Pane-Joyce Genealogy
61456. Asa G. Phelps. Born on 16 Apr 1784 in Cambridge, Washington County, New York.116 Asa G. was baptized in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, in 1801.651 Asa G. died in Potter, Yates County, New York, on 16 Dec 1854; he was 70.682 Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.661 Occupation: Farmer.

Asa and Olive were probably married by 1810, perhaps in Saratoga County.

By 1812 Asa and Olive were living in Saratoga County. They moved from Saratoga County to Middlesex Township, then in Ontario County, but placed in Yates County when it was formed in 1823.

1820 Federal Census. Middlesex Township, Ontario, New York Census

Roll M33_62, page 73
Family of Asa Phelps
    2 males under 10 [John & William]
    1 male 26-44 [Asa]
    1 female under 10 [Sally]
    1 female 10-15 [?]
    1 female 26-44 [Olive]
On the same census page are the families of David Stebbins (4 lines up) and John Stebbins (18 lines below).

In 1823 several towns, including Middlesex, were separated from Ontario County to form Yates County. (Ontario itself had been formed in 1789 from Montgomery County and included the current counties of Steuben, Yates, Ontairo, Wayne, and the 10 counties in New York west of them.)

Yates County Land Records Index (1823–1847)
Grantee - Grantor - Page - Book - Year
John Norcott - Lovina, Mary & Rhoda Phelps - 502 - 2 - 1827
Asa Phelps - John Hopper - 547 - 2 - 1827
Asa Phelps - John Hopper - 38 - 3 - 1827
Caleb Benton - Olver Phelps - 576 - 3 - 1828
Asa Phelps - Sarah Potter - 361 - 4 - 1829
John Norcott - David L. Phelps - 600 - 4 - 1830
Elisha Phelps - Thomas J. Brewer - 327 - 6 - 1831
David Hoes - Elisha Phelps - 328 - 6 - 1831
Elisha P. Phelps - Sarah Freer - 465 - 12 - 1837
William Culver - John Phelps - 48 - 13 - 1837
John Kniffin - Elisha P. Phelps - 300 - 13 - 1838
Vincent Phelps - William More - 441 - 13 - 1838
Daniel Dikeman - Vincent Phelps - 57 - 14 - 1838
John S. Phelps - William Hornby by atty - 266 - 14 - 1838
John S. Phelps - William Hornby by atty - 268 - 14 - 1838
Robert Chissom - Vincent Phelps - 316 - 14 - 1839
David S. Phelps - William M. Oliver - 204 - 15 - 1839
Simon Savage - Elisha P. Phelps - 362 - 16 - 1840
William L. Phelps - Samuel S. Hayt - 417 - 17 - 1842
Andrew Samoneaux - Oliver Phelps - 497 - 18 - 1843
Azariah P. Phelps - Mr. Gordon & Fellows - 28 - 20 - 1845

1830 Federal Census. Middlesex Township, Yates County, New York
Roll 117, page 330
Family of Asa Phelps
    1 male 5-9 [Asa Jr]
    2 males 15-19 [John & William]
    1 male 40-49 [Asa]
    1 female 10-14 [Sally]
    1 female 40-49 [Olive]
The family of David Stebbins is a few houses away.

1840 Federal Census. Middlesex Township, Yates County, New York
Roll 351, page 351
Family of Asa Phelps
    1 male 15-19 [Asa Jr]
    2 males 20-29 [John & William]
    1 male 50-59 [Asa]
    1 female 20-29 [Sally]
    1 female 50-59 [Olive]

1850 Federal Census. Middlesex Township, Yates County, New York
Roll 618, page 44A
    Asa Phelps Sen., 63, farmer, $3000 real estate, b. NY
    Olive Phelps, 65, b. CT
    Olive Phelps, 5, b. NY
Their son Asa Phelps, Jr., lives next door.

The Phelps Family of America116 has very little to say about Asa Phelps (#3175) and only mentions one son.
    “Asa Phelps, b. Charlton, N.Y, 16 April, 1784, m.---. Mr. Phelps settled in Charleton, Saratoga Co., N.Y. He died 16 Dec., 1854. Children, b. Charlton, N.Y.: i. Edward, b. about 1815.”
    This Asa probably did not have a son Edward, The author of the Phelps Famly was trying to fit in Dr. Oscar Samuel Phelps into the genealogy. Oscar said he was born 8 Jun 1842 at Bloxbury, Colorado, (perhaps Blocksburg, CA was meant) son of an Asa Edwards Phelps of Charlton, but that Asa Edwards was the son of Edmond Phelps, this Asa’s brother.

Land distribution records of 16 Sept. 1856, (Yates County NewYork) following Asa’s death indicate his land was given to his wife Olive and his son Asa G. and and his wife Mariette Phelps.

Asa G. Phelp’s tombstone only states that he was 50 years of age when he died 15 Dec 1854. However, if he was born in 1784, he would have been 70 years old. Yates County Cemeteries and Cemetery Burials; Book Two: Italy, Middlesex, Potter and Rushville. Compiled by frances Dumas and Sherry Conybeare. No date, no publisher, 1996. p.40.
Say 1810 Asa G. married Olive Stebbins. Born ca 30 Jun 1785 in Connecticut. Olive died in Potter, Yates County, New York on 7 Feb 1865.682 Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.661

After the death of her husband Asa, Olive lived with her son John.

On Olive Phelps' gravestone, it states "wife of Asa Phelps, Jr." She died age 79 years 7 months 8 days.

Gravestone epitaph -
    "The Great Remembrace of the just
Shall Flourish when they sleep in dust."

Medical: Olive died in 1865 of congestion of lungs.
Their children include:
John S. Phelps (ca 1812-3 Apr 1885)
William Livingston Phelps (17 Jan 1814-20 Feb 1897)
Sally A. Phelps (ca 1816-bef 1870)
Asa G. Phelps (27 Apr 1822-18 Jul 1906)
61457. John Phelps. Born on 27 Jun 1787 in Cambridge, Washington County, New York.116 John was baptized in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, in 1801.651 John died in Cortland County, New York, on 25 Apr 1860; he was 72. Buried in Phelps-Field Homestead, Taylor. Occupation: farmer.

John married Ms Cornell. They lived in Solon in western New York, children: Sally, Catharine, Cornell, and Irvin.54

1820 Federal Census. Solon, Cortland County, New York
Roll 6, page 585
Family of John Phelps
    1 male under 10 [Russell]
    1 male 26-44 [John]
    2 females under 10 [Sarah & Catherine]
    1 female 16-25 [Polly]

1830 Federal Census. Solon, Cortland County, New York
Roll 88, page 14
Family of John Phelps
    1 male under 5 [Cornell]
    1 male 5-9 [John Wells]
    1 male 15-19 [Russell]
    1 male 40-49 [John]
    1 female under 5 [Rachel]
    2 females 10-14 [Catherine & Sarah]
    1 female 30-39 [Polly]

1840 Federal Census. Cortland County, New York
Roll 275, page 34
Family of John Phelps
    1 male 5-9 [Irving]
    1 male 10-14 [Cornell]
    1 male 50-59 [John]
    1 female 10-14 [Rachel]
    1 female 15-19 [Catherine]
    1 female 20-29 [Sarah]
    1 female 50-59 [Polly]

1850 Federal Census. Taylor, Cortland County, New York
Roll M43_493, page 189B
    John Phelps, 63, farmer, $2000 real estate, b. NY
    Sally Phelps, 50, b. Canada
    Catharine Phelps, 30, b. NY
    Cornwell Phelps, 20, laborer, b. NY
    Irving Phelps, 15, b. NY
    Savina Parker, 18, b. NY
    Edward Parker, 15, laborer, b. NY
    Sophia Lovet, 16, b. NY

The Phelps-Field Homestead Cemetery is located on County Road 159
Cincinnatus, NY 13040

Cemetery inscription:: John Phelps, d. 25 Apr 1860 æ. 72 yrs. 9m. 28 da.
On 12 Nov 1812 when John was 25, he first married Polly Cornell. Born on 13 Sep 1796. Polly died in Cortland County, New York, on 20 Mar 1843; she was 46. Buried in Phelps-Field Homestead, Taylor.

Polly is said to be the daughter of Peleg Cornell.

Cemetery inscription:
Polly, wife of John Phelps, died 20 Mar 1842 æ. 46 yrs. 6 m. 7 da.
Their children include:
Russell Phelps (Died unmarried) (2 Feb 1815-17 Jan 1839)
Sarah Phelps (11 Jun 1817-)
Catherine Phelps (Died unmarried) (24 Feb 1820-13 Jul 1903)
John Wells Phelps (Died unmarried) (8 Jan 1823-25 Jan 1840)
Rachel Phelps (Died unmarried) (2 Oct 1826-18 Jun 1845)
Cornell P. Phelps (15 May 1830-23 Feb 1909)
Irving W. Phelps (22 Dec 1835-13 Sep 1912)
On 14 Sep 1844 when John was 57, he second married Sally Boyd in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, Saratoga County, New York.651 “At the house of Wm. Truax, Mr. John Phelps, of Solon, N. Y. aged 57 yrs. a farmer, to Mrs. Sally Parker of Charlton, aged -- yrs. a house keeper. Witness, John B. Packer, farmer & Lydia Ann Truax, Seamstress, of Charlton”. Born ca 1801 in Canada. Sally died on 18 Aug 1859. Buried in Phelps-Field Homestead, Taylor.

Sally first married Dewey Packer on 1 Mar 1831 at the Charlton Freehold Presbyterian Church.
61458. Sarah Phelps. Born on 18 May 1789 in Cambridge, Washington County, New York.116 Sarah was baptized in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, in 1801.651 Sarah died in Charlton, MA, on 2 May 1819; she was 29. Buried in Smith Cemetery, Charleton.652 Sarah Wheeler, wife of Platt Wheeler, 1819/05/02, 29 y.

Sarah, also known as Sally.

Sarah Wheeler, wife of Platt Wheeler was born in 1790, died 1819/05/02 at age 29 in the Smith Cemetery in Charleton, Saratoga County, New York. Info. per the 1879 C. Durkee cemetery report. Per Durkee's report she was buried in the Smith Cemetery. Town of Charlton Cemeteries compiled and annotated by Dave Bixby. This is the same cemetery where her parents, Asa and Susannah Weld are buried.
Sarah married Platt Wheeler, son of Calvin Wheeler (5 Jan 1767-9 Feb 1842) & Hannah Bennett (4 Jul 1768-29 Jan 1840). Born on 4 Jan 1787 in Weston, CT. Occupation: Farmer.

Platt Wheeler first married Sarah Phelps, second Sarah’s first cousin Sally Wicks.

From The genealogical and Encyclopedic History of the Wheeler Family in America, American College of Genealogy, 1914
    Platt Wheeler, son of Calvin and Hannah (Bennett) Wheeler. Born Jan. 4, 1787. Married (1) Sally Phelps, dau. of Asa Phelps and Susanna (Weld) Phelps. Married (2) at Charlton, N.YH., Sally Wicks, who was born at Charlton, N.Y., March 19, 1798, dau. of David Wicks and Dorothy (Weld) Wicks.
    Children, 1st marriage:
    Hannah Ann Wheeler, born March 27, 1811; m. Lewis Sears.
    Susan Wheeler, born Oct. 26, 1814; d. June, 1867; m. 1837, John Taylor. Ch: 1. John Wheeler Taylor, d. Oct. 6, 1911. 2. Clarence Linden Taylor. 3. Anna Louisa Taylor, b. 1845; d. 1872. 4. Sarah Aurelia Taylor, d. June 22, 1874.
    Chidlren, 2d marriage:
    Nancy Wheeler, born Nov. 18, 1821; d. Dec. 11, 1905; m. Jan. 3, 1853, William Abell. Ch: 1. Sarah Ann Abell, b. Nov. 30, 1856; d. Dec. 30, 1856. 2. Harriet Aurelia Abell, b. 1860; d. April 2, 1876.
    John Wheeler, born Oct. 25, 1829.

1810 Federal Census. Charlton, Saratoga County, New York
Roll 35, page 762
    Platt Wheeler
The family includes
    1 male 10-15
    1 male 26-44 [Platt]
    1 female 10-15

1840 Federal Census. Ballston, Saratoga County, New York
Roll 336, page 3
    1 male under 5
    1 male 10-14 [John]
    1 male 15-19
    1 male 20-29
    1 male 50-59 [Platt]
    1 female 15-19 [Nancy]
    1 female 20-29
    1 female 40-49 [Sally]

1850 Federal Census. Ballston, Saratoga County, New York
Roll 593, page 543A
    Plat Wheeler, 64, farmer, $1500 real estate, b. CT
    Sally Wheeler, 53, b. NY
    Nancy Wheeler, 28, b. NY
    John Wheeler, 21, b. NY

1860 Federal Census. Ballston, Saratoga County, New York
Roll 857, page 167
Post Office Burnt Hills
    Platt Wheeler, 72, carpenter, $2200 real estate, $800 personal estate, b. CT
    John Wheeler, 30, farming, b. NY
    Amanda J. Wheeler, 30, wife, b. NY
    George P. Wheeler, 10 months, b. NY
This census taker was in the habit of writing “wife” under occupation.
Their children include:
Hannah Ann Wheeler (27 Mar 1811-1 Oct 1882)
Susan Wheeler (26 Oct 1814-Jun 1867)
61459. Edmund Welds Phelps. Born on 3 May 1792 in Cambridge, Washington County, New York.116 Edmund Welds was baptized in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, in 1801.651 Edmund’s middle name was listed as Welds at baptism. Edmund Welds died in Pine Grove Township, Van Buren County, Michigan, on 3 Sep 1872; he was 80.

Edmund, sometimes called Edward, Phelps. Of the Phelps sons, he’s the only one that stayed in Saratoga County.

1820 Federal Census. Charlton, Saratoga, New York
Roll 79, page 203
Family of Edward W. Phelps.
    1 male under 10 [Asa, about 2]
    1 male 26-44 [Edmund, 28]
    1 female 16-25 [Esther, 20]
The families of Asa Phelps (Edmund’s father), Edward W. Phelps (Edmund himelf), and John Weld and Thomas Weld (Edmund’s uncles) are listed in succession in the census.

1830 Federal Census. Charlton, Saratoga, New York
Roll 108, page 122
Family of Edmund Phelps
    1 male 10-14 [Asa, about 12]
    1 male 30-39 [Edmund, 38]
    1 female 5-9 [?]
    1 female 20-29 [Esther, 30]
Edmund is listed on the same census page as his brother David.

Deed. Grantee Edmund W. Phelps, grantors David & Trephona Phelps, 1831, book T, page 290, location Charlton. Heritage Hunters, Feb/Mar 2007, vol. 15, no.1, page 7, “Saratoga County, NY Deed Books Index”.

1840 Federal Census. Charlton, Saratoga County, New York
Roll 336, page 16
Family of Edmund Phelps
    1 male 10-14 [Marcus, 10]
    1 male 40-49 [Edmund, 48]
    1 female 15-19 [?]
    1 female 30-39 [Esther, 40]
    1 female 70-79 [probably Susanna, Edmund’s mother]

1850 Federal Census. Bleeker, Fulton County, New York
Roll 506, page 137B
    E.W. Phelps, 56, carpt., $200 real estate
    Esther Phelps, 50
    Marcus Phelps, 20, laborer
    Asa Phelps 23, laborer
    Lewis H. Phelps, 8
All were born in New York. Edmund and Esther’s son Asa was living in Bleeker, too, in 1850, listed a couple of pages away in the census. The Asa Phelps listed here was some other relative of Edmund’s.

1855 New York Census. Bleeker, Fulton County
Edmund W. Phelps, 63, b. Washington Co., farmer
    Ester Phelps, wife, 56, b. Onondga Co.
    Asa E. Phelps, son, 37, b. Saratoga Co., school teacher
    Marcus H. Phelps, son, 25, b. Saratoga Co., laborer
    Mary Phelps, daughter-in-law, 19, Montgomery Co.
    Lewis H. Phelps, son, 11, b. Saratoga Co.

1860 Fedral Census. Jeffereson, Elkhart County, Indiana
Roll 256, page 185
Post Office Goshen
    Edward W. Phelps, 68, farmer, $800 real estate, $200 personal estate
    Esther Phelps, 30, keeps house
    Lewis H. Phelps, 16
All were born in New York. Edward and Esther’s son Marcus Phelps’ family is listed next door.

1870 Federal Census. Jefferson, Elkhart County, Indiana
Roll 311, page 391A
Post Office Goshen
    Edmund Phelps, 78, farmer, $2000 real estate, $200 personal estate, b. NY
    Esther Phelps, 70, keeps house, b. NY
    Luella Phelps, 6, b, IN

Michigan Deaths and Burials Index
Edward W. Phelps, 80, d. 3 Sep 1872 at Pine Grove, Van Buren County, married.
Say 1817 Edmund Welds married Esther St. John, daughter of Mark St. John (ca 1768-1834) & Phebe Barnes (2 Jul 1769-Oct 1855). Born ca 1800 in New York.

1880 Federal Census. Pine Grove Township, Van Buren County, Michigan
Roll 608, page 557B
    Esther Phelps, 79, housekeeping, b. NY, parents b. NY
Esther’s son Marcus Phelp’s family is listed on the same census page.
Their children include:
Asa E. Phelps (ca 1818-)
Marcus H. Phelps (ca 1830-5 Jan 1909)
61460. David Phelps. Born on 31 Jan 1798 in Charlton, Saratoga County, New York.116 David was baptized in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, in 1801.651 David died on 9 Mar 1885; he was 87. Buried in Indian Mound Cemetery, Moravia.

1830 Federal Census. Charlton, Saratoga, New York
Roll 108, page 122
Family of David Phelps
    1 male 30-39 [David]
    1 female under 5 [Louisa]
    2 femailes 5-9 [Sarah & Nancy]
    1 female 20-29 [Triphena]
    1 female 60-69 [probably Susanna, David’s mother]
David is listed next to his uncles Thomas and John Weld. His brother Edmund Phelps is listed a few lines above.

David and Triphena probably moved to Summerhill in 1831 when they sold their land to David’s brother Edmund.

Deed. Grantee Edmund W. Phelps, grantors David & Trephona Phelps, 1831, book T, page 290, location Charlton. Heritage Hunters, Feb/Mar 2007, vol. 15, no.1, page 7, “Saratoga County, NY Deed Books Index”.

1840 Federal Census. Summerhill, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 269, page 50
Family of David Phelps
    1 male under 5 [Horace, 7]
    1 male 40-49 [David, 42]
    2 females 10-14 [Louisa, 12 & Nancy, 16]
    1 female 20-29 [Triphena, 39]

1850 Federal Census. Summerhill, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 483, page 7B
    David Phelps, 52, farmer, $2180 real estate, b. NY
    Trifena Phelps, 49, b. VT
    Louisa Phelps, 22, b. NY
    John H. Phelps, 17, farming, b. NY

1855 New York Census. Summerhill, Cayuga County
David Phelps, 57
    Triphena Phelps, 54, wife
    Horis Phelps, 22, child

1860 Federal Census. Summerhill, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 728, page 23
Post Office Locke
    David Phelps, 62, farmer, $3200 real estate, $707 personal estate
    Triphena Phelps, 29
    Horace Phelps, 27, farmer, $100 real estate, $225 personal estate
    Caroline Phelps, 26
All were born in New York.

1870 Federal Census. Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 911, page 602A
Post Office Sempronius
    Horace Phelps, 37, farmer, $6000 real estate, $1400 personal estate, b. NY
    Caroline Phelps, 26, keeping house, b. NY
    David Phelps, 72, farmer, b. NY
    Tryphina Phelps, 69, keeping house, b. CT

1880 Federal Census. Sempronius, Cayuga County, New York
Roll 814, page 280A
    David Pheps, 82, border, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Tryphena Pheps, 80, wife, border , b. CT, parents b. CT
    Horace Pheps, 47, son, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Caroline Pheps, 46, daughter in law, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. MA

David m. 1st Ms Packer, and 2nd Ms Morgan. His children: Sarah Ann, Emeline, William, Louisa, and others.54

Cemetery inscription:
    David Phelps died Mar. 9, 1885, aged 87 yrs.
    Triphena his wife died May 31, 1885 ages 84 yrs.
David first married Freelove Packer, daughter of William Packer & Nancy. Born in 1802 in New York. Freelove died in Charlton, Saratoga County, New York on 26 Aug 1828. Buried in Smith Cemetery, Charleton.

Buried in the Smith Cemetery, there is a Parker Freelove Phelps, dau. of Wm. & Nancy, b. 1802, d. 1828/08/26, 26 years old, also her two infant children.652 The spelling of Packer and Parker were often interchanged in Saratoga County.
Their children include:
Sarah Ann Phelps (Died unmarried) (5 Feb 1822-18 Sep 1911)
Nancy Emiline Phelps (18 Sep 1823-20 Nov 1901)
Harriet Louisa Phelps (Jun 1826-10 Aug 1886)
David second married Triphena. Born ca 1801 in Vermont or Connecticut. Triphena died on 31 May 1885. Buried in Indian Mound Cemetery, Moravia.

Was Triphena’s surname Morgan?
Their children include:
Horace John Phelps (2 Nov 1832-2 Jun 1902)
61461. Rachel Phelps. Born on 22 Nov 1799 in Charlton, Saratoga County, New York.116 Rachel was baptized in Presbyterian Church, Charlton, in 1801.651 Rachel died in Charlton, Saratoga County, New York, on 24 May 1888; she was 88.683

Rachel never married. According to the Charlton Vital Records,683 she died 24 May 1888 at age 88, born in Charlton, died in West Charlton, daughter of Asa Phelps and Susanna Weld, both born in Massachusetts (her father, however, was born in Connecticut).

In 1850 Rachel was living with her cousin Edmund Weld’s family in Charlton.

In 1860 Rachel was living with chidren Irving and Catherine, son and daughter of her deceased brother John Phelps, in Taylor, Cortland County.

In 1870 and 1880 she was back in Charlton with the family of James and Sarah (Cook) Cavert. Sarah Cook was the daughter of Rachel’s first cousin Nancy (Wicks) Cook, daughter of Sarah’s aunt Dorothy (Weld) Wicks.
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.