Pane-Joyce Genealogy
6156. Elizabeth Green. Born ca 1628 in England.215 Elizabeth died aft 1667.

Elizabeth was one of the signers of the petition to Gen. Court in 1651. This petition was signed by 36 females of Malden, praying the General Court to excuse some errors and failings of Rev. Marmaduke Matthews, first minister of Maiden, who had fallen under the censure of that honorable body. Three Elizabeth Greens were among the signers; the third being wife of James Green.215

She was mentioned in her father’s will. Nothing further is known of her.215
6157. Capt. Thomas Green. Born ca 1630 in England.215 Thomas died in Malden, MA 13 Feb 1671/2.215 Occupation: Farmer.

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Thomas resided in Maiden, was a farmer, and was admitted freeman May 31, 1670. He died Feb. 13, 1671-2, having made his Will on the day of his death; which Will, proved April 2, 1672, and recorded Midd. Prob., 4 : 116, gives to wife Rebecca the third part of his estate; the remainder to be equally divided among his children Rebecca, Hannah, Thomas, and Samuel, who were then all under age. Wife Rebecca, Exectutrix. His brother John Green and John Wayte, overseers. Inventory, £164.10; dated March 8, 1671-2.

Thomas was called “The Trumpeter”.29
On 1 Apr 1652 Thomas married Rebecca Hills, daughter of Joseph Hills (3 Mar 1601/2-5 Feb 1687/8) & Rose Dunster (-24 Mar 1649/50), in Malden, MA. Born on 20 Apr 1634 in Malden, MA. Rebecca died in Malden, MA 6 (4) 1674 [6 Jun 1674].216
Their children include:
Thomas Green (Died soon) (1 (2) 1653 [1 Apr 1653]-)
Rebecca Green (ca 1654-25 May 1725)
Thomas Green (Died young) ((12) 1655 [Feb 1656]-)
John Green (16 (11) 1658 [16 Jan 1659]-)
Hannah Green (Died soon) (16 (8) 1658 [16 Oct 1658]-25 (1) 1659 [25 Mary 1659])
Hannah Green (24 (12) 1659 [24 Feb 1660]-ca 1741)
Thomas Green (Died young) (Feb 1666-15 (2) 1674 [15 Apr 1674])
Capt. Samuel Green (5 (8) 1670 [5 Oct 1670]-2 Jan 1734/5)
6158. Dea. John Green. Born ca 1632 in England.215 John died in Malden, MA on 16 Oct 1707.215

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    He was a respectable and influential citizen of Maiden; freeman, Oct. 24, 1668; captain of a military company, and for many years deacon of the church. He was selectman nineteen years between 1678 and 1701, and represented the town in the General Court 1692-3-4-6.
    He died Oct. 16, 1707, age 75. [Gravestone.] This proves that he was born in 1632. His Will is dated the previous day, Oct. 15, 1707; proved Nov. 10, 1707; recorded Midd. Prob., 11 : 177. After making bequests to wife Sarah, daughter Sarah Sprague, and gr. dau. Mehitable Sprague, (then under 18) he gives the rest of his estate to his son John, who is made executor.
18 (10) 1660 [18 Dec 1660] John married Sarah Wheeler, daughter of Isaac Wheeler (ca 1607-say 1647) & Frances Watson (ca 1600-), in Malden, MA.216 Born on 13 Mar 1643 in Charlestown, MA.106 Sarah died in Malden, MA, on 1 Dec 1717; she was 74.215

Sarah, of Charlestown. She married John Green about a year after her sister Elizabeth married John’s brother William, and that was a week later then her widowed mother married John Green’s widowed father Thomas Green.
Their children include:
Sarah Green (Died soon) (Sep 1662-)
Elizabeth Green (Died young) (-19 Dec 1668)
Sarah Green (14 Jan 1665/6-2 Feb 1743/4)
John Green (Died soon) (Apr 1670-)
John Green (21 (1) 1673/4 [21 Mar 1674]-28 Nov 1747)
6159. Mary Green. Born ca 1633 in England.215 Mary died aft 1667.

Mary was mentioned in her father’s will. It is frequently said that Mary married John Waite, but that she died before 1656. Presumably the conclusion that Mary married John Waite follows from the facts that John Waite was an executor of Mary’s father’s will and John’s wife’s name was Mary. But John’s wife was Mary Hills whom he married 22 Jul 1642 at Malden. Furthermore, Mary Green, being named in her father’s will, did not die before 1656.
6160. Capt. William Green. Born ca 1635. William died in Malden, MA on 30 Dec 1705.216

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    He was made freeman Oct. 24, 1668; was a farmer; member of the church in Maiden; captain of a military company; selectman 1678, 1683, 1702. He owned one half of the farm in Maiden, which had been owned by his father Thomas Green, and sold it to his brother Samuel, Oct. 1670; the other half being owned by his brother Henry. [Midd. Deeds, 4 : 50.] His brother John owned land on the north of it.
    He died Dec. 30, 1705, aged 70. [Gravestone.] His Will, dated Dec. 14, 1705; proved Jan. 21, 1705-6: recorded Midd. Prob., 11 : 84; leaves his personal property in part to wife Isabel, grandsons William Green, Benjamin Green, Nathaniel Green, all three under 21 years of age; and dau. Sarah Webb; the real estate and part of the personal being left to sons Isaac and John Green, who are made joint executors.
13 (7) 1659 [13 Sep 1659] William first married Elizabeth Wheeler, daughter of Isaac Wheeler (ca 1607-say 1647) & Frances Watson (ca 1600-), in Malden, MA.216 Born on 8 Jul 1641 in Charlestown, MA.106 Elizabeth died in Malden, MA 6 Feb 1693/4.

Elizabeth, of Charlestown. Elizabeth married William Green a week after her widowed mother Francis (Watson) (Wheeler) Cook married William’s widowed father Thomas Green.
Their children include:
William Green (ca 1661-21 Mar 1690/1)
Isaac Green (ca 1666-4 Jan 1739/40)
John Green (Died young) (Oct 1667-)
Elizabeth Green (Died soon) (Nov 1668-20 Dec 1668)
Sarah Green (11 (3) 1671 [11 May 1671]-)
John Green (Apr 1672-29 Aug 1736)
6 Feb 1694/5 William second married Isabel Farmer, daughter of John Farmer (say 1610-Aug 1658) & Isabella Barbage (abt 1611-21 May 1686), in Charlestown, MA.215 Born ca 1652 in Ansley, Warwickshire. Isabel was baptized in Ansley, Warwickshire, on 11 Aug 1652.405 Isabel died in Malden, MA 3 Mar 1736/7.29

Isabel first married David Wyman of Woburn in 1675, second James Blood in 1679, and third William Green of Malden in 1694.
6161. Lieut. Henry Green. Born ca 1638.215 Henry died in Malden, MA on 19 Sep 1717.29 Occupation: Weaver.

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    He resided in Maiden, where he was selectman thirteen years between 1682 and 1714; representative 1689, 1694, 170.3, 1704. He has a numerous posterity. He died Sept. 19, 1717, “aged 78 years and 8 mos.” [Gravestone]
    His Will is dated Jan. 23, 1704-5; proved Sept. 30, 1717; recorded Midd. Prob., 14 : 559. He leaves property to wife Esther; to son Henry, who has land of the testator in possession in Charlestown; to son Joseph, son Daniel (gives him land in Charlestown [prob. what is now Stoneham] and elsewhere); son Jacob, (who has the homestead); daughter Esther Flagg, and two other daughters, Dorcas and Lydia. His four sons, Henry, Joseph, Daniel and Jacob, are executors, notwitlistanding that Jacob is under age. Witnesses, William Green, Jonathan Green, Samuel Sprague.
11 (11) 1671 Henry married Esther Hasey, daughter of Lieut. William Hasey (-7 Jun 1689) & Sarah [Hasey] (-ca 1681), in Malden, MA.216 Born 20 Mar 1649/50 in Chelsea, MA. Esther died in Stoneham, MA on 26 Feb 1747.327

From the Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Eshter survived her husband thirty years. The latter part of her life was spent in Stoneham, probably with her son Daniel. She died there, Feb. 26, 1747-8, aged 98. [Gravestone]
    Her Will, dated May 29, 1740; proved July 12, 1748; recorded Midd. Prob., 25 : 344; gives wearing apparel to her three daughters, Esther Flagg, Dorcas Wiley, and Lydia Lynde; divides her estate to son Henry Green and his children; daughter Esther Flagg and her children; son Joseph Green’s children; son Daniel Green and his children; daughter Dorcas Wyle [Wiley] and her children; daughter Lydia Lynde and her children; and son Jacob Green’s children. Also mentions four grand daughters, Dorothy Brown, Catharine Haskal [Haskell], Jemima Bigbe [Bixby], and Miriam Green. Son Daniel Green, and son-in-law Thomas Lynde, exrs. Witnesses, John Green, Jonas Green, John Clark.
Their children include:
Henry Green (24 (9) 1672 [24 Nov 1672]-)
Esther Green (3 Sep 1674-18 Sep 1744)
Martha Green (Died soon) (9 Oct 1676-3 Feb 167[7/]8)
Dea. Joseph Green (27 Oct 1678-28 Nov 1732)
Eld. Daniel Green (30 Jan 1681-15 Aug 1759)
Dorcas Green (31 Dec 1682-15 Aug 1739)
Lydia Green (11 Aug 1685-19 Oct 1755)
Jacob Green (6 May 1689-19 Jul 1723)
6162. Samuel Green. Born in Mar 1645 in Malden, MA.215 Samuel died in Malden, MA on 31 Oct 1724.25

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Samuel Green, youngest son of Thomas Green, born March, 1645. The date of his birth is inferred from his age as marked on his gravestone. ...
    He resided in Maiden; and appears as “Samuel Green, sen.,” on the records, to distinguish him from three other Samuel Greens, then in Maiden, viz.: his son Samuel, his nephew Samuel, and his son-in-law Samuel (son of John, son of James, of another family). In Oct. 1670, he purchased of his brother William, one half of his father’s farm, and from that time occupied “the old mansion house.” Bought the other half of his brother Henry, June 13, 1684. [Midd. Deeds, 4 : 50, and 9 : 141.
    He died Oct. 31, 1724, aged 79 years, 7 months. [Gravestone]
    His Will is dated Jan. 3, 1721-2; proved Nov. 13, 1724; recorded Midd. Prob., 17: 168. He
mentions wife Susanna; gives to his six sons, Samuel, Thomas, William, Jonathan, David, and Isaac, after paying some small legacies, all his estate, real and personal, in equal proportions. His three daughters, Mary, Martha, Elizabeth, having “had their proportions already,” are each to receive only five shillings. The six sons are appointed exrs. Witnesses, John Green, Jacob Green, John Green, jr.
    By an instrument dated April 11, 1716, “John Green and Mary Green his wife, Samuel Green and Martha Green his wife, David Gould and Elizabeth Gould his wife, all sons-in-law and daughters of Samuel Green, sen., relinquish to their brothers Samuel, Thomas, William, Jonathan, David and Isaac Green, all sons of Samuel Green, sen.,” &c.
Ca 1666 Samuel first married Mary Cook, daughter of Richard Cook (ca 1610-14 Oct 1658) & Frances Watson (ca 1600-), in Malden, MA.216 Born ca May 1649 in Malden, MA. Mary died in Malden, MA on 24 Nov 1715.29

Mary was the only child of Richard Cook of Malden.25 Two of her helf-sisters and her mother had already married into the Green family five and six years before she married Samuel Green.

Mary died age 66 years 6 months according to her gravestone.29
Their children include:
Samuel Green (Jan 1667-1758)
Thomas Green (ca 1669-24 Aug 1725)
John Green (Died young) (1 (2) 1672 [1 Apr 1672]-)
William Green (Aug 1674-19 May 1761)
Mary Green (ca 1677-10 May 1740)
Ens. Jonathan Green (2 Feb 1679/80-21 Jul 1744)
Martha Green (1683-29 May 1754)
David Green (ca 1685-6 Nov 1754)
Elizabeth Green (16 Nov 1687-18 Apr 1753)
Isaac Green (20 May 1690-25 Aug 1765)
Samuel second married Susannah.
6163. Hannah Green. Born ca 1647 in Malden, MA.215 Hannah died in Woburn, MA on 20 May 1721.124

Although it is sometimes said that Hannah Green, wife of Joseph Richardson, was the daughter of William Green of Woburn, she was actually the daughter of Thomas Green of Malden. The other Hannah Green married Thomas Knowlton.
On 5 Nov 1666 Hannah married Joseph Richardson (8290) , son of Samuel Richardson (2915) (ca 1604-23 Mar 1658) & Joanna Thake (ca 1606-20 Jun 1666), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 27 Jul 1643 in Woburn, MA.124 Joseph died in Woburn, MA, on 5 Mar 1718; he was 74.124

Joseph was admitted freeman 15 May 1672.  He was one of Major Samuel Appleton’s soldiers, and was engaged in the fierce assault on the Narraganset fort 19 Dec 1675. He was a selectman of Woburn, 1693, 1694, and 1702. 279

His will is dated 24 Jun 1717; proved 22 Apr 1718. It mentions wife Hannah, son Joseph, and his other four children.
Their children include:
Hannah Richardson (21 Oct 1667-28 Sep 1726)
Mary Richardson (22 Mar 1669-23 Oct 1748)
Elizabeth Richardson (28 Jun 1670-2 May 1752)
Lieut. Joseph Richardson (19 May 1672-5 Dec 1754)
Dea. Stephen Richardson (7 Feb 1674-4 Feb 1752)
6164. Martha Green. Born ca 1650 in Malden, MA.215 Martha died aft 1667.

Martha was mentioned in her father’s will.
6165. Dorcas Green. Born 1 (3) 1653 [ 1 May 1653] in Malden, MA.216 Dorcas died in Malden, MA in 1682.215

Dorcas married James Barrett on the same day as her brother Henry married Hester Hasse.
11 (11) 1671 [11 Jan 1672] Dorcas married James Barrett (3611) , son of James Barrett (ca 1615/1619-16 Aug 1672) & Hannah Fosdick (1453) (ca 1615-bef 20 Jun 1681), in Malden, MA.216 Born on 6 Apr 1644 in Charlestown, MA. James died in Malden, MA in 1694.215 Occupation: Carpenter.
Their children include:
James Barrett (ca 1672-31 Jul 1740)
Dea. John Barrett (24 Apr 1675-1 Oct 1721)
Dea. Jonathan Barrett (ca 1678-7 Sep 1749)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.