[To find a publication by author or title, please use the search feature on your web browser.]
This chronological record lists articles, books, and published letters by Thomas Henry Huxley. Professor James Paradis is responsible for most of the good parts of this inventory and for no mistakes.
AnMNH | Annals and Magazine of Natural History | |
CE | Collected Essays | |
MTG | Medical Times and Gazette | |
PRI | Proceedings of the Royal Institution | |
PTRS | Philosophical Transations of the Royal Society | |
PRS | Proceedings of the Royal Society | |
PZS | Proceedings of the Zoological Society | |
QJGS | Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society | |
QJMS | Quarterly Journal of the Microscopical Society | |
SM | Scientific Memoirs |
On a Hitherto Undescribed Structure in the Human Hair Sheath. London Medical Gazette. 1 (1845): 1340; SM 1: 1-3.
Examination of the Corpuscles of the Blood of Amphioxus Lanceolatus. British Association Reports. Part ii (1847): 95; SM 1: 4-5.
On the Anatomy and the Affinities of the Medusæ. PTRS, part ii (1849): 413; SM 1: 9-32.
Description of the Animal of Trigonia, From Actual Dissection. Proceedings of the Zoological Society 17 (1849): 30-32; AnMNH 5 (1850):141-43; SM 1: 6-8.
Notes on Medusæ and Polypes. AnMNH. 6 (1850): 66-67; SM 1: 33-35.
Observations sur la circulation du sang chez les mollusques des genres Firole et Atlante (extraites d'une lettre addressee a M. Milne-Edwards). Annales de Science Naturalles 14 (1850): 193-95; SM 1: 36-37.
Observations upon the Anatomy and Physiology of Salpa and Pyrosoma. PTRS, part ii (1851): 567-94; AnMNH 9 (1852): 242-44; SM 1: 38-68.
Remarks upon Appendicularia and Doliolum, Two Genera of the Tunicata. PTRS, part ii (1851): 595-606; SM 1: 69-79.
Zoological Notes and Observations Made on Board H.M.S. Rattlesnake during the Years 1846-50. AnMNH, ser. 2. 7 (1851): 304-6, 370-74; 8 (1851): 433-42; SM 1:80-95.
Report upon the Researches of Prof. Müller into the Anatomy and Development of the Echinoderms. AnMNH, ser. 2. 8 (1851): 1-19; SM 1: 103-21.
Uber die Sexualorgane der Diphydæ und Physophoridæ. Müller's Archiv fur Anatomie, Physiologie und Wissenschaftliche Medicin. (1851): 380-84; SM 1: 122-25.
Lacinularia socialis: A Contribution to the Anatomy and Physiology of the Rotifera. Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London . (n.s.) 1 (1853): 1-19; SM 1: 126-45.
Observations on the Genus Sagitta. British Association Reports, part ii (1851): 7778; SM 1: 96-97.
An Account of Researches into the Anatomy of the Hydrostatic Acalephæ. British Association Reports, part ii (1851): 78-80; SM 1: 98-101.
Description of a New Form of Sponge-like Animal. British Association Reports, part ii (1851): 80; SM 1: 102.
Upon Animal Individuality. PRI of London 1 (1851-54): 184-89; SM 1: 46-51.
Researches into the Structure of the Ascidians. British Association Reports, part ii (1852): 76-77; SM 1: 194-96.
On the Anatomy and Development of Echinococcus veterinorum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 20 (1852): 110-26; SM 1: 197-215.
And Arthur Henfry, Richard Taylor, eds. SM. London 1853.
On the Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca as Illustrated by the Anatomy of Certain Heteropoda and Pteropoda Collected During the Voyage of H.M.S. "Rattlesnake" in 1846-50. PTRS, part i. 143 (1853): 29-66; SM ; 1: 52-93.
On the Identity of Structure of Plants and Animals. [abstract] PRI 1 (1851-54): 298-302; Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 53 (1853): 172-77; SM 1: 216-20.
Observations on the Existence of Cellulose in the Tunic of Ascidians. QJMS 1 (1853): 22-24; SM ; 1: 221-23.
On the Development of the Teeth, and on the Nature and Import of Nasmyth's "Persistent Capsule." QJMS 1 (1853): 149-64; SM 1: 224-41.
The Cell Theory. [review] British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 12 (1853): 285-314; SM 1: 242-78.
Translation: Fragments relating to Philosophical Zoology, selected from the Works of K. E. Von Baer. 'Scientific Memoirs' February and May 1853.
[Anon.] The Valuation of Evidence. The Leader, June 25, 1853, pp. 161-167.
And George Busk, translators, Kolliker, Manual of Human Histology, London 1854.
On the Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences. [An address delivered at St. Martin's Hall] (London 1854). Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 3: 38-65.
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation. Tenth Edition. [review] British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 13 (1854): 425-39; SM 5: 1-19.
On the Common Plan of Animal Forms. PRI 1 (1851-54): 444-46; SM 1: 281-83.
On the Structure and Relation of the Corpuscula Tactus (Tactile Corpuscles or Axile Corpuscles) and the Pacinian Bodies. QJMS 2 (1854): 1-7; SM 1:284-90.
On the Ultimate Structure and Relations of the Malpighian Bodies of the Spleen and of the Tonsillar Follicles. QJMS 2 (1854): 7482; SM 1: 291-99.
On the Vascular System of the Lower Annulosa. British Association Report , part ii (1854): 109; SM 1: 279-80
Professor Edward Forbes, F.R.S. [anon. Obituary] Literary Gazette (1854): 1016-18.
Science at Sea. Westminster Review 61 n. s. 5 (1854): 98-119.
[Anon] Schamyl, the Prophet-Warrior of the Caucasus. Westminster Review 61 n.s. 5 (1854): 480-519.
[Anon. reviews] Contemporary Science–Literature in Westminster Review
The Flora of New Zealand, by Joseph Hooker, etc. 61 n. s. 5 (1854): 580-95.
More Worlds than One, by Sir David Brewster, etc. 62 n. s. 6 (1854): 242-56
Siluria. The History of the Oldest Rocks Containing Organic Remains, by R. I. Murchison; etc. 61 n.s. 6 (1854), 572-80.
Contributions to the Anatomy of the Brachiopoda. PRS 7 (1854-55): 106-17, 241-42; SM 1: 325-36.
[Anon. reviews] Contemporary Science-Literature in Westminster Review:
Principles of (General and) Comparative Physiology, by W. B. Carpenter, etc. 63 n.s. 7 (1855): 239-53.
Elementary Physics, by Robert Hunt, etc. 63 n. s. 7 (1855): 551-63.
Glaucus; or, the Wonders of the Shore, by Charles Kingsley, etc. 64 n.s. 8 (1855): 240-63.
Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, by David Brewster, etc. 64 n. s. 9 (1855): 557-75.
Faraday's Experimental Researches in Electricity, etc. 65 n. s. 9 (1855), 254-71.
On Certain Zoological Arguments Commonly Adduced in Favour of the Hypothesis of the Progressive Development of Animal Life in Time. PRI 2 (1854-58): 82-85; SM 1: 300-4.
On Hermaphrodite and Fissiparous Species of Tubicolar Annelidæ (Protula Dysteri). Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 1 (1855): 113-29; SM 1: 337-50.
On the Structure of Noctiluca miliaris. QJMS 3 (1855): 49-54; SM 1: 351-56.
On the Enamel and Dentine of the Teeth. QJMS 3 (1855): 127-30; SM 1: 357-60.
Memoirs on Physalia. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 2 (1855): 3-5; Scientific Memoirs 1: 361-62.
On the Anatomy of Diphyes and on the Unity of Composition of the Diphidæ and Physophoridæ.etc. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 2 (1855): 67-69; SM 1: 363-64.
Mollusca.(Anon.) In English Cyclopedia Natural History. Ed., C. Knight, 3 (1855): 855-74.
Tegumentary Organs. In The Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology. Ed., R. B. Todd (1855-56); SM 1: 365-431.
On Natural History, as Knowledge, Discipline, and Power. PRI 2 (1854-58): 187-95; SM 1: 305-14.
On the Method of Palæontology. AnMNH 18 (1856).43-54; SM 1: 432-44.
Contemporary Science– Literature.[anon.] Westminster Review. 65 n.s. 9 (1856): 261-71.
Observations on the Structure and Affinities of Himantopterus. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 12 (1856): 34-37; SM 1: 445-48.
Further Observations on the Structure of Appendicularia Flabellum (Chamisso). QJM 4 (1856): 181-91; SM 1: 449-60.
Note on the Reproductive Organs of the Cheilostome Polyzoa. QJMS 4 (1856): 191-92; SM 1: 461-62.
Lectures on General Natural History. MTG 12 (1856): 429-32, 481-84, 507-11, 563-67, 618-28; 13 (1856): 27-30, 131-34, 157-60, 278-81, 383-86, 462-63, 537-38, 586-88, 635-38; 14 (1857): 133-35, 181-83, 255-57, 353-55, 505-08, 638-40; 15 (1857): 159-62, 186-89, 238-41, 467-71.
Owen and Rymer Jones on Comparative Anatomy. British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review 35 (1856): 1-27.
Contemporary Science– Literature. [anon.] Westminster Review 67: 279-88.
On the Present State of Knowledge as to the Structure and Functions of Nerve. PRI 2 (1854-58): 432-37; MTG 15 (1857): 1-2; SM 1: 315-20.
Description of a New Crustacean (Pygocephalus Cooperi Huxley) from the Coal-Measures. QJGS 13 (1857): 363-69; SM 1: 463-70.
On Dysteria a New Genus of Infusoria. QJMS 5 (1857): 78-82; SM 1: 471-75.
Dr. Hannover's Memoir: "Uber die Entwickelung und den Bau des Saugethierzahns." [review] QJMS 5 (1857): 166-71; SM 1: 476-81.
Letter to Mr. Tyndall on the Structure of Glacier Ice. Philosophical Magazine 14 (1857): 241-60; SM 1: 482-501.
Glaciers and Glacier Theories. [anon.] Westminster Review (n.s.) 11 (1857): 418-44.
On the Structure and Motion of Glaciers. PTRS 147 (1857): 327-46; SM 2: 1-25.
Contributions to J. V Carus, Icones Zootomicæ. Leipzig 1857.
On Cephalaspis and Pteraspis. QJGS 14 (1858): 267-80; SM 1: 502-16.
On the Phenomena of Gemmation. (abstract) PRI 2 (1854-58): 534-38; Silliman's Journal 28 (1859): 206-9; SM 1: 321-24.
Observations on the Genus Pteraspis. British Association Report, part ii (1858): 8283; SM 1: 517-21.
On a New Species of Plesiosaurus (P. Etheridgii) from Street near Glastonbury; with Remarks on the Structure of the Atlas and Axis Vertebræ and of the Cranium in that Genus. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 14 (1858): 281-94; SM 1: 522-37.
On The Theory of the Vertebrate Skull. PRS 9 (1857-59): 381-457; AnMNH 3 (1859): 414-39; SM 1: 538-606.
On the Agamic Reproduction and Morphology of Aphis. Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London 22 (1858): 193-220.221-36; SM 2: 26-80.
Glaciers and Glacier Theories. [anon.] Saturday Review 6 (1858): 58-59.
The Clouds.[anon.] Saturday Review 6 (1858): 207-8.
Chalk, Ancient and Modern. [anon.)] Saturday Review 6 (1858): 500-2.
The Oceanic Hydrozoa. London 1859. Abstracted and reviewed in Review of Natural History 7 (1860): 1-11. (sel.)
On Some Points in the Anatomy of Nautilus pompilius. Journal of the Linnaean Societ (Zoology) 3 (1859): 36-44; SM 2: 81-89.
On the Persistent Types of Animal Life. PRI 3 (1858-62): 151-53; SM 2: 90-93.
On the Stagonolepis Robertsoni (Agassiz) of the Elgin Sandstones; and on the Recently Discovered Footmarks in the Sandstones of Cummingstone. QJGS of London 15 (1859): 440-60; SM 2: 94-119.
On Some Amphibian and Reptilian Remains from South Africa and Australia. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 15 (1859): 642-49; SM 2: 120-29.
On a New Species of Dicynodon (D. Murrayi) from near Colesberg, South Africa; and on the Structure of the Skull in Dicynodonts. QJGS ; 15 (1859): 649-58; SM 2: 130-40.
On Rhamphorhynchus Bucklandi, A Pterosaurian from the Stonesfield Slate. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 15 (1859): 658-70; SM 2: 141-56.
On a Fossil Bird and a Fossil Cetacean from New Zealand. QJGS 15 (1859): 670-77; SM 2: 157-65.
On the Dermal Armour of Crocodilus Hastingsiæ. QJGS 15 (1859): 678-80; SM 2: 166-69.
British Fossils. Part l.– On the Anatomy and Affinities of the Genus Pterygotus. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Monograph 1 (1859): 1-36; SM 2: 170-202.
British Fossils. Part 2.– Description of the Species of Pterygotus by J. W. Salter, F.G.S., A.L.S.,
Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Monograph 1 (1859): 37-105; SM 2: 203-62.
On Dasyceps Bucklandi (Labyrinthodon Bucklandi Lloyd). Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom (1859): 52-56; SM 2: 263-68.
On a Fragment of a Lower Jaw of a Large Labyrinthodont from Cubbington. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom (1859): 56-57; SM 2: 269-70.
Observations on the Development of Some Parts of the Skeleton of Fishes. QJMS 7 (1859): 33-46; SM 2: 271-85.
The Government School of Mines. The Builder 22 (Jan. 1859).
The Darwinian Hypothesis. [anon.] The Times (26 Dec. 1859); CE 2: 1-21.
Time and Life: Mr. Darwin's "Origin of Species". Macmillan's Magazine 1 (1859): 142-48.
Science and Religion. The Builder 17 (Jan. 15,1859): 35-36.
Structure of Glaciers. [anon.] Saturday Review 7 (1859): 333-35.
The Theory of Glaciers. [anon.] Saturday Review 8 (1859): 80-81.
On the Dermal Armour of Jacare and Caiman, with Notes on the Specific and Generic Characters of Recent Crocodilia. Journal of the Linnaean Society (Zoology) 4 (1860): 1-28; SM 2: 286-312.
On Species and Races, and Their Origin. PRI 3 (1858-62): 195-200; AnMNH 5 (1860): 344-46; SM 2: 388-94.
On the Structure of the Mouth and Pharynx of the Scorpion. QJMS ; 8 (1860): 250-54; SM 2: 395-99.
On the Nature of the Earliest Stages of the Development of Animals. PRI 3 (1858-62): 315-17; SM ; 2: 400-2.
The Origin of Species. [anon.] Westminster Review 17 (n.s.) (1860): 541-70; CE 2: 22-79.
On the Study of Zoology. Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews (1860); reprinted as A Lobster; or, the Study of Zoology. CE 8: 196-228.
The Glaciers of the Alps.[anon.] Saturday Review 10 (1860): 81-83.
On a New Species of Macrauchenia (M. boliviensis). QJGS 17 (1861): 73-84; SM 2: 403-16.
On Pteraspis dunensis (Archæoteuthis dunensis. Roemer). QJGS 17 (1861): 163-66; SM 2: 417-20.
Preliminary Essay upon the Systematic Arrangement of the Fishes of the Devonian Epoch. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom: Figures and Descriptions Illustrative of British Organic Remains (1861); SM 2: 421-60.
Glyptolæmus Kinnairdi. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom: Figures and Descriptions Illustrative of British Organic Remains (1861): 41-46; SM 2: 461-66.
Phaneropleuron Andersoni. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom: Figures and Descriptions Illustrative of British Organic Remains (1861): 47-49; SM 2: 467-71.
On the Zoological Relations of Man with the Lower Animals. Natural History Review (n.s.) 1 (1861) 67-84; On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals. Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature; CE 7; SM 2: 471-92.
On the Brain of Ateles Paniscus. PZS of London. (1861): 247-60; SM 2: 493-508.
Man and the Apes. [letters] The Athenaeum (March 30 and Sept. 21, 1861):433, 498.
Anatomy and Development of Pyrosoma. Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London 23 (1862): 193-250; SM 2: 313-87.
On Some Fossil Remains of Man. PRI of Great Britain 3 (1858-62): 420-22; MTG 24 (1862): 159-61; Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature; SM 2: 509-11.
Geological Contemporaneity and Persistent Types of Life. In QJGS 18 (1862), 40-54, and SM 2: 512-29: The Anniversary Address to the Geological Society; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews (London, 1870); CE 8: 272-304.
On New Labyrinthodonts from the Edinburgh Coal-Field. QJGS 18 (1862): 291-96; SM 2: 530-35.
On a Stalk-Eyed Crustacean from the Carboniferous Strata near Paisley. QJGS 18 (1862): 420-22; SM 2: 536-38.
On the Premolar Teeth of Diprotodon, and on a New Species of that Genus. QJGS 18 (1862): 422-27; SM 2: 539-45.
The Brain of Man and Apes. [letter] MTG (Oct. 25, 1862): 449.
On the Methods and Results of Palæontology. MTG 24 (1862): 36.
Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. London 1863; CE 7: 1-208.
[Translations: Zeugnisse fur die stellung des menschen in der natur. Braunschweig 1863. La place de l'homme dans la nature. Paris 1868. Prove di fatto intorno al pesto che l'uomo tiene nella natura. Milano 1869. Du singe a l'homme. Paris 1910. Ching chun chih lien. Shanghai 1935. Shizenkai ni okeru ningen no chii. Tokyo 1940.]
On Our Knowledge of the Causes of the Phenomena of Organic Nature. Six Lectures to Working Men London 1863; CE 2: 303-475.
[Translation: Uber unsere kenntniss von den Ursachen der Erscheinungen in der organischen Natur. Braunschweig 1896.]
Description of a New Specimen of Glyptodon Recently Acquired by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. PRS of Londo n 12 (1862-63): 316-26; MTG ; 26 (1863): 705-7, 233-34; SM ; 2: 546-55.
Description of Anthracosaurus Russelli, a New Labyrinthodont from the Lanarkshire Coal-Field. QJGS 19 (1863): 56-68; SM 2: 558-72.
Six Lectures on Classification at the Royal College of Surgeons. MTG 26 (1863):259-62, 285-86, 311-14, 337-39, 363-65, 391-93, 417-19, 443-46, 471-72, 499-500, 527-30, 553-56, 607-10, 633-35.
Lectures on the Vertebrate Skull. MTG 26 (1863): 607-10, 633-35; 27 (1863): 1-6, 57-58, 107-10, 189-92, 371-74, 425-29, 475-78, 529-31, 57-80, 607-9, 633-36, 663-68.
Letter on the Human Remains Found in the Shell-Mounds. Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London 2 (1863): 265-66; SM 2: 556-57.
Hunterian Lectures on The Structure and Classification of the Mammalia. MTG (1864): 153-54, 177-78, 203-04, 229-30, 256-57, 284-85, 312-13, 343-44, 369-70, 398-99, 428-29, 456-57, 486-87, 509-10, 537-38, 564-65, 595-96, 617-18, 647-48, 671-72.
Professor Huxley's Lectures on "The Structure and Classification of the Mammalia." Reader 3 (1864): 266-68.
Lectures on the Elements of Comparative Anatomy. London 1864. (sel.)
Further Remarks upon the Human Remains from the Neanderthal. The Natural History Review (n.s.) 4 (1864): 429-46; SM 2: 573-90.
On the Angwantibo (Arctocebus calabarensis. Gray) of Old Calabar. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1864): 314-45; SM 2: 591-612.
On the Cetacean Fossils termed "Ziphius" by Cuvier, with a Notice of a New Species (Belemnoziphius compressus) from the Red Crag. QJGS 20 (1864): 388-96; SM 3: 1-10.
On the Structure of the Belemnitidæ; with a Description of a More Complete Specimen of "Belemnites" than Any Hitherto Known and an Account of a New Genus of Belemnitidæ "Xiphoteuthis." Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom: Figures and Descriptions Illustrative of British Organic Remains. Monograph 2 (1864); SM 3: 11-36.
An Elementary Atlas of Comparative Osteology. Huxley and Hawkins. London 1864.
Criticisms on "The Origin of Species." [anon.] Natural History Review (n.s.) 4 (1864): 56-80; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews (London 1870); CE 2: 80-106.
Hunterian Lectures on the Structure and Classification of Mammalia. [abstracts] MTG 28 (1864):153-54, 177-78, 203-04, 229-30, 256-57, 284-85, 312-13, 343-44, 369-70, 398-99, 428-29, 456-57, 486-87, 509-10, 537-38, 564-6, 595-96, 617-18, 647-48, 671-72.
Hunterian Lectures on the Structure and Classification of the Mammalia. The Reader 3 (1864): 205-6, 239-40, 266-68, 300-1, 330-31, 364-65, 493-94, 525-26.
The Negro's Place in Nature. [letter] The Reader 3 ( March 12, 1864): 334-35.
Science and "Church Policy". The Reader 4 (Dec. 31, 1864): 821.
On the Osteology of the Genus Glyptodon. PTRS of London 155 (1865): 31-70; SM 3: 37-84.
On the Structure of the Stomach in Desmodus rufus. PZS (1865): 386-90; SM 3: 85-89.
On a Collection of Vertebrate Fossils from the Panchet Rocks, Ranigunj, Bengal. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India: Palæontologia Indica. Series 4: Indian Protertiary Vertebrata. 1 (1865): 3-24; SM 3: 90-120.
On the Methods and Results of Ethnology. PRI 4 (1862-66): 461-63; Fortnightly Review 1 (1865): 257-77; CE 7: 209-52; SM 3: 121-24.
Explanatory Preface to the Catalogue of the Palæontological Collection in the Museum of Practical Geology. ed. Etheridge (London 1865); reprinted as Principles and Methods of Palæontology. Smithsonian Reports (1869): 363-88; SM 3: 125-79.
Emancipation–Black and White. The Reader 5 (1865): 561-62; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews London 1870; CE 3: 66-75.
Lessons in Elementary Physiology. London 1866. (sel.)
[Translations: Uroki elementarnoi fiziologii. St. Petersburg 1867. Dally, Eugene. tr. Lecons de physiologie elementaire. Paris 1869. Duijl, Kornelis Johannes van. Compendium der physiologie, bewerkt naar Huxley, Wundt, Ranke, Hermann en Budge. Nijmegen, 1871. Ucebnik po elementarna fiziologiia ot T.H. Hzkslei . Samokov 1892. Grundzuge der Physiologie. Hamburg 1910.]
British Fossils. Illustrations of the Structure of the Crossopterygian Ganoids. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Decade xii (1866); SM 5 (supplement): 20-67.
Notes on the Human Remains. (sel.) In Prehistoric Remains of Caithness by S. Laing. London 1866.
On the Advisableness of Improving Natural Knowledge. Fortnightly Review 3 (1866): 626-37; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 1: 18-41.
Address to St. Mary's Hospital. MTG 32 (1866): 534-37.
Letter on Jamaica Committee. Pall Mall Gazette 4 (Oct. 31.1866): 3.
To the Editor of the "Spectator." English Leader (Feb. 24.1866).
On Some Remains of Large Dinosaurian Reptiles from the Stormberg Mountains, South Africa. QJG S 23 (1867): 1-6; SM 3: 198-204.
On a New Specimen of Telerpeton Elginense. QJGS 23 (1867): 77-84; SM 3: 205-13.
On Two Widely Contrasted Forms of the Human Cranium. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 1 (1867): 60-77; SM 3: 214-30.
On Acanthopholis horridus, a New Reptile from the Chalk-Marl. Geological Magazine. 4 (1867): 65-67; SM 3: 231-34.
On the Classification of Birds; and on the Taxonomic Value of the Modifications of Certain of the Cranial Bones Observable in That Class. PZS of London (1867): 415-72; SM 3: 239-97.
A Course of Twelve Lectures on Ethnology. Royal Institution (1867). Unpublished, edited galley proof of "The Negritos." [HP 33.]
Professor Huxley's Lecture. Spectator 41 (Nov. 21, 1868): 1372
On "Saurosternon Bainii" and "Pristerodon McKayi," Two New Fossil Lacertilian Reptiles from South Africa. Geological Magazine 5 (1868): 201-05; SM 3: 298-302.
On the Animals Which Are Most Nearly Intermediate Between Birds and Reptiles. Geological Magazine 5 (1868): 357-65; AnMNH 2 (1868): 66-75; [abstract] MTG 36 (1868): 184-85; SM 3: 3-13.
On the Form of the Cranium Among the Patagonians and Fuegians, with Some Remarks upon American Crania in General. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 2 (1868): 253-71; SM 3: 314-29.
On Some Organisms Living at Great Depths in the North Atlantic Ocean. QJMS (n.s.) 8 (1868): 203-12; SM 3: 330-39.
Remarks upon Archæopteryx Lithographica. PRS 16 (1868): 243-48; SM 3: 340-45.
On the Classification and Distribution of the Alectoromorphæ and Heteromorphæ. PZS (1868): 294-319; SM 3: 346-73.
On the Physical Basis of Life. Fortnightly Review 5 (n.s.) (1868): 129-45; [summary] MTG 38 (1869): 248-49; Lay Sermons,. Addresses and Reviews London 1870; CE 1: 130-65.
A Liberal Education; and Where to Find It. Macmillan's Magazine 17 (1868): 367-78; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 3: 76-110.
On a Piece of Chalk. Macmillan's Magazine 18 (1868): 396-408; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 8: 1-36.
[Translation: Premieres notions sur les sciences (Appendix: Un morceau de craie. Paris 1880].
Letter on Classification of Birds. Ibis 4 (1868): 357-61.
Lectures on the Invertebrates at the Royal College of Surgeons. MTG 36 (1868): 151, 208, 235-36, 265-67, 292-93, 320-21, 344-45, 398-99, 450-51, 504-06, 583-85.
Speech at the Prehistoric Congress at Norwich. [summary] MTG 37 (1868): 271.
Scheme for a Museum. Letter to the Commissioners of the Manchester Natural History Society (Jan. 25, 1868).
An Introduction to the Classification of Animals. London 1869. From The Elements of Comparative Anatomy (1864). (sel.)
Editor's Preface to Henry P. Prescott's Strong Drink and Tobacco Smoke. London 1869.
On Hyperodapedon. QJGS 25 (1869): 138-52; SM 3: 374-90.
On a New Labyrinthodont from Bradford. QJGS 25 (1869): 309-11; SM 3: 391-93.
On the Upper Jaw of Megalosaurus. QJGS 25 (1869): 311- 14; SM 3: 394-96.
Geological Reform. QJGS 25 (1869): xxviii-liii - entitled "Anniversary Address of the President"; SM 3: 397-426. (revised in) Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 8: 305-39;
On the Ethnology and Archæology of India. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 1 (1869): 89-93; SM 3: 427-31.
On the Ethnology and Archæology of North America. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 1 (1869): 218-21; SM 3: 432-35.
On the Representatives of the Malleus and the Incus of the "Mammalia" in the Other "Vertebrata." PZS of London (1869): 391-407; SM 3: 436-53.
The Natural History of Creation. [review] The Academy 1 (1869): 12-14, 40-43
The Genealogy of Animals. Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 2: 107-19.
Scientific Education: Notes of an After-dinner Speech. Macmillan's Magazine 20 (1869): 177-84; CE 3: 111-33.
The Scientific Aspects of Positivism. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 5 (1869): 653-70; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews. London 1870.
Aphorisms by Goethe. Nature 1 (1869): 9-11.
Triassic Dinosauria. Nature 1 (1869-70): 23-24; SM 3: 599-600.
Professor Huxley on Political Ethnology-Forefathers and Forerunners of the English People. Pall Mall Gazette (January 1870).
Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews. London 1870.
Has a Frog a Soul and of What Nature Is That Soul, Supposing It to Exist? The Metaphysical Society. 1870.
The Views of Hume, Kant, and Whately upon the Logical Basis of the Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. The Metaphysical Society, 1870.
On Hypsilophodon Foxii, a New Dinosaurian Form from the Wealden of the Isle of Wight. QJGS ; 26 (1870): 3-12; SM 3: 454-64.
Further Evidence of the Affinity between the Dinosaurian Reptiles and Birds. QJGS 26 (1870): 12-31; SM 3: 465-86.
On the Classification of the Dinosauria with Observations on the Dinosauria of the Trias. QJGS 26 (1870): 32-50; SM 3: 487-509.
The Progress of Palæontology. QJGS 26 (1870): xxix-lxiv– entitled "Anniversary Address of the President"; SM 3: 510-50. [revised] Nature 1 (1869-70): 437-43.
Palæontology and the Doctrine of Evolution. Critiques and Addresses; CE 8: 340-88.
On the Ethnology of Britain. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 2 (1870): 382-84; SM 3: 551-53.
On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 2 (1870): 404-412; SM 3: 564-71.
On the Milk Dentition of Palæothesium magnum. Geological Magazine 7 (1870): 153-55; SM 3: 595-98.
On the Relations of Penicillium, Torula and Bacterium. QJMS (n.s.) 10 (1870): 355-62; SM 3: 601-07.
On Descartes' "Discourse Touching the Method of Using One's Reason Rightly and of Seeking Scientific Truth". Macmillan's Magazine 22 (1870): 69-80; Lay Sermons, Addresses and Reviews; CE 1: 166-98.
On Some Fixed Points in British Ethnology. Contemporary Review 14 (1870): 511 20; Critiques and Addresses; CE 7: 253-70.
The School Boards: What They Can Do, and What They May Do. Contemporary Review 16 (1870): 1-15; Critiques and Addresses; CE 3: 374-403.
On Medical Education. Critiques and Addresses; CE 3: 294-302.
On Tobacco Smoking. [summary of Huxley's comments on R. Wilkinson's "Statistics on Tobacco"] MTG 41 (1870): 377.
The Forefathers of the English People. Nature 1 (1869-70): 514-15.
The Deep-Sea Soundings and Geology. Nature 1 (1869-70): 657-58.
Speech on Vivisection. [summary] Nature 2 (1870): 466.
On the Maxilla of Megalosaurus. Philosophical Magazine 34 (1870): 385-86.
On the Pedigree of the Horse. [summary] PRI of London 6 (1870): 129.
Life in the Deep Sea. [letter] Nature 2 (July 1870): 187.
Professor Huxley on Celts and Teutons. [letter] Pall Mall Gazette (Jan. 21, 1870).
Dr. Bastian and Spontaneous Generation. [letter] Nature 2 (1870): 473.
Remarks on Mr. Gladstone. Nature 2 (1870): 414-15.
Kant's View of Space. [letter] Nature 1 (1869-70): 314 .
Rotherhithe. Leonard Huxley, ed. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 1:16-17.
Anniversary Address of the President to the Ethnological Society of London. Journal of the Ethnological Society of London (n.s.) 2 (1870): xvi-xxiv; SM 3: 554-63.
Address to the British Association at Liverpool. British Association Report (1871): 1xxiii-lxxxix; [summary] MTG 41 (1870): 344-47; Biogenesis and Abiogenesis, CE 8: 229-70; SM 3: 572-94.
School Board Address. The Times (1870).
To the Ratepayers of the Marylebone Division, flysheet
On the Formation of Coal. Contemporary Review (1871); CE 8: 137-61.
Essays Selected from Lay Sermons, .Addresses and Reviews. London 1871.
Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. London 1871. (See new version under 1881)
[Translations: Handbuch der Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Breslau 1873. Manuale dell'anatomia degli animali vertebrati. Firenze 1874. Manuale del Anatomia degli Animali Vertebrati. Firenze, 1874. Elements d'anatomie comparee des animaux vertebres. Paris 1875. Grundsuge der Anatomie der Wirbellosen Thiere. Leipzig 1878.]
On a Collection of Fossil Vertebrata, from the Jarrow Colliery, County of Kilkenny, Ireland. Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 24 (1871): 351-69 (Read 1866); SM 3: 180-97.
On Coral and Coral Reefs. Good Words 12 (1871): 104-12; Critiques and Addresses.; Coral and coral reefs. Manchester 1871.
Mr. Darwin's Critics. Contemporary Review 18 (1871): 443-76; Critiques and Addresses; CE 2: 120-86.
Administrative Nihilism. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 10 (1871): 525-43; CE 1: 251-89.
Bishop Berkeley on the Metaphysics of Sensation. Macmillan's Magazine 24 (1871): 147-60; CE ; 6: 243-87.
Address to the Royal Academy 1871. [summary] MTG 42 (1871): 517.
Prof. Huxley on Medical Education [summary] MTG 42 (1871): 692-93.
Lectures on the Elementary Physiology of Motion, Consciousness and the Senses. [summaries] MTG 43 (1871): 563, 593-94, 650-51, 714-15, 74-45, 802-3.
Professor Huxley on the Duties of the State. [summary.] Nature 4 (1871): 495-96.
Report on Spiritualism. Daily News Review (October 17, 1871).
The Royal School of Mines Times, II (April 18; 71).
British Fossils. Decade XIII, Plate X. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom (1872); SM 5: 68.
Yeast. Contemporary Review 19 (1872): 23-36; CE 8: 110-36.
Kew Gardens. Times, 3I July I187Z.
Critiques and Addresses. London 1873.
The Problems of the Deep Sea. Contemporary Review 21 (1873): 825-41; 8: 37-68.
Forbes and Tyndall. [letter] Nature 8 (1873): 64.
Notes on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and the Apes. In Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man (ed. 1874).
On the Structure of the Skull and of the Heart of Menobranchus lateralis. PZS (1874): 186-204; SM ; 4: 1-22.
Note on the Development of the Columella Auris in the Amphibia. Nature 11 (1874-75): 68-69; British Association Report s, part ii (1874): pp. 141-42; SM 4: 23-25.
On the Hypothesis that Animals are Automata, and Its History. Nature 10 (1874): 362-66; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; CE 1: 199-250.
Universities: Actual and Ideal. Nature 9 (1873-74): 337-39; Contemporary Review 23 (1874): 657-79; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; CE 3: 189-234.
Joseph Priestley. Macmillan's Magazine 30 (1874): 473-85; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; CE 3: 1-37.
Speech at Manchester. [summary] Nature 10 (1874): 455-57.
On the Recent Work of the 'Challenger' Expedition, and Its Bearing on Geological Problems. Notices of the PRI 7 (1874): 354-57; SM 4: 61-65.
Miss Jex Blake and her examiners. [letter] The Times (July 8, 1874).
Professor Huxley at Manchester. Nature, 10:455-57.
A Course of Practical Instruction in Elementary Biology . (With H. N. Martin) London 1875. (See also 1888)
[Translations: T. H. Huxley's Leitfaden fur practische biologie. mit bewilligung des verfassers in das Deutsche uabertragen. Stuttgart 1881. Cours elementaire et pratique de biologie. Paris 1884.]
On Stagonolepis Robertsoni, and on the Evolution of the Crocodilia. QJGS 31 (1875): 423-38; SM ; 4: 66-83.
Preliminary Note upon the Brain and Skull of Amphioxus Lanceolatus. PRS ; 23 (1875): 127-32; SM ; 4: 26-31.
On Some of the Results of the Expedition of H.M.S. "Challenger". Contemporary Review 25 (1875): 639-60; CE 8: 69-109.
Birds. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed. 3 (1875): 726-27.
Notes on the Invertebrata. MTG 50 (1875): 491-96, 517-19, 545-47, 571-73, 599-601, 627-29, 655-57, 695-97.
Notes from the "Challenger". Nature 12 (1875): 315-16.
On the Bearing of the Distribution of the Portio Dura upon the Morphology of the Skull. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 (1876): 348-51; SM 4: 32-34.
Anthropogenie. Academy, 7 (I875):16-18.
On the Study of Biology. South Kensington Museum (Dec. 16, 1876); American Addresses; CE 3: 262-93; SM 4: 248-64.
On the Classification of the Animal Kingdom. Journal of the Linnaean Society of London (Zoology) 12 (1876): 199-226; (Summary) Nature 11 (1874-75): 101-02; SM 4: 35-60.
The Evidence of the Miracle of the Resurrection. The Metaphysical Society, 1876.
Impressions of America. Address at Buffalo (August 25, 1876); Testimony of the Rocks. Address at Nashville (September 7, 1876) in Professor Huxley in America. New York Tribune. Extra. 36 (1876)
University Education. Address at Baltimore (September 12, 1876) in Professor Huxley in America. New York Tribune. Extra. 36 (1876). Address on University Education, CE III
Professor Huxley in America. New York Tribune. Extra. 36 (1876). Lectures on Evolution, CE 4: 46-138.
[Translation: Ho-hsu-li Tien yen lun (T. H. Huxley and Evolution). China 1901. Lectures on evolution : and Autobiography Tokyo : Kenkyusha, 1944)
Contributions to Morphology. Ichthyopsida No. 1. On Ceratodus Forsteri, with Observations on the Classification of Fishes. PZS of London (1876): 24-59; SM 4: 84-124.
On the Position of the Anterior Nasal Apertures in Lepidosiren. PZS of London (1876): 180-81; SM 4: 125-27.
On the Nature of the Craniofacial Apparatus of Petromyzon. Journal of Anatomy and Physiology 10 (1876): 412-29; SM 4: 128-44.
On the Border Territory between the Animal and the Vegetable Kingdoms. Macmillan's Magazine 33 (1876): 373-84; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; CE 8: 162-95; SM 4: 145-62.
On the Evidence as to the Origin of Existing Vertebrate Animals. Nature 13 (1876): 388-89, 410-12, 429-30, 467-69, 514-16; Nature 14 (1876): 33-34; SM 4: 163-87.
Birds. "Encyclopaedia Britannica"', Nature 13 (I876)::247
Vivisection Bill. [letter] Times (May 26, 1876).
Professor Huxley on Lord Shaftesbury. Times (26 May 1876).
Address to the Royal Academy 1876. Pall Mall Gazette (May 1, 1876): 37.
Address on University Education. Nature 14 (1876): 546-50; American Addresses; CE 3: 235-61.
Dinner to the "Challenger" Staff. Nature 14 (1876): 238-39.
[Translation: Jules Sarazin, trans. Les sciences naturelles et les problemes qu'elles font surgir. Paris 1877]
American Addresse. London 1877.
A Manual of the Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. London 1877. (sel.)
[Translations: Elements d'anatomie comparee des animaux invertebres. Paris 1877. Grundzuge der Anatomie der wirbellosen Thiere. Leipzig 1878.]
Physiography: An Introduction to the Study of Nature London 1877. (sel.)
[Translation: Lamy, Georges. tr. Physiographie: introduction a l'etude de la nature. Paris 1882.]
The Crocodilian Remains Found in the Elgin Sandstones, with Remarks on the Ichnites of Cummingstone. Memoirs of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom. Monograph 3 (1877); SM 4: 188-241.
On the Study of Biology. Nature 15 (1877): 219-24; American Naturalist 11 (1877): 210-21; SM ; 4: 248-64.
Elementary Instruction in Physiology. Nature 16 (1877): 233-34; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; > On Elementary Education in Physiology, CE 3: 294-303.
[Translation: Grundzuge der Physiologie, mit Bewilligung des Verfassers. Hamburg 1891.]
Technical Education. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 23 (1877): 48-58; CE 3: 404-26.
A Modern Symposium: Influence upon Morality of a Decline in Religious Belief. The Nineteenth Century 1 (1877): 536-39.
A Modern Symposium: The Soul and Future Life. The Nineteenth Century 2 (1877): 536-39.
The Number of Species of Insects. (Let) Nature 15 (1876-77): 275.
Hume (London. 1878); CE 6: 3-240.
[Translation: Hume. sa vie– sa philosophi. Paris 1880.]
On the Classification and the Distribution of the Crayfishes. PZS (1878): 752-88; SM 4: 275-315.
On a New Arrangement of Lenses for Dissecting Microscopes. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club 5 (1878-79): 144-45; The President's Address 1, SM 4: 316-18.
Scientific Worthies. XII.– William Harvey. Born April 1.1578. Died June 3.1658. Nature 18 (1878): 417-420.
William Harvey. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 23 (1878): 169-90; SM 4: 319-44.
Animal Kingdom. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed. 2 (1878): 49-54.
Biology. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed. 1 (1878): 679-90.
Amphibia. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed.1 (1878): 750-71. (sel.)
Evolution in Biology. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th ed. 8 (1878): 744-51; Science and Culture, and Other Essay; CE 2: 187-226.
Obituary Notices of Fellows Deceased; Karl Ernst von Baer.[anon.] PRS 27 (1878): i-v.
A catalogue of the Cambrian and Silurian fossils in the Museum of practical geology. London 1878.
Address to the Anthropological Department of the British Association, Dublin, 1878. Informal Remarks on the Conclusions of Anthropology. Nature 18 (1878): 445-48; SM 4: 265-74.
The President's Address to Quekett Microscopical Club. The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 5: 144-45 (1878-9); The President's Address 2, SM 4: 316-18.
On the Use of Historical National Names and Scientific Terms. Nature 18 (1878): 479-80.
The Crayfish: An Introduction to the Study of Zoology. London 1879. (sel.) [Entire text at http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/palmer.hp/thh/crayfish.htm]
[Translation: Der krebs. Eine einleitung in das studium der zoologie. Leipzig 1881.]
On the Characters of the Pelvis in the Mammalia, and the Conclusions Respecting the Origin of Mammals Which May Be Based on Them PRS of London 28 (1879): 395-405; SM 4: 345-56.
On Sensation and the Unity of Structure of Sensiferous Organs. The Nineteenth Century 5 (1879): 597-611; CE 6: 288-319; SM 4: 357-73.
On Certain Errors Respecting the Structure of the Heart Attributed to Aristotle. Nature 21 (1879): 1-5; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; SM 4: 380-92.
Prefatory Note> to Ernst Haeckel's Freedom in Science and Teaching. N.Y. 1879.
Report to BAAS. (August 28, 1879); Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 2: 6-7.
The President's Address to Quekett Microscopical Club. The Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club, 5: 150-55 (1878-9); SM 4: 374-79.
Introductory Science Primer. London 1880.
[Translation: Introduccion al estudio de la ciencia. Barcelona 1906.]
On the Epipubis in the Dog and Fox. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 30 (1879-80): 162-63; Nature 23 (1880): 362; SM 4: 393-94.
The Coming of Age of "The Origin of Species". Nature 22 (1880): 1-4; Science and Culture, and Other Essays; CE 2: 227-43; SM 4: 395-403.
On the Cranial and Dental Characters of the Canidæ. PZS (1880): 238-88; SM 4: 404-56.
On the Application of the Laws of Evolution to the Arrangement of the Vertebrata and more Particularly of the Mammalia. PZS of London (1880): 649-61; SM 4: 457-72.
Science and Culture. Science and Culture, and Other Essays; CE 3: 134-59.
On the Method of Zadig. The Nineteenth Century 7 (1880): 929-40; CE 4: 1-23.
The First Volume of the Publications of the "Challenger". Nature 23 (1880): 1-3.
A Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. (New version 1881). (sel.)
Science and Culture, and Other Essays (London 1881).
The Herring. Nature 23 (1880-81): 607-13; SM 4: 473-92.
Twenty First Annual Report of the Inspector of Fisheries (England and Wales) (181).
The Connection of the Biological Sciences with Medicine. Nature 24 (1881): 4246; SM 4: 493-507; CE 3:347-73.
The Rise and Progress of Palæontology. Nature 24 (1881): 452-55; Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 4: 24-45; SM 4: 508-19.
[Translation: Les problemes de la geologie et de la paleontologie. Avec une preface de l'auteur pour l'edition française. Paris 1892.]
Address to Artists' Benevolent Institution. (May 13, 1882).
A Contribution to the Pathology of the Epidemic known as the "Salmon Disease". PRS 33 (1882): 381-89; SM 4: 520-28.
On the Respiratory Organs of Apteryx. PZS (1882): 560-69; SM 4: 529-39.
On Saprolegnia in Relation to the Salmon Disease. QJMS uarterly (n.s.) 22 (1882): 311-33; SM 4: 540-62.
Charles Darwin. Nature 25 (1881-82): 597; CE 2: 244-47.
Introduction. Science Primer. N. Y. 1882.
A Glimpse through the Corridors of Time. [letter] Nature 25 (1881-82): 241.
Distribution of Awards, Normal School of Science and Royal School of Mines. Nature, 26 (1882),
Fish Diseases. International Fisheries Exhibition London 1883.
On Science and Art in Relation to Education. Nature 27 (1883): 396-98; CE 3: 160-88.
Contributions to Morphology: Ichthyopsida– No. 2. On the Oviducts of Osmerus; with Remarks on the Relations of the Teleostean with the Ganoid Fishes. PZS (1883): 132-39; SM 4: 563-71.
Oysters and the Oyster Question. English Illustrated Magazine (1883-84): 47-55.112-21; SM 4: 572-605.
Prize Distribution at the Liverpool Institute. Liverpool Mercury, 17 Feb. 1883.
President's Address, Proc. Roy. Soc., 36 (1883):60-73.
Address. Inaugural Meeting of the Fishery Congress. International Fisheries Exhibition (London 1883).
Evolution, as Illustrated by the Pearly Nautilus. Nature 28 (1883): 187-89; SM 5: 69-79.
The Rede Lecture. Nature 28 (1883): 187-89; SM 5: 70-79.
Unwritten History. Macmillan's Magazine 48 (1883): 26-41.
State Intervention in Medical Affairs. MTG 67 (1883): 428-29, 436-37.
The State and the Medical Profession. The Nineteenth Century 15 (1884): 228-38; CE 3: 323-46.
1883 Address at Finsbury Technical College. Nature (1883-84): 158.
Presidential Address to the Royal Society 1883. PRS 36 (1883-84): 60-73; Nature 29 (1883-84): 136-40.
Agnosticism: A Symposium (1884). The Agnostic Annual. London 1894.
Cock-Lane and Common Sense. [letter] Times (1884).
On Parasites in Mackerel [letter]. Nature 30 (1884): 199.
Proposed Fisheries Board. [letter] Times March 1886.
The Darwin Memorial (1885): CE 2: 248-52.
The Interpreters of Genesis and the Interpreters of Nature. The Nineteenth Century 18 (1885): 849-60; Essays on Some Controverted Questions (London 1892); CE 4: 139-63.
Presidential Address to the Royal Society. PRS 39 (1885): 278-99; Nature 33 (1885-86): 112-19.
Preface to G. B. Howes, An Atlas of Practical Elementary Biology. London 1885.
Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. The Nineteenth Century 19 (1886): 191-205; Essays on Some Controverted Questions. London 1892; CE 4: 164-200.
The Evolution of Theology: An Anthropological Study. The Nineteenth Century 19 (1886): 346-65.485-506; CE 4: 287-372.
Science and Morals. Fortnightly Review 40 (1886): 788-802; Essays on Some Controverted Questions (London 1892); CE 9: 117-46.
From Shanklin, The Nineteenth Century (1887).
Letter on Jamaica Committee. Pall Mall Gazette (Oct. 31, 1886).
Epopt and Perfect Pall Mall Gazette (October 22, 1886).
The Home-Rule Bill. Standard, 13 Apr. 1886.maica Committee. Pall Mall Gazette (Oct. 31, 1886).
English Literature and the Universities. Pall Mall Gazette, 22 Oct. 1886.
The Queen's Jubilee. Pall Mall Gazette, 13 Jan. 1887
Politics and the Presidency of the Royal Society. [anon.] Nature 37 (1887): 49-51
Palæontology at the Royal School of Mines. [letter] Nature (January 3, 1895):223
The Imperial Institute. [letter] Times 19 January; 22 Feb. 1887
The Organization of Industrial Education. Times 21 March 1887; Nature (24 March 1887): 493.
On the True Functions of the Imperial Institute. [letter] Times (March 1887). Nature 35 (1886- 87): 304-05.
Address to Royal Academy: The Connection Between Science and Art and Literature. Times (May 2, 1887); Nature 36 (May 3, 1887): 14.
On Free Libraries. Daily Chronicle 8 June 1887.
From the Hut to the Pantheon. Youth's Companion 23 June 1887, 281-2.
For Merit. Notes composed at Athenæum Club (July 7.1887). Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 2: 175-76.
Preliminary Note on the Fossil Remains of a Chelonian Reptile, Ceratochelys Sthenurus, from Lord Howe's Island, Australia. PRS of London 42 (1887): 232-38; Nature 35 (1886-87): 615-17; SM 4: 606-11.
Further Observations upon Hyperodapedon Gordoni. QJGS 43 (1887): 675-94; SM 4: 636-57.
The Progress of Science. In The Reign of Queen Victoria by T. H. Ward London 1887; Half- Century of Science. N. Y.1887; CE 1: 42-129.
>Address on Behalf of the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Education (1887). CE ; 3: 427-51.
Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific Realism. The Nineteenth Century 21 (1887): 191-205; Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 5: 59-89.
Science and Pseudo-Science. Nineteenth Century 21 (1887): 481-98; Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 5: 90-125.
An Episcopal Trilogy. The Nineteenth Century 22 (1887): 625-40 (entitled "Science and the Bishops"); Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 5:126-59.
On the Reception of the Origin of Species. In The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, by F. Darwin. 2 (London 1887): 179-204.
[Translation: L'evolution et l'origine des especes. Paris 1892.]
Memoradum of Proceedings at a Drawing-Room Meeting for the Promotion of Technical Education Held at the House of E. C. Robins on the Evening of the 5th March 1887. Under the Presidency of Professor Huxley. (London: privately printed, 1887): 39-40.
An Olive Branch from America. The Nineteenth Century 17 (1887): 620-24.
British Race Types of To-Day. [letter] Times (Oct. 12, 1887).
Bishop Wilberforce and Professor Huxley.[letter] Times 32: 244 (Nov. 29 and Dec. 1, 1887)
M.P., P.R.S. Nature, 37 (1887):49-50.
How to Become an Orator. Pall Mall Gazette 48 (Oct. 24.1888): 1-2.
The Struggle for Existence in Human Society. The Nineteenth Century 23 (1888): 16180; CE 9: 195-236.
Obituary Notices of Fellows Deceased. Charles Robert Darwin.. PRS 44 (1888): i-xxiv; CE 2: 253-302.
The Gentians: Notes and Queries. Journal of the Linnean Society 24 (1888): 101-24; SM 4: 612-35.
The Duke of Argyll's Charges against Men of Science. [letter] Nature (February 9.1888).
and H. N. Martin, A Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology, (Macmillan, 1888). (sel.)
[Translation: Les sciences naturelles et les problemes qu'elles font surgir. Paris 1889]
Science Primers. Introductory. London 1889.
Spiritualism Unmasked. [letter] Pall Mall Gazette (1 Jan. 1889).
Professor Huxley and the Spiritualists. [letter] Pall Mall Gazette (12 Jan. 1889).
Sea Fisheries. Times, 8 Jan. 1889
The Value of Witness to the Miraculous. The Nineteenth Century 24 (1889): 438-53; Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 5: 160-91.
Agnosticism. The Nineteenth Century 25 (1889): 169-94; Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 5: 209-62.
Agnosticism: A Rejoinder. The Nineteenth Century 25 (1889): 481-504; Essays on Some Controverted Questions ,; CE 5: 263-308.
Agnosticism and Christianity. The Nineteenth Century 25 (1889): 937-64; Essays on Some Controverted Questions; CE 5: 309-65.
Essays on Some Controverted Questions. London 1892); Prologue to Essays on Some Controverted Questions in CE 5: 1-58.
Prof. Huxley and M. Pasteur on Hydrophobia. Nature (July 4.1889).
Mr. Spencer on the Land Question. Times, 12 Nov. 1889.
Political Ethics. Times, 18 Nov. 1889.
The Ownership of the Land. Times 21 Nov. 1889
[Translation: Introduccion al estudio de la ciencia. N. Y. 1890.]
Are Men Born Free and Equal? [exchange of letters with Robert Buchanan] The Daily Telegraph ; (Jan. 27, 29, 30, 1890).
Autobiography in From Handel to Halle: Biographical Sketches with Autobiographies of Professor Huxley and Professor Herkomer. Ed. L. Engel (London 1890); CE 1: 1-17.
Good Writing: a gift or an art?: A gift or an art?" for symposium (1890?)
Literary Style (???) [HP 49.55] n. date
On the Natural Inequality of Men. The Nineteenth Century (Jan. 1890); CE 1:290-335.
Natural Rights and Political Rights. The Nineteenth Century (Feb. 1890); CE 1:336-82.
Capital–The Mother of Labour. The Nineteenth Century (March 1890); CE 9:147-87.
Government: Anarchy or Regimentation. The Nineteenth Century (May 1890); CE 1: 383-430.
The Keepers of the Herd of Swine. CE 5: 366-92.
The Lights of the Church and the Light of Science. The Nineteenth Century (July 1890); CE 4: 201-38.
The Aryan Question and Pre-Historic Man. The Nineteenth Century (November 1890); Collected Essays 7: 271-328.
Dr. Ward. In Wilfred Ward, Thomas Henry Huxley: A Reminiscence. The Nineteenth Century (August 1890): 274-92.
On Illusions. [letters] The Times (October 9, 1890 and October 11, 1890); Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 2: 280-281.
Letter on Medical Education. Nature 42 (August 7, 1890): 352-53.
[Translation: Les sciences naturelles et l'education. Paris, 1891.]
Letter on Agriculture. [letter] Yorkshire Herald (April 11, 1891).
On University Education. [letter] Pall Mall Gazette (Oct. 22, 1891).
Introduction to Felix Rocquain, The Revolutionary Spirit Preceding the French Revolution. London 1891.
The Bus Strike. [letter] Trade Unionist 9 (June 13, 1891); Pall Mall Gazette (June 19 and 22.1891)
Hasisadra's Adventure. The Nineteenth Century (June 1891); CE 4: 239-86.
Social Diseases and Worse Remedies. [letters] The Times; CE 9:188-334.
Darkest England Scheme: legal opinions respecting "General" Booth's Acts. CE 9:312-320.
Last Will and Testament. (October 19, 1891)
Possibilities and Impossibilities. Agnostic Annual, 1892. CE 5:192-208.
[Translations: Les problemes de la geologie et de la paleontologie and Les problemes de la biologie. Paris: Bibliotheque scientifique contemporaine, Paris 1892]
The Royal School of Mines. [letter] Times, 16 Jan. 1892.
University of London. [draft of speech. 1892] Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley 2: 329-30.
The Bible and Modern Criticism. [letters] Times (3 and 11 Feb. 1892).
On Mosaic Cosmogony. [letter] Times (Feb. 3, 1892).
Science and the State. [letter] Nature (Sept. 1 1892).
Essays upon some Controverted Questions (Macmillan, I892).
An Apologetic Irenicon. Fortnightly Review (n.s.) 52 (1892): 557-71.
Professorial University for London. Times, 7 July, 6 Dec. 1892.
To Tennyson. The Nineteenth Century (1892).
Introductory Letter to T. J. Parker, William Kitchen Parker: a Biographical Sketch (London 1893): xi-xv.
Evolution and Ethics. London 1893; CE 9: 46-116.
Evolution and Ethics: Prolegomena. CE 9:1-43.
[Translations: Soziale Essays Weimar : E. Felber, 1897. Tien yen ping lun. Kuang-chou 1924. Tien yen lun. Tai-pei shih 1964. Tien yen lun. Pei-ching 1981]
Collected Essays. London 1893-94.
[Translations: de Varigny. tr. Science et religion. Paris 1893. Allgemeine Einfuhrung in die Naturwissenschaften. Strassburg 1895. Utvecklingslara och gammaltestamentlig tradition. Stockholm 1906. Fang fa yu chieh kuo (Methods and Results). Shanghai 1934.]
[Reprinted: CE. N. Y.: Greenwood Press, 1968.]
The Sea-Serpent. [letters] The Times (Jan. 11 and 12, 1893).
Two Statements. [letter] Nature (Feb. 2, 1893).
Bible Reading. [letter] The Times (August 28, 1893).
Past and Present. Nature, 5I (I894):1-3.
Prolegomena to Evolution and Ethics. (1894); CE 9: 1-45.
Owen's Position in the History of Anatomical Science. In The Life of Richard Owen by Rev. Richard Owen. 2 (London 1894): 273-332; SM 4: 658-89.
Professor Tyndall. Contemporary Review 35 (1894): 1-11.
Mr. Balfour's Attack on Agnosticism. Part I. The Nineteenth Century 37 (1895): 527-40.
"Scientist". [letter]
Palæontology at the Royal School of Mines. [letter] Nature 51 (1895): 223.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. ed. Leonard Huxley. 2 vols. London 1900. [Reprint, Hants: Gregg International Publishers, 1969.]
The Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry Huxley. 4 vols. + supplement. ed. Michael Foster and E. Ray Lankester. London 1898-1903.
Aphorisms and Reflections, ed. Henrietta Huxley. London 1907.
T. H. Huxley's Diary of H.M.S. Rattlesnake., ed. J. S. Huxley. London 1935.
Thoughts and Doings Ed., David A. Roos, Neglected Bibliographical Aspects of the Works of Thomas Henry Huxley. J. Soc. Bibliography Natural History (1978): 8 (4): 413-19.
Agnosticism, a Fragment. Draft of agnosticism notes. Unpublished ms. [HP]
Mr. Balfour's Attack on Agnosticism II. Part II. In Houston Peterson: T. H. Huxley. Prophet of Science (Bibliography 3).
The Natural History of Christianity. Unpublished ms.[HP]
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