Pane-Joyce Genealogy
3176. Joseph Barstow. Born on 6 Jun 1639 in Dedham, MA.190 Joseph, the Son of William Barsto & [An] his wife, was borne the 6th of the 4 mo. 1639. At the age of 1, Joseph was baptized in Dedham, MA, on 25 Apr 1641.14 Joseph died in Scituate, MA, on 17 Apr 1712; he was 72.52

Joseph lived in a house thirty rods north-east of Hanover corners in Scituate. It was a garrison house in Philip’s war. The house of Daniel Sherman stood on the site in 1937.53 42

From the History of Hanover, page 18:174
    “Farther east, or 41 rods N. E. of the Corners, and opposite the residence of Joseph S. Bates, on Broadway, stood the house of Joseph Barstow, grandson of Williamn which was used as a block-house or garrison house in the Indian War of 1676. This structure was removed many years ago, but its foundation is still visible [in 1872], and the outlines of the same may be traced even from the road.
    “In March 1672, liberty was ‘graunted and allowed to Joseph Barstow to keep an ordinary at the place where he now lives, and that he be provided always with necessaries for the entertainment of travellers, and keep good order in his house, that there be no just cause of complaint against him in that behalfe.’ [Col. Rec. 3, 178.]
    “Across the North River, in Oct. 1656, William, Senr. was authorised to build a bridge, ‘above the third herring bJrook, at stoney reache, being the place where now passengers goe freqnently over; the said bridge to bee made sufficient for horse and foot; and to cleare and make a way to Hughes Cross, and to open and clear and make a way along beyand Hughes Crosse toward the bay, soe as to avoid a certain Rocky hill and swamp;- he to have £12 current countrey pay for so doing.’ [Col. Rec. 3. 107]
    “July 27. 1662, Mr. Barstow agreed with Mr. Constant Southworth, and Major Josias Winslow, in behalf of the Colony of New Plymouth, to keep in repair and maintain the bridge called Barstow’s bridge, upon the North River, in consideration of £20 in hand paid, for 20 years, to serve for transportation of passengers, horses, chattle, and all such use as they shall ordinarily put it to, and pledged for the fulfilment of this contract, the house and land in and on which he dwelt, a small tract already disposed of to his son (in law) Moses Simmons, only excepted. [Col. Rec. 4, 76.]
    “This bridge, the first built on the stream, stood above the present bridcge and the old piers, which are still visible, and which belonged to the second bridge, are probably near, if not on the spot where Mr. Barstow built.
    “In 1657, Mr. Barstow was ‘allowed by the Court tco draw and sell wine, beer, and strong waters for passengers that come and goe over the bridge he hath lately made, or others that shall have occation, unless any just exception shall come in against him.’ [Col. Rec. 3, 115] He had been previously licensed to keep an ordinary; [Ibid. 4, 126] so that we think it probable that near his bridge he had a small building as a kind of toll-house, and here his refreshments were kept.
    “About 1662, a grant of land was made to William Barstow, ‘lying westward of Cornett Studsons graunt, in reference to satisfaction for his paines &c. in the countreys business;’ [ibid. 4, 6 and 186] and the commissioners were instructed to lay out for him not less than 40, nor more than 50 acres of arable land.
    “Benjamin, Capt. Joseph, and Samuel Barstow, were the representatives of tile family in Hanover, at the date of the incorporation of the town.
    “Benjamin, who occupied his grandfather’s house, was engaged principally in ship-building, at the yard established by the family on the North River, as early as 1690, and this business is still followed by his descendants. Some of his sons moved to Rochester, and established ship-yards, yet improved by their descendants, who are among the most active and enterprising men in Mattapoisett.
    “Capt. Joseph, in connexion with Benjamin Stetson, received in 1720, a grant of two acres of land on the Indian Head River, between Pine Hill and Rocky Run, for the accommodation of a forge and flnery, and erected the forge subsequently known as Barstow's forge, but now as Sylvester’s, and which was improved by his descendants for nearly a century, or until about the year 1800.
    “Samuel Barstow resided in the Drinkwater district, and owned land in the Central and Westerly parts of the town. He was engaged principally in farming, having an estate of nearly one thousand acres, and was somewhat interested in commercial pursuits as a ship owner, and in manufactures as proprietor of a mill.”
On 16 May 1666 when Joseph was 26, he married Susanna Lincoln (7684) , daughter of Thomas “the husbandman” Lincoln (2783) (22 Dec 1622-16 Aug 1692) & Margaret Langer (2782) (ca 1620-5 Mar 1693/4), in Scituate, MA.52 Born on 16 Aug 1646 in Hingham, MA.45 Susanna died in Scituate, MA, on 31 Jan 1730; she was 83.

“Joseph Berstow was married to Susanna Linkhorne of hingham the 16 Day of May 1666.”110
Their children include:
Susanna Barstow (3 Jun 1667-16 Feb 1691/2)
Capt. Joseph Barstow (22 Jan 1675-25 Jul 1728)
Benjamin Barstow (1 Mar 1679/80-bef 1712)
Deborah Barstow (26 Dec 1681-)
Samuel Barstow (1 Jan 1683/4-23 Oct 1730)
3177. John Barstow. Born ca 1640 in Dedham, MA. John died aft 1702.296

“John was a householder in Scituate 1678. A considerable tract of land was laid out to him west of the south Meetinghouse common, extending to Jordan lane. His house was fifty rods south of the present [1831] road, and was afterward the house of John Ruggles, on the land now owned by Pickles Cushing.”53
On 16 Jan 1678 John married Lydia Hatch (15903) , daughter of William Hatch (14566) (ca 1624-ca 1702) & Susanna Annable (5943) (ca 1630-), in Scituate, MA.52 Born 7 Jan 1654/5 in Scituate, MA.52 Lydia was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 6 Jul 1656.52 Lydia died aft 1702.296
Their children include:
Job Barstow (8 Mar 1679/80-14 Sep 1764)
Jeremiah Barstow (28 Aug 1682-aft 1730)
John Barstow (15 Feb 1684-)
Jerusha Barstow (Died soon) (21 Nov 1687-18 Dec 1687)
Susanna Barstow (5 May 1689-)
Abigail Barstow (8 Mar 1691/2-)
Lydia Barstow (26 Mar 1696-)
3178. Mary Barstow. Born on 28 Dec 1641 in Dedham, MA.190 Mary, the Daughter of William & An Barstow, was borne the 28th of the 10mo. 1641. Mary was baptized in Dedham, MA, 2 Nov 1641/2.14 Mary died in Scituate, MA, on 16 Nov 1708; she was 66.

(The “Mary Bairstow” who married at Boston 14 May 1656 William Ingram may have the surname corrupted in transcription.14)
By 1664 Mary married Capt. Joseph Sylvester, son of Richard Sylvester (ca 1608-1663) & Naomi Torrey (-bef 26 Nov 1668). Born on 12 Apr 1638 in Weymouth, MA.297 Joseph died on 22 Jul 1690; he was 52.

From the History and Genealogy of the Briggs Family:42
Joseph settled north of Church Hill. In the Indian raid of 1676 his house was burned. He was a captain under Col. Benjamin Church in the Eastern Expedition in 1689. In the Phips’ Canada Expedition of 1690 he was Captain of a company in which there were 16 men from Scituate, many of whom never returned. Capt. Sylvester died in this expedition.

From A historical sketch of the town of Hanover:174
    Capt. Joseph lived where Samuel Waterman’s house stands [in 1853], in South Scituate [Norwell], near Church Hill, and improved the farm where he purchased of John Whiston, 1664. As a reward for his services in the Indian wars, a grant of land was made to him and his company, by the General Court, which was designed to have been in Maine, but which, when the line was run between the Provinces, proved to be in New Hampshire; and on a representation of these facts by Charles Turner, and others, agents for the claimants, in 1765, a new grant was made in Maine, on condition that 30 families and a minister should be settled, and a meeting-house built, within six years; and this is now known as the town of Turner, Maine.
Their children include:
Joseph Sylvester (11 Nov 1664-4 Mar 1754)
Mary Sylvester (24 Dec 1666-)
Anna Sylvester (5 May 1669-15 Aug 1742)
Naomi Sylvester (Died young) (ca 1671-)
Naomi Sylvester (5 Mar 1677/8-13 Jul 1739)
Benjamin Sylvester (11 Dec 1680-14 Mar 1760)
David Sylvester (20 Apr 1683-7 Mar 1732/3)
Amos Sylvester (15 Nov 1685-23 Oct 1753)
3179. Patience Barstow. Born on 3 Dec 1643 in Dedham, MA.190 Patience, the Daughter of William & Ann Beawstow, was borne the 3 of the 10 mo. 1643. Patience was baptized in Dedham, MA, on 9 Jun 1644.14

Patience Moses Simmons, second Samuel Baker.
By 1664 Patience first married Moses Simmons, son of Moses Simonson (ca 1605-ca 1689/1691) & Sarah (-bef 15 Dec 1691).14 Born say 1639. Moses died in Duxbury, MA 28 Mar 1675/6. Buried 20 Mar 1675/6 in Duxbury, MA.

Moses Simonson, or Simmons.
Their children include:
Moses Simmons (Died unmarried) (ca 1666-8 Feb 1697)
John Simmons (ca 1667-)
Sarah Simmons (ca 1670-24 Oct 1742)
Job Simmons (26 Sep 1671-26 Sep 1761)
Aaron Simmons (ca 1672-8 Aug 1757)
Patience Simmons (ca 1676-30 Oct 1723)
21 Feb [1677/8 Patience second married Samuel Baker in Marshfield, MA.60,14 “Samuell Baker [worn] Simmons were m[worn[] 21 of ffebruary [worn]”. Samuel died in 1699.180

Samuel first married Ellen Winslow, second Patience (Barstow) Simmons, widow of Moses Simmons.

The Marshfield vital records are very worn for the five younger children of Samuel Baker: a daughter born May 1663, a child born 1665, a child, a daughter 1669, and a child.

It’s not clear who Samuel’s father was. It wasn’t Rev. Nicholas Baker of Hingham. His son Samuel, baptized 2 Oct 1638 at Hingham, married first Fear Robinson and second Abigail Lathrop. Alexander Baker had a son Samuel born 16 Jan 1636/7 at Boston and baptized there 5 Oct 1645 “being 7 years about 9 months old”, but in Alexander’s will of 18 Feb 1684[/5] there is no mention of a son Samuel Baker. For more information about Alexander Baker and his family see Robert Anderson’s The Great Migration, 1634-1635, A-B, Vol. l.
Their children include:
Eleanor Baker (10 Apr 1679-)
Samuel Baker (16 May 1680-16 Jan 1720/1)
Josiah Baker (1 Feb 1685-)
3180. Sarah Barstow. Born ca 1645. Sarah was baptized in Hingham, MA, in Dec 1645.14 Sarah died aft 4 Nov 1717.298
Ca 1666 Sarah married Nathaniel Church (9076) , son of Richard Church (ca 1608-27 Dec 1668) & Elizabeth Warren (3080) (ca 1616-9 Mar 1669/70), in Scituate, MA.16 Born ca 1642 in Plymouth, MA.299 Nathaniel died in Scituate, MA bef 29 Oct 1689.299

“Nathaniel Church was born in Plymouth or Duxbury, and the youngest brother of Col. Benjamin the warrior. He was in Scituate 1666. His farm was laid out on the North river, south of Cornet Stetson’s, including the bald hills. His house stood near the river, opposite nearly to Job’s landing.”53

On 3 Mar 1662/3 Nathaniel Church and Elizabeth Soule were fined for committing fornication with each other. On 5 Oct 1663 Elizabeth Soule sued Nathaniel Church for committing fornication and denying to marry her. She was awarded £10.299
Their children include:
Abigail Church (15 Dec 1666-13 May 1727)
Richard Church (24 Mar 1668/9-bef 1703)
Nathaniel Church (10 Feb 1670/1-4 Mar 1755)
Alice Church (23 Aug 1679-)
Joseph Church (Mar 1681/2-10 Oct 1707)
Charles Church (Mar 1683/4-1747)
Sarah Church (31 Oct 1686-)
3181. Deborah Barstow. Born “beginning of” Aug 1650 in Scituate, MA.110 Deborah was baptized in Scituate, MA, on 18 Aug 1650.14 Deborah died in Watertown, MA on 24 Nov 1679.30
On 9 Nov 1670 Deborah married Dr. Philip Shattuck, son of William Shattuck (ca 1621-14 Aug 1672) & Susannah (-11 Dec 1686), in Watertown, MA.30 Born ca 1648 in Watertown, MA.30 Philip died in Watertown, MA on 26 Jun 1722.30

Philip first married Deborah Barstow, second Rebecca Chamberlin.

Philip, of Watertown, was repeatedly selectman, treasurer, and assessor.30
Their children include:
Deborah Shattuck (Died soon) (11 Oct 1671-19 Oct 1671)
Philip Shattuck (28 Jan 1672/3-)
Susanna Shattuck (6 Aug 1675-15 Dec 1711)
Anne Shattuck (8 Dec 1677-)
3182. William Barstow. Born in Sep 1652 in Scituate, MA.110 William was baptized in Scituate, MA, on 3 Oct 1652.14 William died in Scituate, MA on 13 Aug 1711.

William “succeeded to his father’s shipyard, and to the homestead and was succeeded in turn by his son, Benjamin Barstow, in the house and at the old shipyard near the bridge on the North River. Later he moved to the Two Oaks Yard, a little farther down the river.”42
William married Martha. Martha died in Scituate, MA on 13 Aug 1711.52

Sometimes Martha’s surname is given as Hubbard, but it’s not clear why. Perhaps it’s just a confusion of names because William Barstow’s father, also named William Barstow, had married Anna Hubbard.
Their children include:
Rebecca Barstow (12 Mar 1676-)
William Barstow (Died young) (ca 1680-bef 1684)
Anna Barstow (26 Jun 1681-20 Dec 1746)
Hannah Barstow (ca 1682-)
William Barstow (23 Nov 1684-bef 1734)
Mary Barstow (21 Feb 1687-)
Benjamin Barstow (22 Jul 1690-ca 1751)
Susannah Barstow (8 Nov 1693-)
3183. Martha Barstow. Born ca 1655 in Scituate, MA. Martha was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 22 Apr 1655.52 Martha died in Hull, MA on 18 Dec 1684.109

Samuel Prince was Martha’s step-brother as his father, John Prince, had married her mother, Anna Hubbard about four years before Samuel and Martha’s marriage.
On 9 Dec 1674 Martha married Samuel Prince Esq., son of Eld. John Prince (ca 1610-6 Aug 1676) & Alice Honor (ca 1615-1668), in Sandwich, MA.109 Born ca 1649 in Boston, MA.109 Samuel was born at Boston on Milk Street during a visit of his mother. Samuel was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 19 Aug 1649.109 Samuel died in Middleborough, MA on 3 Jul 1728.109

Samuel spent his childhood at Hull but went to sea early; later he engaged in domestic trade. With his second wife he settled in Sandwich, and the births of their ten children are recorded in Sandwich vital records (Mayflower Descendant, 29[1931]:23-24). Their oldest son, Thomas, graduated from Harvard in 1707 and was for forty years pastor of Old South Church, Boston. He wrote ‘A Chronological History of New England’ and the ‘History of the Prince Family,’ printed in the New England Weekly Journal of 15 July 1728, and preached the annual Artillery Election Sermon in 1721 (Register, 5:383). Mary, second child of Samuel and second wife Mercy, m. Rev. Peter Thacher, pastor of the church at Middleboro, and it was in their home that the parents spent their declining years. A younger son, Nathan, Harvard 1718, was for many years a fellow there, and d. at Rattan in the West Indies 25 July 1748, an Episcopal missionary (ibid.). Additional information about the children may be found in N.E.H.G.R. 5:383; Prince Family, 68-69; and Noyes-Gilman, 310.”109
Their children include:
Samuel Prince (20 Sep 1675-ca 1722)
Martha Prince (15 Mar 1677-)
Thomas Prince (15 May 1678-22 Oct 1758)
John Prince (1 Oct 1680-)
Anna Prince (Feb 1682/3-)
Nathan Prince (17 Sep 1684-)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.