Pane-Joyce Genealogy
68546. Jennie De Smit. Born on 2 May 1886 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Jennie died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 18 Jan 1979; she was 92. Buried on 19 Jan 1979 in Oak Hill Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1951
Jennie W. DeSmit r833 Alger SE
    John C. (Fannie R; Woodhouse Beverage Co) pres The Woodhouse Co h833 Alger SE

Social Security Death Index
Jennie Desmit, b. 2 May 1886, d. Jan 1979, last residence 49507 Grand Rapids, MI, issued MI 1965

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Jennie DeSmit
Lot :19
Space :13
Age: 092
Date of death: 01/18/1979
Funeral director: Zaagman, Mr. Robert
Service date: 01/19/1979
68547. John Cornelius De Smit. Born on 4 Mar 1890 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. John Cornelius died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 31 Jan 1969; he was 78.

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in Kent County
    11 Sep 1913, Grand Rapids. A. Vandenberg, Pastor. Witnesses Jennie De Smit & Henry Van Heresden, both of Grand Rapids
    John DeSmit, 23, of Grand Rapids, b. there, cigar maker, son of Cornelius DeSmit & Lena DeLoef
    Fanny Ritzema, 21, of Grand Rapids, b. there, daughter of Richard Ritzema & Petreka Wieringa

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

Registered Grand Rapids, MI. 5 Jun
    John Cornelius De Smit. 1150 Sigsbee St., Grand Rapids, MI
    Age 27. b. 4 Mar 1890, Grand Rapids, MI
    Employer: Service Station, Standard Oil Co., Grand Rapids
    Supporting wife
    Tall, medium build, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids ward 3, Kent Co., MI
    Roll: 778 Page: 20A ED: 74
    John De Smit, head, 29, b. MI, parents b. Holland, salesman, Standard Oil
    Fannie De Smit, wife, 28, b. MI, parents b. Holland

Grand Rapids City Directory 1951
Jennie W. DeSmit r833 Alger SE
    John C. (Fannie R; Woodhouse Beverage Co) pres The Woodhouse Co h833 Alger SE

Social Security Death Index
John DeSmit, b. 4 Mar 1890, d. Jan 1969, last residence 49507 Grand Rapids MI, issued MI before 1951
On 11 Sep 1913 when John Cornelius was 23, he married Fanny Ritzema, daughter of Richard Ritzema & Petreka Wieringa, in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 8 Oct 1891 in Michigan. Fanny died on 24 Jan 1970; she was 78.
68548. Cornelius John De Smit. Born on 16 Nov 1898 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Cornelius John died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 12 Apr 1961; he was 62. Buried on 15 Apr 1961 in Washington Park Memorial Gardens, Grand Rapids.

Cornelius, known as Neil, De Smit.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918

Registered Kent Co., MI. 5 Jun 1918
    Cornelius De Smit. 7 Walbridge St., Grand Rapids, MI
    Age 21. b. 16 Nov 1896, Grand Rapids, MI
    Father’s birth place: Netherlands
    Employer: Beelley & Neureithu, Island St., Grand Rapids
    Nearest relative: Cornelius De Smit, 7 Walbridge St., Grand Rapids, MI
    Short, medium build, blue eyes, brown hair

Record Number 16662 book 21 page 22 Kent County Marriage Licenses
state Minnie Hamelink Joyce married Cornelius De Smit Jr. on Nov. 29 1922 in Grand Rapids. He is 26 and a mechanic, and she is 31 and not employed. His parents are Cornelius De Smit Sr. and Lena De Loof; hers John Hamelink and Dena Twiest. Both were born in Grand Rapids. They were married by N. Boer, minister, and witnesses were Loretta Hamelink and John De Smit.

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids ward 3, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1002, page 4B
1140 Sigsbee Street.
    Cornelius De Smit, head, 33, first m. age 26, b. MI, parents b. Netherlands, garage mechanic
    Minnie De Smit, wife, 39, first m. age 22, b. MI, parents b. Netherlands
    Loraine Joyce, step daughter, 14, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Robert Joyce, step son, 12, b. MI, parents b. MI

1940 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1901, page 3A
1140 Sigsbee Street
    Cornelius De Smit, head, 43, 8th grade, service man, cigarette factory
    Minnie De Smit, wife, 49, 8th grade
    Robert Joyce, step son, 22, 12th grade, musician, in private band
All were born in Michigan, living in the same place 5 years. Minnie’s mother and brother John live in the same house.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1951
Cornelius J. (Minnie C.) De Smit, vending machs 804 Caufield av SW h do
    Jennie W. DeSmit r833 Alger SE
    John C. (Fannie R; Woodhouse Beverage Co) pres The Woodhouse Co h833 Alger SE

OBITUARY - Grand Rapids Press, 13 April 1961

DeSmit --- Cornelius J. DeSmit, aged 64, of 804 Caulfield Ave. SW, passsed away Wednesday evening in St. Mary’s Hospital. Surviving are his wife, Minnie; one daughter, Mrs. Loraine Joyce Brugess of Grand Rapids; one son, Robert Gene Joyce of Cedar Springs; three grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; one brother John, and one sister, Miss Jennie DeSmit both of Grand Rapids. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Joldersma Funeral Home, Rev. Earl Collins of Greenville officiating. Interment Washington Park Memorial Gardens. Mr. DeSmit reposes at the Chapel where relatives and friends may meet the family Thursday from 7 to 9 and Friday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9.
On 29 Nov 1922 when Cornelius John was 24, he married Wilhelmina Cornelia Hamelink (68928) , daughter of John J. Hamelink (67413) (23 Aug 1867-29 Nov 1925) & Roberdena Twiest (67519) (21 Feb 1869-9 Dec 1956), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born on 21 May 1890 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Wilhelmina Cornelia died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 9 May 1986; she was 95. At Springbrook Manor. Buried on 12 May 1986 in Washington Park Memorial Gardens, Grand Rapids.

Wilhelmina first married Harold Joyce, second Cornelius DeSmit. She was known as Minnie.

Grand Rapids Press, July 1 1907, Page 7
The Social Side
Gave Miscellaneous Shower
A miscellaneous shower was given Thursday night by Miss Madelyn and Miss Aleen Joyce at their home, 1467 Kalamazoo avenue, in honor of Miss Minnie Hamalink. the guests were entertained with vocal and instrumental music by Miss Vera and Miss Ione Schafer, Miss Frances Theisen, Miss Marie Mellvain and Miss Irene Mead. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the guest of honor. Light refreshments were served. The decorations were in pink and white.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan). 26 JMay 1912. Page 4.
    Engagement Announced.
    Mr. and Mrs. John Hamelink announced the engagement of their daughter Wilhelmina, to Harold Joyce. The wedding will take place in July.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan). 2 June 1912. Page 4.
China Shower for Miss Woolport.
    Miss Minnie Hamelink entertained Friday night with a china shower i honor of Miss Floence Woolpert. the dining room was decorated i green and white, covers being laid for 18 guests.

Social Security Death Index
Minnie DeSmit, b. 21 May 1890, d. May 1986, last residence 49509 Grand Rapids MI, issued MI 1976

Obituary, Sunday, May 11, 1986 Grand Rapids Press
Desmit --- Wilhelmina (Minnie Hamilink) DeSmit, aged 95, passed away Friday, May 9, 1986, at Springbrook Manor. She is survived by her children, Robert and Hope Joyce, and Lorraine Joyce Tubbs, all of Grand Rapids; three grandchildren, Carol Burgess Leys of Kentwood, Roberta Joyce Schirado of Rockford, David E. Joyce of Worchester, MA; five great-grandchildren, six great-great-grandchildren; her sisters-in-law, Isabelle Hamilink, Aileen Joyce Hills, Eleanore Joyce Potchen, and Helen Joyce Zant, all of Grand Rapids.
Mrs. DeSmit was preceded in death by her husbands Harold Edward Joyce in 1920 and Cornelius J. DeSmit in 1962. Funeral services will be held Monday morning a 11 a.m. at the Van't Hof Chapel, with Rev. Bruce Bode of Fountain Street Church officiating. Interment in Washington Park Memorial Gardens. Friends may meet the family from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. on Sunday. Memorials may be made to the charity of one's choice.
        Van't Hof Chapel
        851 Leonard St. NW
        Heretage Funeral Service
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D. Pane-Joyce
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