Pane-Joyce Genealogy
Jeremy Jones (62808) & Polly Sabin
66065. Maryette Jones. Born ca 21 Aug 1822 in Hancock, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Maryette died in Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan on 15 Jun 1904. Buried on 17 Jun 1904 in Newaygo Cemetery. Section F, Lot 157, grave 2.

1884 Newaygo county census indicates that both of Mariette Jones’ parents were born in Massachusetts.

Newaygo County death records
states that Mary Ette Phelps died of heart disease on 15 June 1904 in Brooks Township. She was a housewife, born in Massachusetts, and 81 y 9 m and 25 days old. Her parents were Asa Jones and Polly Sabines, both of New York.

Certificate and Record of Death, Michigan Department of State, Lansing, Vital Statistics Division; Brooks Township, Newaygo County; Register 6, Number 594. Mary Ett died 15 June 1904 at age 81 years, nine months and 25 days old of disease of the heart. W.M. Race was her physician. She was born in Massachusetts and had had eight children, with six still living. Her father was Asa Jones and her mother Polly Sabins. Both were born in New York. She was buried 17 June 1904 in Newaygo Cemetery. Russell Phelps of Newaygo was the informant.

23 June 1904, Newaygo Republican, “Local News:”
    “Mrs. Mariett Phelps, wife of Asa G. Phelps of Brooks Township, died suddenly on Wednesday, June 15th. Mrs. Phelps was born in Massachusetts in 1822, and was married to Asa G. Phelps in New York state at the age of 18. Some years afterward they moved to Grand Rapids and lived in that city and vacinity fifteen years, then moved to this county in 1888 and lived here until her death. She was in her usual health apparently within an hour of her death, and was suddenly taken ill and in less than an hour passed away without speaking. Her aged husband is stricken with grief at the loss of his companion for so may years and the sympathy of the entire community is extended to him in this, his hour of sore distress. The funeral was held from the residence on Friday last at one o’clock.”
        Card of Thanks
“To our friends and neighbors we wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the kind sympathy shown us in our recent bereavement, the death of our wife and mother. Also to the Relief Corps and G.A.R. for the generous collection of flowers. Asa G. Phelps and Family.”

28 July 1904, Newaygo Republican:
        Resolutions of Respect
    “At a regualr meeting of Samuel Judd Post and Corps the following resolutions were adopted on the death of Mrs. Maryette Phelps:
        Whereas, On the 15th day of June, 1904, our Heavenly Father called to her home on high one of our loved members. The summons came at the end of a life well spent in the service of her Lord and in the loving care of husband and children. Therefore be it resolved, That we tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved husband and children. To the husband who for nearly sixty years had relied upon her counsel and tender love in all the trials of life, we would say, “She is not dead, but sleepeth;” and to the children who miss her gentle presence, “Try to follow in her footsteps and forget not the example of her long life.”
        Resolved, That out of respect to her memory our charter be draped in mourning for thirty days, and that theses resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our order, and that a copy of the same be sent the bereaved family, also that it be printed in our local paper.

One day the angels came
    For this beautiful mother of ours,
And lured her away to their home
    That lies close to the ameranth bowers,
And there in her radiant youth,
    Where the ransomed aye flourish and bloom,
In the region of sunlight and truth
    She will wait for her loved ones to come.


Medical: Died June 15, 1904 in Brooks Township, Newaygo County, MI. Heart disease is listed as cause of death on death certificate.
Ca 1844 Maryette married Asa G. Phelps (65521) , son of Asa G. Phelps (61456) (16 Apr 1784-16 Dec 1854) & Olive Stebbins (ca 30 Jun 1785-7 Feb 1865). Born on 27 Apr 1822 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. Asa G. died in Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 18 Jul 1906; he was 84. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery. Occupation: Farmer.

1850 Federal Census. Middlesex Township, Yates County, New York
Roll 618, page 44A
    Asa Phelps, Jr., 27, laborer
    Mary Phelps, 25, cannot read or write
    Sally A. Phelps, 34
    Mary A. Phelps, 3
    Emma Phelps, 1
All were born in New York. Olive, 5, was living next door with her grand parents, Asa Sr. and Olive Phelps.

1855 New York Census. Middlesex, Yates County
Asa Phelps, 31, resident 31 years, farmer
    Maryette Phelps, 27, wife, resident 11 years
    Olive Phelps, 10, daughter
    Mary A. Phelps, 8, daughter
    Emmaette Phelps, 5, daugher
    Russell Phelps, 3, son
All were born in Yates County. Asa’s brother John and mother Olive lived next door.

1860 Federal Census. Jerusalem Township, Yates County, New York
Roll 885, page 646
Post Office Branchport
    Ira G. Phelps, 36, farmer, $500 real estate, $200 personal estate
    Margaret Phelps, 35, domestic, $50 personal estate
    Olive Phelps, 16, domestic
    Mary Phelps, 14
    Emerett Phelps, 12
    Russel Phelps, 9
    John Phelps, 5
All were born in Michigan.

New York Registers of Officers and Enlisted Men Mustered into Federal Service
    Asa G. Phelps, 42, b. Yates County, laborer, 15 Eng., 27 Aug 1864

1865 New York Census. Potter, Yates County
( : accessed 29 Oct 2013), Yates > Potter, E.D. 02; Dwelling 84; Family 82 > image 6 of 19.
The family lives in a frame house worth $600.
Asa G. is 42, a farm laborer, and is currently serving in the army. Mariette is 41 and owns land. Their children are Mary A. 18, Emma 16, Russel A. 13, John J. 10, Nancy V. 4, and Asa is six months. Maryette was born in Massachusetts and everyone else in Yates County.
George R. Phelps is two and some months of age and a grandchild. 
John Jones is 36 and Asa’s brother-in-law. John’s profession is “gentleman.” He is a widower and has been married twice. He is currently away in the army.
Living with them is Lousia Crouch, age 34, born in Massachusetts, a widow who has been married twice and her two sons:
William Hines age 14
John Crouch age 8
Both were born in Yates County.

Asa and Mariette moved from New York to Michigan in the late 1860s, back in Potter in 1875, and in Michigan in 1880.

1870 Federal Census. Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 682, page 524B
Post Office Grand Rapids
    Asa Phelps, 46, day laborer, $450 real estate, $300 personal este
    Mariette Phelps, 46, keeping house
    Emma Phelps, 22, domestic servant
    Russell Phelps, 18, farm laborer
    Violette Phelps, 9
    Asa Phelps, 7
    George Phelps, 5
All were born in New York. Their daugher Olive Race’s family lives next door. Apparently George was an illegitimate child of Mary Phelps brought up as a son of his grandparents.

1874 Grand Rapids City Directory
Asa G. Phelps, lumberman, res 233 Ionia Avenue
    Russell A. Phelps, teamster, bds 233 Ionia Avenue

1875 New York Census. Potter, Yates County
    Asa G. Phelps, 55, b. Yates Co., farm laborer
    Mary Ette Phelps, 52, wife, b. MA
    Asa Phelps, 10, son, b. Yates Co.
    George Riley, 12, grandson, b. Yates Co.

1880 Federal Census. Wyoming Township, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 587, page 137D
    Asee Phelps, 56, farmer, b. NY, parents b. MA
    Mary Phelps, 55, wife, keeping house, b. MA, father b. CT, mother b. Prusia
    Russel Phelps, 27, son, single, farmer, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA
    George Phelps, 15, son, labourer, b. ditto
    Asy Phelps, 14, son, b. ditto

1884 Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan Census has Asa G. working as a farmer. He is 60; Mary - 59; Russell A. - 33; Emma E. - 35; Asa - 18; and George R. is 22. Grandson Charles Lafler, 17, is also living with them Everyone is able to read and write. Russell is a well digger and Emma does housework. Asa, George and Charles are farm laborers. Asa G. has had an illness, but it is impossible to read what it was. All members of the family were born in New York. Asa G’s father was born in New York and his mother in Connecticut. Both of Maryette’s parents were born in Massachusetts.

1890 Civil War Pension -Asa applied for a pension 5 June 1890 as an invalid. He faught with K Company 15 New York Engineers. Application number 779.452, certificate number 547.828.

1894 Croton Township, Newaygo County, MI Census - Asa is 71 and Maryette is 70. She and both of her parents are listed as having been born in Massachusetts. Asa and his father are listed as having been born in New York, while his mother was born in Massachusetts. Russell A., 42, Asa G., 33, and Emma E., 45 are all single and living with their parents. Asa G. and Russell are farmers, and the younger Asa is a sawmill hand. All have lived in Michigan 27 years. Asa G. was a solder in the Civil War. Maryette has heart disease and Asa is deaf and has rhematism.

1894 Michigan State Special Census for Surviving Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, and Widows, Etc. - Asa was a Private with Company K 15th New York Engineers. He enlisted 30 August 1864 and was discharged 13 June 1865. He served seven months and 13 days. He indicates he suffers from rhumatism from the war.

1900 Federal Census, Brooks Twp, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 735, page 9A
Village of Newaygo
    Asa G. Phelps, head, b. Apr 1823, 77, m. 55 years, b. New York, parents b. New York, farmer
    Mary E. Phelps, wife, b. Sep 1824, 75, m. 55 years, 8 children, 6 living, b. Massachusetts, father b. Connecticut, mother b. New York
    Asa Phelps, son, b. Dec 1864, 35, single, b. New York, father b. New York, mother b. Massachusetts, day laborer

17 January 1901, “Local and General News,” Newaygo Republican:
Samuel Judd Post, G.A.R., installed the following officers last Saturday evening; Com., S.B. Gibe; S.V.C., Wm. J. Smith; Searg’t, S. D. Thompson; Chap., A.G. Phelps; O. D., L. Gates; Q.M., J.H. Edwards; O.G., S. Sprague; Adjt., W.H. Ostrom; Seargt. Maj., J.H. Morey; Q. M. Seargt., J. Pittwood.

19 December 1901, Newaygo Republican, “Local and General News”:

        G.A.R. Election
“The following officers were elected by Samuel Judd Post last Saturday evening.
Commander, S. D. Thompson
S. V. Com., William Smith
Jr. V. Com., John Shippy
Chaplain, A. G. Phelps
Surgeon, L. R. Meeker
O. M., J. H. Edwards
Officer of the day, John F. Morey
Officer of the guard, Geo. Rockel
Delegate to State Encampment, John Shippy
Alternate, L. R. Meeker
Adj., S. B. Gibe
Sergeant Major, John Pittwood”

Newaygo Republican, 25 December 1902, “Local and General News”:
    At the annual election of officers of Samuel Judd Post the following elective and appointed officers were chosen for the ensuing year; Commander, J. H. Edwards; S.V.C., Geo. Morse; J.V. C., L. Meeker; Adjutant, S.V. Gibe; Q. M., S. D. Thompson; Chap., A. G. Phelps; Surgeon, John Pittwood; O. D., J. H. Morey; O. G., Geo. Rockell; Sargeant, W. H. Ostrom; Q. M. Sergt. Peter Race.

THE HISTORY OF NEWAYGO COUNTY CIVIL WAR VETERENS, John Braden, Terry Wantz, compilers and editors, Published by the Newaygo County Society of History and Genealogy, July 1984, p. 70
    Asa G. Phelps was born in Yates County, NewYork, April 27, 1822 and died at his home in Brooks Township, July 18, 1906. He was married to Maryette Jones, October 1843 who passed to the beyond June 15, 1904.
    He was a veteran soldier, having enlisted in Co. K. 15th Regiment, NY Volunteers and served one year. Eight children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Phelps, of whom two sons and four daughters are living. Deceased was a member of Carter Grange and Samuel Judd Post, G.A.R. of this village. His age and regular attendance at Post meetings endeared him to his comrades, 20 of whom, nearly the full membership, attended his funeral.

14 December 1905, “G.A.R.,” Newaygo Republcan
        Samuel Judd Post G.A.R. elected the following officers at the annual meeting last Sarurday evening: Commander, J. H. Edwards; Senior Vice Commander, G. W. Morse; Junior Vice Commander, Levi Hall; Chaplain, Asa G. Phelps; Treas., S. D. Thompson; Adjutant, W. H. Ostrom; Surgeon, L. R. Meeker; Delegate to State Encampment, Peter Race; L. R. Meeker, Alternate.

Newaygo County death records state that Asa died of senile dropsy on 18 July 1906 in Brooks Township. He was a farmer, born in New York and 84 years 2 months and 21 days old. His parents were Asa G. Phelps and Olive Stebbins. Both of his parents were born in New York.

Newaygo Cemetery
Asa G Phelps, 1822-
    Mary E his wife, 1822-1904

Report of the Adjutant-General
Asa G. Phelps, 40, b. 27 Aapr 1822. Enlisted 30 Aug 1864 at Avon, NY. Private. Served New York. Enlisted in Company K, New York 15th engineer Regiment on 1 Sep 1864. Mustered out on 13 Jun 1865 at Fort Barry, VA. Died Brooks Twp., Newayo Co., MI

Medical: Asa died July 18, 1906 in Brooks Township, Newaygo County at his home. Death certificate lists "Senile Dropsy" as the cause.
Their children include:
Olive Jane Phelps (Feb 1845-30 Mar 1927)
Mary Ann Phelps (13 Mar 1847-10 Jan 1923)
Emma E. Phelps (Jun 1849-2 Oct 1913)
Russell A. Phelps (Died unmarried) (ca 1852-9 May 1930)
John J. Phelps (Died young) (ca 6 Mar 1856-18 Mar 1869)
Nancy Violette Phelps (15 Feb 1861-18 Nov 1915)
Asa Phelps (Died unmarried) (12 Dec 1864-29 Aug 1943)
(infant child) Phelps (Died soon) (17 Jan 1871-31 Jan 1871)
66066. Nancy L. Jones. Born on 6 Apr 1827 in Hancock, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Nancy L. died in West River, Italy, Yates County, New York, on 5 Dec 1909; she was 82. Buried in Pine Corners Cemetery, Middlesex.661

Nancy was listed twice in the 1892 New York Census. She was listed with her daughter Nancy Francisco’s family in Gorham and with her son Albert Anable in Italy, Yates County.

The Naples Record, 11 Feb 1910
    Mrs. Nancy L. Annable died of apoplexy at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lewis Ellick, at West River, Italy, December 5 1909, aged 82 years, 8 months. The deceased was the widow of Lucian Annable, who died September 8, 1880. She leaves to morun her loss, one son and four daughters, several grandchildren, one brother and four sisters. She jouined the F. B. church at the age of thirteen and afterwards united with the M. E. church with her husband at West Italy. She was an exempary Christian woman, always abounding in hope and prayer. Mr.s Annable was a kind neighbor always helpful in a time of need. Her remains were interred in teh Pine Corners Cemetery by the side of husband.
On 25 Sep 1845 when Nancy L. was 18, she married Lucian Bonaparte Annable, son of John Annable (9 Oct 1780-5 Aug 1829) & Mary Scidmore (28 Oct 1787-21 Mar 1871). Born on 7 Apr 1807 in Saratoga County, New York. Lucian Bonaparte died in Italy, Yates County, New York, on 8 Sep 1880; he was 73. Buried in Pine Corners Cemetery, Middlesex.

Lucian first married Martha Shepherd, second Nancy Jones.

Lucian Annable settled in 1830 on the north part of lot 1, North Survey, and after many years sold it and purchased a part of lot 3, Brother’s Survey, and a steam saw mill belonging thereto. This he again sold and purchased lands from lots 21 and 22, North Survey, where he still resides. He has been Justice of the Peace in Italy many years. History and Directory of Yates County: continaing a sketch of its original settlement by the Public Universal Friends. Vol. One, Chapter VIII, Italy; page 433.

Lucian was appointed Justice of the Peace for the town of Italy in the years 1858, 1862, 1866, and 1872.
    History of Yates County, by L.C. Aldrich, 1892

1830 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 117, page 322
Family of Lucien Annable
    1 male under 5
    1 male 5-9
    1 male 20-29 [Lucien]
    1 female under 5
    1 female 5-9
    1 female 10-14
    1 female 15-19
    1 female 20-29
    1 female 40-49 [Mary, Lucien’s mother]

1840 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 351, page 290
Family of Lucian Anibal
    1 male under 5 [Alexander]
    1 male 5-9 [William]
    1 male 30-39 [Lucien]
    1 female under 5 [Sarah]
    1 female 5-9 [Helen]
    1 female 30-39 [Martha]

1850 Federal Census. Naples, Ontario County, New York
Roll 571, page 1A
    Lucian Annibell, 43, farmer, $600 real estate
    Nancy Annibell, 23
    Helen Annibell, 18
    Alexander Annibell, 15
    Sarah Annibell, 11
    Lucian Annibell Jr, 8
    Martha Annibell, 2
    Albert Annibell, 2 months
All were born in New York except Nancy who was born in Connecticut.

1855 New York Census. Italy, Yates County
Lucian Annable, 48, b. Seneca Co., resident 2 years, farmer, owned his farm
    Nancy Annable, 28, wife, b. MA, resident 2 years
    Hellen Annable, 22, daughter [line crossed out]
    Alexander Annable, 20, son, b. Yates Co.
    Lucian Annable, 12, son, b. Yates Co.
    Martha Annable, 7, daughter, b. Yates Co.
    Albert Annable, 5, son, b. Ontario Co.
    Nancy Annable, 3, daughter, b. Yates Co.
    Mary Annable, 6 months, daughter, b. Yates Co.

1860 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 885, page 765
Post Office Italy Hill
    Lucian Annable, 53
    Nancy Annable, 33
    Martha Annable, 12
    Albert Annable, 10
    Nancy Annable, 8
    Mary Annable, 5
    Adelia Annable, 3

1870 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 1120, page 437B
Post Office Italy Hill
    Lucian Annable, 63, farmer, $2800 real estate, $500 personal estate, b. NY
    Nancy Annable, 43, keeping house, b. MA
    Martha Annable, 22, at home, b. NY
    Albert Annable, 20, at home, b. NY
    Nancy Annable, 18, at home, b. NY
    Mary Annable, 15, at home, b. NY
    Adelia Annable, 13, attending school, b. NY

1875 New York Census. Italy, Yates County
Lucian Anable, 68, b. Seneca Co., farmer
    Nancy Anable, 48, wife, b. MA
    Albert Anable, 25, son, b. Yates Co.
    Adelia Anable, 18, daughter, b. Yates Co.

1880 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 949, page 375A
    Lucian Annable, 73, no occupation, b. NY, father b. MA, mother b. NY
    Nancy Annable, 53, wife, keeping house, b. MA, father b. MA, mother b. NY
    Mary Annable, 25, daughter, domestic servant, b. NY, father b. NY, mother b. MA
Their son Albert Annable’s family is next door.

The Naples Record, 1880]
Lucian Anable, of West Italy Hill, died at his home, on Wednesday night, Sept. 8 at quite an advanced age. Mr. Anable was one of the old residents of that town, and had served many years as Justice of the Peace. He has been afflicted with asthma for some time, and occasional bleeding of the lungs, but still his death was comparatively unexpected and sudden. He will be buried to-day.

The Naples Neapolitan, Thursday, September 23, 1880
Obituary, Lucian Anable. West Italy.
Died, at his home on Wednesday evening, Sept. 8, 1880, of hemorage of the lungs, our venerable and respected citizen, Lucian Anable, Esq. His funeral was held at the M. E. church, and his remains taken to Pine Corners, Middlesex, for interment. Mr. Anable was born near Saratoga, April 7, 1807. When but a child his parents settled in the valley of Middlesex, near the Italy line; there he grew up to manhood, working on a farm and at the cooper's trade. Oct. 31, 1831, he married Martha Shepherd, who bore him seven children, of whom all are dead except two—Helen,, who married Mr. Monagal and lives in Middlesex, and Lucian who is married and lives in Kansas. On Sept. 9, 1843, his wife died. He was married again Sept. 25, 1845, to Miss Nancy Jones, by whom he had five children, all of whom are living and married except Mary, who lives at home. Mr. Anable had been an invalid for many years, caused by asthma and bleeding at the lungs. will take an abler pen and one better acquainted with his life to do justice to his memory. For many years Mr. Anable held the office of justice of the peace, and justice alike was meted out to all; "Blessed are the Peacemakers!" He always tried to make peace, and discouraged lawing. Mr. Anable was modest and unassuming, a staunch republican in principle, and had he pressed his claim he would have reached our legislature. His brain was a well-filled storehouse, from which one could draw rich and varied information; we shall miss his wise counsels. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of all, for their loss is our loss, and the God in whom he trusted alone can consolation give.

Pine Corners Cemetery, Middlesex, Yates County, New York
    Lucian Anable, b. 17 Apr 1807, d. 8 Sep 1880
    Nancy L. Jones Annable, d. 5 Dec 1909 æ. 82 y 8 m, in Italy, daugher of Jeremiah & Polly Sabin
Their children include:
Martha Annable (22 Nov 1847-15 Dec 1913)
Albert J. Anable (2 Mar 1850-29 Nov 1930)
Nancy L. Annable (9 Jan 1852-26 Dec 1932)
Mary Annable (10 Dec 1854-22 May 1922)
Adelia Anable (9 Jan 1857-17 Jul 1934)
66067. John S. Jones. Born in 1829 in Hancock, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. John S. died aft 1892.

In the 1855 census, John was listed as being born in Hancock.

In 1860 John was a farm hand living with the William and Jane Phelps family in Italy. William was John’s sister Mariette Jones’ brother-in-law.

1863 Civil Ward Draft Registrations
John Jones, 34, resident of Italy, Yates Co., NY, farmer, married, b. NY

In 1865 John was staying with his sister Marriette Phelps’s family in Potter. Census info indicates he had been married twice and was widowed. His profession of occupation is "Gentleman."

New York, Town Clerks’ Registers of Men Who Served in the civil War, ca 1861-1865. New York State Archives, Albany, New York; Town Clerks´ Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca 1861-1865; Collection Number: (N-Ar)13774; Box Number: 69; Roll Number: 37. New York, Town Clerks' Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War, ca 1861-1865 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
John Jones, born in 1829, a resident of Potter, Yates County New York enlisted as a private in Company K, 15th New York Engineers on 31 August 1863. He was a single white male who enlisted at Potter Center. He worked as a laborer and his father was Jeremiah Jones and his mother Polly Sabins. “Did fatigue duty in Front of Petersburg and acted as promus during the pursuit and capture of Lee. Discharged Elmira (New York) June 22, 1865. P.O. address Potter Center

(There was a John Jones, 45, born in Massachusetts, laborer, listed in the 1870 Green Island, Albany County, Census. He was living at a boarding house or hotel.)

In 1875 and in 1892 John was living with his brother Almeron’s family in Potter, although not in 1880.

Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery. Stone states, “Civil War Co K 15th New York Engineers.” Yates County Cemeteries and Cemetery Burials; Book Two: Italy, Middlesex, Potter and Rushville. Compiled by Frances Dumas and Sherry Conybeare. No date, no publisher, 1996. p. 36
66068. Louisa L. Jones. Born on 8 Oct 1832 in Hancock, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Louisa L. died in Potter, Yates County, New York, on 28 Aug 1914; she was 81. Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.

Louisa first married a Mr Hindes (also spelled Hinds), second Joseph Crouch as his second wife, third William Simmons, and fourth Thomas Ludlow as his second wife.

In 1865 Louisa and her two sons were living with her sister Maryette Phelps’ family in Potter.

From Ontario County Journal 11 August 1905
    Mrs. Louisa Ludlow, widow of Thomas Ludlow, late of Halls Corners, once the widow of Joseph Crouch, a soldier, and subsequently the widow of William Simmons, also a soldier, has had her pension lost by her marriage to Ludlow, restored to her under the act of March 8, 1901, and now draws $12 per month.

1910 Federal Census. Potter, Yates Co., NY
Roll 1075, page 7A
    Louisa L. Ludlow, 77, widowed, 2 children, 1 living, b. NY, parents b. NY

The Naples Record, 2 Sep 1914.
    The death of Mrs. Louisa Ludlow occurred on Friday, August 28, 1914 at her home near Potter, aged 80 years. She was found lying unconscious when some neighbors entered her home on Tuesday, and it is believed that she had been stricken with apoplexy. She leaves one son, H. Hinds, of Hall; one brother and one sister, Almarian Jones, of Potter, and Mrs. A. Wheeler of Rushville. Mrs. Ludlow was the mother of the late John J. Crouch, of this village, and before his death was a frequent visitor here.

Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter, Yates County, New York
    Louise J. Ludlow, d. 28 Aug 1914, æ. 82 years 10 months 20 days
Ca 1850 Louisa L. first married Hindes. died bef Mar 1855.

Hines seems to be a common family name in Ontario County, but doesn’t occur in Yates County.
Their children include:
William H. Hindes (Jul 1851-aft 1938)
On 25 Mar 1855 when Louisa L. was 22, she second married Joseph S. Crouch, son of Artemus Crouch (11 May 1793-9 Jan 1877) & Patty Squire (14 Oct 1793-26 Nov 1876). Born on 10 Jul 1820 in Italy, Yates County, New York. Joseph S. died in Ft. Monroe, Virginia, on 11 Dec 1863; he was 43. Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.

Joseph first married Susan Harris, second Louisa (Jones) Hindes.

1850 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 618, page 9B
    Joseph Crouch, 30, laborer, b. NY
Joseph was a laborer in the Henry & Susan Husted household.

1855 New York Census. Potter, Yates County
Joseph Crouch, 34, farming, resident 8 years
    Louisa Crouch, 23, wife, resident 20 years
    Martha Crouch, 8, child, resident 8 years
    Wm. Crouch Hinds, 3, child
All were born in Yates County.

1860 Federal Census. Middlesex, Yates County, New York
Roll 885, page 939
Post Office Middlesex
    Joseph Crouch, 40, $100 personal estate
    Louisa Crouch, 28
    William Crouch, 9
    John Crouch, 3
All were born in New York.

New York Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts
Joseph Crouch. Enlisted 11 Dec 1863 at Potter. Mustered in 11 Dec 1863, Private. Died 28 Sep 1864, Private, of chronic diarrhea in US Gen. Hospital at Fort Monroe, VA. Born as Joseph S. in Yates County, age 41, farmer. Blue eyes, dark hair, sandy complexion, 5’ 1”.

New York Town Clerk’s Registers of Men who Served in the Civil War
Joseph S. Crouch, b. 10 Jul 1820 at Italy, Yates Co., NY, son of Aretmus Crouch & Patty Squires. Residence Geneva. Enlisted 10 Oct 1861 at Potter, Yates Co., NY. 85th Infantry regiment, Company G, Private, married. Remains brought home and buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.

Crouch Joseph S. Crouch 1864 Oct 28, d. æ. 45 years 2 months 18 days, at Fort Monroe, [ Va.; Civil War: 148th NY & 85th NY

Deaths of Officers and Enlisted Men: New York, State Census, 1865," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Oct 2013), Yates > Potter, E.D. 02 > image 12 of 19. Yates County, Town of Potter.
Joseph Crouch was 44, married and enlisted October 1861 in the New York 85th as a private. He reenlisted n the 148th on 29 November 1863 for three years. He was discharged from the 85th on account of Disability. He was a private serving with the 148th when he died. Joseph died 19 January 1864 at Fortress Menasis (?) Virginia. of diarrhea while in service. He left a wife and two minor children and two dependent parents. His body was returned to Potter, New York.

Their children include:
John J. Crouch (Apr 1857-1 Feb 1908)
In Jul 1866 Louisa L. third married William M. Simmons. Born ca 1839 in Benton, Yates County, New York. William M. died in Potter, Yates County, New York on 12 Feb 1883. Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.

1850 Federal Census. Jerusalem, Yates County, New York
Roll 618, page 69A
    Elnathan Botsford, 24, farmer, $1575 real eatate
    Mary Botsford, 24
    Avestus Botsford, 3
    Miles L. Botsford, 1
    William Simmons, 11
All were born in New York.

1865 New York Census. Benton, Yates County
James Carroll, 40, b. Columbia Co., farmer
    Jane Carroll, 24, wife, b. Yates Co.
    Emma Carroll, 9, child, b. Yates Co.
    James T. Carroll, 2, child, b. Yates Co.
    William Simmons, 25, nephew, b. Yates Co., single, no occupation
William’s relative, Mary Simmons, was James Carroll’s first wife.

1870 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1120, page 580B
Post Office Rushville
    Wm. Simmons, 31, farm laborer, $150 personal estate
    Louisa Simmons, 38, keeping house
    William Hines, 19, farm laborer
    John J. Crouch, 13
All were born in New York.

1875 New York Census. Naples, Ontario County
William M. Simmons, 36, farmer
    Louisa L. Simmons, 33, wife
Both were born in Yates County. The family of Henry A. Simmons, age 37, lived next door.

1880 Federal Census. Naples, Ontario County, New York
Roll 909, page 355D
    William Simmons, 41, disabled soldier, cripled for life
    Louise L. Simmons, 48, wife, keeping house
    John J. Crouch, 23, son, single
All were born in New York as were their parents.

Naples Record, 16 Feb 1883
    Died in Naples, NY, on Monday afternoon, Feb. 12, of paralysis, Wm M Simmons, aged nearly 45 years.
    To those who knew the deceased, this is not an unexpected event. For several years the condition of this great sufferer has excited the sympathy of everyone, as he has been wheeled about the streets on pleasant days, unable to help himself, showing by his emaciated appearance that pain was doing its work. Mr Simmons was born and raised in Benton Yates county, and in 1861 enlisted and was assigned to Berdan's sharp shooters. After about a year's service, in consequence of exposure and hard marching his lower extremities were completely paralyzed, and he was soon after dicharged. Never since then has he walked. Until within three or four years ago he was accustomed to drive, by being assisted in and out of the carriage, but of late this privilege was denied him. Some eight or ten years ago he bought a farm in Hickory Bottom, and lived there for a few years, coming to town about three years since. During these years of helplessness, he has been tenderly cared for by his wife, a labor requiring great patience and self denial. His wife and one brother are the only near relatives left. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning in the Christian church. Eight of the members of the Grand Army Post of this village, of which the deceased was a member, were detailed to act as bearers, and the Post in a body attended the funeral. The services were conducted by Rev Mr Fuller, pastor, Rev Mr Stratton assisting. Mr Fuller preached an able discourse from Rev 22:5, closing with words of comfort to the friends and an exhortation to the church, which now had lost another of its members, to work while the day lasts, for soon the night cometh to us all. The burial was in Nettle Valley, in the town of Potter, in the family ground. 

Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter, Yates County, New York
    William M. Simmons, d. 12 Feb 1883
Ca 1885 Louisa L. fourth married Thomas Ludlow, son of Thomas Ludlow (11 Jan 1787-) & Eunice Ann Dodge (11 Jun 1788-31 Aug 1846). Born on 4 Dec 1827 in Seneca, Ontario County, New York. Thomas died in Seneca, Ontario County, New York, on 6 Aug 1904; he was 76. Buried in Brookside Cemetery, Geneva.

Thomas first married Lucia Albro, second Louisa (Jones) (Crouch) Simmons, widow of Joseph Crouch and William Simmons.

1880 Federal Census. Seneca, Ontario County, New York
Roll 909, page 447C
    Thomas Ludlow, 50, widowed, farm laborer
    Clinton Ludlow, 15, son, at home
    Leona Ludlow, 7, daughter, at home
    Thomas Ludlow, 62, brother, single, farm laborer
    Mary Hikey, 24, daughter, widowed, keeping house
All were born in New York as were their parents.

1900 Federal Census. Seneca, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1139, page 12B
    Thomas Ludlow, head, b. Dec 1827, 72, m. 45 years, farmer
    Louisa S. Ludlow, wife, b. Oct 1832, 67, m. 15 years, 2 children, both living
    Clinton E. Ludlow, son, b. Sep 1865, 34, single, farm laborer
All were born in New York as were their parents.

Geneva Daily Times, 6 Aug 1904
    Thomas Ludlow, a lifelong resident of this section, died at 3:30 this morning at his home a short distance east of Halls Corners, aged seventy-six years. The deceased is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mrs. Milton Richards of Geneva and Mrs. Oliver Case of Phelps; and two brothers, C. E. Ludlow of Halls Corners and Charles A. Ludlow of Glenbrook, California. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon from the house, Rev. A. B. Temple of Seneca Presbyterian Church officiating. Burial will be in Brookside cemetery.

Brookside Cemetery
    Thomas Ludlow, 1827–1904
    Alvira Albro, his wife, 1832–1879
    Clinton E. Ludlow, their son, 1865–1916
66069. Sylvia A. Jones. Born in Jan 1836 in Hancock, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. Sylvia A. died in Middlesex, Yates County, New York on 18 Apr 1913.661 Buried in Barkers Cemetery, Italy Township.

1900 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1179, page 8A
    Sylvia Weller, head, b. Jan 1836, 64, widowed, 3 children, all living
    Arthur Weller, son, 42, b. Apr 1858, single, farm laborer
Both were born in New York as were their parents.

1905 Potter Township, Yates County, New York State Census
: ED 2; Page 2; Line 16; "New York, State Census, 1905," index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 31 Oct 2013), Yates > Potter > E.D. 02 > image 1 of 11.
Silvia is 70 and a housekeeper. Arthur is 47 and a farm laborer. Both were born in the United States and are citizens.

1910 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1075, page 7B
    Sylvia A. Weller, head, 76, widowed, 3 children, all living, b. NY, father b. unknown, mother b. NY
    Arthur E. Weller, son, 52, single, b. NY, parents b. NY, farm laborer, work out

Death notice in the Ontario County Journal
    Mrs. Sylvia Weller, widow of Alonzo Weller, died 12 Apr 1913, aged 79, at Rushville.
Sylvia A. married Alonzo Weller, son of Jesse Willer (ca 1797-1870) & Anna (1798-1865). Born on 13 Oct 1836 in Middlesex, Yates County, New York. Alonzo died in Potter, Yates County, New York, on 10 Sep 1895; he was 58.661 Buried in Barkers Cemetery, Italy Township. Occupation: Farmer.

1850 Federal Census. Italy, Yates County, New York
Roll 618, page 92B
    Jesse Weller, 55, laborer
    Anna Weller, 50
    Alonzo Weller, 16
    Almeron Weller, 11
    Susan Weller, 17
All were born in New York.

1860 Federal Census. Middlesex, Yates County, New York
Roll 885, page 930
Post Office Middlesex
    Galen French, 36
    Esther A. French, 8
    Amy French, 8
    Charles M. Wheeler, 23, farmer laborer, $100 personal estate
    Alonzo Willer, 25, farm laborer
    Sylvia Willer, 24
    Arthur E. Willer, 3
All were born in New York

Report of the Adjutant-General

Fifteenth Engineers
Willer, Alonzo.—Age, 38 years. Enlisted, August 30, 1864, at Avon; mustered in as private, Co. K , September 1, 1864, to serve one year; mustered out with company, June 13, 1865, at Fort Barry, Va., as Alonzo Weller. 

New York Town Clerks’ Registers of Men who Served in the Civil War
Alonzo Weller, b. 13 Oct 1836, son of Jesse Weller, farmer, & Anna Weller, resident of Potter, Yates Co., married. Private, 15th Eng. Enlisted 31 Aug 1864 at Potter Center, mustered 11 Sep 1864, as private. DIscharged at Elmira by reason of close of war, 28 Jun 1865. Present address Potter Center.

1865 Potter Town, Yates County, New York, State Census; Dweling 50; Family 48; images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 29 Oct 2013), Yates > Potter, E.D. 02 > image 4 of 19.
The family lives in a frame house worth $20.
Alonzo A. Willer is a farmer, age 29, and was born in Yates County. He is currently serving in the army. Silva E. is 30, Alonzo’s wife, and was born in Renseler County. They have had three children and neither can read or write. Their children are Arthur E. age seven, Carrie S. age three years eight months, and Alonzo S. age nine months.

1875 New York Census. Potter, Yates County
    Alonzo Willers, 39, b. Yates Co., farm laborer
    Sylva Willers, 40, wife, b. Herkimer Co.
    Arther E. Willer, 17, son, b. Yates Co.
    Carrie S. WIllers, 13, daughter, b. Yates Co.
    Adison A. Willers, 10, son, b. Yates Co.

1880 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 949, page 506D
    Alonzo Weller, 44, farmer
    Sylva Weller, 44, wife, keeping house
    Arthur Willer, 22, son, single, day laborer
All were born in New York as were their parents.

Civil War Pension Index: Alonzo Weller served in Company K, 15th New York Engineers.
Invalid: Application 646.590 Certificate 634.351 Date of filing - 22 March 1888
Widow: Application 620.862 Certificate 416.462

1890 United States Census of Union Veterans and Widows of the Civil War,
Yates County, New York. Page 2; Family and Dwelling 96; Line 13; index and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 31 Oct 2013), New York > Yates > All > image 11 of 58.
Alonzo A. Willer served as a private in Company K, 15th New York Engineers. He enlisted 30 August 1864 and was discharged 13 June 1865, serving for nine months and 14 days. His post office was Italy, Yates County. He suffered a disability in his kidney and silver

Barkers Cemetery Burials, Italy Township661 also called Italy-Naples Cemetery
    Alonzo Weller Alonzo, [d.10 Sep 1895] Civil War: Co. K, 50th NY Engineers
    Sylvia Weller, d. 12 Apr 1913, æ 79 years, 3 months.
Daughter of Jeremiah John & Polly Sabins of Gorham Hancock [town record]

Findagrave. Created by Mark Gossoo, May 7, 2011. Find A Grave Memorial #69466469.
Alonzo Weller died September 10, 1895. A photograph of his tombstone in the Italy-Naples Cemetery shows that he served in the 15th New York Engineers during the Civil War.
A note from the Report of the Adjutant-General states that Alonzo Willer, age 38 years, enlisted August 30, 1864 to serve one year; he mustered out with his company on June 13, 1865 at Fort Berry, Virginia as Alonzo Weller.
Their children include:
Arthur E. Weller (Died unmarried) (Apr 1858-10 Mar 1928)
Addison A. Weller (Sep 1864-1927)
66070. Almeron Jones. Born in Mar 1840 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Almeron died between 15 Jul 1925 and 31 Jul 1926. Occupation: Farmer, laborer.

In 1860, Almeron was living in Potter with the family of John & Esther Phelps.

1865 New York Census. Potter, Yates County, New York State
Almeron is 25, a farm laborer, and was born in Yates County. Adelia is his wife, 22 years old and was born in Columbia County. This is the first marriage for each of them. William H. is two and Charles A. is two months old. Both sons were born in Yates County.

1870 Federal Census, Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1120, pages 581A-B
Post Office Rushville
    Almaron Jones, 30, farm laborer, $100 personal estate
    Delia N. Jones, 27, keeping house
    Wm. Hnery Jones, 7
    James E. Jones, 3
All were born in New York

1875 New York Census. Potter, Yates County
Almeron Jones, 35, b. Yates Co., farm laborer
    Delia Jones, 32, wife, b. Columbia Co.
    William U. Jones, 12, son, b. Yates Co.
    James E. Jones, 9, son, b. Yates Co.
    Walter S. Jones, 5, son, b. Yates Co.
    John Jones, 45, brother, b. Yates Co., farm laborer

1880 Federal Census, Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 949, page 506C
    Almeme Jones, 40, day laborer
    Adelia Jones, wife, 37, keeping house
    William Jones, son, 17, day laborer
    James Jones, son, 14, at school
    Walter Jones, son, 10, at school
All were born in New York as were their parents.

1892 New York Census. Potter, Yates County
Almerion Jones, 52, laborer
    Adelia Jones, 50
    William H. Jones, 29, laborer
    James E. Jones, 26
    Walter S. Jones, 22, laborer
    Sarah Ham, 75 [Adelia’s mother]
    John Jones, 62, laborer [Alimerion’s brother]

1900 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1179, page 7A
    Almeron Jones, head, b. Mar 1840, 60, married 38 years, farm laborer
    Adelia E. Jones, wife, b. Jun 1843, 56, married 38 years
    James E. Jones, son, b. Aug 1865, 34, farm laborer
All were born in New York as were their parents. Almeron’s son James lives close.

1910 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll T624_1075, page 6A
    Almeron Jones, head, 70, m1. 48 years, b. NY, parents b. RI, farm laborer, works out
    Adelia E. Jones, wife, 66, m1. 48 years, 5 children, 3 living, b. NY, parents b. NY
    James E. Jones, son, 43, single, b. NY, parents b. NY, farm laborer, works out

1920 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1281, page 1A
Stub Road
    Allmeron Jones, head, 80, farmer, farm
    James E. Jones, son, 53, labor, farm
    Lottie Jones, daughter, 32
All were born in New York as were their parents

1926 - Almeron Jones. Box 300-49. Administrator; Samuel L. Powers. Date of Letters; 15 July 1925. Volume 10, Page 14. Administrator Bond; Volume 4, Page 133. Minutes and Orders; Volume 5, Page 470. Decrees: 31 July 1926; Volume 12, Page 662. [unfortunately these volumes are not yet available on Family Search]
"New York, Probate Records, 1629-1971," images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 06 Nov 2013), Yates > Surrogate record index 1823-1926 vol 1-2 > image 486 of 659.
Ca 1862 Almeron married Adelia E. Ham, daughter of Henry Ham (ca 1818-) & Sarah (ca 1819-aft 1892). Born in Jun 1843 in Taghkanic, Columbia County, New York. Adelia E. died bef 1920.

1850 Federal Census. Taghkanic, Columbia County, New York
Roll 491, page 73B
    Henry Ham, 31, laborer
    Sally A. Ham, 30
    Mary E. Ham, 8
    Delia E. Ham, 7
    Carroll Ham, 5
    Joseph Ham, 3
All were born in New York. The family is listed on the census only a couple families away from the family of John and Margaret Race.

1855 New York Census. Jerusalem, Yates County
Henry Ham, 36, farmer
    Sarah Ham, 36, wife
    Delia E. Ham 12, child
    Carl Ham, 10, child
    Joseph Ham, 8, child
    Bradly Ham, 2, child
All were born in Columbia County.

1860 Federal Census. Jerusalem, Yates County, New York
Roll 885, page 646
Post Office Branchport
    Henry Ham, 42, farm laborer, $200 personal estate
    Salley Ham, 41, domestic
    Delia Ham, 17, domestic
    Carl Ham, 15, farm laborer
    Joseph Ham, 13
    James Ham, 7
    John Ham, 4
    Elizabeth Ham, 4
    Harriett Ham, 2 months
All were born in New York.

1880 Federal Census. Benton, Yates County, New York
Roll 949, pag 358A
    Henry Ham, 64, workd in farm
    Sallie Ham, 63, wife, keeping house
    Alice Ham, 17, daughter, at home
All were born in New York as were their parents.
Their children include:
William Henry Jones (ca 24 Mar 1864-7 Nov 1924)
James E. Jones (Died unmarried) (27 Aug 1867-23 Jan 1923)
Walter S. Jones (15 Jul 1870-aft 1940)
66071. Almeda Jones. Born in Mar 1840 in New York. Almeda died in Geneva, Ontario County, New York on 2 Sep 1920. Buried in Rushville Village Cemetery.661

Genealogical Gleanings Abstracted from the “Yates County Chronicle” edited by Dianne Stenzel, Bowie MD: Heritage Books, 1992.
    Ablert Wheeler and Almeda Jones, both of Poetter, Yates Co., were married 1 Jun 1856 by John Sayre, Esq., in Rushfille, Yates Co. (12 Jun 1856)

Civil War Widow’s Pension Record: Almedia Wheeler, widow of Albert Wheeler, applied for a pension on 15 May 1912. She lived in New York. He served Company A New York 50th Engineers and Company E 9th Michigan Cavalry. Applications No. 986.642. Certificate No. 743.591.
National Archives and Records Administration. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2000.

In 1920 Almeda was living with her daughter Nellie Ames’ family in Geneva, NY.

According to the funeral record books of M.W. Fisher of Rushville, Amelia was “born in Potter, lived in Seneca, died age 81/5/4; widowed daughter of Jerry (born in Troy, Columbia Co. [should be Rensselaer County]) and Polly Sabin (born in Gorham) Jones.”661 Gorham is the town just north of Potter in Ontario County.
On 26 May 1856 Almeda married Albert S. Wheeler (63752) , son of John M. Wheeler (58111) (12 Nov 1798-1888) & Catharina Houghtaling (11 Aug 1800-1870), in Rushville, Yates County, New York. Born on 1 Jan 1836 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Albert S. died in Gorham, Ontario County, New York, on 8 May 1912; he was 76. Buried in Rushville Village Cemetery.661

1850 Federal Census. Middlesex, Yates County, New York
Roll 618, page 34B
    John Wheeler, 50, blacksmith, $150 real estate
    Catherine Wheeler, 50
    Mahala Wheeler, 19
    Delila Wheeler, 17
    Albert Wheeler, 14
    Milton Wheeler, 12
    Amelia Wheeler, 9
    Emily Wheeler, 7
    Wesley Wheeler, 4
All were born in New York.

1855 New York Census. Middlesex, Yates County
    John M. Wheeler, 54, b. Columbia Co., blacksmith
    Catherine Wheeler, 51, wife, b. Columbia Co.
    Mahala Wood, 28, daughter, b. Columbia Co., widowed
    Albert Wheeler, 20, son, b. Yates Co., farmer
    Milton Wheeler, 18, son, b. Yates Co., farmer
    Pamelia Wheeler, 16, daughter, b. Yates Co.
    Emory Wheeler, 12, son, b. Yates Co.
    Wesley Wheeler, 9, son, b. Yates Co.
    Arnold Wood, 3, grandson, b. Yates Co.
The family were residents of Middlesex for six years.

1860 Federal Census. Wheaton, DuPage County, Illinois
Roll 175, page 196
    Albert Wheeler, 24, laborer, b. NY
    Almeda Wheeler, 20, b. IL
    Laura Wheeler, 1, b. IL

Town Clerks´ Registers of Men Who Served in the Civil War
Albert Wheeler enlisted as a private at Potter Center for three years in Company A, 50th New York Engineers on 25 November 1861 and was mustered on 17 December. He did not receive a bounty, but the town did give his family $3 in relief. Albert was born on 31 December 1836 in Yates County, New York. His parents were John M. Wheeler and Catherine Hotelling. He was married, worked as a laborer, and resided in Potter Center, Yates County when he enlisted. Albert was “discharged by reason of Surgeon’s Certificate of desibility March 17 1863. Present PO address Rushville Yates County NY

Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, 1861-1900 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. New York State Archives, Cultural Education Center, Albany, New York; New York Civil War Muster Roll Abstracts, 1861-1900; Archive Collection #:13775-83;Box #:970;Roll #:626. Page 3732.
Albert Wheeler, aged 25, enlisted in Penn Yan for three year o 30 November 1861 and mustered in on 17 December in Company A 50th Engineers. He was discharged 17 March 1862 as a Private at Camp Lesley in Washington D.C, on surg’s cert. of disability.

1870 Federal Census. Potter, Yates County, New York
Roll 1120, page 568B
Post Office Rushville, Yates Co.
    Albert Wheeler, 35, farm laborer, $200 personal estate
    Almeda Wheeler, 26, keeping house
    Laura C. Wheeler, 10
    Ida J. Wheeler, 8
    Aldelbert Wheeler, 4
    Herbert Wheeler, 11 months, b. Apr
All were born in New York.

1875 New York Census. Middlesex, Yates County
Albert Wheeler, 39, b. Yates Co., day laborer
    Almedia Wheeler, wife, 35, b. Yates Co.
    Ida J. Wheeler, daughter, 14, b. Illinois
    Adelbert Wheeler, son, 9, b. Yates Co.
    Herbert Wheeler, son, 5, b. Ontario Co.
    Anna B. Wheeler, daughter, 3, b. Yates Co.
    Nellie M. Wheeler, daughter, 1, b. Yates Co.

1880 Federal Census. Gorham, Ontario County, New York
Roll 909, page 262B
Village of Rushville
    Albert Wheeler, 44, farm laborer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Almeta Wheeler, wife, 40, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. CT
    Adelbert Wheeler, son, 13, at home, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Herbert Wheeler, daughter, 10, at school, b. ditto
    Annabell Wheeler, daughter, 8, b. ditto
    Nellie Wheeler, , daughter, 6, b. ditto
    Lyman L. Wheeler, son, 1, b. ditto
Daughter Laura Sprague’s family is listed on the same census page.

Civil War Pension: On 26 July 1891 Albert applied for a pension. Application No. 854263. Certificate No. 683.666. He lived in New York and served with Co. E 9th Michigan Cavalry and Company A. 50th New York Engineers.
National Archives and Records Administration. Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934: Operations Inc, 2000.

1892 New York Census. Middlesex, Yates County
Albert Wheeler, 57, farmer
    Almeda Wheeler, 52
    Herbert Wheeler, 22, farmer
    Anna Belle Wheeler, 22
    Nellie May Wheeler, 18
    Lyman L. Wheeler, 18

1900 Federal Census. Gorham, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1139, page 7B
    Albert Wheeler, head, b. Jan 1837, m. 44 years, farm laborer
    Elmetie Wheeler, wife, b. Mar 1842, 58, m. 44 years, 9 children, 7 living
    Nellie M. Wheeler , daughter, b. May 1874, 26, single
All were born in New York as were their parents.

1910 Federal Census. Gorham, Ontario County, New York
Roll T624_1058, page 5B
    Albert Wheeler, head, 74, m1. 52 years, b. NY, parents b. NY, laborer, farm
    Almeta Wheeler, wife, 69, m1. 52 years, 9 children, 7 living, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Frank Amer, son-in-law, 35, m2. 1 year, b. NY, parents b. PA, laborer, farm
    Nellie M. Amer, daughter, 35, m1. 1 year, no children, b. NY, parents b. NY
Their children include:
Laura C. Wheeler (19 Apr 1860-20 Feb 1931)
Ida J. Wheeler (Mar 1861-1936)
Adelbert Wheeler (Jun 1865-14 Feb 1949)
Herbert Wheeler (Jul 1870-1943)
Annabell Wheeler (Jun 1872-)
Nellie M. Wheeler (May 1874-)
Lyman L. Wheeler (7 Sep 1878-)
66072. Catherine Amelia Jones. Born in Oct 1843 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Catherine Amelia died in Richmond, Ontario County, New York on 30 Dec 1932.

1915 New York Census. Richmond, Ontario County
Catherine A. Alger, head, 71, housework
    Orlin W. Alger, son, 33, farmer

1920 Federal Census. Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1250, page 2B
Wesley Road
    Orlin W. Alger, 38, single, carpenter, house
    Katherine A. Alger, 76, widowed
Both were born in New York as were their parents.

1930 Federal Census. Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1631, page 3B
State Road
    Orlin W. Alger, head, 48, single, laborer, farm
    Catherine A. Alger, mother, 86, widowed
Both were born in New York as were their parents.
Ca 1866 Catherine Amelia married Orson Myron Alger, son of Ira Alger (14 Sep 1794-22 Jun 1868) & Aurilla Hayes (3 Jul 1789-25 Dec 1882). Born in Aug 1827 in Richmond, Ontario County, New York. Orson Myron died in Richmond, Ontario County, New York on 8 May 1910. Buried in Quayle Cemetery. Occupation: Farmer.

Orson first married Mary Herrick, second Catherine Jones.

1850 Federal Census, Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 571, page 78B
    Ira Alger, 56, farmer, $2500 real estate
    Orrilla Algar, 60
    Norman Algar, 30, farmer
    Orson Algar, 22, farmer
    Edward Algar, 18, farmer
    Wm. Towery, 12
    Lydia Ann Towery, 11
    Fanny Towery, 35
    Henry Towery, 4
All were born in New York.

1855 New York Census. Richmond, Ontario County
Orson Alger, 27, farmer
    E. Alger, 21, wife
    A. Alger, 2, child [female]
All were born in Ontario County.

1860 Federal Census, Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 832, page 791
Post office Honeoye
    Orson Alger, 32, carpenter, $225 real estate
    Mary Alger, 22
    John Alger, 1
    Agness Alger, 7
    Julia Alger, 5
All were born in New York.

1865 New York Census. Richmond, Ontario County
Orson Alger, 38, married twice, currently not married, farmer
    Agnes Alger, 12, child
    Julia Alger, 8, child
    Jonny Alger, 7, child [male]
    William Alger, 5, child
    Mary Alger, 1, child
    Catherine Jones, 23, servant, single
All were born in Ontario County. Oson and Catherine were married within a couple of years.

1870 Federal Census, Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1065, page 391B
Post Office Honeoye
    Orson M. Alger, 42, carpenter, $1000 real estate
    Catherine A. Alger, 27, keeping house
    John Alger, 11, at school
    William Alger, 9, at school
    Agnes Alger, 17, domestic
    Dora E. Alger, 3
    Ella M. Alger, 1
All were born in New York.

1875 New York Census. Richmond, Ontario County
Orson M. Alger, 47, carpenter
    C.A. Alger, 31
    Dora E. Alger, 7, wife
    Ella M. Alger, 6, child
    Ira J. Alger, 3, child
    Bertha Alger, 10 months, child
    John. O. Alger, 16, child
    Eunice O’Conner, 86, border, b. Albany County
All the Algers were born in Ontario County.

1880 Federal Census. Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 909, pages 431A-B
    Orson Alger, 52, carpenter, b. NY, father b. RI, mother b. CT
    Catharine Alger, 36, wife, keeping house, b. NY, parents’ birth states not listed
    John O. Alger, 21, son, carpenter, b. NY, parents b. NY
    William O. Alger, 19, son, farm laborer, b. ditto
    Mary E. Alger, 17, daughter, house keeping, b. ditto
    Dora E. Alger, 12, daughter, at school, b. ditto
    Ella M. Alger, 11, daughter, at school, b. ditto
    Ira J. Alger, 9, son, at school, b. ditto
    Bertha R. Alger, 6, daughter, at school, b. ditto
    Katie Alger, 3, daughter, at home, b. ditto

1892 New York Census. Richmond, Ontario County
Orson M. Alger, 65, farmer
    Caroline E. Alger, 49
    Ira J. Alger, 20
    Bertha R. Alger, 18
    Catharine M. Alger, 15
    Orlin W. Alger, 11
    Caroline Alger, 8

1900 Federal Census, Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1139, page 11A
    Orson M. Alger, head, b. Aug 1827, 72, m. 36 years, farmer
    Catherine A. Alger, wife, b. Oct 1843, 56, m. 36 years, 7 children, all living
    Orlin W. Alger, son, b. Dec 1881, 18, single, farm laborer
    C. Ada Alger, daguhter, b. Mar 1884, 16
    Ruth A. Alger, granddaughter, b. Jul 1895, 4
All were born in New York as were their parents.

1910 Federal Census, Richmond, Ontario County, New York
Roll 1058, page 1B
    Orson M. Alger, head, 82, m3. 48 years, marmer, farm
    Kathryn A. Alger, wife, 67, m1. 48 years, 7 children, all living
    Ella M. Washburn, daughter, 41, m1. 22 years, 3 children, all living , laborer, farm
    Orlin W. Alger, son, 28, single, carpenter, house
    Ada C. Alger, daughter, 26, single
All were born in New York as were their parents, except Orson’s mother was born in Connecticut.

Quayle Cemetery, South Bristol, Ontario County, New York
    Orson Alger, b. 1834, d. 10 May 1910
Their children include:
Dora E. Alger (Oct 1867-3 Jan 1949)
Ella M. Alger (20 Mar 1869-22 Sep 1949)
Ira J. Alger (ca 1872-1953)
Bertha R. Alger (1874-1960)
Katie M. Alger (ca 1877-6 Sep 1956)
Orlin William Alger (Dec 1881-1964)
Caroline Ada Alger (Mar 1884-9 Jan 1924)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.