Pane-Joyce Genealogy
33625. Elijah Hawkins. Born on 12 Sep 1705 in Glocester, RI.217 Elijah died in Glocester, RI, on 11 Sep 1754; he was 48.585
On 16 May 1724 when Elijah was 18, he first married Abigail Vallet, daughter of Philip Vallet & Sarah, in Providence, RI. Married by Richard Waterman, Justice. Born ca 1706. Abigail died bef Nov 1735.
Their children include:
William Hawkins (25 Feb 1726-14 Aug 1821)
Sarah Hawkins (26 Jul 1727-25 May 1811)
Benjamin Hawkins (ca 1729-29 Aug 1778)
Uriah Hawkins (ca 1731-10 Apr 1809)
On 13 Nov 1735 when Elijah was 30, he second married Jemima Salisbury, daughter of Samuel Salisbury (17 May 1666-26 Aug 1757) & Jemima Martin (29 May 1672-), in Providence, RI. Married by Arthur Fenner, Justice. Born on 23 Sep 1700 in Rehoboth, MA. Jemima died aft 9 Sep 1754.

Jemima, widow of Henry Esten.
Their children include:
Abigail Hawkins (9 Aug 1736-aft 1793)
Elijah Hawkins (6 Mar 1737-20 Aug 1796)
Elizabeth Hawkins (1 Feb 1744-)
33626. Uriah Hawkins. Born on 30 Jul 1707 in Providence, RI.
33627. Joseph Hawkins. Born on 29 Mar 1709 in Providence, RI.105 Joseph died in Providence, RI, on 2 Oct 1753; he was 44.105
Ca 1730 Joseph married Mary Smith (32255) , daughter of Edward Smith (ca 1667-9 Nov 1726) & Mercy Mowry (15000) (ca 1672-aft 1741). Born on 22 Apr 1705 in Providence, RI.
Their children include:
Abraham Hawkins (ca 1731-)
Luther Hawkins (ca 1734-aft 1793)
John Hawkins (ca 1736-1 Sep 1801)
Hezekiah Hawkins (17 Sep 1740-Oct 1818)
Joseph Hawkins (ca 1742-bef 1786)
Huldah Hawkins (ca 1744-)
Susanna Hawkins (ca 1746-)
Orpha Hawkins (ca 1750-aft 1817)
Ruby Hawkins (ca 1750-)
33628. Ruth Hawkins. Born on 14 Mar 1711 in Providence, RI.217
On 26 Jun 1731 when Ruth was 20, she first married Nathaniel Wade (37260) , son of Jonathan Wade (18098) (5 Mar 1682/3-ca 1710) & Mary, in Scituate, RI.613 Nathaniel and Ruth were married by Stephen Hopkins, Justice. Born 27 Jan 1708/9 in Charlestown, MA.152 Nathaniel died in Scituate, RI on 13 May 1754.
Their children include:
Simon Wade (11 Dec 1731-)
Dudley Wade (1 Dec 1734-10 Apr 1803)
Mary Wade (10 Dec 1736-ca 1779)
Ruth Wade (28 Aug 1740-)
Deborah Wade (23 May 1744-bef 1754)
John Wade (1 Jan 1746-30 Jun 1804)
On 9 Feb 1752 when Ruth was 40, she second married Zebedee Hopkins (22664) , son of Thomas Hopkins (9338) (ca 1650-21 Apr 1718) & Mary Smith (8521) (say 1656-aft 1718), in Glocester, RI.585 Born 22 Feb 1696/7 in Providence, RI. Zebedee died on 4 Mar 1789.295

“Zebedee, son of Thomas, and Mary was named in his fathers will as the recipient of the following:
    “’I give to my son, Zebedee Hopkins, one third part of my land which I dwell on, which is the north part, and is bounded on the south with the land which I gave to my son Thomas Hopkins, And I also give to my son Zebedee, the one half part of my meadow in the great meadow at Shenegachoconett. All the said land and meadow I give to my son Zebedee Hopkins, his heirs or assigns forever, in fee simple.’
    “And I do bind my said son to pay to my daughter, Anne Hopkins, when she shall attain to the age of twenty and one years, or at the date of her marriage, which first shall happen. (This clause in the recorded copy of the will terminates here, probably by some error of omission by the recording clerk. A.H.)”295

When he left the paternal domain he settled in Glocester and was prominently identified in the public affairs of the town. He was made a freeman of the Colony from Providence, in 1720, and from Glocester in 1747, a member of Glocester Town Council in 1744 and a Justice of the peace in 1767.
33629. Deborah Hawkins. Born on 15 May 1713 in Providence, RI.152 Deborah died in Glocester, RI, on 3 Nov 1802; she was 89.614


In the Name of God Amen I Deborah Wade of Glocester in the County of Providence State of Rhode Island Widow, being advanced in years but well in health and of perfect mind & memory, For which I bless God, calling to mind the mortality of my Body, do this 11th day of September AD1797 Make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament, That is to say First of all I Commence my Soul in the hands of God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in a decent & Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named in hopes of a Better Resurrection and as Touching such Worldly Goods as it pleased God to bless me with in this Life, I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner Imprimis and first of all, after my Just debts and Funeral Charges are paid, I give and bequeath my wareing apparel to all my Daughters living at my decease, I give one cow to my son Gideon Wade, I give to my Grand Daughter Deborah Wade my gold necklace and [Sabra Cutler], my Silver Shoe Buckles and Warming Pan. Also I give to my Son in Law Zebedee Hopkins one Dollar, also I give to my Son in Law Joseph Richardson one Dollar, I give to Olive Wade, Daughter of Isaac Wade, one good sheep, I give and bequeath to my Grand Daughter [Rowina] Richardson my best bed and new [Cord wind] and one Bed Blanket, one pair of Sheets & two Pillow Cases. All the rest to be equally divided between my Children: William Wade, Nathaniel Wade and Gideon Wade, Mary Williams, Mary Moses, and Deborah Pray. And I do hereby appoint William Wade and Nathaniel Wade my Sons my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year above written. Signed, Sealed Published and Declared by the Testator, as her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her Request, in her presence and in the Presence of each other have hereunto Subscribed our respective Names as Witnesses
Isaac Wade
Obadiah Inman
Willard Wade
        Deborah X Wade

At a Court of Probate held in Glocester this 15th day of Jan’y 1803

This Will being presented to this Court by the Executors William Wade and Nathaniel Wade for Probate, who would not except of their appointment, and Isaac Wade, Obediah Inman, and Willard Wade, the three Witnesses, declared on Solemn Engagement, that they saw the Testator Deborah Wade, Sin Seal Publish and declare this Paper to be her Last Will & Testament, and they in her presence, and in the presence of each other, Subscribed their Names as Witnesses & That the Testator was then of a sound disposing mind & Memory. Whereupon it is Voted and Resolved, That said Will be accepted, approved, allowed and ordered to be Recorded.

        Witness J. Brown Probate Clerk

Received 15/16 January 1803 and Recorded by J. Brown Probate Clerk

Glocester, RI Wills 3:143
Ca 1731 Deborah married Nathan Wade (37259) , son of Jonathan Wade (18098) (5 Mar 1682/3-ca 1710) & Mary. Born 22 Feb 1705/6 in Medford, MA.321 Nathan died in Glocester, RI on 18 Sep 1778.614


In the Name of God Amen I Nathan Wade of Glocester in the County of Providence & State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations yeoman, being measurable in health, and of a perfect mind & memory, thanks be to God for the Same, and thinking it proper to indeavour in Some measure to Settle my worldly affairs, Do this 23rd day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Seventy Eight make & publish this present writting to be my Last will & Testament in manner & form following: that is to Say, first I Commit my Soul into the mercy full hands of all mighty God who Gaive it, and my body to the Earth from whence it Came, in hopes of a joyfull Reasurrection by & through the death Sufferings Passion & mercies of my Lord & Savour Jesus Christ. And as for the worldly Estate that it hath pleased God to Bless me with I dispose of it in the manner & order as follows.

Item I Give unto Deborah my well beloved wife my best bed & furniture and best Roome in my now Dwelling House. I Give also So much of my House hold Goods as to be comfortable to keep house with--Item I give her one Cow and one Horse , & Six Sheep all these above things I Give to my sd. wife free & Clear.

Item I Give unto my Son Zebulon Wade my home Stead Farm on which I now Live upon, to him his Heirs & assigns forever.

Item I give unto my Daughter Elisabeth Hopkins one cow: & five Sheep and twelve dollars in Cash

Item I Give unto my Gran Daughter Phebe Wade one Cow: at or on her marriage day.

Item I Give unto my Daughter Olive one feather bed & furniture and five Sheep and five dollars in Cash.

Item I Give all the Remainder of my moveable Estate unto my Eleven children as here after named: Jonathan Wade, Nathan Wade, William Wade, Nathaniel Wade, Gideon Wade, Elisabeth Hopkins, Dorcas Jones, Marcy [Moses], Mary Williams, Deborah Pray, & Olive Wade, and that each & every of the above mentioned Sums be paid by my Executors here after named. And I do nominate my wife Deborah Wade, & my Son Zebulon Wade to be my Executors to this my Last Will & Testament- - -Ratifying allowing & holding free & valid this before written will, & no other to be my last will and testament. In witness where of I the Said Nathan Wade have here unto Set my hand & Seal this twenty third day of February AD 1778---
Signed Sealed published pronounced & declared by the Said Nathan Wade for his Last will & Testament in the presence of us
Joseph Winsor
Abraham Winsor
Anan Winsor

        Nathan Wade (SEAL)
At a Town Council held at Glocester the 10th day of October AD1778: Capt. Joseph Winsor Capt. Abraham Winsor & Mr. Anan Winsor, all appeared before this Council & on Solemn Engagement declared that they Saw the Testator Mr. Nathan Wade Sign & Seal the before written will , and heard him Pronounce the Same to be his Last will & Testament and that he was then in his Right mind & memory, and that they then in his and each others presence Subscribed their names as witnesses: And Deborah the Executrix desireth that Said will may be proved, wherefore it is voted that Said will be proved approved, and it is here by ordered to be Recorded.

per order by Richard Steere Cou’l Clerk
Rec’d the 10th day of October AD1778: & Recorded by R. Steere Cou’l Clerk

Where as Mr. Nathan Wade of Glocester in the County of Providence, yeoman, who departed this life on the eighteenth day of September in the year of our Lord AD1778: did in & by his Last will and Testament name & appoint Deborah (now his widow) and his Son Zebulon Wade, Executrix & Executor of Said will and the Said Deborah having proved Said will before the Town Council of Said Glocester this tenth day of October AD1778: These are therefore to fully Impower you the Said Deborah & Zebulon Wade,
to take into your Care Custody and protection all & Singular the personal Estate Rights & Credits of him the Said Nathan Wade that did belong to him at the time of his death, and on the Same fully to administer in order to pay his Just debts & Legacies, & to act & do in all Cases Relating Said Premises as you by Law & the afore Said will are Impowered & Required to do, and Render an account of your proceedings there in unto the Said Town Council or to their Successors in Said offices where Legally called there unto, Given by order of the Said Town Council the aforesd. tenth day of October Anno Domini 1778: and Sealed with their Seal. Per Richard Steere Cou’l Clerk & Recorded by R. S. Cou’l Clerk

Glocester, RI Wills 2:360-361, 2:365-366 614
Their children include:
Jonathan Wade (28 Mar 1732-May 1783)
Nathan Wade (6 Feb 1734-22 Jul 1779)
Elizabeth Wade (8 Mar 1736-)
Dorcas Wade (6 Mar 1738-bef 1797)
Abner Wade (4 Jul 1739-bef 10 Jul 1767)
William Wade (8 Nov 1741-24 Jul 1828)
Capt. Nathaniel Wade (17 Mar 1744-28 Dec 1821)
Gideon Wade (3 Apr 1746-aft 1810)
Zebulon Wade (29 Jul 1748-)
Mary Wade (21 Oct 1750-)
Marcy Wade (7 Nov 1752-)
Deborah Wade (17 Nov 1755-9 Dec 1832)
Olive Wade (26 Oct 1763-bef 1810)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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