Pane-Joyce Genealogy
15922. William Hawkins. Born ca 1679 in Providence, RI.217 William died in Providence, RI on 8 Oct 1712.217

From Austin’s Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island:105
    1712, Dec 9 - Administration on his estate was given his widow Elizabeth. Inventory 110 pounds, 10d, viz: 4 cows, 2 steers, mare, 2colts, swie, 200 pounds tobacco, cider mill, gun, 2 spinning sheets, 6 barells of cider, meat in cellar, soap, warming pan, books, etc.
On 14 Dec 1704 William married Elizabeth Arnold (18321) , daughter of Eleazer Arnold (6612) (17 Jun 1651-29 Aug 1722) & Eleanor Smith (8519) (ca 1652-bef 1722), in Providence, RI.217 Born say 1685 in Smithfield, RI. Elizabeth died in Glocester, RI on 11 Jul 1758.217

Elizabeth first married William Hawkins (a few years after Elizabeth’s brother William Arnold had married William’s sister Sarah Hawkins). Elizabeth’s second husband was Israel Smith.

From Austin’s Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island:105
    1758, Jul 1 - Will proved 1758, Jul 17. Widow Elizabeth Smith, of Glocester. Executor were sons Stephen Smith and grandson William Hawkins. To son Stephen Smith, all coopers tools that did belong to my husband. To daughters Ruth Hopins and Deborah Waid, best feather bed, equally. To daughter Elizabeth Mann, a chest of drawers. To daughter Naomi Angell, a table and 5 pounds. The rest of estate to children, equally, vix Stephen Smith, Ruth Hopkins, Deborah Waid, Elizabeth Mann, and Naomi Angell. To son Elijah Hawkins's children, nothing, he having had his part. To granddaughter, Elizabeth Hopkins, silver sleeve buttons. To granddaughter Martha Smith, sleeve buttons, etc.

In the name of God Amen this 1st day of July in the 35th year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great Britain &c King AD 1758: I Elisabeth Smith of the Town of Glocester in the County of Providence & Colony of Rhode Island &c widow being Sick & Week of body but of perfect mind and memory thank be given to allmighty God for the Same, and Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing it is appointed for all men once to Die: Do make and ordain this to be my Last will & Testament: That is first of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gaive it and as touching Such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to give me in this Life I Give Devise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner and form: Imprimis my will is that all my Just Debts be first Satisfied and paid by my executors hereafter named - - - - - - - 
I give to my Son Stephen Smith all my Coopers tools that did belong to my Husband and like wise 1 Draught Chain & one pair of horse Chains - - -
I give to my two Daughters Ruth Hopkins and Deborah Waid my best feather bed to be equaly Divided between them and like wise I give to my Daughter Deborah Waid my iron Kettle - - -
I give to my Daughter Elisabeth Man my Chest of drawers warming pan Smoothing [box] and my Long Cloke - - -
I give to my Daughter Neomia Angel my Square Table and five pounds old Tenor - - -
My will is that all the Remainder of my Estate be equally divided among my children namely my Son Stephen Smith my Daughters Ruth Hopkins Deborah Waid Elisabeth Man and Namoi Angel the Remainder part of my estate that is not already Disposed of in this my will: and my will is that my Son Elijah Hawkings Children have no part of my Estate he having Recd his portion already and my will further is that my Son Stephen Smith and my Grandson William Hawking be the executor to this my last will and Testament - - -
My will is that my Grand Daughter Elisabeth Hopkins have my large Silver Sleeve Buttons - - -
I give my Grand Daughter Martha Smith my Small Silver Sleeve Buttons & my looking Glass - - - And I do hereby Reject Revoke Disallowe and Disanull all former or other will or Settlement by me at any time made Ratifying this & no other to be my last will and Testament - - -

Signed Sealed Published pronounced
and Declared to be her Last will
and Testament in the presence of us
Andrew Brown
Abraham Smith
Uriah Hawkings
Glocester July the 17th 1758----
Elisabeth X Smith Test.
In Council Andrew Brown Esq, Abraham Abraham Smith (sic) and Uriah Hawkings the witnesses to this will on Solemn Engagement Declare that they Saw the [Testatress] Sign Seal publish pronounce and Declare this will to be her Last will & Testament and that they in her presence Subscribed as Witnesses: and at that Time she was in her perfect mind & memory according to their Judgments Wherefore it is voted & resolved that this will be proved approved & allowed to be a good will & hereby is ordered to be Recorded
Received the 17th of July 1758         Recorded by R. Steere Clerk

An inventory of the widow Elisabeth Smiths personall Estate in Glocester who departed this Life the Eleventh Day of July in the year of our Lord 1758: and was apprised on the thirteenth of the same July by us the Subscriber
Item to wearing apparel and Linen -- £159 0 0
Item to one bed and beding with out cot or bed Sted -- £100 0 0
Item to one warming pan 6: & a [flat] hanging basket £1 -- £7 0 0
Item to pails & bowle & trays £3: frying Pan £1--brass kettle £2 -- £6 0 0
Item to one Tramel £4: Tongs £1-10: ( ? ) £1: one Kettle £3 -- £9
Item to one flock bed & furniture £36: one Chest of Drawers £12 -- £48 0 0
Item to one pair of [Sti? ] £7: to one bed Iron & [heater] £4 & one chair -- £12 0 0
Item to pewter £8: & two Glass bottles £1-16: & one Candle Stick --£ 9 16 0
Item to another pail & [Chees? ] & one Earthen pan & a tunel -- £2 5 0
Item to one Table £6 o one [Clock] & Small morter £1-- £7 0 0
Item to Two Cows £120: & five Sheep £25 -- £145 0 0
Item to one wooden Candle Stick & a Chamber pot -- £0 10 0
[total --] £406 1 0

Abraham Smith 
Jonah Steere 
Glocester July the 17th 1758
In Council Voted & Resolved that the above written Inventory be accepted allowed & it hereby is ordered to be Recorded - - -
Rich. Steere Clerk 
Received the 17th of July 1758: & Recorded by R. Steere Clerk
Whereas Elisabeth Smith of Glocester in the County of Providence widow Deceased: did in & by her Last will and Testament name and appoint her Son Stephen Smith: and William Hawkings both of Said Glocester Yeomen executors of her Said will (but the Said Stephen died before his mother the Said Elisabeth) and where as the Said William did on the Seventeenth day of July 1758: and in the Thirty Second year of his majestys Reign George the Second of Great Britain &c King proved Said will before the Town Council of Glocester afore said - - - - -
These are therefore to order & fully Impower you the Said William Hawkings: and you hereby are fully Impowered to take into your Care Custody & possession all & Singular the personnal estate of the Said Elisabeth: that did at the Time of her death belong to her & on the Same fully to administer by paying all her Just Debts and Legacies & to act and do in all Cases as you by Law and the afore Said will are Impowered and Required to do: and Render an account of your proceedings there in unto the Said Town Council or their Successors in Said office when Legally called there unto: Given by order of the Town Council afore Said Held at Said Glocester the Afore Said Seventeenth day of July AD 1758: and Sealed With their Seal by their order
Richard Steere Clerk 
Recd the 17th of July 1758 and Recorded by R. Steere Clerk
Glocester, RI Wills, 1:173-176
Their children include:
Elijah Hawkins (12 Sep 1705-11 Sep 1754)
Uriah Hawkins (Died soon) (30 Jul 1707-)
Joseph Hawkins (29 Mar 1709-2 Oct 1753)
Ruth Hawkins (14 Mar 1711-)
Deborah Hawkins (Posthumous) (15 May 1713-3 Nov 1802)
15923. Stephen Hawkins. Born ca 1680 in Providence, RI.217 Stephen died in Providence, RI on 10 Mar 1711.217
On 11 Feb 1706 Stephen married Hannah Coggeshall, daughter of William Coggeshall (ca 1654-ca 1696) & Rachel, in Providence, RI.217 Born ca 1686 in Portsmouth, RI. Hannah died in Providence, RI on 20 Jan 1731.

Hannah married first Stephen Hawkins, and second Jonathan Sprague.
Their children include:
Jemima Hawkins (30 Sep 1708-)
Keziah Hawkins (30 Jan 1710-)
15924. Sarah Hawkins. Born say 1681.

Sarah first married Eleazer Arnold, second Maturin Ballou.
Sarah first married Eleazer Arnold (18319) , son of Eleazer Arnold (6612) (17 Jun 1651-29 Aug 1722) & Eleanor Smith (8519) (ca 1652-bef 1722). Born ca 1679 in Providence, RI. Eleazer died on 18 Dec 1712.
Their children include:
Eleazer Arnold (say 1700-)
Susanna Arnold (ca 1704-bef 1761)
David Arnold (ca 1705-31 Dec 1736)
Lydia Arnold (Died young) (ca 1706-)
Patience Arnold (ca 1708-9 Sep 1754)
Sarah second married Maturin Ballou, son of John Ballou (ca 1650-Mar 1712/3) & Hannah Garrett (-1715). Born ca 1685 in Providence, RI. Maturin died on 7 May 1760.

Maturin first married Sarah (Hawkins) Arnold, widow of Eleazer Arnold, and he married second Mary Cooper.
Their children include:
Alice Ballou (ca 1720-1741)
15925. John Hawkins. Born ca 1683 in Providence, RI.217 John died in Providence, RI on 25 Mar 1755.217
John married Mary.
Their children include:
Isaiah Hawkins (ca 1714-8 Jun 1792)
Stephen Hawkins (ca 1714-bef 22 Mar 1755)
Lydia Hawkins (say 1716-29 Aug 1805)
Jeremiah Hawkins (ca 1718-28 Mar 1786)
Abigail Hawkins (ca 1723-)
Martha Hawkins (8 Dec 1729-11 Apr 1801)
Sarah Hawkins (ca 1738-1822)
Mary Hawkins (ca 1733-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.