Pane-Joyce Genealogy
5949. Lydia Ballou. Born say 1640. Lydia died in Providence, RI bef 17 Mar 1722.

Lydia first married George Gardiner as his second wife, second William Hawkins.
Ca 1661 Lydia first married George Gardiner. George died in Newport, RI ca 1677.

George married first Herodias (Long) Hicks, widow of John Hicks. (After George’s death, she married John Porter). George’s second wife was Lydia Ballou.

It’s been suggested that George was the George Gardiner baptized at Greenford Magma, Middlesex on 15 Feb 1598/9 who married Sarah Slaughter on 29 Mar 1630 at St. James Church, Clerkenwell. If so then Herodias would have been his second wife and Lydia his third, and he would have been fathering children into his seventies.

The identification of George Gardiner of Rhode Island with George Gardiner of Clerkenwell appears to be a fabrication of Asa Bird Gardiner. For more information, see Jo Ann Butler’s article “George Gardner, the Second Husband”, at her web site Rebel Puritan: Herodias Long,
Their children include:
Dea. Joseph Gardiner (ca 1666-22 Aug 1726)
Lydia Gardiner (ca 1670-ca 1723)
Mary Gardiner (ca 1671-aft 1704)
Peregreene Gardiner (ca 1672-aft 1690)
Robert Gardiner (Died young) (ca 1673-1690)
On 14 Jun 1678 Lydia second married William Hawkins (6199) , son of William Hawkins (2467) (-1699) & Margaret Harwood, in Providence, RI. "Memorandum: That William Haughikns of providence, & Liddia Gardner of Newport on Road Island (after Lawfull publication) was joined together in Marriage. By John Whipple junr. Assistant upon ye 14th of june 1678.". Born ca 1647 in Providence, RI.25 William died in Providence, RI on 6 Jul 1723.217 Marriage intention published on 1 Jun 1678 at Providence, RI.

From Austin's Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island :105
    1677, Jan 28 - He gave notice that he had found a strange mare of dark bay color, with four white streaks of saddle gall, etc.
    1678 - Deputy
    1685, Dec 3 - He had 30 acres laid out in the right of his father William Hawkins, Sr.
    1687, Sep 1 - Taxed
    1687 - Ratable estate, 2 oxen, 6 cows, 4 three year and 2 two year cattle, a horse, 2 mares, 18 acres meadow, 5 acres corn land, 12 acres pasture
    1688, Nov 30 - He took receipt from Mary Gardiner, who calls him father-in-law (i.e., stepfather), for 13 pounds, balance of legacy of 20 pounds bequeathed by last will of her father George Gardiner of Newport, deceased.
    1691, Jan 9 - He received a deed of 12 acres of land in Newport from Joseph Gardiner of that place - said land having been owned by George Gardiner of Newport, father of Joseph Gardiner and Peregrine
    1703-5-6 - Deputy
    1704, Jul 25 - He deeded son Stephen, for love, etc., 50 acres and a dwelling house on north-east side of West River mostly, being part of land whereon I dwell
    1708, Sep 27 - He deeded land to son Stephen, for goodwill and affection, and also at same date deeded son John, but John's lands were to be in care of his brother Stephen, til John was of age, and if he died before that, then William and Stephen were to have it.
    1713, Jun 16 - Taxed
    1721, Jan 28 - He sold William Hopkins a salt cove called Hawkins's Cove, formerly Dirty Cove, which "my father William Hawkins, deceased, gave me by his last will" (Consideration 3 pounds, 7s, 6d
    1722, Mar 17 - Will proved 1723, Oct 22. To his two grandsons Elijah and Joseph (sons of son William, deceased), all the remaining part of homestead farm which had not before been disposed of by deed, being situated north side of West River, and including two houses, barn,orchard, etc. To these grandsons he also gives other land, and if either died without issue other was to have his share. “That I had before given my children such a portion as I thought convenient, excepting my son William, and this estate I have given to my aforenamed grandsons is that which I intended for their father, my son William Hawkins, deceased.”
    If the grandsons could not agree, the Town Council was to make the division to them when of age.
    Inventory 40 pounds, 13s, of personal property undisposed of, and his son John was appointed administrator of the personal estate, consisting of bed, wearing apparel, pewter, warming pan, money due on bond 20 pounds, etc.
Their children include:
William Hawkins (ca 1679-8 Oct 1712)
Stephen Hawkins (ca 1680-10 Mar 1711)
Sarah Hawkins (say 1681-)
John Hawkins (ca 1683-25 Mar 1755)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.