Pane-Joyce Genealogy
66520. William Joyce. Born in 1855 in Michigan. William died in Duluth, Minnesota on 30 May 1930.

1870 Census - William could read and write. He was the only one in the family who could. John could read, but not write. William was 15 and worked in a box factory.

1880 Federal Census. Greenbush, Alcona County, Michigan
Roll 569, page 19A
    Wm. Joyce, 25, boarder, laborer, b. Michigan, parents b. Ireland
Many young men working for the Sam L. Gorro family, some from Canada (where Gorro was born), others from MI, NY, Scotland, and New Brunswick.

1910 Federal Census. Township 66 Range 20, St. Louis County, Minnesota.
Roll T624, page 6A
66 N, R 21 W, 4th PM [this township is on the west county boundary, one township west of the village of Ash Lake and north of the lake itself]
    William Joyce, head, age 54, single, b. MI, parents b. Ireland, laborer, lumber camp

1920 Federal Census. Township 64 Range 21, St. Louis County, Minnesota.
Roll 860, page 5A
No. Public Road [this is part of Leiding township, west of Glendale, south of Pelican Lake]
    William Joyce, lodger, age 64, single, b. MI, parents b. Ireland, teamster, logging camp

1930 Federal Census. Duluth, St. Louis County, Minnesota
Roll 1126, page 2B
St. Louis County Poor House, alms house, Rice Lake Road. Dated 4 Apr 1930.
    William Joyce, inmate, 73, single, b. MI, parents born Irish Free State
Over 350 men, mostly foreign born, probably lumberjacks, are living in the alms house.

From the Minnesota Death Index
Name: Willam Joyce
Death Date: 30 May 1930
Death County: Saint Louis
State File Number: 026374
Certificate Number: 026374
Certificate Year: 1930
Record Number: 565015
66521. John Joyce. Born ca 1858 in Alpine Township, Kent County, Michigan.

1870 Census - John was 11 and could read but not write. He worked in a box factory like his older brother William.

1880 Federal Census. Gerrish, Roscommon, Michigan
Roll 601, page 620C
    John Joyce, 23, single, lumberman, b. MI, parents b. Ireland
Almost all of Gerrish Township appears to made up of various lumber camps.
66522. Edward James Joyce. Born on 3 Jan 1866 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Edward James died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 3 Dec 1942; he was 76. Buried on 7 Dec 1942 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Occupation: Furniture worker.

1885 Grand Rapids City Directory
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, res 37 Goodrich
    Austin Joyce, teamster, bds 37 Goodrich
    Edward Joyce, salesman Wm A Berkey, bds 37 Goodrich

Kent County marriage licenses indicate Edward and Cora were married on April 26, 1888. Both lived in Grand Rapids and were 22. His father was Austin Joyce and his mother was unknown. Her parents were Berdette Monrow and Caroline Simons. She was born in Bennington, MI and he in Grand Rapids. He was a clerk, she was not employed. They were married at St. Andrews Cathedral in Grand Rapids by Thomas L. Whalen, Asst. priest. Edward Eajan and Celia Fitzgerald were witnesses.

1889 Grand Rapids City Directory
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, res 37 Goodrich
    Austin Joyce, clk P Kusterer, bds 37 Goodrich

1889 Grand Rapids City Directory
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, res 16 Ney
    Austin Joyce, driver Thomas Wasson, bds 16 Ney
Edward Joyce, mach hd Wm A Berkey Furn Co, res 16 Ney

1893 Grand Rapids City Directory
Edward J Joyce, clk, res 16 Ney

Grand Rapids Press, 28 April 1893, Page 3
Clubs and Parties
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce celebrated the 5th anniversary of their wedding last Friday evening at their home, 10 Ney street. About 135 guests were present. The house was beautifully decorated with potted plants and stillax. They received many valuable and useful presents, among them being a beautiful sideboard from the employees of the William A. Berkey Furniture company, of which Mr. Joyce has been an employee for a number of years. Music, dancing and card playing were indulged in until late in the evening.

1894 Michigan Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County
Edward Joyse, husband, 28
    Cora M. Joyse, wife, 27
    Herald E. Joyse, son, 4
    Cora M. Joyse, daughter, 2
    Edith A. Joyse, daughter, 0

Grand Rapids Press, 2 May 1899, Page 3
City News in Brief
Edward Joyce of No. 16 Ney street, an employee of the William A. Berkey Furniture company for the past 18 years, left yesterday for Cripple Creek, Col. where he has accepted a permanent position.

1900 Federal Census. Teller Cty, Cripple Creek, Colorado
Roll 129. SD 2, ED 126, sheet 8b.
100 Bison St., dwelling 187, family 187
    Edward J. Joyce, b. Jan 1866, 34, parents b. Ireland, miner
    Cora M. Joyce, b. May 1866, 34, father b. OH, mother b. NY, miner
    Harold Joyce, b. Nov 1890, 9
    Madeline Joyce, b. Jan 1892, 8
    Aileen, b. Mar 1893, 7
    Beulah, b. Sep 1897, 2
    Mariam, b. Dec 1899, 2 months
All were born in Michigan.

Grand Rapids Press, 22 September 1902, Page 6
Edward Joyce of 18 Ney street left last evening for the West, where he will again resume work in the gold mining district of Cripple Creek, Colo.

Grand Rapids Press, 6 May 1903, Page 9
Edward Joyce, who has been visiting his family for the past four weeks at 18 Ney street, started for the West last evening, where he will resume work in the gold district of Cripple Creek, Colo.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan) 13 November 1904, Page 11.
Furniture Worker Injured.
    Edward J. Joyce, No. 18 Ney Street, fell yesterday at the William A. Berkley Furniture company’s plant in North Market street, where he is employed, and sustained a dislocation of his left elbow. He was taken in the police ambulance to St. Mary’s hospital.

Grand Rapids Press, 15 November 1904, Page 9
Talked in the Town
Edward Joyce of 18 Ney street met with a bad accident at the William a. Berkey furniture factory on Market street, his arm being fractured in three places. He also sustained cuts about the head and face. He was taken in the ambulance, to St. Mary’s hospital, where he is doing as well as could be expected.

Grand Rapids Press, 8 July 1905, Page 5
Edward Joyce of the Wm.A. Berkey Furniture company, is receiving congratulations on the birth of a little daughter which arrived at his home, 18 Ney street, last Saturday. (Bernice)

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan) 15 May 1909. Page 36.
JOYCE — to Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Joyce, 18 Ney street, May 13, a daughter.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1910
    Aleen Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
    Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, bds 18 Ney.
    Edward J. Joyce, mach hd Berkey Furn Co, h 18 Ney
    Harold E. Joyce, candymkr, bds 18 Ney.
    Madeline Joyce, bkpr, bds 18 Ney.

1910 Federal Census, Grand Rapids, Kent County Michigan
Roll 656, page 130
18 May[?] St., dwelling 230, family 330
    Edward Joyce, head, 43, m. 22 years, b. MI., parents b. Ireland, sander in furniture co.
    Cora Joyce, wife, 42, m. 22 years, 9 children, 8 living, b. MI., father b. OH, mother b. NY
    Herald Joyce, son, 20, b. MI., candy maker
    Madeline Joyce, daughter, 18, b. MI.
    Aileen Joyce, daughter, 16, b. MI.
    Beulah Joyce, daughter, 12, b. MI.
    Elleanor Joyce, daughter, 10, b. CO.
    Gaylord Joyce, son, 7, b. MI.
    Bernice Joyce, daughter, 5, b. MI.
    Helen Joyce, b. MI.
    Bridget Joyce, 78, b. Ireland.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan. 5 May 1913. Page 7.
George Higgins.
    George Higgins, aged 34 years, of Berlin, Mich. died at St. Mary’s hospital yesterday morning. Funeral services will be held at the home of Edward J. Joyce, 1467 Kalamazoo avenue, Monday at 8:30 o’clock. Interment will be in St. Mary’s cemetery at Berlin.

Grand Rapids Press, 13 October 1913, Page 1
Will Give Farewell Reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of 247 Jefferson avenue, S.E., will entertain Monday night with a farewell reception for Mr. and Mrs. George Ives,who will leave Tuesday noon for their new home at Twin Falls, Ida., where Mr. Ives, who has been in ill health for some time, hopes to be benefited.

Grand Rapids Press, 31 July 1917, Page 12
    Veterans of the Michigan Soldiers Home showed their appreciation of the work being done by the Knights of Columbus in establishing recreation centers at the army camps by contributing to a pot of $41. This amount was turned over to the war fund committee at the noon luncheon Tuesday. Edward Joyce was chairman of the committee which collected the veterans’ donations.
    A surprise was sprung Monday noon when D. E. Gietzen turned in checks totaling $144. The committees were unaware that Gietzen was canvassing for funds. W. weiden contributed $25 and the Marquette Lumber company $30.
    It was announced Tuesday noon the campaign proper will close Wednesday noon, but that a few committees will continue at work until the middle of August. Campaign Manager james R. Fitzpatrick expects to have at least $6,000 to report at the final luncheon Wednesday.

Grand Rapids Press, 12 September 1917, Page 10
Pulte Is Honored By Knights of Columbus
William Pulte has been chosen grand knight of Grand Rapids council, Knights of Columbus. Other officers elected are as follows: Deputy grand knight, B. A. Talbot; financial secretary, Lewis Allen; chancellor, Gustave Richter; advocate, Francis A. Stace; warden, Erwin Billo; Inside guard, Louis Gopford, outer guard, John Knape; treasurere, Ray Conlon. A.B. O’Brien will succeed himself on the board of trustees and Martin Dowd and Edward Joyce are the other two members who will serve for terms of three years.

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 778, page 214.
201 Leonard Ave.
    Edward Joyce, head, age 52, b. MI, parents b. Ireland, cabinet maker
    Cora Joyce, wife, 51, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Madlyn Joyce, daughter, 27, b. MI, secretary private
    Buehla Joyce, daughter, 19, b. MI, stenographer office
    Bernice Joyce, daughter, 14, b. MI
    Helen Joyce, daughter, 10, b. MI
    Alein Hill, daughter, 25, b. MI, hair dresser
    Barbra Hill, granddaughter, 1 4/12, b. MI
    William Butinan, lodger, 46, b. MI, electrician
    Nellie Warren, lodger, 49, b. MI, studio

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent Co., MI
Roll 1002, Sheet 15b & 16a
216 James Ave
    Edward J. Joyce, head, age 64, b. MI, parents b. in Irish Free State, m. 22 years, rents home, sander in furn. fac.
    Cora M. Joyce, wife, 63, b. MI, father b. Ohio, mother b. NY
    Eleanor L. Joyce, daughter, 30, b. Colorado, teacher
    Bernice H. Joyce, daughter, 24, b. MI, parents, b. MI, bookkeeper
    Helen L. Joyce, daughter, 20, b. ditto, beautition
    Ailien J. Hills, daughter, 36, b. ditto, divorced
    Barbara J. Hills, granddaughter, 11, b. MI, father b. California, mother b. MI
    Mary E. Hills, granddaughter, 9, b. MI, father b. California, mother b. MI
    Herbert A. Joyce, border, 26, single, b. MI, parents born in Canada English, electrical engineer
    Palmer Eatn, border, 24, b. Mi, parents b. MI, electrical engineer
    Helen Jensen, border, 22, b. MI, parents b. Denmark, stenographer

A picture of Edward J. and Cora on an invitation shaped like a bell indicates the commemoration of their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 1938. They were married in 1888.

Article from the Grand Rapids Press, 23 Apr 1938:
    Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Joyce to Celebrate Anniversary
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Joyce of Cherry st. will hold open house on Saturday afternoon in honor of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. They will renew their vows at 9 o’clock mass in St. Andrew’s Cathedral with Msgr. D. E. Malone officiating.
    Leonard F. Howe, violinist, will furnish music and will be accompanied at the organ by Eugene J. Phillips. Vocal selections will be sung by Mrs. Harry Burgess, granddaughter, and Mrs. Claton Packard. The late Rev. Thomas Whalen officiated at the ceremony in the same church 50 years ago.
    Following mass, breakfast will be served in Owen manor for the family and relatives.
    Mrs. Joyce, the former Cora Monroe, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Burdette Monroe, was born at Bennington Station in 1867 and came to Grand Rapids at the age of 18 years. Mr Joyce was born on the site of the present St. Mary’s church in 1868. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Austin Joyce, who were one of the first families to settle on the old plot on Goodrich St. Mr. Joyce has been employed for 55 years by the William A. Berkey Furniture company.
    The couple has nine children, five of whom are living. They ar Mrs. Aileen Hills, Mrs. Leonard F. Howe, Mrs. Joseph A. Potchen, and Mrs. J. Condon Zant of Grand Rapids, and Mrs. Edward T. Hannon of Ludington. There are eighteen grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
    Mr. and Mrs. Loren Cady of Lafayette av. entertained at an Easter dinner, honoring their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce. Places were laid for seven guests.

1940 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1900, page 3B
201 LaGrange Street
    Edward J. Joyce, head, 74, 8th grade
    Cora M. Joyce, wife, 72, 8th grade
    Eillen Hills, daughter, 46, 1 year HS, beautician, own business
    Mary Hills, granddaughter, 18, 3 years HS
    Louis W. Monroe, brother-in-law, 61, divorced, 5th grade
All were born in Michigan living in the same house as five years ago.

Grand Rapids Herald
, Aug 4, 1940.
Edward J. Joyce Goes into Second Day of a Permanent Vacation from Factory

    Every morning for 57 years -- barring layoffs -- Edward J. Joyce of 120 Cherry St., SE has gone to work for the William A. Berkey Furniture company. Fifty seven years, winter and summer, cold weather and hot, he's been at work for the one firm and since 1886 on the same job, a sanding machine.
    That's long enough for any man, so on Friday, Mr. Joyce went to work for the last time, and today he is well into the second day of retirement and wondering what to do with his time.
    Mrs. Joyce has a few ideas, such as running a vacuum cleaner and drying dishes, but whether that will fill the time of a man who has always been a hard worker remains to be seen.
        Plant on Hotel Site
    The William A. Berkey company was located on the site of the Pantlind Hotel when Mr. Joyce went there to work as a furniture salesman. The firm sold furniture then as well as made it. Mr. Joyce was born here 78 years ago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Joyce who built the first house in the Ellsworth division at what was then 37 Goodrich St., SE.
        A short time after Mr. Joyce started work, Berkey's was moved to 71 Camal St. NW, a bit further north, and then in 1885 came the move to the present location, 55 Market Ave., NW.
        In 1888, Mr Joyce married Miss Cora Monroe in St. Andrew's cathedral. Mrs. Joyce is a native of Bennington, MI., but had come in 1886 to live in Grand Rapids. They celebrated their golden wedding on April 25, 1938, by renewing their vows in the cathedral, in which Mr. Joyce had been "brought up."
    Five of their nine children are still living, and, although money has never been plentiful in the Joyce home, all had high school educations, two finished college and one had two or three years college training.
    The five daughters, all of whom live in or near Grand Rapids, are Mrs. Aileen Joyce Hills, who live with her parents at 120 Cheery St. SE,; Mrs. Leonard F. Howe, 111 Carleton Ave., SE; Mrs. Joseph A. Potchen, 1145 Edison Road NW; Mrs. Edward T. Hannon, 828 Prospect Ave., SE, and Mrs J. Condon Zant, 211 Leonard St. NW. There are also 18 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
        Mr. Joyce is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Modern Woodmen and of Holy Name Society.

OBITUARY: Dec 4, 1942 Grand Rapids Herald

    Edward J. Joyce, 78, lifelong resident of of Grand Rapids and until his retirement three years ago an employee of the William A. Berkey Furniture company for 55 years, died at his home, 120 Cherry, Thursday, after a long illness.
    Mr. and Mrs. Joyce celebrated their golden wedding anniversary three years ago, renewing their vows in St. Andrew's cathedral, where they were married. Mr. Joyce was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name society of St. Andrew's cathedral and the Modern Woodman lodge.
    Besides his widow, Cora, he is survived by his daughters, Mrs. Neil DeSmit, Mrs. Aileen Hills, Mrs. Leonard F. Howe, Mrs. Joseph A. Potchen, Mrs. Edward T. Hannon and Mrs. J. Condon Zant; 17 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
    Funeral services will be held Monday at 10 a.m. at St. Andrew's cathedral, with burial in Woodlawn cemetary.

Obituary, Grand Rapids Press:
    Edward J. Joyce, 78, lifelong resident of Grand Rapids, died at his home, 120 Cherry-st., S. E., Thursday morning after a prolonged illness. Until his retiement three [photo inserted] years ago he had been an employe of the William A. Berkey Furniture Co. 55 years. He and Mrs. Joyce celebrated their golden wedding anniversary three years ago. They renewed their vows at St. Andrew’s cathedral, where they wer originally married.
    Mr. Joyce was a member of the Knights of Columbus, Holy Name society of of St. Andrew’s cathedral and the Modern Woodman lodge.
    Besides his widow, Cora, he is survived by six daughters: Mrs. Neil De Smit, Mrs. Aileen Hills, Mrs. Leonard F. How, Mrs. Joseph A. Potchen, Mrs. Edward T. Hannnon and Mrs. J. Condan Zant, seventeen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
    The body is at the residence.

Death Certificate: Edward J. Joyce was bor 5 January 1866 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He died 3 December 1842 and was 76 years old at death. He was married and his parents were Austin Joyce and Bridgett Toot. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Edward J Joyce, 1942.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Edward J. Joyce
Lot :202_A
Space :4
Date of death: 12/03/1942
Funeral director: Greenhoe, Mr. B. W.
Service date: 12/07/1942
On 25 Apr 1888 when Edward James was 22, he married Cora May Monroe (66398) , daughter of William Berdette Monroe (64232) (11 Jan 1841-17 Dec 1879) & Caroline Holdbrook Simons (66244) (1 May 1845-13 May 1917), in St. Andrew's Cathedral, Grand Rapids, MI. Born on 16 May 1867 in Bennington Township, Shiawassee County, Michigan. Cora May died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 4 Jan 1951; she was 83. Buried on 8 Jan 1951 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Religion: Catholic.

Civil War Pension documents of 28 September 1891 indicate Cora is living at, “No. 16 Nye St., Grand Rapids.”

Grand Rapids Press,19 March 1898, Page 5
Central Lodge, D. of H., will give a benefit pedro party at the home of Mrs. Cora Joyce 16 Ney street, on Wednesday evening.

Grand Rapids Press, 22 March 1898, Page 3
The pedro party, which was to have been given at the home of Mrs. Joyce, 16 Nye street, tomorrow evening, has been indefinitely postponed.

Grand Rapids Press, 15 April 1898, Page 3
City News in Brief
Crystal lodge, D. Of H., will give a pedro party Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Cora Joyce, No. 16 Ney street.

Grand Rapids Press, 28 November 1906, Page 3
What’s Going on in Society
Mrs. Cora Joyce of 18 Ney street arrived home last evening from a trip to Corunna, Owosso and Perry.

Grand Rapids Press, 2 August 1908, Page 4
The Social Side
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of 18 Ney street are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. William Monro of Jackson, Mich. for a few days.

Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan) 14 October 1913. Page 5.
Gave Farewell Reception.
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of Jefferson avenue entertained last night with a charming evening reception in farewell for Mr. and Mrs. George Ives, who will leave this noon for Twin Falls, Idaho, to make her home. The move to the west is being made on account of Mrs. Ives’ health.

Grand Rapids Press, 10 November 1913, Page 7
The Social Side
Miss Mae Griffith entertained on Friday evening with a party at her home, 642 Fairview avenue, N.E. Twenty young people were present, Mrs. Edward Joyce acting as chaperon. Music and games furnished amusement for the evening.

Grand Rapids Press, 26 August 1914, Page 7
The Social Side
Mrs. E.J. Joyce and daughter, Miss Madlyn Joyce, of 247 Jefferson avenue, S.E., left Saturday evening for Jackson and Detroit where they will visit for two weeks.

Grand Rapids Press, 14 October 1914, Page 7
The Social Side
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of Lagrave-av. ahave as their guests Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Brant of Dayton, O.: Mrs. William Marshall and daughter, Mrs. L Pettigrew and granddaughter, Marion of Denver, Colo.: Mr. and Mrs. William Monroe of Jackson and Louis Hoffman of Monroe.

Grand Rapids Press, 13 July 1915, Page 7
The Social Side
Mrs. L. Frinston, who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce of 247 Jefferson avenue, S.E., has returned to her home in Brighton, Ia.

Grand Rapids Press, 20 May 1916, Page 7
Social Notes
Mrs. Edward Joyce and daughter, Helen, of 245 Jefferson avenue, S.E., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison in Cascade.

Grand Rapids Press, 17 November 1916, Page 26
The St. Andrew’s branch of the Vincentian Relief association will have a pedro party Friday night at the home of Mrs. E.J. Joyce, Maple street and Jefferson avenue, S.E.

Grand Rapids Press, 20 November 1916, Page 7
The Social Side
Mrs. Edward Joyce 247 Jefferson avenue S.E., is spending a few days with friends in Jackson.

Grand Rapids Press, 9 July 1917
Social Side
Mrs. Edward Joyce and daughter Madlyn of 120 Jefferson avenue, S.E., left Saturday for a two weeks’ visit with friends at Owosso and Bennington.

Grand Rapids Press, 30 January 1918, Page 7
Events Past and Present
Mrs. James Beavis of Lansing spent Sunday in Grand Rapids as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Joyce, 120 Jefferson av.

Grand Rapids Press, 3 March 1919
The Social Side
Personal Mention
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Haynes of Chicago, formerly of Grand Rapids, have returned to this city to make their home and are spending a few days as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edard Joyce, 201 Lagrave- av.

Death Certificate: Cora M. Joyce died 4 January 1951 in Grand Rapids. She was born 16 May 1867 in Bennington, Michgian and was 83 years old when she died. Her parents were Burdette Monroe and Carrie Simons. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Cora M Joyce, 1951.

OBITUARY - Grand Rapids Press, 6 January 1951

JOYCE --- Funeral mass for Mrs. Cora M. Joyce, widow of Edward J. Joyce of 58 Carlton Ave., SE., will be Monday morning at 11 o’clock in St. Andrew’s cathedral. Interment Woodlawn cemetery. Mrs. Joyce reposes at her residence where members of the Altar society and friends will recite the Rosary Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Arrangements by Alt.

    Cora M. Joyce, Choir Member, Dies; Was 83
    Mrs. Cora M. Joyce died Thursday at the home her daughter, Mrs. Aileen Hills of 55 Carlton Ave., SE. She was 83, and the widow of Edward J. Joyce who died in 1942.
    A native of Bennington, Mrs. Joyce lived here since she was 18. She was many years a member of the choir of St. Andrew’s Cathedral and belonged to the Cathedral Altar Society, and the Altar Society of the St. Thomas Church, and to the Cathedral Daughters of America.
    Mrs. Joyce was active in charitable organizations.
    In addition to Mrs. Hills, she is survived byb four other daughters, Mrs. Joseph Potchen, Mrs. J. C. Zant and Mrs. Leonard F. Howe all of Grand Rapids, and Mrs. Edward T. Hannan of Muskegon Heights, 22 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.
    Services will be Monday at 11 a. m. from St. Andrew’s Cathedral, with burial in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Obituary, Grand Rapids Herald, 6 Jan 1951:
    JOYCE — Mrs. Cora M. Joyce, aged 83, widow of Edward J. Joyce, passed away Thursday afternoon at her home, 55 Carlton Ave., SE. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Eileen Joyce Hills, Mrs. Leonard F. Howe, Mrs. Joseph A. Potchen, and Mrs. J. Condon Zant, all of Grand Rapids and Mrs. Edward T. Hannon of Muskegon Heights; twenty-two grandchildren and thirteen greatgrandchildren. Funeral Mass will be Monday morning at 11 o’clock in St. Andrew’s Catedral. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Mrs. Joyce reposes at her residence, where members of the Altar Society and friends will recite the Rosary Sunday evening at 8 o’clock. Arrangements by Alt.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Cora M. Joyce
Lot :202_A
Space :3
Date of death: 01/04/1951
Funeral director: Hollebeek, Mr. Martin I
Service date: 01/08/1951
Their children include:
(infant child) Joyce (Stillborn) (9 Sep 1888-9 Sep 1888)
Harold Edward Joyce (18 Nov 1889-5 Apr 1920)
Madlyn Cora Joyce (Jan 1892-18 Jul 1925)
Aileen Edith Joyce (14 Mar 1894-23 Jun 1986)
Beulah Marie Joyce (6 Sep 1897-4 Sep 1985)
Eleanore Lorrain Joyce (23 Dec 1899-17 Jul 1996)
Gaylord Theodore Joyce (Died young) (15 Jun 1902-10 Oct 1917)
Bernice Joyce (1 Jul 1905-6 Apr 1978)
Helen Louise Joyce (13 May 1909-16 Oct 1993)
66523. Austin M. Joyce. Born in Oct 1867 in Michigan. Austin M. died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan on 14 Apr 1928. Buried on 16 Apr 1928 in Oak Hill Cemetery, Grand Rapids. Occupation: Furniture packer.

1885 Grand Rapids City Directory
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, res 37 Goodrich
    Austin Joyce, teamster, bds 37 Goodrich
    Edward Joyce, salesman Wm A Berkey, bds 37 Goodrich

1893 Grand Rapids City Directory
Bridget (wid Austin) Joyce, res 18 Ney
    Austin Joyce, clk, bds 18 Ney

Grand Rapids Press, 7 January 1896, Page 1
In Police Court. “Austin Joyce, drunk, paid court costs.”

1900 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 1, Kent County, Michigan.

Roll 7212, page 12A
256 S. Ionia Street. Dated 8 Jun 1900
    Ostin M. Joice, head, b. Oct 1867, age 32, m. 1 year, b. MI, parents b. Ireland, furniture packer
    Corlistie A. Joice, wife, b. Jul 1866, age 33, m. 1 year, 5 children, 1 living, b. MI, father b. NY, mother b. Canada, dressmaker
    Eva Richardson, stepdaughter, b. Sep 1892, age 7, b. MI, father b. Canada, mother b. MI, at school
Austin and Cora are also listed in the 1900 census living with Austin’s mother.

Grand Rapids Press, 21 October 1901, Page 3
Police Court Glimpses
Austin Joyce was gloriously intoxicated in the Blodgett block, Saturday, and could not get out without the assistance of an officer. He paid $1.85.

1904 Divorce: The circuit court has granted Corlista A. Joyce a divorce from Austin Joyce on the grounds of cruelty.
Grand Rapids Herald (Grand Rapids, Michigan) 19 July 1904. Page 5.

Kent County Marriage records indicate Austin Joyce Jr married Fanny (Wilkie) Fields Feb. 26, 1906, both of Grand Rapids. He is a furniture packer and she is a cook. Both have been married once. He was born in Michigan and she was born in Ohio. His parents are Austin Joyce and Bridget ??? Hers are John Wilkie and Elizabeth??? They are married by F. R. Schreiber, minister in Grand Rapids. Matilda Schreiber and Emil Resbenisch are witnesses; both live in Grand Rapids.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1910
Austin M. Joyce, packer Klingman’s Sample Furn Co, rms 205 N. Ionia

Grand Rapids Press 3 July 1913, Page 6
    A batch of prisoners who too early started elebrating July 4 were in Police court and had a bit of a talk with the judge.
    Austin Joyce, C.H. McKain, Fred Sheldon, Stanley Wisk and Frank McIntyre were given suspended sentences. Patrolman Bullis arrested the first two while Patrolman Hemstreet, Yager and Hunt had the other three up.

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan.

Roll 778, page 4B
52 Division Avenue
    Ray B. Avery, head, 38, b. MI, parents b. MI, repairman, garage
    Ethel Avery, wife, 29, b. MI, father b. IL, mother b. MI, keeper, lodging home
    Marion Avery, dau., 12, b. MI
    Baldwin, Earl J., nephew, 20, b. MI, father b. OH, mother b. MI, electrician, electric shop
    Austin Joyce, lodger, 50, widowed, b. MI, parent b. Ireland, furniture packer
    Louise Fry, lodger, 42, married, b. England, parents b. England, housework, private families
    Seth M. Tisdel, lodger, 34, married, b. MI, parents b. MI, barber, shop
Louise’s husband, Elmer Fry, was in the tuberculosis sanitarium at the time of the census. He died in August 1920, and Louise and Austin married in 1921.

Kent County Marriage records indicate Austin married Louis Frey Aug 18, 1921. He is 49 and she 43. He is still a furniture packer. His parents are now listed as Austin M. Joyce Sr. and Bridget Tooth. Hers are Samuel Jenner and Elizabeth A. Crittenden. D. E. Malone, pastor marries them in Grand Rapids with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ball as witnesses.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1928
Austin M. (Louise) Joyce, plsh Foster Stevens & Co h 439 Sheldon av SE

Death Certificate: Austin Joyce died 14 April 1928 at age 60. He was born 14 October 1867 in Grand Rapids, Michigan and was married when he died. Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Austin Joyce, 1928.

Obituary for Austin Joyce 15 Apr 1928 in the Grand Rapids Herald.

Grand Rapids City Cemeteries689
Name: Austin Joyce
Lot :132_W
Space :3
Date of death: 04/14/1928
Funeral director: Spring, Henry
Service date: 04/16/1928
On 12 Oct 1898 Austin M. first married Calista Ackerson, daughter of Jacob Ackerson (20 Aug 1840-24 Feb 1903) & Corlistia Hall, in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born in Jul 1866 in Michigan. Calista died in 1912. Buried in Clarksville Cemetery. They were divorced on 18 Jul 1904 in Kent County, Michigan.

Calista, known as Kit, first married Thomas Richardson, second Austin Joyce, third Reed Smith. She died in a car accident.

1870 Federal Census. Campbell Township, Ionia County, Michigan
Roll 676, page 394A
Post Office Campbell
    Jacob Ackerson, 62, farmer, $2000 real estate, $800 personal estate, b. NY
    Clarissa Ackerson, 52, keeping house, b. NY
    Jonah S. Ackerson, 23, without occupation, b. NY
    John Ackerson, 18, farm laborer, b. NY
    Corlista Ackerson, 4, b. MI

1880 Federal Census. Campbell Township, Ionia County, Michigan
Roll 584, page 294A
    Jacob Ackerson, 72, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Clarissa Ackerson, 62, wife, keeping house, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Jonas Ackerson, 32, son, single, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Corlistia Ackerson, 14, granddaughter, at home, b. MI, father b. NY, mother b. Canada
    Jeremiah Kauffman, 21, servant, single, laborer, b. PA, parents b. PA

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Ionia
    19 Dec 1880, Campbell Twp., Ionia Co. George Darby, Justice of the Peace, witnesses L.H. Darby & C.H. Ackerson, both of Ionia Co.
    Thomas Richardson, 20, of Campbell Twp., b. Canada, farmer
    Calista Ackerson, 15, Campbell Twp., b. Ionia

Two of Carlista and Thomas’s children have death records, dying about a week apart
Return of Deaths in the County of Muskegon
ii. Grace R. Richarson, d. 18 Aug 1890 at Clarksville, æ. 3 yr 4 mo 9 days, indigestion, b. MI, daughter of Thomas and Carlista Richardson of Muskegon
i. Gerta E. Richardson, d. 27 Aug 1890 at Agnew, æ. 5 mo 14 days, disentery, b. MI, daughter of Thomas and Carlista Richardson of Muskegon

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Kent
    16 Sep 1905, Grand Rapids. B. Hoffman, Clergyman. Witnesses Mrs B. Hoffman & Mrs Van Domeler
    Reed Smith, 24, of Grand Rapids, b. Baltimore, Ohio, R.R. fireman, son of Edw. Smith & Ida, not married before
    Corlistia (Ackerson) Richardson, 34, b. Campbell, MI, housekpr, daughter of Jacob Ackerson & Corlistia, married once before
On 26 Feb 1906 Austin M. second married Fanny Wilkie, daughter of John Wilkie & Elizabeth, in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Record Number 7881, book 14, page 189, of Kent County, Michigan marriage licenses has Austin marrying Fanny Wilkie Fields on Feb 26, 1906. He is a furiture packer and she is a cook. He was born in Michigan and she in Ohio. Both have been married once. He is 31 and she is 33. F. R. Schreiber is the minister who marries them in Grand Rapids. HIs parents are Austin Joyce and Bridget ??? and hers are John Wilkie and Elizabeth ??? Witnesses, b. Born ca 1873 in Ohio.

Fanny, surname variously spelled Wilk/Welk, Wilkins, Willis, Wilgus, or Wilky. Her first husband was a Mr Fields.
On 18 Aug 1921 Austin M. third married Louise Jenner, daughter of Samuel Jenner (1832-) & Elizabeth A. Crittenden (ca 1840-), in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Born ca 1878 in England.

Louise, also called Louie, first married Elmer O. Fry, second Austin Joyce.

1881 England Census. Linton, Kent
Class: RG11; Piece: 925; Folio: 116; Page: 5; GSU roll: 1341220
29 Reason Hill. Cottage
    Samuel Jenner, head, 47, ag. lab, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Elizabreth A. Jenner, wife, 41, b. Goudhurst, Kent
    William Jenner, son, 21, unmarried, ag. lab, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    James Jenner, son, 19, unmarried, ag. lab, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Frederick Jenner, son, 17, ag. lab, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Eliza Jenner, daughter, 15, scholar, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Jane Jenner, daughter, 13, scholar, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Lizzie Jenner, daughter, 10, scholar, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Alice Jenner, daughter, 7, scholar, b. Cranbrook, Kent
    Alfred Jenner, son, 5, scholar, b. Hawkhurst, Kent
    Louie Jenner, 3, b. Hunton, Kent
    Emily Jenner, 8 months, b. Linton, Kent

1910 Federal Census. Ganges Twp., Allegan County, Michigan
Roll 634, page 1A, ED 11
    Elmer O. Fry, head, 34, m. 7 years, b. MI, father b. OH, mother b. MI, farm laborer, working out
    Louie Fry, wife, 32, m. 7 years, 1 child, none living, b. England, parents b. England, imm. 1902
    Elvira A. Fry, mother, 70, widow, 7 children, b. MI, parents b. OH

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 2, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 777, page 1A
Tuberculosis Sanitarium
    Elmer Fry, 44, married, b. MI, father b. PA, mother b. MI, patient, hospital
Elmer is one of about 3 dozen patients.

Grand Rapids City Directory 1930
Louise (wid Andrew) Joyce, r741 Delaware SE

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan

Roll 1002, page 243
237 Jewel Ave. Dwelling 105, family 114
    Leo Marousek, head, 30, b. Iowa, father b. Checkoslavakia, mother b. Iowa, teacher in public school, war veteran
    Elsie Marousek, wife, 40, b. MI, parents b. Netherlands
    Beverly Ripple, step-daughter, 14, b. Illinois, father b. Iowa, mother b. MI
    ___ Joyce, servant, 52, widow, b. England, parents b. England, imm. 1902, naturalized, housekeeper in private home
The space for the first name for widow Joyce was left completely blank.
66524. Annie Joyce. Born ca 1869 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan.

Annie is listed in the 1870 census, but doesn’t appear in the 1880 one.
66525. Mattie Joyce. Born in Jun 1872 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Mattie died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan on 4 Aug 1872.

Mattie and his father are listed one after the other in the list of deaths sent from the county to the state:

Michigan Deaths
Return of Deaths in the County of Kent
    Austin Joice, d. 26 Dec 1872 at Grand Rapids, married, age 44, conumption, b. Ireland, laborer, son of James
    Mattie Joice, d. 4 Aug 1872 at Grand Rapids, age 2 months, feble, b. Grand Rapids, son of Austin Joice & Bridget Cute

Death Certificate. Michigan Deaths, 1867-1897; Film 2363451; Folder 420787o; Reference Number 1417; page 96.
Mattie Joice, aged two months died on 4 August 1872. He was born in Grand Rapids, the son of Austin Joice and Bridget Cute. Mattie died in Grand Rapids of “Decline and Feble” (Infant).
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.