Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Mary Heath (897) & John Johnson
2205. Mary Johnson. Born ca 1614 in Hertfordshire, England. Mary was baptized in Ware, Hertfordshire, on 31 Jul 1614.9 Mary died in Rehoboth, MA Jan 1678/9. Buried 29 Jan 1678/9 in Rehoboth, MA.9
Mary first married Roger Mowry. Born ca 1610.16 Roger died in Providence, RI 5 Jan 1666[/7].16

Roger Morey, or Mowry, of Salem, MA, and Providence, RI.9

There’s an article on Roger Mowry in The Great Migration Begins.16
Their children include:
Jonathan Mowry (ca 1633-19 May 1708)
Appia Mowry (ca 1638-)
Mary Mowry (ca 1639/40-)
Elizabeth Mowry (ca 1642-aft 1690)
Nathaniel Mowry (10 Jan 1643-24 Mar 1717/8)
Mehitable Mowry (ca 1644-)
John Mowry (ca 1646-)
Joseph Mowry (ca 1647-27 May 1716)
Benjamin Mowry (8 May 1649-)
Thomas Mowry (19 Jul 1652-)
Hannah Mowry (28 Sep 1656-)
16 Mar 1673/4 Mary second married John Kingsley in Rehoboth, MA.16 Born on 7 Sep 1614. John died in Rehoboth, MA in Jan 1678. Buried on 6 Jan 1678 in Rehoboth, MA.9

John, son of John & Katherine (Butler) Kinniesley.
2206. Capt. Isaac Johnson. Born ca 1615/6 in Hertfordshire, England. Isaac was baptized in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, 11 Feb 1615/6.9 Isaac died in Fort Narangansett on 19 Dec 1675.9 Isaac died in King Philip’s War.
20 Jan 1636/7 Isaac married Elizabeth Porter, daughter of Adrien Porter (ca 1585/6-) & Elizabeth Allott (ca 1582/3-Mar 1617), in Roxbury, MA.9 Born ca 1610/2 in Hertfordshire, England. Elizabeth was baptized in Ware, Hertfordshire, 10 Feb 1610/1.160 Elizabeth died in Roxbury, MA on 13 Aug 1683.17
Their children include:
Elizabeth Johnson (24 Dec 1637-bef 4 Oct 1683)
John Johnson (3 Nov 1639-20 Dec 1661)
Mary Johnson (24 Apr 1642-1705)
Isaac Johnson (7 Jan 1643/4-3 Feb 1720)
Joseph Johnson (Died soon) (Oct 1645-Dec 1645)
Nathaniel Johnson (1 May 1647-14 Feb 1698)
2207. John Johnson. Born ca 1618 in Hertfordshire, England. John was baptized in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, on 5 Apr 1618.9 John died in Ware, Hertfordshire in Jul 1627. Buried on 8 Jul 1627 in Ware, Hertfordshire.
2208. Elizabeth Johnson. Born ca 1619 in Hertfordshire, England. Elizabeth was baptized in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, on 22 Aug 1619.9 Buried 5 Jan 1683/4 in Roxbury, MA.9
14 Mar 1642/3 Elizabeth married Robert Pepper, son of Robert Pepper & Elizabeth Leake, in Roxbury, MA.9 Born ca 1620.9 Robert died in Roxbury, MA on 7 Jul 1684.9
Their children include:
Elizabeth Pepper (25 May 1645-1 Apr 1714)
2209. Humphrey Johnson. Born ca 1620 in Hertfordshire, England. Humphrey was baptized in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, on 5 Nov 1620.9 Humphrey died in Hingham, MA on 24 Jul 1693.45

Humphrey first married Ellen Cheney, second Abigail (Stanisfield) May, widow of Samuel May.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:52
    Serj. Humphrey Johnson was in Scituate 1651, and purchased lands of William Hatch, on the north of Cornet Stetson’s farm, a deep ravine dividing the two farms. His house stood near the bank of that ravine: it was afterward owned by Joshua Lincoln. He had also several houses by purchase, and claimed to be successor in division of common lands, to Resolved White and Josiah Holmes. ... Johnson removed to Hingham 1673. ... Serj. Johnson was a capable man in publick affairs, and often employed in Town business, in the early part of his life: but he had an uncommon inclination to law suits, and few men have left on the records of the Court, so many evidences of his litigious dispostion—some of which we select. In 1683, he commenced a suit against the Town for three shares in common lands. He had removed his residence out of the Colony ten years before, band the Town considered that his right to common lands was thereby cancelled. He, however, recovered an execution, and John Cushing, Samuel Clap and Jeremiah Hatch, were appointed to set off lands to satisfy the execution. Again, 1687, when Sir Edmund Andros, Governor General, and his Council had the sole control of affairs, Johnson went with complaints to the Governor, ‘that he had not had his full rights in Scituate.’ The Town bieng notified, thus remonstrated and answered that Johnson’s claims had all been satisfiedl ‘that the original write and process thereupon was altogether tortious and wrong, and yet what was obtained by judgment of Court had been satisfied.’ Nevertheless, Johnson was furnished with a warrant from Andors, and come with his surveyor, and laid out one hundred acres at the head of Richard Dwelley’s lot—one hundred acres at Burnt plain, and one hundred acres at Halifax cedar swamp. On this the Town address the Governor (by John Cushing and Samuel Clap, agents,) in a very spirited declaration, showing that much of the land laid out by Johnson had already been appropriated to others—that Johnson ‘had already been accommondated with thrice sixty-five acres to the full amount of his claim as principal and successor to tow others.’ We believe this grant was never confirmed, and probably the overthrow of Andcors and his miserable oligarchy, a few months after the date of the above declaration, put an end to Johnson’s hopes and projects. Johnsons’s swamp in Scituate, (near Hingham line, in the beaches), derived its name from Johnson’s trespass, for which the Town revcovered damages. We observe in Colony records, 1673, ‘Humphry Johnson being convicted of removing a land mark, near the lan d of Thomas Hyland, sen. for the boldness and insolency in coming into this Government to do this act, is fined 5£.’ Also same year, ‘Humphry Johnson having come into this Government without leave of the Governor and two fo the Assistants, (contrary to law), is now ordered to remove his dwelling and cottage erected within the town of Scituate, within one month from the date hereof, or else order shall be given for the pulling down therof.’

From Lincoln’s History of Hingham:45
    Humphrey prob. s. of John, an early resident of Roxbury, and whose names appear in this relation in a mortgage deed datede ‘22 of the 7 month, 1643’ (S. D.), ‘was a resident of Scituate,’ says Deane’s History, ‘in 1651.’ He seems to have been a man of ability and shrewdness, but inclinded to make trouble with both the town and Colony officials, as will be seen by the foll. extract form the Colony records: ‘1673. Humphrey Johnson, having come into this Government without leave of the Governor and two of the Assistants (contrary to law), is now ordered to remove his dwelling and cottage, erected within the town of Scituate, within one month form the date hereof,k or else order shall be given for the pulling down thereof.’ He shortly after became a resident of Hing., as will be see by the foll. ‘The 30^th day of March, 1674, vpon the request of Humphrey Johnson of Hingham, the selectmen of Hingham, on the behalf of the Towne granted the said Humphrey Johnson liberty to remove his house off Scituate Land vnto Hingham Towne Common Land, and he is to remove it off Hingham Land againe at three months warning.’ On the 22d of Arp. 1675, he was granted certain privileges for improvements by the selectmen, and admonished, concerning the establishing of certain fence lines, ‘to regard the matter quietly,’ ... Resided at Liberty Plain, So. Hing.
20 Mar 1641/2 Humphrey first married Ellen Cheney, daughter of William Cheney (ca Jul 1603-30 Jun 1667) & Margaret, in Roxbury, MA.9 Born ca 1620.9 Ellen died in Hingham, MA on 28 Sep 1678.45

Ellen, also called Eleanor, Cheney.
Their children include:
Mehitable Johnson (ca 1646-4 Aug 1689)
Martha Johnson (12 Sep 1647-)
Deborah Johnson (Died young) (ca 1649-)
John Johnson (Mar 1653-12 Jun 1674)
Joseph Johnson (Died young) (24 Jun 1655-)
Benjamin Johnson (27 Aug 1657-26 Mar 1707)
Margaret Johnson (22 Dec 1659-5 Jun 1739)
Deborah Johnson (Died young) (1661-1 Apr 1669)
Mary Johnson (19 Apr 1662-)
Isaac Johnson (18 Feb 1667/8-27 May 1738)
Joseph Johnson (Died soon) (1676-6 Sep 1676)
On 6 Dec 1678 Humphrey second married Abigail Stansfield, daughter of Gideon Stansfield & Grace Eastwood, in Roxbury, MA.9 Born on 25 Nov 1638 in Heptonstall, Halifax, Yorkshire.

Abigail first married Samuel May, second Humphrey Johnson as his second wife.

Children of Samuel and Abigail (Stansfield) May, born at Roxbury:
    i. Abigail May, b. 22 May1659;
    ii. Samuel May, b. 16 Dec 1661, d. 12 Jul 1697 at Roxbury;
    iii. Jonathan May, b. 4 Feb 1662/3;
    iv. Joanna May, b. 7 Mar 1665/6;
    v. Eleazer May, b. 6 Mar 1667/8, d. 29 Apr 1689;
    vi. John May, b. 12 Jun 1760;
    vii. Gideon May, b. 25 Jan 1671/2; and
    viii. Experience May, b. 28 Aug 1673.
Their children include:
John Johnson (17 Nov 1679-7 Aug 1755)
Deborah Johnson (19 Feb 1682/3-)
2210. Joseph Johnson. Born ca 1622 in Hertfordshire, England. Joseph was baptized in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, on 22 Apr 1622.9 Joseph died in Hertfordshire, England in May 1622. Buried in May 1622 in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire.9
2211. Susan Johnson. Born ca 1623 in Hertfordshire, England. Susan was baptized in Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, on 16 Jul 1623.9 Susan died in Hertfordshire, England in Aug 1629. Buried on 16 Aug 1629 in Ware, Hertfordshire.9
2212. Sarah Johnson. Born ca 1624 in Hertfordshire, England. Sarah was baptized in Ware, Hertfordshire, on 12 Nov 1624.9 Sarah died on 5 Jan 1683.
On 6 Nov 1647 Sarah first married Hugh Burt.
Ca 1653 Sarah second married William Bartram. Born ca 1624. William died in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts ca 1688/1690.
Their children include:
Esther Bartram (Twin) (2 Apr 1658-20 Sep 1728)
2213. Joseph Johnson. Born ca 1626/7 in Hertfordshire, England. Joseph was baptized in Ware, Hertfordshire, 6 Mar 1626/7.9 Joseph died in Ware, Hertfordshire in Mar 1627. Buried on 30 Mar 1627 in Ware, Hertfordshire.16
2214. Hannah Johnson. Born ca 1627/8 in Hertfordshire, England. Hannah was baptized in Ware, Hertfordshire, 23 Mar 1627/8.9
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.