the community for the last twenty-three years, was stricken with heart failure and died at his home in this city sometime late Friday afternoon. Mr. Schirado lived alone and was evidently in the act of preparing his evening meal when death came. He was found about noon Saturday by his son, John Schirado, who called with some fresh milk and some other food from the farm.
    The deceased was born in Hungary on March 8, 1851. He was united in marriage there to Eva Schawartz and they came to America in September 1898, settling on a homestead on the Blue Grass Country, 16 miles northeast of the city. In 1908, they retired from the farm and came to this city to make their home. Mrs. Schirado died in 1916.
    The deceased is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Martin Duppong, of this Community and six sons, Lawrence, John, Anton and Matt, who lived here, and Thomas of Ipswitch, SD and Joseph of Aberdeen, SD and a number of grandchildren.
    Funeral services were conducted at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Monday, morning at 9 o’clock with FR. Benedict of Richardton celebrating requiem high mass and Fr. Peter also of Richardton preaching the serman. Interment was made in Sacred Heart Cemetery.
    The pallbearers were Nick Stocker, Nick Kottre, Frank Miller, Matt Wilhelm, Joe Martin and Fritz Duppong.
    The News joins in the community’s sincere expression of sympathy.
Their children include:
Katherina L. Schirado (5 Aug 1883-12 Oct 1946)
Lawrence Schirado (Died unmarried) (2 Feb 1884-19 Oct 1942)
John Math Schirado (18 Oct 1886-27 Aug 1964)
Thomas Schirado II (7 Nov 1888-22 Feb 1965)
Anton P. Schirado (7 Sep 1890-31 Aug 1943)
Mathias J. (Matt) Schirado (12 Apr 1895-25 Sep 1967)
Joseph Anton Schirado (11 Dec 1898-21 Jan 1959)

As of the 1900 census, there were eleven children born to Thomas and Eva, and seven of these children were alive.
66559. Nicholas Schwartz. Born on 18 Oct 1859 in Klek, Banat. Nicholas died in Gladstone, Stark County, North Dakota, on 7 Dec 1928; he was 69.

Niklolaus and Anna Schwartz
Nikolaus Schwartz, written Schwarz in Hungary, was born October 18, 1859 in Klek Hungary. He was the son of Peter Schwartz and Barbara Dambarth. On July 8, 1883 he married Anna Steyer, Klek, Hungary. Anna was the daughter of Albert Steyer and Marion Altmeyer of Klek.
    Nikolaus and Anna were farmers and lived in Klek and that is where their children were born. Times were not very good over there. Land was scarce, not really enough to make a good living, and not good for their children or future generations. So when they heard about free land being given away in America they decided to come.
    In 1903 Margaret came to America with some people who had asked her to come along and help take care of their children. She was supposed to work and save her money and send it back to Hungary so her parents and brothers and sister could come over, but instead she found a man and got married. So that when their son, Nikolaus, came over in 1904, it was his duty to earn money so he could pay the way over for his family, and that is what he did.
    Niklaus, wife Anna and four children, Albert, Kasper, Peter and Barbara left for America from the port of Hamburg, Germany on the 16th day of February, 1905 and arrived at the Port of New York March 3, 1905 on the vessel Pennsylvania.
    Anna passed away May 8, 1922 and Niklaus passed away December 7, 1928.

David Dreyer’s Ship Extraction Database of the Banat
SCHWARTZ Nikolaus -[S632]- Age: 45 -From: Klek
    -DtAr: 3 Mar 1905 - To: North Dakota, ND -Via: Ham/NY -Ship: Pennsylvania
    -Note: Accompanied by wife, Anna 41 and kids, Albert 9, Kaspar 6, Peter 3 and Barbara ?/12. Going to join bro-in-law, Thomas Schirado. [b. 18 Oct 1859 Klek, d. 7 Dec 1928 Gladsone ND, son of Peter Schwartz and Barbara Wambach, m. 8 Jul 1883 Anna Steyer, (b. Klek, d. 8 May 1922 Bismarck, daughter of Albert Steyer & Marion Altmeyer).(C Fischer)].

1905; Microfilm Serial: T715; Microfilm Roll: T715_540; Line: 11; Page Number: New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls); Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36; National Archives, Washington, D.C. Nicolaus and his family have never been to America before. They are of Hungarian/German ethnicity and are going to Glen Ullin to Tomas Sirato. Tomas has no street address. Nicolaus is a laborer.
    Nicolaus Schwartz 45
    Anna 41
    Albert 9
    Peter 3
    Gaspar 6
    Barbara 9 months
Also on the Pennsylvania for this same trip are Maria Dekold (going to Winnepeg) and Janos Dekold (going to St. Louis)

1910 Federal Census. Township 141, Oliver County, North Dakota
Roll T624_1145, page 4B
Township 141, Range 87
    Nicolas Schwartz, head, 52, m. 28 years, farmer, grain farm
    Anna Schwartz, wife, 48, m. 28 years, 11 children, 5 living
    Albert Schwartz, son, 16
    Casper Schwartz, son, 12
    Peter Schwartz, son, 8
    Barbara Schwartz, daughter, 6
All were born in Hungary, speaking German, as were their parents. They immigrated in 1905.

1920 Federal Census. Lake Township, Oliver County, North Dakota
Roll 1337, page 3A
    Nick Schwartz, head, 60, farmer, genral farm
    Anna Schwartz, wife, 56
    Casper J. Schwartz, son, 22, laborer, home farm
    Peter M. Schwartz, son, 17
    Barbara Schwartz, daughter, 15
All were born in Hungary as were their parents. They immigrated in 1905 and were naturalized in 1911. Their son Albert and his wife Elizabeth share the house.
On 8 Jul 1883 when Nicholas was 23, he first married Anna Steyer, daughter of Albert Steyer (11 Sep 1828-) & Anna Marion Altmeyer (19 Mar 1832-), in Klek, Banat. Born on 29 Jun 1863 in Klek, Banat. Anna died in Bismarck, Burleigh County, North Dakota, on 8 May 1922; she was 58.
Their children include:
Margaretta Schwartz (29 May 1884-13 Jun 1903)
Nikolaus Schwartz (16 Aug 1885-20 Oct 1953)
Barbara Schwartz (ca 1904-)
Nicholas second married Katherine Werth.
66560. Katharina Schwartz. Born on 14 Jun 1869 in Klek, Banat.691 Katharina died in Klek, Banat, on 29 Dec 1900; she was 31.691
66561. Peter Schwartz. Born in 1872 in Klek, Banat.691

David Dreyer’s Ship Extraction Database of the Banat669
SCHWARZ Peter -[S620]- Age: 38 -From: Klek 
-DtAr: Tuesday, 8 Mar 1910 - To: Detroit, MI -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Vaderland 
-Note: Born in Klek. Wife, Eva Schwarz, lives in Klek. Going to join bro-in-law, Bernard Lux [*Klek, son of Peter Schwarz and Barbara Wambach, oo 21 Feb 1897 Klek to Eva Henlein, *Klek, dau of Johann Henlein and Barbara Zahner].
SCHWARZ Theresia -[S620]- Age: 21 -From: Klek 
-DtAr: Tuesday, 29 Mar 1910 - To: Hartford, CT -Via: Ant/NY -Ship: Kroonland 
-Note: Born in Klek. Accompanied by son, Martin 2 who is U. S. born. Going to join huband, Martin Schwarz. Previously lived in Hartford, 1904-1909.
On 21 Feb 1897 Peter married Eva Henlein, daughter of Johannes H. Henlein (2 Mar 1850-) & Barbara Zahner (24 Aug 1854-22 Aug 1903), in Klek, Banat.691 Witnesses: Johannes Bernard & Nikolaus Henlein. Born in 1878 in Klek, Banat.691
Their children include:
Nikolaus Schwartz (19 Oct 1901-)
Anna Schwartz (Died young) (1898-22 Jun 1906)
Barbara Schwartz (Died soon) (19 Aug 1906-21 Mar 1908)
Peter Schwartz (Died young) (11 Apr 1900-23 Oct 1909)
Marianna Schwartz (Died soon) (5 Sep 1910-11 Oct 1910)
66562. Barbara Schwartz. Born on 19 Dec 1873 in Klek, Banat.691
On 21 Nov 1897 when Barbara was 23, she married Jakob Endres, son of Jakob Endres & Anna Neurohr, in Klek, Banat.691 Witnesses: Johannes Goszmann & Johannes Bernard. Born on 17 Jan 1872 in Pardan, Banat.691 Jakob died in Klek, Banat in 1944.691
66563. Elisabeth Schwartz. Born on 15 Mar 1881 in Klek, Banat.691
On 13 Jan 1904 when Elisabeth was 22, she married Bernhard Lux, son of Bernhard Lux & Christina Lung, in Klek, Banat.691 Witnesses: Josef Massong & Johannes Bernhard. Born on 9 May 1880 in Lazarfeld, Banat.691
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D. Pane-Joyce
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