Pane-Joyce Genealogy
12016. Mary Otis. Born 14 Mar 1652/3 in Hingham, MA.45 Mary was baptized on 1 May 1653.168 Mary died in Barnstable, MA on 1 Apr 1733.168
On 24 Feb 1674 Mary married Lieut. Col. John Gorham (4864) , son of Capt. John Gorham (ca 1620-5 Feb 1677) & Desire Howland (1906) (ca 1624-13 Oct 1683), in Barnstable, MA.170 Born 20 Feb 1651/2 in Marshfield, MA.62 John died in Barnstable, MA on 11 Nov 1716.170 Buried in Cobb's Hill Cemetery, Barnstable.

John Gorham, or Gowin, of Barnstable. He commanded most of the expeditions of the ‘Whaleboat fleet’ which was of such material assistance in the French and Indian War from 1689-1704, and made a brilliant record as a soldier. John and Mary had five sons and four daughters.168
Their children include:
John Gorham (Died young) (18 Jan 1675-1 Apr 1679)
Temperance Gorham (2 Aug 1678-3 Dec 1768)
Mary Gorham (18 Sep 1680-23 Oct 1748)
Stephen Gorham (23 Jun 1683-1743)
Shubael Gorham (2 Sep 1686-20 feb 1744/5)
John Gorham (28 Sep 1688-1 Apr 1769)
Thankful Gorham (15 Sep 1690-20 Jan 1759)
Job Gorham (30 Aug 1692-1762)
Mercy Gorham (1 Dec 1695-11 Apr 1782)
12017. James Otis. Born in 1655 in Hingham, MA.45 James died in Hingham, MA bef 1663.
12018. Hon. John Otis. Born on 21 Sep 1657 in Hingham, MA.168 John died in Barnstable, MA, on 23 Sep 1727; he was 70.168

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    John settled at Barnstable, and his talents soon made him one of the most respected individuals in the country. He was employed in a variety of trusts, which he discharged with fidelity and skill. In June 1689, at the session of the General Court at Plymouth, he was admitted as a Freeman. For twenty years he was Representative to the General Court; for 13 years Chief Justice in the Court of Common Pleas and first Judge of Probate; and was commander of the militia of the county for 18 years. In 1706 he was chosen one of his Majesty’s Council, and continued to sit at that board for 21 years until his death in 1727. This was a combination of offices and a union of legislative and judicial powers, ometimes allowed in the same individual in the early stages of our settlements. The successful discharge of such varied employments is an evidence of his capacity and integrity, which, joined to his wit and affability, secured him great influence. Such was his sagacity and prudence that he often composed differences both in church and state. He had fine talents for conversatoini; his pleasantness and affability made him agreeable; his wit and humor often enlivened the company which he improved by his wisdom. He was strict and exemplary in the performance of religious duties, ans was remarkable for his humility and modest worth among Christians, as for his intellectual powers and active services among his fellow men.

John was left in possession of the estate in Barnstable where he moved in 1686 when his father returned to Scituate.42
On 18 Jul 1683 when John was 25, he married Mercy Bacon, daughter of Hon. Nathaniel Bacon (12 Apr 1613-31 Dec 1691) & Hannah Mayo (ca 1622-aft 1691).168 Born on 8 Jan 1659 in Barnstable, MA.62

Mercy, or Grace (as given in the Gen. Reg. Vol II, no. 3, p. 255), of Barnstable.

According to the Barnstable Vital Records,170 mercy was born 28 Feb 1659.
Their children include:
Mary Otis (10 Dec 1685-bef Nov 1732)
John Otis Esq. (14 Jan 1687-4 May 1758)
Nathaniel Otis (28 May 1690-Dec 1739)
Mercy Otis (15 Oct 1693-23 May 1750)
Solomon Otis (13 Oct 1696-2 Jan 1778)
Col. James Otis Esq. (14 Jun 1702-9 Nov 1778)
12019. Hannah Otis. Born 22 Mar 1659/60 in Hingham, MA.45 Hannah died aft 1683.
12020. Capt. Stephen Otis. Born in 1661 in Hingham, MA.168 Stephen died in Scituate, MA on 26 Aug 1733.52 Buried in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor. Occupation: tanner.

From the Briggs genealogy:42
    Stephen was born in 1661 in Hingham, the year his father moved to Scituate. He went to Barnstable with the family when he was 17, and returned with them to Scituate about 21. He was Commander of the militia of the town, an office of considerable importance in the early days. As Captain of the Grenadiers at the outbreak of the War with the French and Indians, Stephen Otis was given command of an expedition to L’Acadie 23 Apr 1707, for which he was ordered to enlist forty or fifty Indians. Stephen inherited considerable property in Scituate from his father and from his brother James, and after his marriage to Hannah Ensign his possessions in Scituate were increased by her inheritance from her father and grandmother. He resided in the Ensign house north of Satuit Brook. In 1697 he purchased land for a new house ‘north of Job Otis’ warehouse.’ This house built in 1697 was standing until 1927 when it was demolished. It was known as the Capt. James Little anad the William Paley Allen house, and stood on Front Street at the Harbor Villiage, just south of the Jesse Dunbar ‘Mansion House.’ It was the first Young’s Tavern, and in this house in 1767 the last meeting of the Conihassett Partners was held.

From Deane’s History of Scituate:53
    "Capt. Stephen Otis's will dated 1729, gives 'To son Ensigh the homestead, with all the upland and meadow on each side of the way, with the Tan house and Tan vats--to John, Hannah, Mary, Isaac, Stephen, Joseph, Josua, out lands, &c.'"

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    Stephen’s monument is in the old burying ground near the harbor, the inscription being still legible in 1907; his wife being also buried in the old graveyard on Meeting House Lane.
    In June 1689 he took the Oath of Fidelity. At that time he was living in Scituate, in which town he was Commander of the Militia, an office of considerable importance in those times.
    He bought some of the Conihasset lands of Wm. James. ‘Captain Stephen Otis’s new house’ is mentioned in the records of 1691. This house was still standing in 1831, when it was known as ‘Young’s Tavern.’ Three of the same name as his sone, Ensign Otis, in succeeding generations have occupied the original Ensign house.
On 16 Jun 1685 Stephen married Hannah Ensign (10705) , daughter of John Ensign (3558) (ca 1642-26 Mar 1676) & Elizabeth, in Scituate, MA.110 “Steven Oatice married to Hanah Ensine th 16 day of Janne — 1685”. Born ca 1670 in Scituate, MA. Hannah was baptized in the Second Church of Scituate, on 29 May 1670.52 Hannah died in Scituate, MA on 1 May 1729.52 Buried in First Parish Cemetery, Scituate Harbor.

Hannah was John Ensign’s only child. She was the ultimate heiress of the greater part of her grandfather Ensign’s estate plus whatever may have accrued to her father.154
Their children include:
Hannah Otis (16 May 1686-bef 16 Oct 1739)
Mary Otis (Died young) (7 Jul 1689-)
Lieut. Ensign Otis (29 Jan 1691-Nov 1774)
John Otis (7 Apr 1694-)
Stephen Otis (Died unmarried) (3 Nov 1697-20 Sep 1756)
Dr. Isaac Otis (1699-11 Nov 1777)
Thankful Otis (ca 1702-4 Aug 1739)
Joseph Otis (Died soon) (ca 1707-)
Joseph Otis (16 Mar 1709/10-11 Sep 1788)
Joshua Otis (1711-1802)
12021. James Otis. Born in 1663 in Scituate, MA.168 James died in Phipp's Canada expedition in 1690.53

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    James settled at Weymouth in 1690. He joined the Canada expedition under Sir Wm. Phipps, was at the taking of Port Royal, and was killed in the attack upon Quebec. He made his will previous to joining the expedition, and it is dated 3 Aug 1690. In this will he gave most of his estate to his brother Stephen, a portion to his youngest brother Job when he comes of age, and a small sum to William Chard, the schoolmaster.
12022. Hon. Joseph Otis. Born in 1665 in Scituate, MA.168 Joseph was baptized in Hingham, MA, on 3 Jun 1666.168 Joseph died in Montville, CT on 11 Jun 1754.168 Occupation: judge.

From A Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    Judge Otis’ residence at Scituate was on the south of Coleman’s Hill, the former residence of Gilbert Brooks, Esq. He held the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for Plymouth Co. from 1703-1714. In 1709 the town of Scituate voted that ‘the Society empower Joseph Otis, Esq. to finish the meeting house by pewing it, and also to appoint two and two to a pew[when they do not agree to couple themselves], each couple paying the cost of building the pew.’ In 1710 he was elected under the governor’s order, representative to ‘the Great and General Court’, and again in 1713. He held other town offices. He moved to New London about 1721, where many of his relations and acquaintances lived, and bought of James Harris a tract of 650 acres of land ‘lying in the North parish in New London, adjoining a pond called Obplintksok,’ now Gardiner’s Lake, a mile or more in length. This land was purchased by Thomas Stanton, or Stonington, of Owaneco, 11 Nov 1698, and by him sold to Joseph Otis. He was received to the communion of the church at New London 19 Nov 1722.
    He was much in public employment, was Moderator of town meetings, on parish and church committees almost yearly, etc.
    From the records of Colchester, Conn. it appears that in 1724 he purchased of Capt. Samuel Gilbert a house and farm of 180 acres, lying in the east part of the town of Colchester, on the old country road for ‘770 pounds lawful money of New England.’ He is described in the deed, as of Scituate. This land Joseph deeded to his son Nathaniel in 1735, ‘for and in consideration of the love, good will and affection which I have for and do bear unto my beloved son, and is the whole of what I design my said son shall have of my estate’. The house erected on this land by Nathaniel, has been occupied successively by five generations.
    Judge Otis is spoken of by his contemporaries as a gentleman of great integrity, a judicious and useful citizen. The following portrait was written of him soon after his death ‘He was a Christian upon principle, a public spirited and useful man, distinguished by talents of the solid, judicious and useful, rather than of the brilliant and showy kind. He was of large stature, his countenance solemn and serene, frank and open in his manner, of ready wit and sound understanding. As a private individual he had the union of simple dignity and benevolent courtesy which marks the gentleman. He died universally lamented.’
On 20 Nov 1688 Joseph married Dorothy Thomas (27260) , daughter of Hon. Nathaniel Thomas (1643-22 Oct 1718) & Deborah Jacob (11015) (ca 1643-17 Jun 1696), in Marshfield, MA.60,52 “Joseph Otis and Dorothy Thomas were Married the 20^th day of November 1688. by Mr Thomas Mighell Minester”. Born on 6 Nov 1670 in Marshfield, MA.60 Dorothy died in Montville, CT, on 10 Jan 1755; she was 84.168

Joseph and Dorothy were first cousins. Their mothers were sisters.
Their children include:
Nathaniel Otis (30 Jan 1689/90-15 Apr 1771)
James Otis (21 Jan 1692/3-6 Sep 1754)
Deborah Otis (24 Apr 1694-)
Mary Otis (20 or 23 Mar 1695/6-)
Dorothy Otis (24 Apr 1698-)
Elizabeth Otis (2 Sep 1700-bef 1754)
Anne Otis (21 Sep 1702-)
Bethiah Otis (20 Nov 1703-29 May 1750)
Delight Otis (19 Dec 1706-15 Oct 1747)
Hannah Otis (Died young) (10 Dec 1709-1725/1726)
Dea. Joseph Otis (1 Oct 1712-ca 1793)
Rachel Otis (1 Dec 1713-21 Sep 1761)
12023. Elizabeth Otis. Born in 1671 in Scituate, MA.168 Elizabeth died in Barnstable, MA on 17 Jun 1748.45

Elizabeth first married Thomas Allyn, second David Loring.
On 9 Oct 1688 Elizabeth first married Thomas Allyn (18288) , son of Lt. Samuel Allyn (6594) (1 Feb 1643-25 Nov 1726) & Hannah Walley (1645-23 Oct 1711), in Barnstable, MA.170 Born on 22 Mar 1665 in Barnstable, MA.170 Thomas died in Barnstable, MA, on 25 Nov 1696; he was 31.170

Thomas, of Barnstable.
Their children include:
James Allyn (1 Jul 1691-8 Oct 1741)
Thomas Allyn (11 Dec 1693-25 Jul 1780)
Hannah Allyn (13 Jun 1696-24 Oct 1769)
On 20 Jan 1699 Elizabeth second married David Loring (7771) , son of Thomas Loring (2800) (ca 1626-1678/9) & Hannah Jacob (11013) (ca 1639-8 Oct 1720), in Barnstable, MA.107 Born on 15 Sep 1671 in Hull, MA.107 David died in Hingham, MA, on 27 Jul 1752; he was 80.45 Buried in High Street Cemetery, Hingham.

David resided at Barnstable for many years, admitted freeman 18 Mar 1696, was foreman of a jury 1735. He died at the residence of his son Solomon in Hingham.107

Gravestone inscription: “here lyes the body of Mr Dauid Loring late of Barnstable who died Ivly ye 27th 1752. Ageg 80 years & 10 months.”45
Their children include:
Abigail Loring (2 Nov 1699-)
Solomon Loring (19 Mar 1701/2-10 Oct 1765)
David Loring (15 Aug 1704-)
Elizabeth Loring (10 Jun 1708-)
Lydia Loring (29 Mar 1711-1800)
Mary Loring (19 Apr 1714-)
12024. Job Otis. Born on 20 Mar 1677 in Scituate, MA.52 Job died in Scituate, MA in 1758.52 Buried in Union Street Cemetery, Scituate.

From William A. Otis’s Memoir of the Otis Family:168
    Job resided at Scituate, half a mile west of the harbor. He conducted the business of ship-building and navigation at the north town landing, and continued it after 1700. In 1720 he bought the ‘farm, warehouse, etc., of William Ticknor for 400 pounds.’

Job succeeded Will James as a shipbuilder at the ‘Will James dock,’ near the north town landing at the Harbor, as early as 1700.42

According to research of Mark Storey, Job applied to be become a Quaker in 1708, but there’s no record that he was accepted.
On 1 Oct 1699 when Job was 22, he married Mercy Little (23799) , daughter of Ephraim Little (9070) (17 May 1650-24 Nov 1717) & Mary Sturtevant (11803) (7 Dec 1651-10 Feb 1717/8), in Little Compton, RI. Born on 26 Feb 1678 in Marshfield, MA.188,52 Mercy died in Scituate, MA in 1755.
Their children include:
Mercy Otis (12 Dec 1700-15 Jan 1761)
Job Otis (28 Mar 1702-aft 12 Dec 1781)
Abigail Otis (28 Aug 1703-)
Mary Otis (26 Nov 1705-21 Mar 1738/9)
Ephraim Otis (28 Jul 1708-14 Dec 1794)
Ruth Otis (13 Mar 1712-5 Jan 1745)
Sarah Otis (Died soon) (27 Feb 1714-9 Aug 1715)
David Otis (5 Aug 1716-)
Sarah Otis (16 Apr 1719-22 Apr 1796)
Priscilla Otis (Died unmarried) (18 Nov 1721-1750)
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D. Pane-Joyce
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