Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Mary Curtis (4650) & Edward Devotion
13621. Mary Devotion. Born in Feb 1648 in Roxbury, MA. Mary was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 25 Feb 1648.17 Mary died in Roxbury, MA on 12 Jan 1683.17 Buried in Eustis Street Burial Ground, Roxbury.
On 5 Feb 1667 Mary married John Davis, son of William Davis (-9 Dec 1683) & Elizabeth (-4 May 1658), in Roxbury, MA.17 Born on 1 Oct 1643 in Roxbury, MA.17 John died in Roxbury, MA 16 Mar 1704/5.17 Buried in Eustis Street Burial Ground, Roxbury.

Check out George L. Davis’ book Genealogy of Samuel Davis of Oxford and Joseph Davis of Dudley, published 1884, for more information on John and Mary.

Will: The Will of John Davis
    The last Will and Testament of John Davis of Roxbury in the County of Suffolke in New England the Three and Twenty of Febberury One thousand seven hundred & four or five, as followeth having my perfect understanding and memory by the blesing of my mercifull father into whose hands I commit my soull & dispose of mye worldly estate; in the first place my will is that all my just debts & funerall charges be paid and discharged by my Executors hereafter named with all Convenient speed after my Interment.
    Item. I will and constitute and apoint my 2 sons Wilame and Sammuell to be my Executors.
    Item: my will is that my sone willame shall have all my homsted of upland and medow lieing one both sides of the country rode leding to Dedhame. Including in it that part of wood Land and pasture land adjoining upon Johne May and Josheway Seivers and alsoe I give my son Wilam all my movebles withought dors and withine excepting 2 guns one at the castell and mye hunting gune it is my will that my sone Willame shall pay tomy w daughters marah Beaken and twenty pound to Elezebeth Mayo in curr money of Newengland withen fouere yere. five pound to each a yere.
    Item. I give to my sone Sammuell all my land lying up at Jacob Chamberlins with all appurtenances belongenge theretoo with too small wood lots lyinge in the 2 division nowe to Sammuell Morelis the one being for ten acres and the othere Seven Acres, likewise I give to my son Samuel my hunting goune & the other goune mentioned.
    Item. My will is that my son Samuill shall pay to my 2 Daughters Mary Baken & Eliz Mayo Ten pound in curr money of New England, in one years time as their Legacies given to them by their Grandfather Edward Devotion, which is to each five pounds. it being forgot in the place of it by recollecting of my thoughts. I do will that mye Son wilame shall have mye 1 acres of Salt marsh lieng in Gravelye point.
    Item. it is mye will that this mye Esteat of housene and lands given by me to my son Willame might not at his deces be anye ways alinated but that it might Socksesivlye falle to my grand child John Davis if he livse till he com of eage and if he dye that it shold fale to the next heire.
    John Davis. (L.S.)
    Signed sealed in the presence of us John Paison, Joseph Weld, Benjamin Davis.
    Deposited with this will in the Probate records of Suffolk County is "The Accompt of Samuel Davis the surviving Executor of the Estate of John Davis late of Roxbury, Husbandman, deceased." This account was approved 31 March, 1718 and bears the signature: Samuel Davis.
Their children include:
John Davis (11 Jan 1670/1-)
William Davis (11 Aug 1673-23 Jan 1706)
Mary Davis (6 Apr 1676-)
Elizabeth Davis (18 Apr 1678-16 May 1753)
Dea. Samuel Davis (23 Jun 1681-8 Apr 1760)
(infant) Davis (Died soon) (-11 Jul 1683)
13622. Elizabeth Devotion. Born ca 1651. Elizabeth was baptized in Boston, MA, on 20 Apr 1651.17 Elizabeth died in Roxbury, MA 15 Feb 1678/9.78 Elizabeth died of smallpox.

Elizabeth died of the ‘pox’.
On 2 Sep 1674 Elizabeth married Leiut. Joseph Weld (12784) , son of John Weld (4365) (ca 1623-20 Sep 1691) & Margaret Bowen (2 Apr 1629-1 Sep 1692), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born ca 1650 in Roxbury, MA. Joseph was baptized in First Church, Roxbury, on 13 Sep 1650.78 Joseph died in Roxbury, MA 14 Feb 1711/2.78 Buried in Eliot Burying Ground, Roxbury. Lot: B197.
Their children include:
Margaret Weld (Died young) (5 Nov 1675-12 Feb 1678)
Elizabeth Weld (17 Jan 1677-18 Sep 1761)
13623. Martha Devotion. Born ca 1653 in Brookline, MA. Martha was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 13 Mar 1653.78 Martha died in Needham, MA on 12 Jan 1714.17

Martha, of Muddy River (now Brookline).

Martha and her sister both married men named John Ruggles, the two John Ruggles being second cousins.
On 2 Sep 1674 Martha first married John Ruggles (12296) , son of John Ruggles (4197) (ca 1624-15 Sep 1658) & Abigail Craft (28 Mar 1634-19 Jan 1706/7), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born ca 1653 in Roxbury, MA. John was baptized in Roxbury, MA CR1, 22 Jan 1653/4.78 John died in Roxbury, MA on 16 Dec 1694.78 Occupation: Cordwainer.
Their children include:
Abigail Ruggles (5 Jun 1675-4 Jun 1758)
John Ruggles (16 Mar 1679-4 Mar 1718)
Edward Ruggles (Died young) (16 Nov 1683-)
Martha Ruggles (21 Dec 1686-aft 1752)
Dea. Edward Ruggles (2 Oct 1691-16 Sep 1765)
On 21 Apr 1704 Martha second married John Paine, son of Thomas Paine (-3 Aug 1686) & Rebecca Ware (-aft Mar 1688), in Dedham, MA.17 Born on 27 Apr 1646 in Dedham, MA.17 John died in Needham, MA in 1726.17
13624. Hannah Devotion. Born ca Dec 1654 in Roxbury, MA. Hannah was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 3 Dec 1654.17 Hannah died in Roxbury, MA on 17 Dec 1700.78
On 1 May 1679 Hannah married Sergt. John Ruggles (7302) , son of John Ruggles (4200) (ca 1633-25 Feb 1713) & Mary Gibson (2674) (29 Mar 1637-5 Dec 1673), in Roxbury, MA.78 Born on 19 May 1657 in Roxbury, MA.78 John was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 30 Jan 1658.17 John died in Roxbury, MA 28 Feb 1711/2.78 Buried in Eliot Burying Ground, Roxbury. Lot: B110. Occupation: cordwainer.

From J.W. Linzee’s History of Peter Parker and Sarah Ruggles of Roxbury:17
    (Suff. XVII : 408, 468) Inventory of the estate of Mr. John Ruggles Jr., Cordwainer, of Roxbury, taken 10 Mar. 1711-2, and presented by Elizabeth Ruggles admx. 5 June 1712.
    (Suff. XVIII : 71) paid Deborah Man, Richard Wood, Richard Draper, Robert Harris, Joseph Briscoe, John Ruggles, Hannah Rugks, Benjamin Dowse, John Bowles, Sarah Weld, Thomas Cheney, Noah Perrin.
    (Suff. XVIII : 159) widow gets her third, also mentions heirs.
    (Suff. XVIII : 191-2) Jonathan Ruggles aged about 19 years, John Ruggles aged about 16 years, made Capt. John Ruggles their guardian. Elizabeth aged about 13 years, made Capt. Samuel Ruggles her guardian. All children of John Ruggles of Roxbury, Cordwainer, dec'd.
    (Suff. VI : 410) The will of William Tay, aged 72, mentions son Jeremiah; dau. Elizabeth; grandchilde Elizabeth Tay, my eldest son's dau.; son Nathaniel lands in Bilrica; wife; son Isaiah; dau. Grace; wife exex. Made 28 Apr. 1680; proved 12 Apr. 1683.
    (Suff. IX : 118) Grace Tay executrix.
    (Suff. XXVIII : 70-1) The will of Isaiah Tay of Boston, mentions wife; her half brother Daniel Watkins Sadler of Charlestown; sister Elizabeth Ruggles of Roxbury widow of John Ruggles dec'd; Mercy Butler; Wm. Tay son of my brother Nathaniel Tay of ,Wobum dec'd; Mr. Benjamin Colman & Mr. William Cooper Pastors of the Church; Samuel Barrat, the Revd. Minister of Hopkinton; daus. of my brother Nathan’l Tay of Wobum dec'd: children of Mary Barns dec'd, which was another of his daus. with Sarah Jones of Nansasskett widow, Elizabeth Chamberlin of Nansasskett, Bersheba Howard and Grace Walker; children of Mary Barns afors'd viz: Huldah Barns, James Bams, Isaiah Bams and John Bams. Made 19 Mar. 1727; proved 22 June 1730.
    (Suff. Deed LXVI : 254) The 15 Mar. 1730. Indenture between Elizabeth Ruggles of Roxbury, Co. Suff., widow, William Tay of Wobum, Co. Midd., James Hayward of Woburn & Bathsheba his wife, Benjamin Walker of Wobum and Grace his wife, Sarah Jones of Hull, Co. Suff. widow, Joseph Chamberlain of Hull & Elizabeth his wife, Alford Butler of Boston & Mercy his wife, William Willis of Medford, Percival Hall of Sutton, Co. Worcester & Jane his wife, Samuel Symond of Middleton, Co. Essex, and Mary his wife, on the one part and John Billings and Richard Billings of Boston of the other Part . . . sell messuage or double Dwelling house and land in Boston, heretofore the Estate of Inheritance of Isaiah Tay late of Boston.
    (Suff. XXXV : 318-9, 344) The will of Elizabeth Ruggles of Roxbury, being advanced in years; mentions my only son Isaiah Very, whom I trust is yet in the Land of the Living, tho. he has been long absent. Dated at Roxbury 27 Apr. 1739. In presence of Joseph Heath, John Ruggles, John Emmes.
    Presented 13 Feb. 1740-1; approved 7 Apr. 1741.
Their children include:
Hannah Ruggles (15 Feb 1680-)
Mary Ruggles (25 Oct 1681-)
John Ruggles (Died young) (18 Sep 1683-bef 1695)
Sarah Ruggles (28 Feb 1685/6-)
Dorothy Ruggles (20 Feb 1688-)
Jonathan Ruggles (Died unmarried) (19 May 1694-26 Nov 1715)
Dea. John Ruggles (8 Mar 1696/7-5 Dec 1772)
Elizabeth Ruggles (21 Oct 1700-17 Aug 1767)
13625. Deborah Devotion. Born ca 1657 in Boston, MA. Deborah was baptized in Boston, MA, on 17 May 1657.25 Deborah died in Roxbury, MA in Oct 1682. Buried on 20 Oct 1682 in Roxbury, MA.17
13626. John Devotion. Born ca 1659 in Boston, MA. John was baptized in Boston, MA, on 26 Jun 1659.17 John died in Suffield, CT Oct-Feb 1732.17

John held various town offices. His will was executed Oct 1732, probated Sep. 1733 and mentions his wife Hannah and his 6 children. After his death, the house was occupied by his son, Edward, and Mary his wife.
Ca 1681 John married Hannah Pond, daughter of Daniel Pond (ca 1627-4 Feb 1697) & Abigail Shepard (-5 Jul 1661).17 Born on 27 Sep 1660 in Dedham, MA.190 Hannah, the Daughter of Daniell & Abigall Pond, borne 27: 7 mo. 1660. Hannah was baptized in Dedham, MA, on 7 Oct 1660.17
Their children include:
John Devotion (ca 1682-bef Oct 1732)
Edward Devotion (ca 1683-)
Rev. Ebenezer Devotion (ca 1684-11 Apr 1741)
Thomas Devotion (ca 1686-24 Nov 1726)
Abigail Devotion (ca 1688-14 Mar 1729/30)
Hannah Devotion (ca 1690-24 Nov 1726)
Rachel Devotion (ca 1696-)
13627. Sarah Devotion. Born ca 1661/2. Sarah was baptized in First Church, Roxbury, 19 Jan 1661/2.78
13628. Edward Devotion. Born ca 1663 in Roxbury, MA. Edward was baptized in First Church, Roxbury, on 12 Jul 1663.78 Edward died in Roxbury, MA on 12 Jun 1664.17
13629. Sarah Devotion. Born ca 1665/6 in Roxbury, MA. Sarah was baptized in First Church, Roxbury, 18 Mar 1665/6.78 Sarah died in Newton, MA on 8 Oct 1732.17 Buried in Center Street Cemetery, Newton.
Ca 1685 Sarah married Joseph Griffin, son of Richard Griffin (-28 Feb 1666/7) & Mary (-bef 25 Mar 1680). Born ca May 1657 in Roxbury, MA. Joseph was baptized in Roxbury, MA, on 17 May 1657.17 Joseph died in Roxbury, MA on 17 Feb 1714.17
Their children include:
Sarah Griffin (16 Jul 1690-30 Sep 1732)
Elizabeth Griffin (2 Feb 1700/1-13 Nov 1772)
13630. Edward Devotion. Born ca Mar 1667/8 in Roxbury, MA. Edward was baptized in First Church, Roxbury, on 15 Mar 1668.78 Edward died in Brookline, MA on 7 Nov 1744.17 Buried in Walnut St. Cemetery, Brookline.
On 21 Jul 1740 Edward married Mary McCreight in Boston, MA.17 Born in 1675. Mary died in Boston, MA in Jun 1772.17
13631. Thomas Devotion. Born ca 1670. Thomas was baptized in First Church, Roxbury, on 1 May 1670.78 Thomas died aft 27 Aug 1688.17
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D. Pane-Joyce
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