Pane-Joyce Genealogy
17349. Lieut. Thomas Newhall. Born on 18 Nov 1653 in Lynn, MA.228 Thomas died in Malden, MA, on 13 Jul 1728; he was 74.227 Occupation: Husbandman & weaver.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Mr. Newhall probably removed to Maiden on his marriage, for we find on Record in Middlesex Deeds (B. 8, L. 543), a deed of gift, 9 th Nov., 1674, from Joseph Hills “father of Rebecca wife of Thomas Greene” to Thomas Newhall, Jr., of Lynn and his wife Rebecca. March 16, 1681, he, then of Malden, bought, for 53 £ of Joseph and Ann Hills of Newbury their farm in Malden, of sixty acres, then leased to another and subject to said lease. This estate was bounded N. by Mount Prospect and W. by Capt. Wait’s land. In 1691, in a deed to Sam1 Greene, he is called husbandman or weaver. He was a Lieutenant and a Selectman of Maiden in 1700,1701, 1702 and 1712. No probate or division of this estate has been found. He died 3 July, 1728, in the 75th year of his age, says the inscription on the grave stone in the old Burying Ground at Maiden. On the same authority, Rebeckah, the wife of Lt. Thomas Newhall, died 25 May, 1726, in the 73d year of her age.

From Samuel Stillman Greene’s Descendants of Thomas Green(e):215
    Thomas was appointed administrator, “in behalf of his wife and the other children,” of the estate
of the widow Rebecca Green, his wife’s mother, March 4, 1674-5. Joseph Hills of Newbury, conveyed, Nov. 9, 1674, to the aforesaid Thomas Newell and Rebecca his wife, two parcels of land, containing ten acres, and “sometimes in the occupation of Thomas Green;” in consideration of payments to be made to Hannah (sister of the grantee's wife) and to Samuel (her brother) when they should become of age. Furthermore, Samuel Green, last mentioned, was to be “brought up” by the said Newell. In this deed, Joseph Hills calls himself “father of Rebecca, the wife of Thomas Green, late of Maulden.” [Midd. Deeds, 8 : 543-5.] The same land was conveyed, April 24, 1690, by the said Thomas Newell “of Maiden,” to the said Samuel Green. [Midd. Deeds, 12 : 449.1 Mrs. Rebecca Newell d. May 25, 1726, æ. 73. [Gravestone in Maiden.]
Bef 9 Nov 1674 Thomas married Rebecca Green (16684) , daughter of Capt. Thomas Green (6157) (ca 1630-13 Feb 1671/2) & Rebecca Hills (20 Apr 1634-6 (4) 1674 [6 Jun 1674]).227 Born ca 1654 in Malden, MA.25 Rebecca died in Malden, MA on 25 May 1725.227

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Thomas Newhall married Nov., 1674, Rebecca, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca (Hills) Greene of Maiden, born 1654. On the death of Mrs. Greene, administration on her estate was granted (4–lmo–1674-5) to Thomas Newhall “in behalfe of his wife and ye other children,” and, on account of his delay in this business, a citation was issued 13 April, 1700, on the “petition of John Venton who md. one of the daughters of Trumpeter Green agst. Tho. Newhall who md. another and is administrator of Rebecca” &c. The maternal Grandfather of Mrs Newhall was Joseph Hills, Esq., of Malden and afterward of Newbury, Representative, Speaker of the House, an active and energetic magistrate, a trusted elder of the Church and compiler of the laws of the Colony, in the performance of the duties of which latter office he lost the use of his eyes, as appears from a petition on file at the State House. One of his wives was probably a sister of Henry Dunster, the first President of Harvard College.
Their children include:
Rebecca Newhall (ca 1676-7 Oct 1694)
Lieut. Thomas Newhall (ca 1680-bef 6 Apr 1776)
Hannah Newhall (ca 1682-)
Daniel Newhall (ca 1685-3 Feb 1760)
Lydia Newhall (17 Apr 1687-aft 1739)
Samuel Newhall (26 Apr 1689-17 Apr 1733)
Martha Newhall (ca 1691-)
Elisha Newhall (ca 1693-)
17350. John Newhall. Born 14 Feb 1655/6 in Lynn, MA.228 John died in Lynn, MA on 20 Jun 1738.228 Buried in Lynn GR1. Occupation: Bricklayer & mason.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    John was a bricklayer or mason, and was generally known as John Newhall, Tertius; but in 1718 (April 7th ), he made a deposition, calling himself John Newhall, junr , and aged sixty-two. His uncle, John, was then deceased and John, the son of Anthony, was still alive as John Newhall, Senr.
    His estate does not appear in Probate; but he seems to have conveyed his Real Estate to his only son Jacob in his lifetime (24 th December, 1734) by a deed of gift recorded in B. 77, L. 1, of the Records of Deeds for Essex Co. This deed describes various parcels, the first of which he calls “my homestead where I lately dwelt with the dwelling house & all the other buildings standing thereon and said Homestead contains about twenty acres,” etc., bounded northerly and northwesterly on the country road, southwesterly and southerly on the Great Bridge River in part and partly on the marsh of Thomas Witt, southeasterly and easterly partly on the marsh of John Newhall and partly on Jenks’ Creek and Mower’s Brook, so called. The witnesses to this deed were Richard Johnson, Solomon Newhall and Samuel Johnson.
On 18 Jun 1677 John married Esther Bartram (5552) , daughter of William Bartram (ca 1624-ca 1688/1690) & Sarah Johnson (2212) (ca 1624-5 Jan 1683), in Lynn, MA.228 Born on 2 Apr 1658 in Lynn, MA.227 Esther died in Lynn, MA, on 20 Sep 1728; she was 70.228 Buried in Lynn, MA GR1.

Esther’s name was sometimes spelled Estar or Easter.
Their children include:
Elizabeth Newhall (12 May 1678-8 Mar 1749/50)
Sarah Newhall (Died soon) (5 Feb 1679-6 Mar 1679/80)
Jonathan Newhall (Died young) (24 Dec 1681-Dec 1688)
Sarah Newhall (23 Jan 1683-24 Dec 1734)
Capt. Jacob Newhall (27 Mar 1686-19 May 1759)
Mary Newhall (24 Apr 1689-bef Dec 1717)
Jonathan Newhall (20 Dec 1692-4 Dec 1709)
17351. Joseph Newhall. Born on 22 Sep 1658 in Lynn, MA.228 Joseph died in Lynn, MA 29 Jan 1705/6.228

Joseph, freeman 1690.

Joseph was deputy to the general court in 1705 and held other offices. His homestead consisted of 34 acres in the north part of Lynn on the Salem line. He owned the Pond farm of 170 acres west of the homestead on the south side of Humphrey Pond in the town of Lynnfield. This was a portion of Colonel John Humphrey’s grand, afterwards owned by Richard Hancock and bough by Joseph Newhall. Joseph perished in a great snowstorm on his way home to Lynn from the general court in Boston.47 108

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Mr. Newhall’s name appears often upon the Town Records as holding some position of honor or trust. Nov. 4, 1696, “the town did grant liberty for Joseph Newhall to sett up a pewe in ye east end of ye meeting house Between ye east dowre & the stares: prouided itt does nott prejudice the going up ye stares into ye gallery: & maintains so much of the glas window as is against sd pewe.” The following item appears in the town treasurer’s “acc. with Joseph Newhall”— “Dec. 1706 to his serueinga Representative at the generall court in the year 1705 untill his death 76 days at 3s p day—11£ –8s–0d.” This death was probably on the night of 29-30 Jan’y, 1705-6, while he was on the road from Boston to Lynn, during a great snow-storm. Administration on his estate was granted, 10 July, 1706, to his sons Thomas and Joseph, his widow Susanna renouncing adm., and on the 17th of the same month a distribution of a part of the property was made among the widow and children, viz., Thomas, Joseph, Elisha, Ephraim, Daniel, Ebenezer, Benjamin, Samuel, Jemima, Susanna and Sarah. His widow, Mrs. Susanna Newhall, was married to Benjamin Simonds of Woburn, their intention of marriage being published 26th Sept., 1713. In B. XLVII, L. 279, of Records of Deeds for Essex Co., is recorded the conveyance to Joseph Newhall by his brothers Thomas, Elisha, Ephraim, Daniel, Ebenezer and Samuel, sons of Joseph Newliall, late of Lynn, deceased, of their shares in the dower of their mother, Susanna Simons, lately Newhall, in the place or homestead where their father had dwelt and where their brother Joseph then dwelt, 6th May, 1723. This was endorsed with the assent of Benj. Newhall, Joseph and Susanna Breed, and Thomas and Sarah Burrage, other children of the said Joseph Newhall, deceased. And on the 2d Feb’y, 1733, Susannah Symonds of Lynn, widow, in presence of Richard Hood and Benj. Newhall, conveyed to her son Samuel Newhall, by deed of gift, all her right in the real estate which had been in the possession of her brother Thomas Farrar, late of Lynn, deceased, and was given unto him, the said Thos. Farrar, by her honored father Mr Thos. Farrar, formerly of Lymn, deceased.
    Ensign Joseph Newhall, as he was called, died possessed of a farm of thirty-four acres, called his homestead, lying in the northerly part of Lynn on the Salem (now Peabody) line, it being, without doubt, his moiety of the threescore acres bought by his father in 1679 of Ezekiel and Sarah Needham, his brother Nathaniel Newhall possessing the other half. In addition he had the Pond farm, so called, of one hundred and seventy acres lying north-westerly from his homestead and on the southerly side of Humphrey’s pond, in the present town of Lynnfield. This was a portion of Col. John Humphrey’s grant, afterwards owned by Richard Hancock and purchased by Joseph Newhall.
Ca 1678 Joseph married Susanna Farrar, daughter of Thomas Farrar (29 Jan 1614-23 Feb 1694) & Elizabeth [Farrar] (Nov 1618-8 Jan 1680). Born on 26 Mar 1659 in Lynn, MA.227 Susanna died on 26 Mar 1745; she was 86.

Susannah first married Joseph Newhall, second Benjamin Simonds as his third wife.

Thomas Farrar, Sr., in his will of 22 Jun 1693, proved 3 Apr 1694, gives to his daughter Susanna Newhall “one cowe.”86
Their children include:
Jemima Newhall (31 Dec 1678-aft 1725)
Thomas Newhall (6 Jan 1680-30 Nov 1738)
Joseph Newhall (6 Feb 1683/4-27 Apr 1742)
Capt. Elisha Newhall (20 Nov 1686-19 Mar 1773)
Ephram Newhall (20 Feb 1688/9-)
Daniel Newhall (5 Feb 1690/1-4 Nov 1752)
Ens. Ebenezer Newhall (3 Jun 1693-22 Jun 1766)
Susannah Newhall (19 Dec 1695-26 Mar 1743)
Capt. Benjamin Newhall (5 Apr 1698-5 Jun 1763)
Samuel Newhall (9 Mar 1700/1-Oct 1770)
Sarah Newhall (11 Jul 1704-14 May 1749)
17352. Nathaniel Newhall. Born on 17 Mar 1660 in Lynn, MA.228 Nathaniel died in Lynn, MA, on 23 Dec 1695; he was 35.228

Freeman 1691.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Nathaniel born in Lynn 17 March, 1660, married Elizabeth —, whose family name is not given in the records. Mr. Newhall led, so far as records show, an uneventful life as a farmer in the northerly part of Lynn near his brother Joseph, leaving, besides his homestead, a parcell of land also “bought of the Pond farme,” and some “housinge and land and salt-marsh at Linn.” (By the acc. of adm. brought into court 11 July, 1701, by Mrs. Elizabeth Ingersoll, widow and adm’x of Nathaniel Newhall, it appears that this portion of the Pond farm had only been bargained for, not bought.)
    He died 23 Dec, 1695; and yet there was put on record, in 1719, a deed of conveyance to Bartholmew Gedney, Esq., of Salem, from the brothers Joseph and Nathaniel Newhall “joynt tenants on a certain farm” in Lynn bounded “East Northerly with ye line that parts Salem and Lynn being ye bounds of Clarke’s farme so called and extending Northwestward and Southwestward until it comes to ye bounds of Humphryes farm so called.” This deed was dated 8 Jan’y, 1696-7, and was acknowledged the next day, at Salem, by Joseph Newhall who said that he saw his brother Nathaniel sign. The only way to account for this discrepancy, except by the charge of fraud, is to ascribe it to a mistake on the part of the scrivener of the deed or of the clerk who copied it into the record.
    Letter of administration was granted 20th July, 1696, to his widow Elizabeth Newhall, then of Topsfield, whose sureties were Samuel Simonds of Topsfield and Edward Norice of Salem. This seems to throw light on her family connection, making it seem probable that she was daughter of Samuel Symonds of Salem, who m. Elizabeth Andrews, of Topsfield, 14 April, 1662, and had by her a daughter, Elizabeth, born in Salem 12 Aug., 1663. The Sam’1 Symonds, who was her surety, was perhaps her father, while Edward Norice, it is known, was connected with the Symonds family of Salem. She afterwards married John Ingersoll, their intention of marriage being published 8 Jan’y, 1696-7, — the very day that her former husband was said to have signed the deed referred to above. The Real Estate, less widow’s dower, was settled on the eldest son Nathaniel, he giving bonds 23 Dec., 1706, to pay to the other children, Samuel, Jonathan and Elizabeth their portions. One of his sureties was his step-father John Ingersoll of Lynn. After the death of the widow the oldest surviving son, Samuel Newhall, joyner, was appointed administrator de bonis non on his father’s estate, 13 May, 1739 (Elisha Newhall and Eben’r Bancroft sureties), and the dower property was assigned to him 4 June, 1739, he paying to the representatives of his brother Nathaniel, deceased, to his brother Jonathan (of Lynn) and to his brother Isaac Stone of Lexington, in right of Elizabeth, his wife, their respective portions.
Nathaniel married Elizabeth Symonds (15821) , daughter of Samuel Symonds (ca 1638-14 Aug 1722) & Elizabeth Andrews (5933) (ca 1643-17 Mar 1725). Born on 12 Jul 1663 in Boxford, MA.206

Elizabeth first married Nathaniel Newhall, second John Ingersoll.
Their children include:
Nathaniel Newhall (9 Feb 1684/5-28 Mar 1723/4)
Samuel Newhall (7 Sep 1686-)
Elizabeth Newhall (Died young) (2 Oct 1688-1 Oct 1692)
Jonathan Newhall (4 May 1691-)
Elizabeth Newhall (16 Oct 1694-)
17353. Elizabeth Newhall. Born on 21 Mar 1662 in Lynn, MA.228 Elizabeth died in Lynn, MA, on 2 Apr 1665; she was 3.228

Elizabeth drowned in a pit near her father’s home.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    There may be found in the Court Files other interesting depositions concerning the death of Thomas’s daughter Elizabeth [age 3], some of which are here given :—
    “The testimony of the wife of Robert Potter and the wife of John Newhall: Testifieth and saith we seinge the wife of Thomas Newhall Juner in a graite fright for her Chilld we went to hellpe her looke for her Chilld and we founde it drounded in a pett of waiter a littell below the house of Thomas Newhall Juner.” (The Potter homestead was next west of Thos. Newhall’s, and is now [1882] known as the Burchsted Johnson estate.)
    “We Robart Potter and John Newhall: understandin by Too Testimonies. That Thomas Newhalls chilld was drounded in a pett which pett we heard George Kesar saye he digged: farther we doe Testifie that George Keser had a Tanfatt in that pett. I John Newhall doe furder Testifie that George Keser did take up his fatt and left the pett open. Sworne in Court 29–9–65.”
    “The deposition of Thomas Morris agede therten or fortenn years testifyeth that when goodman Newels childe was drowned I askede his sonn Thomas whear the childe was drownede, & he saide in that holl that we rakede out the durtt & put watter in to keep alwifes to go a fishing & he went dowen & showed me the holl & 1 have sen durt pulled out of that holl: & I have senn John Newell: & Thomas Newell & Joseph Newell put watter & fish into that holl as they say the childe was drownd in & further sayth nott.” The Report of the Jury of Inquest in this case is as follows :—
    “Wee under written being warned by Thomas Wheeler Constable of Lynn to enquire of the death of a child of Tho: Newell Jun r Upon ye 13th of this prsent month meeting at ye dwelling house of ye afore d Newell woe saw there a dead child, which we were informed was drowned in a pitt of water which pitt or hole of water we were at, where did appeere to us two woemen: ye wife of Robert Potter & ye wife of John Newall, yt did say to us, yt in yt pitt they found ye said child swimming or floating upon top of ye water & tooke up ye sd child, being dead when they found it, we alsoe asked ye mother of ye sd child how long shee mist the child, whoe said to us, it was betweene half an hower & an hower & yt ye sd child went from her well ye last yt she saw it living, & upon further inquirye we find noe other cause of ye death of ye said child, being about two yeares of age, but ye said pitt being neere two foot deepe of water & mudd, being neere to ye highway before ye doore of ye said Newall & the said pitt being six or seauen foot oner & being faling ground, neere to ye said pitt a child playing neere aboute there, any small slip or stumble of a child would ocasion his fale into ye aforesaid pitt:” Then follow the signatures of the jurors.
17354. Elisha Newhall. Born on 3 Nov 1665 in Lynn, MA.228 Elisha died in Lynn, MA in Feb 1687. Buried on 28 Feb 1687 in Lynn, MA.228
17355. Elizabeth Newhall. Born on 22 Oct 1667 in Lynn, MA.228

Besides Elizabeth’s marriage to John Ingerson, there’s another Ingerson marriage recorded at Lynn: Hannah Ingorson m. John Clemmons 25 Jun 1723.
8 Jan 1696/7 Elizabeth married John Ingerson in Lynn, MA.228

There was a John Ingerson, or Ingersoll, b. 11 May 1674 at Huntington, Long Island, son of John and Jane Ingersoll, who had a wife Elizabeth, and perhaps later wives, and had children at Huntington including Nathaniel and Simon. Is Elizabeth’s husband that John Ingersoll?
17356. Mary Newhall. Born on 18 Feb 1669 in Lynn, MA.228
17357. Samuel Newhall. Born on 19 Nov 1672 in Lynn, MA.228 Samuel died bef 2 Jan 1719.227 Occupation: joiner.

From The Newhall Family of Lynn:86
    Samuel Newhall was a joiner and lived on his father’s homestead. Administration on his estate was granted 2 Jan’y, 1718, to his widow Abigail, whose sureties were James Houlton and Sam’l King. A division of the personal estate was made 6 April, 1719, among the widow and children, viz., Samuel, Elizabeth, Solomon, Hepzibah, Jerusha, Lydia, Joseph and Hulda. At the same time the real estate was set off to Samuel he giving bonds to pay his brothers and sisters their shares. In order to protect his sureties on these bonds he mortgaged to them (viz,, Samuel Stone, of Salem, bricklayer, and Joseph Jacobs, of Lynn, yeoman) this homestead, the boundaries of which have already been described in the account given of his grandfather Thomas Newhall.
31 Dec 1695 (Int) Samuel married Abigail Lindsey, daughter of Eleazer Lindsey (ca 1644-20 May 1716) & Sarah Alley (15 Apr 1651-25 Nov 1731), in Lynn, MA.228 Born on 10 Nov 1677 in Lynn, MA.227

Eleazer Lindsey, Sr., of Lynn, house-carpenter, in a deed to his eldest son Eleazer, 24 Mar 1715/6,
mentions, anong other children, his daughters Abigail Newhall and Mary Holten.86
Their children include:
Samuel Newhall (26 Oct 1696-bef 3 Mar 1760)
Elizabeth Newhall (ca 1698-ca 1742)
Solomon Newhall (ca 1700-bef 26 Aug 1788)
Hepzibah Newhall (ca 1704-)
Hulda Newhall (ca 1708-)
Jerusha Newhall (ca May 1710-2 Oct 1762)
Lydia Newhall (ca 1712-)
Joseph Newhall (ca 1714-)
17358. Rebecca Newhall. Born on 17 Jul 1675 in Lynn, MA.228 Rebecca died in Reading, MA, on 23 Dec 1737; she was 62.81
On 22 May 1697 when Rebecca was 21, she married Ebenezer Parker (17466) , son of Lieut. Hananiah Parker (6393) (ca 1638-10 Mar 1723/4) & Elizabeth Brown (6804) (10 Dec 1647-27 Feb 1697), in Reading, MA.81 Born on 13 Feb 1675 in Reading, MA.81 Ebenezer died in Reading, MA, on 6 Aug 1749; he was 74.81 Marriage intention published on 24 Apr 1697 at Lynn, MA.228

Ebenezer first married Rebecca Newhall, second Mary Williams.

Ebenezer died intestate, and a memo in the probate of his estate, dated 5 Aug 1749, states what he would have done with respect to the settlement of his estate, that is, his land should be settled upon his tow grandsons Ebenezer and Thomas Parker. There were to pay (and distribute his sivler money) equally among all his children, and the children of his daughter Elizabeth Rand, deceased. His grandson Thomas Parker should have his horse and mare. Mary Parker is named as widow. Also names as being served citations at different times until Dec 1756 are James Parker, Rebeckah Rand, and Mary Rand, Thomas Temple, Ebenezer Parker, Nathaniell Brown, Capt. Timothy Poole, Brown Emerson, Joan and Thomas Rand, Thomas Parker, Ebenezer Rand, children of Ebenezer, Elizabeth Rand, Mary Brown, Rebeckah Temple and Sarah Temple and Brown Emerson (guardian to two of the heirs) and John Temple. (Middlesex Probate, 16537.)232
Their children include:
Elizabeth Parker (3 May 1698-bef 1749)
Ebenezer Parker (Died soon) (11 Oct 1699-27 Oct 1699)
Ebenezer Parker (ca 1701-26 Feb 1753)
Hepzibah Parker (Twin, died young) (4 Feb 1702-17 Feb 1702)
Mary Parker (Twin) (14 Feb 1702-)
Rebecca Parker (3 Mar 1706-3 May 1770)
James Parker (ca 1708-8 Apr 1764)
Sarah Parker (2 Aug 1711-20 Jun 1768)
Hananiah Parker (10 Aug 1714-13 Jun 1732)
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