[To find a publication by name, please use the search feature on your web browser.]
Commentary on Huxleyana from 1850-1900.
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Aberdeen Herald. Nov. 23 and Dec. 14 and 21, 1872.
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Address to the Royal Academy. Nature 35 (May 5, 1887): 14.
Address to Salters' Company. Nature (Nov. 15, 1883): 63.
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The Antiquity of Man. The Record (Sept. 10; Oct. 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 1863), 3.
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– Science Falsely So Called. A Reply. The Nineteenth Century 21 123 (May 1887): 771-74.
– A Great Lesson. The Nineteenth Century 22 (Sept. 1887): 293-309
– A Conspiracy of Silence. Nature 37 (Nov. 1887): 53-54; and 37 (Jan. 1888): 293.
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Artistic Feeling of the Lower Animals. The Spectator 2228 (March 11, 1871): 280-281.
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Balfour, Arthur J.Naturalism and Ethics. International Journal of Ethics. 4 (1894): 416-29.
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Baltimore Sun. Sept. 12 and 14, 1876.
Barry, Alfred. The Battle of Philosophers: Physical and Metaphysical. Contemporary Review 12 (1869): 232-44.
Bastian, H. C. Reply to Professor Huxley's Inaugural Address at Liverpool on the Question of the Origin of Life. Nature 2 (1870): 410-13, 431-34.
– The Modes of Origin of Lowest Organisms, Including a Discussion of the Experiments of M. Pasteur, and a Reply to Some Statements by Professors Huxley and Tyndall. London 1871.
Beale, Lionel S. What Is Protoplasm? Medical Times and Gazette 39 (1869): 296.
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Birmingham Daily Post. Oct. 7, 8, 12, 1867; Oct. 14 and 21, 1868; Oct. 10, 1871; August 3, 1874.
Blachford, Lord. Professor Huxley's Hypothesis that Animals Are Automata. The Contemporary Review 26 (Sept. 1875): 614-38.
Blake, Carter. On the Relations of Man to the Inferior Animals. Anthropological Society Review, 1863. (sel.)
– Professor Huxley on Man's Place in Nature. Edinburgh Review 177 (1863): 541-69.
Blathwayt, Raymond. The Uses of Sentiment. Pell Mell Gazette 55 (Sept., 1892): 3.
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Brewer, David J. The Threefold Unity of Life [extract from "On the Physical Basis of Life"]. The World's Best Orations, VII. St. Louis, 1900.
The British Association. Saturday Review 44 (August 1877): 196-97.
Broderick, George C., et al. Professor Huxley: some Personal Characteristics. Fortnightly Review 58 n.s.: 344 (August 1895): 308-24.
Brooks, W. K. The Lesson of the Life of Huxley. Smithsonian Institution Annual Report (1900): 701-11.
Buchanan, Robert. Are Men Born Free and Equal? [exchange of letters] Daily Telegraph 16 (Jan and Feb. 1890).
Buffalo Express. August 22, 23, 25, 1876
Burroughs, John. The Corroboration of Professor Huxley. North American Review 149 (1889): 560-68.
Bus Strike. Trades' Unionist (June 10, 1891) and Pall Mall Gazette (June 20, 1891).
Butler, Samuel. Evolution Old and New. London, 1879.
Calderwood, Henry. Professor Huxley's Lay Sermons. Contemporary Review 15 (1870): 195-207.
– Present Relations of Physical Science and Mental Philosophy. Contemporary Review 26 (1871): 225-38.
Cambridge University Reporter. March 25, 1879; April 9, May 4, June 15, Nov. 2 and 6, 1886.
Carpenter, W. B. On the Doctrine of Human Automatism. Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 397-416, 940-62.
– The Bishop of Ripon on Huxley and Science. Nature 54 (1895): 31-32.
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Chadwick, John W. Thomas Henry Huxley: A Doubter's Faith. Boston 1901.
Christianity and Agnosticism; a controversy. N. Y. 1889.
Christie, J. D. The Saturday Review and Professor Huxley. The Nonconformist 32 (n.s) (Dec. 13, 1871): 1213-1214.
– A Working Man's Reply to Professor Huxley. The Nineteenth Century (March 1890): 476-82.
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Clarke, William N. Huxley and Phillips Brooks. Oberlin, Ohio 1902
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A Devonshire Man. Professor Huxley's Last New Theory. Pall Mall Gazette 31 (January 18, 1870): 6.
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– The Gods and Titans of Metaphysics. Spectator 41 (Nov. 14, 1868): 1335-36.
– Pope Huxley. Spectator 43 (Jan. 29, 1870): 135-36.
– Professor Huxley as a Machine. Spectator 43 (April 30, 1870): 550-51.
– Professor Huxley on Denominationalism. Spectator 43 (Nov. 5, 1870), 1311-12.
– News of the Week–Academy Dinner. Spectator 44 (May 6, 1871): 531.
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– Reminiscences. London 1899.
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Mivart, St. George. Descent of Man. Quarterly Review 131 (1871).
– What Are Living Beings? Contemporary Review 35 (July 1879): 688-718.
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– Huxley as a Zoologist. Natural Science 7 (1895): 121-25.
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