Pane-Joyce Genealogy
18038. Catrina Ecker. Born ca 1694 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.
In 1713 Catrina first married Nicklaes Devoe, son of Abraham Devoe (11 Jun 1668-) & Mynoo Paulus Jurckse (ca 1655-). Born ca 1689 in Hackensack, Bergen County, New Jersey. Nicklaes died in Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York bef 26 Aug 1718.
Their children include:
Daniel Devoe (ca 1716-1773)
Nicklas Devoe (Posthumous) (1718-bef 1756)
On 10 Oct 1730 Catrina second married Harmanus Blauvelt, son of Hendrick Gerritsen Blauvelt (ca 1654-) & Marretje Josephs Waldron (ca 1652-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church. “Harmen Blauveldt, widower of Zara Peu, b. in Niuw Jorck, l. at Tappan, and Catharina Ecker, widow of Nicklaes de Vouw, b. and l. in Phillips Burgh”. Born ca 1681 in New York. Harmanus was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 3 Apr 1681.159 Harmen, son of Hendrick Gerritszen & marritie Waldron, witnesses Jean de Lamontagne & Josyntie.

Harmanus’s married first Sara Depew, second Catrina Ecker.
Their children include:
Sara Blauvelt (26 Feb 1731/2-)
Abraham Harmanus Blauvelt (6 Mar 1734-ca 1819)
Rachel Blauvelt (ca 16 Jul 1738-11 Aug 1821)
18039. Margrietje Ecker. Born ca 1695.
Margrietje married Jan Adolphus Shuart, son of Olfert Shuart (ca 1661-Apr 1711) & Margriet Clopper (ca 1660-22 May 1703). Born ca 1697 in New York. Jan Adolphus died ca 1760.

Adolphus Shuart, or Sjoerts
Their children include:
Joost Shuart (ca 1723-)
Willem Shuart (ca 1725-1771)
Mariken Shuart (ca 1727-)
Margrietje Shuart (ca 1728-14 Mar 1797)
Johannis Shuart (ca 1729-)
Hendrick Shuart (ca 1735-)
Jannetje Shuart (ca 1737-)
18040. Cristina Ecker. Born ca 1697 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York.
On 24 Jun 1717 Cristina married Elias Conklin, son of Nicholas Conklin (ca 1666-) & Sarah Hunt (ca 1673-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Elyas Canckly, j.m, b. in Esester, and Crestena Ecker, j.d., b. in Phillips Burgh; both lived in latter place”. Born ca 1693 in Eastchester, Westchester County, New York.277 Elias died in Cortlandt Manor, Westchester County, New York ca 1739.

Elias first married Christina Ecker, second Annatje Van Tassel.

Elias resided first at Philipsburgh, then, after his second marriage to Annatje Van Tassel, moved to Cortlandt.277
Their children include:
Jan Conklin (12 Jun 1718-1796)
Lea Conklin (Twin) (1723-)
Rachel Conklin (Twin) (1723-)
18041. Magdelena Ecker. Born in 1706 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Magdelena was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 13 Aug 1706.157 Magdalentje, daughter of Jan Ecker and wife Magdaleentje, witnesses Wolffert Ecker [Jan’s brother] & Maritje Ecker [probably Wolffert’s wife]. Religion: member of the Phillipsburgh Church 11 Apr 1725.

Matyas and Magdelena were witnesses at the 1737 baptism of their niece Annatie, daughter of David Fosuur & Janitie Crancheyt his wife. Also, the 1740 baptism of their nephew Stafanis, son of Johannis and Annatie Van Thexel; also the 1747 baptism of their grandson Matyas, son of Jacobus Van Tessel.
On 28 Jul 1723 Magdelena married Matthis Foshay (16535) , son of Jan Foshay (6128) (ca 1674-bef 1732) & Eva Matthyse Franse, in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Matthis Fiuser, j.m., and Magdalentie Ecker, j.d., both born and living in Phillips Burgh”. Born ca 1697 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Matthis was baptized in New York Reformed Church, on 10 Mar 1697.159 Mathys, son of Jan de Mayer [Dutch translation of Fauchier, meaning mower or reaper] & Eva Mathyse, witnesses Barent Van Tilburg & his wife Marritje. Matthis died aft 1756. Religion: member of the Phillipsburgh Church 11 Apr 1725.

Matthis Fusuur, Fusuer, Fiuser, Fausur, or Fosuur. Matthis and Magdalentie were both born and lived in Phillips Burgh. Matthis and Madalentie Fosieur were admitted members of the Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church on 11 Apr 1725.157

Matthew “probably resided on the land leased by his father, Jean, from Frederick Philipse, and earned his livelihood as a tenant farmer.” He died intestate sometime after 1756.158

Matheus was a witness at the 1720 baptism of his neice Marytie, daughter of Pauel & Eliezabet Retan. Also, the 1756 baptism of his granddaughter Magdaleentie, daughter of John Hutchins and his wife [Eva Foshay].
Their children include:
Elizabeth Foshay (ca 1726-)
Jan Foshay (1727-)
Eva Foshay (1729-)
18042. Cornelis Ecker. Born in 1708 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Cornelis was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 10 Aug 1708.157 Cornelis, son of Jan & Magdalena Ecker, witnesses Gerridt Van Weert [Jan’s stepbrother] & Magdalena Vonck [grandmother?].
18043. Annatie Ecker. Born in 1713 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Annatie was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 4 Nov 1713.157 Anna, daughter of Jan & Magdalena Ecker, witnesses: David Storm & Anna Van Weert [Jan’s half-sister].

Johannes and Annatie were witnesses at several baptisms:
    1733 for their niece Crestena, daughter of Matthius and Magdalentie (Ecker) Fausur;
    1736 for their neice Annatie, daughter of Leendert Hof & Cornelya (Van Texel);
    1760 for their grandson Stevanus, son of Johanis Van Tessel & Maria Bartyne.
On 24 Feb 1733 Annatie married Johannis Van Tassel (22725) , son of Jan Van Tassel (17148) (1678-) & Catharina Springsteen (8542) (bef Apr 1684-), in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church.157 “Joannis Van Texel, j.m., and Annatie Ecker, j.d., both b. and l, in Phillips Burgh”. Born in 1709 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Johannis was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 1 Jun 1709.157 Johannes, son of Jan Van Texel & wife Catharina, witnesses Hendrik Van Lent & Cathrina [Van Texel] Van Lent [aunt].
Their children include:
Johannis Van Tassel (ca 1734-22 May 1813)
Maritie Van Tassel (Died young) (ca 1747-)
Abraham Van Tassel (1754-15 Mar 1826)
18044. Rachel Ecker. Born in 1716 in Philipsburg, Westchester County, New York. Rachel was baptized in Sleepy Hollow Reformed Church, on 18 Apr 1716.157 Rachel, daughter of Jan & Magdaleentje Ecker, witnesses Abram Martelingh & wife Rahel.

Raghel was a witness at the 1738 baptism of her nephew Hendreck, son of Johannis & Annatie Van Thexel.

Was it this Rachel Ecker who married William Sloo 14 Jun 1746, or was it her cousin Rachel, daughter of Sybout and Aeltie Ecker?
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.