Pane-Joyce Genealogy
6681. Sarah Bemis. Born 15 Jun 1642/3 in Watertown, MA.30
On 2 Oct 1694 Sarah married John Bigelow, son of Randall Bigelow (ca 1578-1626) & Jane (ca 1562-), in Watertown, MA.30 Born ca Feb 1617 in Wrentham, Suffolk. John was baptized in Wrentham, Suffolk, on 17 Feb 1617. John died in Watertown, MA on 14 Jul 1703.30 Occupation: blacksmith.

John first married Mary Warren, second Sarah Bemis.

John took the oath of fidelity 1652, and was selectman 1665, 70, and 71.30

John’s will wasd dated 4 Jan 1702/3, proved 28 Jul 1702, inventory 627£, 12s.30

Will: John Bigelow’s will was dated 4 Jan 1703, proved 23 Jul 1703.
    “In the name of God amen. I John Biglo of Watertown in the county of Middlesex within her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, being weeke of body but in sound disposing Memory prais be given to god for the same, Do make this my last will and testament in manner & form following, that is to say first and principally I resign my soul unto the mercy full hands of allmighty god my Creator assuredly hoping through the mercy of my blessed Saviour to obtain pardon remission of all my sins and my body I commit to the earth whence it was taken, to be decently buried by the discreshion of my executors hereinafter named and as for the worldly goods & estate the lord hath lone me I dispose thereof as follows:
    “Imp. I give and bequeath unto Sarah my well beloved wife, and to her heirs & assigns forever, all the lands and movable estate, that was hers before our marriage, and forty pounds in money, twenty pounds of s'd money to be p'd her within one month after my decease and twenty pounds within one year after my dece's I give unto her forty pounds waight of good pork, three bushels of barley, and one bushel of indian corn, five pounds waight in butter and five pounds waight in Chees, and also two Sheep, and half the flax that shall be in the house at my Deces--and that to be in full satisfaction of her thirds,
    “2ndly I give & bequeath to my eldest son John Biglo, & to his heirs & assigns forever, twenty pounds in money to be p'd within one year after my Deces, and in case my s'd son have an heir lawfully begotten of his own body, I give & bequeath his s'd heir twenty pounds in money to be p'd to him or her, when it shall be twenty one years of age, or day of marriage which shall first happen, but if it hapon my s'd son deces without an heir as above s'd, then my will is y't ye aboves'd twenty pounds be equally divided between my children then surviving.
    “3rdly I give & bequeath unto my son Jonathan Biglo, and to his heirs & assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd him within one year after my deces.
    “4thly I give & bequeath to my son Daniell Biglo and to his heirs & assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd him within one year after my deces.
        “5thly I give & bequeath to my son Samuel Biglo and to his heirs & assigns forever ten pounds in money besides what he hath already had, to be p'd to him within one year after my deces.
    “6thly I give and bequeath unto my son Joshua Biglo and to his heirs & assigns forever two parcels of lands lying on the westerly side of bow brook in s'd town. Purchased of Lieut Chas Hammond as may more fully appear by the deed of the same, and twenty five pounds in money, to be p'd him within one year after my deces.
    “7thly I give & bequeath unto my son James Biglo fifteen pounds, which I lent him as may appear by a bond under his hand and seal, and I give & bequeath to my said son James's son James Biglo ten pounds in money to be p'd him if he shall live to the age of twenty one years, but if it so happen that he deces before s'd age, then ye s'd ten pounds to be equally divided between my s'd son James surviving children, when they shall be of the age of twenty one years or day of marriage which shall first happen.
    “8thly I give & bequeath to my Daughter Mary Flagg and to her heirs & assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd her within two years aft
    “9thly I give & bequeath to my daughter Elizabetll Sterns' children twenty five pounds in money, to be p'd them, when they are twenty one years of age, or day of marriage which shall first happen.
    “10thly. I give & bequeath to my daughter Sarah Learned, and assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money, within three years after my Deces.
    “llthly. I give & bequeath to my daughter Martha wood's children, lawfully begotten of her own body, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd them equally alike, when they shall arrive at the age of twenty one years or day of marriage, which shall first happen.
    “12th. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Abigail Herrington & to her heirs & assigns, twenty five pounds in money, to be p'd within four years after my deces.
    “And I nominat, ordain, & appoint, my above s'd son Joshua Biglo and my son in law Isaac Larned my Sole Executors to see this my last will & testament performed and all the rest and residue of my estate not herein bequeathed, after all my just debts and funerall charges are p'd my will is that it be divided between my s'd executors, that is to say, two parts of three, to my s'd son Joshua, and one third to my son in law Isaac Leanerd, and do request my trusty and well beloved friend, Capt. Benj. Grafield to be my overseer of this my last will & testament, my s'd executors to allow him out of my estate for his cost & charges reasonable sattisfaction to his content, Revoking & making null & void all former or other wills by me heretofore made. In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this fourth day of January one thousand seven hundred two/three, in the first year of the reign of our lady Anna, by the Grace of God over England & Queen.
    “Signed, seald & Published
    “Sam'l Livermore
    “Daniel Harrington Witnesses
    “Munning Sawin
        “JOHN x BIGLO

    The inventory of John Biglo's estate amounted to L 627-12-00. This was a middle-class fortune. Among the expenses charged for the funeral were several pairs of black gloves, twenty gallons of wine, bottles for the wine, allspice and sugar, and two men and horses to carry the wine and other articles to the funeral, also “a man and horse to notify Isaac Larned and wife at Sherburne to attend the funeral, and a man and horse to notify John Stearns at Billerica to attend the funeral.”
6682. Mary Bemis. Born on 10 Nov 1644 in Watertown, MA. Mary died in Watertown, MA bef 1730.
16 Feb 1683/4 Mary married Samuel Whitney (17653) , son of John Whitney (ca Sep 1621-12 Oct 1692) & Ruth Reynolds (6433) (ca 1623-aft 1692), in Watertown, MA.30 Born on 28 Jul 1648 in Watertown, MA.30 Samuel died in Watertown, MA ca 1730.

Samuel was in military service 1675.
Their children include:
Mary Whitney (30 Sep 1689-27 Feb 1726/7)
6683. Jospeh Bemis. Born on 28 Oct 1647 in Watertown, MA.47 Jospeh died in Watertown, MA Jan 1647/8. Buried 4 Jan 1647/8 in Watertown, MA.
6684. Ephraim Bemis. Born on 28 Oct 1647 in Watertown, MA.47 Ephraim died in Watertown, MA in Nov 1647.47
6685. Martha Bemis. Born on 24 Mar 1649 in Watertown, MA.30

Martha was admitted to full communion by Rev. Mr. Angier, 25 Feb 1697/8, then aged about 49.
6686. Joseph Bemis. Born on 12 Dec 1651 in Watertown, MA.30 Joseph was baptized in Watertown, MA, on 20 Dec 1651. Joseph died in Westminster, MA ca 1712.

Joseph removed to Westminster, then called Narragansett No.2. He was a soldier in King Philip’s war, in Captain James Oliver’s company, and his son Joseph received a grant of land for his father’s services.47

From Draper’s Bemis History and Genealogy:
    “Joseph Bemis 2d (I. Joseph). This son of the immigrant, the first to arrive at manhood, m. Anna-----and removed to Westminster, Mass; then called Narragansett No. 2. In 1740, his son, probably Philip, ‘Disposed of all right and title to the property of my honored father and mother, Joseph and Anna Bemis, to my brother Joseph and sister Mary of Cambridge.’ (p. 542. Hist. of Westminster Mass. by William S. Haywood.) As we know that Joseph's wife was Anna, and that he went to Westminster to live, it proves that he was the son of Joseph Bemis the immigrant. The records of the town of Westminster and Watertown do not furnish any data of an intervening generation, and the author therefore assumes there was none. Joseph Bemis, or Bemish so spelt, was a soldier in King Phillips War as evidenced from the following entries in Bodge Soldiers in King Phillips War, p. 176. Joseph Bemish credited under Capt. James Oliver, for services Mar. 24, 1675-6. £2. 14s. p. 376. The same soldier received £2. s10. p. 147. Under a list of the Grantees of Narragansett No. 2, now Westminster, Mass, appears Joseph Beames, deceased, claimed by his son Joseph Beames. Grant made about Oct, 17, 1733. In 1700, the son of the Narragansett settler, Joseph 3d was aided by a contribution ‘having had his substance consumed by fire.’”
Joseph married Anna. Anna died in Westminster, MA ca 1710.

Sometimes Anna’s surname is given as Chamberlain or Chamberland, but it’s not clear why.
Their children include:
Joseph Bemis (ca 1677-)
Thomas Bemis (ca 1679-ca 1757)
Mary Bemis (ca 1681-)
Philip Bemis (21 Nov 1700-aft 1782)
6687. Rebecca Bemis. Born on 17 Apr 1654 in Watertown, MA.30 Rebecca died aft 1718.

Rebecca first married John White, second Thomas Harrington.
On 11 Apr 1684 when Rebecca was 29, she first married John White, son of Anthony White (ca 1607-28 Mar 1686) & Grace Hall (-bef 1685), in Watertown, MA.30 Born 25 Feb 1648/9 in Watertown, MA.30 John died in Watertown, MA on 30 May 1684.30 John died after being gored by a bull.
On 1 Apr 1686 when Rebecca was 31, she second married Capt. Thomas Harrington (7290) , son of Robert Harrington (ca 1616-17 May 1707) & Susanna George (2672) (ca 1631-16 Jul 1694), in Watertown, MA.30 Born in Apr 1665 in Watertown, MA.30 Thomas died in Watertown, MA on 29 Mar 1712.30

Thomas was admitted freeman 18 Apr 1690.30

Thomas’ will was dated 27 Mar 1712 and proved 5 Apr 1712. It mentions his wife Rebecca, eldest son Ebenezer, youngest son George, son Thomas, and daughters Susanna and Rebecca. The inventory of his real estate was taken, 5 April 1712, and was valued at £399. He named his brother Daniel overseer of his will. [Weis:20]
Their children include:
Ebenezer Harrington (27 Jun 1687-bef 8 Apr 1754)
Susanna Harrington (17 Nov 1688-24 Apr 1757)
Rebecca Harrington (14 Aug 1690-aft 1767)
Thomas Harrington (14 Jan 1691/2-bet 31 Jan 1739 and 15 Oct 1750)
George Harrington (31 Aug 1695-)
6688. Ephraim Bemis. Born on 25 Aug 1656 in Watertown, MA.30 Ephraim died aft 1738.

It is probably that this family, or some part of it, moved to Windham and Hampton, in Windham Co., CT.30
Ephraim married Elizabeth.
Their children include:
Rebecca Bemis (16 Jan 1684/5-)
Abigail Bemis (10 Jan 1686/7-)
Elizabeth Bemis (ca 1687-11 Jan 1734)
Sarah Bemis (ca 1687-)
Ephraim Bemis (ca 1702-)
6689. John Bemis. Born in Aug 1659 in Watertown, MA.30 John died in Watertown, MA on 24 Oct 1732.30 Buried in Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham.

On 26 Apr 1701, John sold for £56 to John Sherman half of one fourth of Alcock’s farm, in Marlboro, of 900 acres. On 6 Apr 1702 he, with his son-in-law, Daniel Child, bought of Nathaniell Saltonstall, Follow of Harvard College, 160 acres of land in Watertown, the 30th lot, first granted to Sir Richard Saltonstall.30
Ca 1680 John first married Mary Harrington (7289) , daughter of Robert Harrington (ca 1616-17 May 1707) & Susanna George (2672) (ca 1631-16 Jul 1694). Born 12 Jan 1663/4 in Watertown, MA.30 Mary died in Watertown, MA on 8 Sep 1716.30 Buried in Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham.
Their children include:
Beriah Bemis (23 Jun 1681-4 Nov 1768)
Susanna Bemis (24 Dec 1682-15 Nov 1703)
Joseph Bemis (17 Nov 1684-1738)
John Bemis (6 Oct 1686-11 Jan 1754)
Mary Bemis (24 Sep 1688-)
Isaac Bemis (Died soon) (7 Aug 1690-)
Samuel Bemis (ca 1691-Aug 1776)
Lydia Bemis (ca 1693-)
Hannah Bemis (Died young) (9 Oct 1694-7 Oct 1700)
Isaac Bemis (1696-)
Jonathan Bemis (Died young) (30 Apr 1699-bef 1701)
Jonathan Bemis (17 Nov 1701-25 Mar 1768)
Abraham Bemis (26 Nov 1703-)
Susanna Bemis (Twin) (3 Dec 1705-28 Nov 1785)
Hannah Bemis (Twin) (3 Dec 1705-)
1 Jan 1716/7 John second married Sarah Holland, daughter of Nathaniel Holland (ca 1638-aft 1709) & Sarah Streeter (-13 Feb 1715/6), in Watertown, MA.30 Born on 30 Nov 1662 in Watertown, MA.30 Sarah died in Watertown, MA bef 1726.
On 30 May 1726 John third married Judith Jennison (24813) , daughter of Ens. Samuel Jennison (15 Oct 1642-15 Oct 1701) & Judith Newcomb (9647) (16 Jan 1645/6-1 Mar 1722/3), in Watertown, MA.30 Born on 13 Aug 1667 in Watertown, MA.30
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D. Pane-Joyce
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from Leister Productions, Inc.