Pane-Joyce Genealogy
11923. John Brooks. Born on 23 Nov 1650 in Woburn, MA.124 John died in Woburn, MA, on 22 Nov 1653; he was 2.124
11924. Sarah Brooks. Born on 21 Nov 1652 in Woburn, MA.124 Sarah died in Woburn, MA ca 1721.
On 1 Jan 1670 when Sarah was 17, she married Ephraim Buck (6808) , son of Roger Buck (2581) (ca 1617-10 Nov 1693) & Susanna (-10 Sep 1685), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 26 Jul 1646 in Cambridge, MA.125 Ephraim died in Woburn, MA in Jan 1721.124 Occupation: Farmer.

Ephraim was taxed at Woburn in the Meeting House Rate, 1672.125

From The Brooks Family, page 5:167
In Ephraim’s will, dated Nov. 23, 1717, probated Mar. 24, 1720-21, he mentions his wife, Sarah; his sons. Ephraim, Samuel, John and Ebenezer; and his daughters, Sarah Grovcr, Mary Spike and Eunice Buck; and also Eunice Richardson, whom he brought up; Sarah Grover being the wife of Thomas Grover, and Mary Spike the wife of Nathauiel Spike, or Pike. Ephraim Buck was, at one time, an inmate of Dea. John Monsall's family, and is named in the latter’s will.

Will: Ephraim Buck's will, proved 20 March 1720
    In the Name of God Amen this twenty third day of November one thousand seven hundred and seventeen, I Ephraim Buck of Wooburn in ye county of Middlesex in this province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England yeoman Being sick and weak of body, but of prfect mind & memory, Thanks be given unto god therefore Calling unto minde the mortality of my Body and knowing yt it is apointed to all men once to Dye, Do make and ordaine this my Last Will & Testament that is to say Principaly and first of all I Give and Recomen my soule into ye Hands of God yt gave it and my Body I Recomend to the Earth to be buried in Decent and Christian maner by my son Ebenezer Buck, He being obliged yr to bt a certain Bond or Oblegation under Hand and Seal, Nothing Doubting but that at ye Generall Resurection I shall Recive the same again by the Almighty power of God. And as touching such worldly estate where with It hath pleased God to bless me with in this life besids what I have allredy desposed of to my wife and Children by Deed of Gift under my hand and seal, I give, demise and dispose of the same in ye folowing maner and forme.
    Imp. I Give and bequeath to Sarah Buck my Dearly beloved Wife all my movable Estat within doors with my Cattels, Hogs and Sheep and ye Hay and Corn to be at her own despose for ever.
    Item. I Give to my two sons namly Ephraim Buck and Samuell Buck all my land and medow lying on the Northerly side of Andover Row that is otherwise Desposed of, Provided that they pay out unto the several person hereafter Named the ... sums assignd to tham in this my last will and testament. Itim I Give to my son John Buck thirty shillings to be payd to him by my two sons Ephraim and Samuell in Equiall proportion Emediatly after my decease. Itim I Give unto my son Ebenezer Buck thirty shillings to be paid to him by my two sons aforsd Emeditly after my Decease.
    Itim. I Give to my Daughter Sarah Grover five Pounds to be payd unto her by my two sons Ephraim and Samuell before named Emediatly after my Decease. Itim. I Give to my Daughter Mary Spike five pounds to be paid unto her by my two sons Ephraim and Samuell afore named Emediatly after my Decease. Itim. I Give to my Daughter Eunis Buck Twent pounds to be payd unto her by my two sons Ephraim Buck and Samll Buck afornamed. Itim. I further give to Eunice Richardson yt I Brought up five pounds to be payd unto her by my two sons aforsd, in Equall proportion when she shall arrive at ye age of Eighteen years or at Her Marage if it be before that time.
    Itim. I Give to my loving Wife Sarah Buck seven pounds besids what I have alredy given Her to be payd to her by my two sons before named Emediatly after my Decease and Lastly I Give to my well beloved and trusty friends John Richardson Senr and Eleazer Flagg Twenty shillings apeece to be payd to them by my two sons Ephraim and Samuell in Equall proportion, and I do by thes presence Constatute make and ordain them my said Trusty and well beloved friends, John Richardson and Eleazer Flagg my sole Exec-rs of this my Last Will and Testament and I Do by these presents Impower them to Make sale of that tract of land and meadow that I have given to my two sons namly Ephraim Buck and Samuell Buck, In Case they Refuse to tak up wuith what I have ordered and assigned them to pay in this my last Will and Testament, and they With the money to pay the several legacies afornamed as sone and I Desire them to take care of my wife and daughter Eunis & as Conveniantly may be, and I Do hereby uterly Disallow Revoke and disannull all and Every other former Testament Wills Legacies and Bequests and [?] by me in any Way before Named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In Wittnes Whereof I have Hereunto set my Hand and seal the day and year first above written.
    Ephraim Buck
    Signed seald published pronounced and declared by the sd Ephraim Buck as his Last Will and testament
    In ye presence of us ye subscrobers
    Benjamin Richardson
    Saml Richardson

The will was proved by the executors at the Probate Court in Cambridge on 20 March 1720. A bond of one hundred pounds was posted by Ephraim Buck, Samuel Buck and John Richardson on 20 March 1720. On that date, John Richardson and Eleazer Flagg refused to be executors of the estate, and Ephraim Buck and Samuel Buck were appointed administrators of the estate.
Their children include:
Sarah Buck (11 Jan 1673-)
Ephraim Buck (13 Jul 1676-1734)
John Buck (Died as Infant) (1 Jan 1678-27 Jan 1679)
John Buck (7 Feb 1680-24 Nov 1752)
Samuel Buck (13 Nov 1682-2 Dec 1730)
Eunice Buck (7 Jul 1685-)
Ebenezer Buck (20 May 1689-)
Mary Buck (28 Oct 1691-)
11925. Eunice Brooks. Born on 10 Oct 1655 in Woburn, MA.124 Eunice died in Woburn, MA aft 1732.

Eunice first married Samuel Carter, second James Parker as his second wife, and third John Kendall as his third wife.
In 1672 Eunice first married Rev. Samuel Carter (12029) , son of Rev. Thomas Carter (ca 1608-5 Sep 1684) & Mary Parkhurst (4087) (ca 1614-27 Mar 1687).344 Born on 8 Aug 1640 in Watertown, MA. Samuel died in Groton, MA in 1693.344 Education: Harvard 1660.
Their children include:
Mary Carter (24 Jul 1673-)
Samuel Carter (Died soon) (27 Aug 1675-10 Sep 1676)
Samuel Carter (7 Jan 1678-30 Aug 1738)
John Carter (14 Mar 1680-26 Mar 1704/5)
Thomas Carter (3 Apr 1682-31 Mar 1737)
Nathaniel Carter (4 Apr 1685-)
Eunice Carter (29 Mar 1687-)
Abigail Carter (Died soon) (May 1689-bef May 1690)
Abigail Carter (30 May 1690-)
Ca 1695 Eunice second married Capt. James Parker, son of John Parker (ca 1585/1690-) & Ann. Born ca 1617 in Great Burstead, Essex. James died in Groton, MA in 1701.25

James was in Woburn by 1640. He was freeman 1644, and a grantee of Billerica. He removed to Chelmsford by 1655. Later he removed to Groton, and perhaps, by a second wife Eunice, had, very late in life, Sarah, again, 12 Dec. 1697. Butler, Hist. 282, refers to the will in proof.25
Aft 1701 Eunice third married John Kendall (3923) , son of Francis Kendall (1554) (ca 1618-1708) & Mary Tidd (ca 1620-1705). Born on 2 Jul 1646 in Woburn, MA.124 John died in Woburn, MA, on 10 Apr 1731; he was 84.

John’s first wife’s name was Hannah; he married second Elizabeth MacComee; and his third wife was Eunicd (Brooks) (Carter) Parker, widow of Samuel Carter and James Parker.

John Kendall received 40 acres of land in Lancaster, Mass. for his service in King Phillips War of 1675.
11926. Joanna Brooks. Born on 22 Mar 1659 in Woburn, MA.124 Joanna died in Woburn, MA, on 1 Dec 1724; she was 65.167
On 2 Oct 1678 when Joanna was 19, she married David Roberts, son of Giles Roberts (ca 1630-20 Jun 1667), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 22 Mar 1659 in Woburn, MA. David died in Woburn, MA, on 4 Sep 1724; he was 65.167
Their children include:
Eunice Roberts (28 Oct 1679-21 Jul 1738)
David Roberts (24 Oct 1684-15 Apr 1763)
Giles Roberts (16 Jan 1687-3 Oct 1739)
Joanna Roberts (13 Feb 1694-aft 1758)
Sarah Roberts (15 Jan 1697-)
11927. John Brooks. Born on 1 Mar 1664 in Woburn, MA.124 John died in Woburn, MA, on 7 Aug 1733; he was 69.124

The county marriage record for John and Mary gives the date of 30 Dec 1684 instead of 30 Jan 1685.

From The Brooks Family, page 8:167
John Brooks in his will, dated Aug. 23, 1726, probated Dec. 3, 1733, mentions wife Mary; sons, John, Timothy and Nathan; daughters, Mary and Sarah; granddaughter, Margaret Richardson; and also his son-in-law, Timothy Winn, and two grandchildren, Timothy aud Elizabeth Winn, children of the deceased daughter Elizabeth.
On 30 Jan 1685 when John was 20, he married Mary Bruce, daughter of George Bruce (ca 1634-13 Aug 1692) & Elizabeth Clark (26 Nov 1642-13 Aug 1710), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 15 Jun 1665 in Woburn, MA.

Mary first married Walter Cranston, second John Brooks, and third Peter Hay.

In 1693 and in 1710, Mary and her husband, John Brooks, agreed to division of her father’s and her mother's estate (Midd. Probate Records).167
Their children include:
Mary Brooks (Died soon) (4 Dec 1685-4 Dec 1685)
John Brooks (Died soon) (30 Dec 1686-2 Jan 1687)
Ebenezer Brooks (Died soon) (30 Dec 1686-31 Dec 1686)
Mary Brooks (1 Apr 1688-aft Sep 1726)
Elizabeth Brooks (ca 1690-14 May 1724)
Sarah Brooks (14 Aug 1692-)
John Brooks (28 Nov 1694-29 Mar 1743)
Abigail Brooks (Died soon) (19 Aug 1697-12 Oct 1697)
Capt. Timothy Brooks (14 Feb 1700-13 Oct 1786)
Isaac Brooks (Died young) (1703-24 Aug 1719)
Nathan Brooks (1 Nov 1706-6 Jan 1751)
11928. Ebenezer Brooks. Born on 9 Dec 1666 in Woburn, MA.124

From The Brooks Family, page 9:167
Ebenezer was a soldier in Phips’s Expedition to Quebec in 1690, and on Nov. 3, 1711, he and his wife, Martha, conveyed their homestead in Woburn to John Buck. At a selectmen’s meeting in Woburn, on Dec. 12, 1690, an account was made, in which “The wife of Ebeuezer Brooks received, when her husband was gone to Canada, by Samuel Blogget, Senior. ... 00. 02. 06.” In 1738, Jonathan Brooks, of Woburn, claimed, in right of his uncle Ebenezer Brooks, the uncle’s share in the lands granted to soldiers in the Canada Expedition of 1690, by the General Court of Massachusetts. Ebenezer Brooks’s rates were forgiven on March 2, 1695-6 (Woburn Town Records, vol. 4. p. 64). In Nov. 1696, his rate was erased per order, because of his extreme poverty. — Ibid., 80.
    On Sept. 22, 1716, Ebenezer Brooks and Martha, his wife, were received into full communion, at the church in Killingly, Conn., and on Sept. 2, 1716, Ebenezer, Jabez, Eleazer, Martha, Eunice and Priscilla, children of Ebenezer Brooks, were baptized there (Killingly Church Records, Putnam’s Historical Magazine, v. 3, p. 225; v. 4, p. 27).

On 14 Jun 1687 when Ebenezer was 20, he married Martha Wilder in Woburn, MA.124

Ebenezer and Martha were both of Woburn when they married.124
Their children include:
Eunice Brooks (Died young) (18 Mar 1688-4 Feb 1698)
John Brooks (22 Mar 1690-)
Ebenezer Brooks (8 Aug 1691-13 Feb 1743)
Jabez Brooks (7 Jan 1693-1758)
Eleazer Brooks (13 Jul 1694-)
Martha Brooks (24 Mar 1697-ca 1719)
Eunice Brooks (Died young) (14 Feb 1700-)
Priscilla Brooks (17 [some month] 1701-)
11929. Deborah Brooks. Born on 20 Mar 1669 in Woburn, MA.124 Deborah died in Woburn, MA, on 23 Feb 1704; she was 34.124
Deborah married John Richardson (22170) , son of Theophilus Richardson (8295) (ca 1633-28 Dec 1674) & Mary Champney (Oct 1635-26 Aug 1704). Born on 16 Jan 1668 in Woburn, MA.124 John died in Woburn, MA, on 29 Oct 1749; he was 81.124 Buried in First Burial Ground of Woburn.144

“Here lyes buried the body of Mr. John Richardson, who departed this life, October 29th, A. D., 1749, Aged 81 years, 9 months and 25 days.”
Their children include:
Mary Richardson (10 Aug 1689-)
John Richardson (29 Dec 1692-15 Nov 1745)
Deborah Richardson (8 Mar 1695-)
Sarah Richardson (Died young) (12 Mar 1698-20 Feb 1704)
Josiah Richardson (14 Feb 1701-)
Nathan Richardson (24 Jan 1702-)
Eunice Richardson (3 Jan 1704-)
11930. Jabez Brooks. Born on 17 Jul 1673 in Woburn, MA. Jabez died in Woburn, MA, on 30 Jan 1747; he was 73.124 Buried in First Burial Ground of Woburn.144 Occupation: Husbandman.

Jabez first married Rachel Buck, second Hephzibah Cutter.

From The Brooks Family, page 10:167
Jabez Brooks, of Woburn, husbandman, “in consideration of love, good will, and affection .... towards my loving wife, Hepsibeth Brooks,” conveys certain household articles and weariug apparel, one large Bible, one silver spoon, a large cupboard, and all “my linen,” and a bond due to her from “my son,” Ebenezer Brooks . . , Jan. 16, 1739-40. On the same date, Jabez Brooks, in a similar conveyance, mentions his sons, Nathaniel Brooks, husbandman, Samuel Brooks, husbandman, John Brooks and Ebenezer Brooks, housewrights, aud Benjamin Brooks, husbandman, all of Woburn, to whom he conveys his right in a “way leading from the country road between my house and Mr. Belknap's house to the Richanlsons’ Row, to lie for an open road,” etc. The originals of these deeds, with many other papers of this family, are deposited in the Wyman Collection in the Woburn Public Library.

"Here lyes buried ye body of Mr. Jabez Brooks, who departed this life, January ye 30th, Anno Dom'i, 1746-7, in ye 74th year of his age"
On 18 Dec 1694 when Jabez was 21, he first married Rachel Buck (18928) , daughter of Samuel Buck (6806) (6 Feb 1641/2-21 Sep 1690) & Rachel Leavins (ca 1646-27 Feb 1695), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 7 Jul 1676 in Cambridge, MA.27 Rachel died in Woburn, MA, on 23 Feb 1698; she was 21.124
Their children include:
Rachel Brooks (29 Nov 1695-21 Jun 1750)
On 7 Jun 1698 when Jabez was 24, he second married Hepzibah Cutter, daughter of Richard Cutter (ca 1621-16 Jun 1693) & Frances Perriman (-aft 16 Jun 1693), in Woburn, MA.124 Born on 15 Aug 1671 in Cambridge, MA. Hepzibah died in Woburn, MA 1 Jan 174[5]/6.124 Buried in First Burial Ground of Woburn.144 "Here lyes buried ye body of Mrs. Hephzibah Brooks, wife to Mr. Jabez Brooks, who departed this life, January 1st, A.D., 1745, in ye 75th year of her age".
Their children include:
Jabez Brooks (13 May 1700-19 Sep 1794)
Hepzibah Brooks (18 Nov 1701-ca 1777)
Nathaniel Brooks (17 Aug 1703-Mar 1776)
Deborah Brooks (1705-5 Feb 1781)
Samuel Brooks (18 Apr 1707-1741)
John Brooks (14 Jan 1709-)
Jonathan Brooks (27 Aug 1710-1777)
Ebenezer Brooks (1 Jun 1712-bef Mar 1803)
Sarah Brooks (25 Dec 1714-12 Jun 1784)
Benjamin Brooks (14 Apr 1717-6 Jan 1769)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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