Pane-Joyce Genealogy
68699. Alice Race. Born on 19 Mar 1863 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Alice died in Potter, Yates County, New York, on 18 Mar 1864. Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.661

Alace Race 1863 Mar 18 d/o Peter & Olive Race [Lafler/Race plot] Yates County Cemeteries and Cemetery Burials; Boook Two: Italy, Middlesex, Potter and Rushville. Compiled by frances Dumas and Sherry Conybeare. No date, no publisher, 1996. p.40
68700. Maggie Race. Born on 31 Mar 1865 in Potter, Yates County, New York.661 Maggie died in Potter, Yates County, New York, on 15 Oct 1865.661 Buried in Nettle Valley Cemetery, Potter.661

Cemetery Monument: Maggie Race d 15 Oct 1865, b 31 March 1864, d ae 5 months 14 days d/o Peter & Olive Race. Yates County Cemeteries and Cemetery Burials; Boook Two: Italy, Middlesex, Potter and Rushville. Compiled by frances Dumas and Sherry Conybeare. No date, no publisher, 1996. p.40
68701. Ada Race. Born on 3 May 1867 in Potter, Yates County, New York. Ada died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 28 Dec 1942; she was 75. Buried on 30 Dec 1942 in Newaygo Cemetery.

Marriage records for Newaygo County, Michigan, Book 3, page 134, # 1971, state John G. Leisgang, Jr. married Ada Race on 16 November 1886. He was 31, was born in Pennsylvania, was a farmer and resided in Croton. She was 19, was born in New York and resided in Newaygo. No parents were listed. Lewis Keyes, Justice, married them with Lewis Drane and Catie Keys of Newaygo as witnesses.

1894 Garfield Township, Newaygo County, Michigan Census has Ada 26 and George 38. He is a laborer in a saw mill and she is a housewife. She and her parents were born in New York. He was born in Pennsylvania and his parents in Germany. Her sister, Etta (Mayetta) Race is staying with them. She is 19 and works in a printing office.

Newaygo Repubublican, “Local and General News,” 17 January 1901:
“The following officers of Coral Lodge, D. of R., were installed last Saturday evening: N.G., Mrs. L.A. Surpilice; V.G., Mrs. Geo. Leisgang; R.S.N.G., Mrs. Emma Bailey; L.S.N.G., L.W. Pickett; R.S.V.G., Mrs. N. Christensen; Treas., Mrs. L.H. Utley; R. Secretary, Mrs. George Leisgang; F. Secretary, Mrs. J. Peterson; Chap., Mrs. J.W. Maynard; Con., Mrs. H.B. Cameron; Warden, Mrs. B.W. Cope; I.G., Miss Maude Gibe; O.G., Mrs. W.H. Moore.

Newaygo Repubublican, “Local and General News,” 7 July 1904:
“George Leisgang of Grand Rapids came to Newaygo on Saturday last and returned Tuesday morning, accompanied by Mrs. Leisgang, who had been here about two weeks.”

1940 Federal Census. Wyoming, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1776, page 20A
610 Beals Road
    Ada Leisgang, head, 74, widowed, 6th grade, b. NY
    George J. Leisgang, son, 14, 6th grade, b. MI
Both lived in Grand Rapids in 1935.

Death Index: Ada Liesgang died on 28 December 1942 at age 76 in Grand Rapids. She was married. Here parents were Peter Race and Olive Phelps and Ada was born in New York on 3 May 1866. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Peter Race in entry for Ada Liesgang, 1942.
On 16 Nov 1886 when Ada was 19, she married George John Leisgang, son of John George Leisgang (ca 1819-26 Nov 1898) & Elizabeth Medoff (Jul 1831-16 Jun 1919), in Big Prairie Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born on 30 Nov 1860 in Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. George John died on 28 Jun 1939; he was 78. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists, 1862-1918
Pennsylvania, 1865. Districdt 20, monthy and special lists, Jan-Dec 1865
    Geo. Leisgang. Titusville.

1860 Federal Census. Meadville, Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Roll 1099, page 505
    George Leisgang, 41, laborer, $1000 real estate, $100 personal estate, b. Bavarai
    Elizabeth Leisgang, 25, b. PA
    Geoerge Leisgang, 3, b. PA

1870 Federal Census. Titusville Ward 3, Crawford County, Pennsylvania
Roll 1331, page 687A
    Andrew Lizgong, 45, laborer, $1000 real estate, $500 personal estate
    Catherine Lizgong, 39, keeping house
    George Lizgong, 9, at school
    Edward Lizgong, 4, at school
    Elizabeth Lizgong, 1
    George Lizgong, 13, at school
All were born in Pennsylvania excepet Catherine who was born in Germany. Perhaps the second George was a nephew of Andrew Lizgang since he was listed last. This family was listed with the surname Leisgang in the 1880 census.

1880 Federal Census. Cedar Twp., Osceola County, Michigan
Roll 600, page 141 C
    George Leisgang, 24, laborer, b. Germany
George is listed along with over 70 men at camp ranging in age from 17 to 45, mostly in their 20s.

1900 Federal Census. Garfield Twp., Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 735, page 4B
    George P. Leisgang, head, b. Nov 1855, 44, m. 12 years, b. PA, parents b. Germany
    Adah Leisgang, wife, b. May 1867, 38, m. 12 years, no children, b. NY, parents b. NY, day laborer

6 June 1901, “Local and General News,” Newaygo Republican:

“Newaygo Lodge L.O.O.F. elected the following officers, last Monday evening: N.G., Geo. Leisgang; V.G., Enos Tremain; Sec., L.H. Rice; Treas., J. Bailey; Rep. to G.L., D.F.Yockey; Alt. Rep. to G.L., J. Bailey.

Newaygo Republican,18 September 1902, “Local and General News”:
A brief mention is made regarding George’s father and his health. He was attending the Reunion of Civil War Veterans in Newaygo. “George Leisgang was taken suddenly ill on the reunion grounds last Wednesday and was removed to his home. He is much better at present and able to again attend to his business.”

Newaygo Republican, 12 May1904, “Local and General News”:
“Mrs. Peter Race returned from Grand Rapids Tuesday where she had been nursing her daughter, Mrs. George Leisgang, who recently underwent a painful and serious surgical operation. Mrs. Race reports that she is gaining nicely and expects to enjoy far better health in the future.”

29 November 1906, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:

“Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Leisgang of Grand Rapids, are spending the day with Newaygo friends and relatives.”

1919 George was the informanat on his mother’s death certificate.

1920 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 3, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 779, page 13A
2032 Palace Avenue
    George J. Leisgang, head, 62, b. PA, parents b. Germany, carpenter, car shop
    Ada Leisgang, wife, 52, b. NY, parents b. NY

1930 Federal Census. Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1002, page 1B
Blodget Home for Children, dated 12 Apr 1930
    Leonard Hansen, 4 years, 2 months, b. MI, parents b. MI

1930 Federal Census. Wyoming, Kent County, Michigan
Roll 1005, page 46B
249 Rathbone Ave. dated 6 May 1930
    George Leisgang, head, 72, m. age 28, b. PA, parents b. Germany, carpenter, steam railroad
    Ada Leisgang, wife, 63, m. age 18, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Leonard Hansen, lodger [guardian crossed out], 5, b. MI, parents b. unknown

Newaygo Cemetery
On one marker
    Ada Leisgang, b. 3 May 1878. Plot: Section B, Lot 314, Grave 3
    George J. Leisgang, b. 30 Nov 1860, d. 28 Jun 1939. Section B, Lot 314, Grave 3
Their children include:
George James Leisgang (Adopted) (17 Mar 1925-4 Dec 1996)
68702. Edward James Race. Born on 29 Jun 1868 in Paris Township, Kent County, Michigan. Edward James died in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, on 18 Feb 1905; he was 36. Buried on 20 Feb 1905 in Garfield Park Cemetery, Grand Rapids.

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Newaygo, p. 14
    25 Dec 1869 at Croton, P. A. Harris, Justice. Witnesses J.G.Leisgang Jr & A Leisgang of Croton
Edward J. Race, of Croton, age 18, b. MI, farmer, father Peter Race
    Amanda G. Elmer, of Croton, age 18, b. MI, father Lewis Elmer
1894 Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan Census,
Edward and Almeda are both 25. Eva is two. All were born in Michigan. Edward is working in a sawmill and Almeda is a housewife.

1900 Grand Rapids City, Kent County, Michigan census has Edward and his family living at 6411 Craften Ave., Grand Rapids. All family members were born in Michigan. Edward was born in June, 1869; Almeda - February, 1869; Eva A. - August, 1891; Etta - December 1896; and Olive P. - September, 1898.

Obituary - Newaygo Republican February 20, 1905
    Edward J. Race was born in Grand Rapids, Mich. June 20th, 1869, died February 18, 1905. He was the oldest son of Peter Race of this village and had lived in Grand Rapids for the past five years. During nearly all of this time he has held one of the most responsible positions, chief car inspector on the northern division of the Pere Marquette Railroad, which position he filled up until a few days before his death. During the last year of his life he was a great sufferer, but scarcely uttered a complaint, so that but few knew his condition, even his own family to the extent, until that dread disease cancer of the bowels and surrounding tissues had so sapped his vitility that all could see but a few days of life were left before him.
    His parents were sent for and arrived at his home in time to bid him a last farewell. His friends among his fellow workmen, his neighbors, and the I.O.O.F. of which order he had been a member for a number of years, all did their utmost to show their esteem for the deceased deluging his casket with flowers beautilful emblems of love and human fraility.

Death Cerificate Kent County
, Michigan states that Edward died of cancer of the bowels on February 18, 1905 in Grand Rapids. He was 35 years, seven months and 20 days old. He was born in Michigan, a coal inspector and his parents were Peter Race and Olive Phelps.

Garfield Park Cemetery, Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan
    Edward J. Race, 1869º1905
On 25 Dec 1887 when Edward James was 19, he married Almeda G. Elmer, daughter of Lewis Elmer (Dec 1828-28 Jan 1913) & Jane A. Henderson (Mar 1833-1931), in Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born in Feb 1869 in Royal Oak, Oakland County, Michigan. Almeda G. died in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan on 1 Mar 1918.

Almeda, also spelled Almeta or Elmeta, Elmer. She first married Edward Race, second William Kellogg, third John Lent.

Kent County Marriage Records have Almeda marrying William Kellogg on 29 August 1908 in Grand Rapids, MI. She is 39, has been married once and is a housekeeper. Her parents are Lewis Elmer and Jane Henderson. His are Jason Kellogg and Sarah Smith. He is 44, has been married twice and is a carpenter. Both were born in Grand Rapids. F. A. Blers, Police Judge, marries them with A. E. Krakowski and Leonard Verdier as witnesses.

1910 Federal Census. Grand Rapids Ward 10, Kent County, Michigan
Roll T624_658, Page 3A
1193 Grafton Avenue
    William M. Kellogg, head, 46, m. 1 year, b. MI, parents b. NY, carpenter, [can’t read]tract work
    Almeda Kellogg, wife, 41, m. 1 year, 5 children all living, b. MI, father b. NY, mother b. England
    Eva E. Kellogg, daughter, 18, single, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Etta G. Kellogg, daughter,13, b. ditto
    Olive P. Kellogg, daughter, 11 , b. ditto
    Lillian M. Kellogg, daughter, 8, b. ditto
    Edward L. Kellogg, son, 6, b. ditto
    Arthur Kellogg, son, 22, single, b. ditto, salesman, mail orders
Their children include:
Eva Excella Race (25 Aug 1891-12 Jun 1973)
Etta Gertrude Race (4 Dec 1896-20 Jan 1961)
Olive Pearl Race (7 Sep 1898-15 Nov 1969)
Edward Lewis Race (8 Jul 1903-7 Mar 1946)
Lillian May Race (14 Oct 1901-Oct 1966)
68703. Ernest Erwin Race. Born on 14 Aug 1872 in Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan. Ernest Erwin died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 24 Jun 1947; he was 74. Buried on 26 Jun 1947 in Newaygo Cemetery.

World War I Draft Registration Cards. Registration Location: Newaygo County, Michigan; Roll: 1682688; Draft Board: 0; World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2005.
Original data: United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918.

Ernest Erwin Race resides at R#1 Howard City, Montcalm County, Michigan. He is 19 years old and was born on 15 April 1899. He works as a farm laborer for Albert Nelson in Howard City. He lists Mrs. Elma Borderding of 28 Sophia, Muskegon, Michigan his contact person. Ernest has brown hair and eyes, is short and has a medium build.

In 1930 and 1940 Ernest was living with his brother Albert in Newaygo.

Death Index: Ernest Race was born 14 August 1872 to Peter Race and Olive Phelps. He died 28 June 1947 in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan. He was single. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Peter Race in entry for Ernest Race, 1947.

Obituary, June 26, 1947, Newaygo Repubican

    Ernest Race, 75, died Tuesday morning at the home of his brother, Albert, after a long illness. Born in Grand Rapids in 1872, he came to Newaygo County with his parents around 1900, and lived at Stern's Prairie, Croton Township, before moving to Newaygo. Besides his brother, Albert, he is survived by another brother, Frank, of Petoskey, and two sisters, Mrs. Dan Edwards of Newaygo, and Mrs. George Higgins of Traverse City. Funeral services will be held this Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Kelley funeral home. Interment will be in the Newaygo Cemetary with Rev. Frederick Pinch of Grand Rapids officiating.

Newaygo Cemetery.
    Ernest Race, 1872-1947. Section F, Lot 158 Grave 1

Medical: Died of Chronic Nephritis.
68704. Margaret Race. Born on 19 Nov 1874 in Wyoming Township, Kent County, Michigan. Margaret died bef 1880.
68705. Marietta Race. Born on 19 Nov 1876 in Kent County, Michigan. Marietta died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 17 Jan 1962; she was 85. Buried on 20 Jan 1962 in Newaygo Cemetery.

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages in the County of Newaygo, p. 483
    21 Jul 1897 at Croton, Walter M. Race, Justice. Witnesses Maud Race & Cora Speese of Croton
Daniel S. Edwards, of Newaygo, age 21, b. Newaygo, farmer, son of Ja’s H. Edwards & Alice L. Banker
    Marietta Race, of Croton, age 21, b. unknown, domestic, daughter of Peter Race & Olive Phelps

8 March 1900, “Local and General News”, Newaygo Republican:

“D. S. Edwards is the proud and happy father of a boy, born last Saturday morning, weight close to eight pounds.”

Newaygo Republican, 29 May 1902, “Local and General News”:
“Born, May 28th to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Edwards, a daughter.”

Newaygo Republican, 18 July 1946

    “Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Edwards observed their 49th wedding anniversary Sunday at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Morris, of Garfield township. The occasion also marked Mrs. Morris’ birth anniversary.”

Newaygo Republican, 24 July 1958
    “Mr. and Mrs. Dan Edwards observed their 61st wedding anniversary Monday, which is a big day in the Edwards family. Their grandson, Robert Ruggles, observed his 22nd birth anniversary the same day, which was also the birth anniversary of Miss Anna Edwards of Grand Rapids.”

Newaygo Republican, 18 January 1962

    “Mrs. Daniel S. Edwards passed away Wednesday morning at Gerber Memorial hospital, Fremont where she had been a patient for four weeks.
    She had been ill since April at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. Robert (Grace) Ruggles.
    Marietta Edwards was born Nov. 19, 1875 in Kent county the daughter of Peter and Olive Race. As a child she moved with her parents to the Croton area and as a young woman to Newaygo.
    She was married July 21, 1907 to Daniel S. Edwards who preceded her in death May 22, 1959. Before her marriage Mrs. Edwards worked as a typesetter for the Newaygo Republican. After her marriage, for a time she operated the telephone switchboard which was at that time in Edwards’ Hardware store.
    Mrs. Edwards was a life member of Unity chapter No. 61, Order of the Eastern Star.
    Surviving are four children Charles A. Edwards and Mrs. G. Robert Ruggles of Newaygo, Ernest P. Edwards of Hamilton, R. R. 2, and Mrs. R. S. Fuller of Kalamazoo; two brother, Albert Race of Newaygo and Frank Race of Petoskey; one sister, Mrs. George Higgins of Traverse City; 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
    Funeral services will be held at 1:00 p.m. Saturday at the Clarence Pieschel Home for Funerals with the Rev. Walter Scott officiating.”

Newaygo Cemetery Sextons Record
shows Marrietta was interred 10 January 1962 in Section B, Lot 312, Grave 3 at the Newaygo cemetery. She was 76 and the cause of death was a cerebral hemorage.
On 21 Jul 1897 when Marietta was 20, she married Daniel Shaw Edwards, son of James H. Edwards (Jan 1845-1926) & Alice L. Banker (Feb 1850-), in Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born on 25 Jun 1876 in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan. Daniel Shaw died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 22 May 1959; he was 82. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

1880 Federal Census. Brook Twp., Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 598, page 397D
Village of Newaygo
    James H. Edwards, 35, husband, keeps hardware store, b. MI, parents b. NY
    Alice Edwards, 30, wife, keeps house, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Daniel Edwards, 4, son, m. MI, father b. MI, mother b. NY
    Anna B. Edwards, 4, daughter, b. ditto
    Stephen Boyd, 37, boarder, farmer, b. NY, parents b. NY
    George Marvin, 21, boarder, tinsmith, b. NY, parents b. NY

30 August 1900, “Local and General News,” Newaygo Republican:
“Daniel Edwards presented The Republican with a basket of selected peaches last Tuesday, which he picked from his orchard west of this village.”

Newaygo Republican, 19 December 1901, “Local and General News”:
“D. S. Edwards went to Clarksville last Tuesday to spend a day or two with George Marvin. On his return he will stop in Grand Rapids, long enough to take a peep at the poultry show.”

Newaygo Republican, 13 March 1902, “Local and General News”:
“D.S. Edwards has received a number of Plymouth Rock Fowls of which he is very proud. They are from White’s feathered stock farm at Battle Creek, thoroughbred and beauties.”

Newaygo Republican, 20 November 1902, “Local and General News”:

“D. S. Edwards is now a full fledged street car conductor. He was at home over Sunday and says he likes his job very much.”

Newaygo Republican, 26 December 1902, “Local and General News”:

“Dan Edwards is now acting as express messenger between Grand Rapids and Baldwin.”

Newaygo Republican, 7 January 1904, “Local News”:

“D.S. Edwards is an exhibitor at the Grand Rapids chicken show.”

Newaygo Republican, 16 June 1904, “Local News”:
“D.S. Edwards shipped a car load of cattle and hogs yesterday and will ship another car load next week.”

Newaygo Republican, 17 November 1904, “Local News”:
“Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Edwards spent Monday and Tuesday in Grand Rapids.”

9 February 1905, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“D. S. Edwards is in Buffalo, N.Y., this week on business.”

20 July 1905, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“Mr. Voigt of Grant and Mr. D. S. Edwards of this place made a business trip to White Cloud last Monday.”

24 August 1905, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“D. S. Edwards spent Friday and Saturday last in Lowell and Grand Rapids on business.”

14 September 1905, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“Thanks to W. S. Bartron and D. S. Edwards for baskets of fine peaches.”

2 November 1905, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“D.S. Edwards went to Grand Ledge on Tuesday last to buy chickens for the eastern markets. He expects to make that place his headquarters during the winter.”

Newaygo Republican, 22 February 1906, “Local News”:

“D. S. Edwards is attending the State Farmer’s Institute at Lansing this week.” and, “D. S. Edwards secured sedond prize on Barred Plymouth Rocks, at the Poultry Show in Grand Rapids last week.”

Newaygo Republican, 16 July 1906, “Oakland Beach News”:
“Dan Edwards and family accompanied by Miss Fannie McLain moved into the Edwards cottage Tuesday.”

Newaygo Republican, “South Everett News,” 25 October 1906:
“Daniel S. Edwards was at this palce this week on business.”

Newaygo Republican, “Local News,” 1 November 1906:
“D. S. Edwards went to Chicago Friday on business. He expects to return today.”

Newaygo Republican, 3 July 1913, “Local News”:

“Daniel S. Edwards, Robert Homily and Raymond D. Minogue returned, the first of the week, from a fishing trip to the Little South branch of the Pere Marquette river. The boys report a good catch, among which was a German brown trout, which measured 20 1/2 inches, caught by Mr. Minogue.”

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Registered White Cloud, Newaygo Co., MI. 12 Sep 1918
    Daniel Shaw Edwards. Newaygo, Newaygo Co., MI
    Age 42. b. 25 Jun 1876
    Occupation: merchant, self-employed, Newaygo
    Nearest relative: Mrs. Marietta Edwards, Newaygo
    Medium height, medium build, brown eyes, dark hair

Article reporting the death of Daniel Edwards:
28 May 1959, Newaygo Republican

Daniel Edwards, Native Son of Newaygo, Dies
    Daniel S. Edwards, 82, former teacher and businessman, died at his home here Friday.
    He was born June 25, 1876, in Newaygo, attended Newaygo High school and was graduated from Michigan State Normal College at Ypsilanti. He taught at Newaygo and Lapeer High schools, and served as a poultry buyer for A. T. Pearson of Fremont. He was in the hardware business, formerly operated by his father, J. H. Edwards, and also was a partner with his brother, J. Harrison Edwards in a feed and produce business here for many years.
    Mr. Edwards also traveled for 19 years for the Alfred J. Brown Seed Co. of Grand Rapids, retiring in 1944. He had spent the past 22 winters in East Bradenton, Fla.
    He had served as village assessor, was a life member of the Newaygo Masonic lodge and a member of the OES, which he also has served as a worthy patron.
    Mr. Edwards married Marietta Race at Croton in 1897.
    Survivors include his wife, two sons, Charles of Newaygo, Ernest of New Richmond; two daughters, Mrs. Grace Ruggles of Newaygo, Mrs. Lucille Fuller of Kalamazoo; five grandchildren, three great grandchildre; two sisters, Miss Anna B. Edwards of GRand Rapids, Mrs. Caroline Morris of Newaygo, and his brother, J. Harrison Edwards of Lowell.
    Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Pieschel Funeral home with burial in Newaygo Cemetery.

Newaygo Cemetery
On two markers.
Daniel S. Edwards. 1876-1959. Plot: Section B, Lot 312, Grave 4
    Marietta Edwards. 1875-1962. Plot: Section B, Lot 312, Grave 3
Their children include:
Olive Grace Edwards (28 May 1902-8 Nov 1985)
Charles A. Edwards (3 Mar 1900-11 Aug 1968)
68706. Bertha Race. Born on 27 Feb 1879 in Kent County, Michigan. Bertha died in 1962. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

Newaygo County Marriage Records, Book 4, page 128, state that Bertha Race married Edwin A. Fowler on 16 March 1899 in Newaygo. He is 27, was born in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, is a railroad brakeman and lives in St. Joseph, Michigan. She is 20, was born in Kent County, Michigan, lives in Newaygo and does housework. Her parents are Peter Race and Olive J. Race, and his are A. M. fowler and Hannah J. Cline. William W. Slee, Minister marries them with Daniel S. and Etta Edwards as witnesses.

15 September 1904, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“Miss Bertha fowler has accepted a position in A. Dysinger’s cigar factory.”

5 October 1905, “Local News,” Newaygo Republican:
“Dr. A. M. Fowler of Chicago returned to his home last Monday after making a three weeks visit with his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Fowler.”

Michigan Marriages
Return of Marriages to the County of Newaygo
    17 Aug 1910, Holland, MI. E.J. Blekkink, Pastor 3rd Reformed Church, Holland. Witnesses Mr & Mrs Frank L. Higgins
    George Washington Higgins, 34, of Holland, MI, b. MI, bridge foreman, son of Benj. Higgins & Jane Jennings, not married before
    Bertha Fowler, 31, of Newaygo, b. MI, domestic, daughter of Peter Race & Olive Phelps, married once before
On 16 Mar 1899 when Bertha was 20, she first married Edwin A. Fowler, son of Ambrose M. Fowler (2 Nov 1844-1909) & Hannah J. Cline (2 Nov 1849-), in Newago County, Michigan. Born on 2 Apr 1871 in Eaton Rapids, Eaton County, Michigan. Edwin A. died in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, on 6 Dec 1901; he was 30.

1880 Federal Census. Paris Twp., Kent County, Michigan
Roll 587, page 110D
    Ambrose M. Fowler, 35, carpenter, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Hannah J. Fowler, 30, wife, keeping house, b. OH, parents b. PA
    Edwin A. Fowler, 9, son, at school, b. MI, father b. NY, mother b. OH
    Charlotte Fowler, 1, daughter, b. ditto

In 1900 Edwin and Bertha were living with Bertha’s father Peter Race’s family.

Newaygo Republican,
12 December 1901,
Local News
    Mr. E. A. Fowler, who recently resided in Newaygo was fatally hurt in a railroad accident which occurred near Walkerton, Indiana, on Thursday last. The accident is said to have been caused by the engineer applying the air brakes and stopping the train so suddenly that Mr. Fowler, who was on top of a freight car, was thrown to the ground. His back was broken, his skull crushed, and one of his arms broken in three places, and in spite of his injuries he lived until Friday. He died in a hospital in Chicago, where he was taken by the brotherhood of brakemen. His body was expected to arrive here on Monday and the funeral was to have been held on Tuesday, but the remains did not arrive until Tuesday evening and the funeral was held Wednesday morning at the Congregational Church. Immediately on receipt of the news of the accident, Mrs. Peter Race and Edward Race, mother-in-law and brother-in-law, went to Chicago, to render all the help possible, but nothing could be done for the poor fellow who did not recover consciousness after he was hurt. Mrs. Fowler, who was in poor health, is prostrated with grief and could not be brought from Chicago to attend the funeral. Mr. Fowler had been braking on the road as a supply hand for a short time and had just been given a regular run and was making preparations to commence housekeeping at the end of his route, when the accident occurred.
Their children include:
Dwight Edwin Fowler (1 Apr 1900-3 Oct 1980)
Iva May Fowler (Posthumous) (29 Dec 1901-1931)
On 17 Aug 1910 when Bertha was 31, she second married George Washington Higgins, son of Benjamin Higgins (May 1836-) & Jane Jennings (Aug 1839-), in Holland, Ottawa County, Michigan. Born in Mar 1876 in Michigan. George Washington died in 1969. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

1880 Federal Census. Holland Ward 1, Ottawa County, Michigan
Roll 601, page 504A
Eighth Street
    Benjemin P. Higgins, 44, photo artist, b. ME, father b. ME, mother b. MA
    Jane A. Higgins, 40, wife, keeping house, b. CT, father b. PA, mother b. CT
    Orville R. Higgins, 10, son, b. IL, father b. ME, mother b. CT
    Frank L. Higgins, 8, son, b. ditto
    Willie Higgins, 5, son, b. ditto
    George W. Higgins, 4, son, b. MI, father b. ME, mother b. CT

1900 Federal Census. Holland Ward 1, Ottawa County, Michigan
Roll 738, page 11A
71 East Eighth Street
    Benjamin P. Higgen, head, b. May 1836, 64, m. 34 years, b. ME, father b. ME, mother b. MA, photographer
    Jane Higgen, wife, b. Aug 1839, 60, m. 34 years, 7 children, 3 living, b. CT, father b. PA, mother b. CT
    George Higgen, son, b. Mar 1876, 24, single, b. MI, father b. ME, mother b. CT, housekeeper

1910 Federal Census. Holland Ward 1, Ottawa County, Michigan
Roll T624_670
131 East Eighth Street
    Benjamin P. Higgins, head, 74, m1. 44 years, b. ME, father b. ME, mother b. MA
    Jane A. Higgins, wife, 70, m1. 44 years, 6 children, 3 living, b. CT, father b. PA, mother b. CT
    George W. Higgins, son, 34, single, m. MI, father b. ME, mother b. CT, foreman, concrete work
    John Fitzpatrick, roomer, 49, single, b. NY, parents born Ireland (Irish), finisher, furniture factory

1920 Federal Census. Garfield, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 10A
    George W. Higgins, head, 42, b. MI, father b. ME, mother b. NY, carpenter, railroad
    Bertha Higgins, wife, 40, b. MI, parents b. NY
    Ivah Fowler, daughter, 18, b. IL, parents b. MI
    Dwight Fowler, son, 19, b. MI, parents b. MI, laborer, railroad

1930 Federal Census. Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 1015, page 2B
    George Higgins, head, 54, m. age 34, b. MI, father b. ME, mother b. MA, repair manager, steam railway
    Bertha Higgins, wife, 51, m. age 19, b. MI, parents b. NY
    Dwight Flower, step-son, 30, single, b. MI, parents b. MI, carpenter, steam railway
    Archie Mundy, son in law, 40, m. age 31, b. MI, parents b. MI, carpenter, steam railway
    Ivah Mundy, step daughter, 28, m. age 19, b. IL, parents b. MI
Their children include:
George Raymond Higgens (Died soon) (24 Apr 1916-14 Sep 1919)
68707. Albert James Race. Born on 1 Oct 1883 in Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Albert James died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 26 Sep 1965; he was 81. Buried on 28 Sep 1965 in Newaygo Cemetery.

Newaygo County Marriage License states that Albert Race and Emma Wagner were married on 25 January 1905 in Newaygo. He is 21, was born in Newaygo and is a sectionhand. She is 24, was born in Canada and is a domestic. His parents are Peter Race and Olive Phelps. Hers are Gordon Wagnor and Sarah Welch. Walter M. Race, J.P. married them in Newaygo. Witnesses were Dan Edwards and Ernie Race.

9 February 1905, “Married,” Newaygo Republican:
“In the presence of a few relatives, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 25th, Mr. Albert Race and Miss Emma Wagner were united in marriage by Dr. Wm. M. Race, J. P., and uncle of the bridegroom.”

7 August 1913, Newaygo Republican, “Local News”:

“Mr. and Mrs. Albert Race are spending two weeks with friends and relatives at Harbor Beach.”

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Registered in Newaygo Co., MI. 12 Sep 1918
    Albert James Race, Newaygo
    Age 35. b. 4 Oct 1883
    Occupation: laborer, Newaygo Cement Co., Newaygo
    Closest relative: wife Emma Race, Newaygo
    Tall, medium build, light blue eyes, light brown hair

1920 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 5A
    Albert J. Race, head, 36, b. MI, parents b. MI, laborer, cement mill
    Emma C. Race, wife, 39, imm. 1885, b. Canada, parents b. Canada

1930 Federal Census. Brooks Township, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 1015, page 2A
Village of Newaygo
    Albert Race, head, 47, m. age 21, b. MI, parents b. NY, saw grinder operator, cement plant
    Emma C. Race, wife, 50, m. age 25, b. Canada, parents b. Canada, imm. 1885
    Ernest Race, brother, 57, single, b. MI, parents b. NY, laborer, cement plant

Newaygo County marriage records state that Albert married Metta on 11 Sept 1939 in Big Rapids, MI. Both are 55 and were born in Michigan. He is retired and she is a nurse. His parents are Peter Race and Olive Phelps and hers are John C. Miller and Metta Hershfield. F. W. Weiess, minister, married them with Ottomas Bickle and Mrs. F. W. Weiss as witnesses.

1940 Federal Census. Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 1797, page 1A
Bunker Hill Road
    Albert J. Race, head, 56, 1 year HS, laborer, cemetery work
    Metta Race, wife, 55, 4 years HS
    Earnest Race, brother, 67, 7th grade
All were born in Michigan. Albert and Earnest were living in the same house 5 years before, and Metta was living in Newaygo.

Newaygo County marriage records indicate that Albert married Mary 9 May 1942 in Muskegon, MI. He is a laborer and she is a cook. He is 58 and she is 57. HIs parents are Peter Race and Olive Phelps, and hers are Elbert Millen and Elmira Young. She has been married once, and he has been married twice. Erving F. Millen, minister, marries them with Victor A. Millen and Ella Hedley as witnesses.

OBIT: Newaygo Republican Oct. 7, 1965


    Albert Race, 81 lifetime resident of Newaygo, died Sunday, September 24 at the Newaygo County Medical Facility.
    Mr. Race was born in newaygo October 1, 1883, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Race. He had made his home at the family residence on Centerline Road until November, 1963, when he entered the Medical Facility.
    He had worked for the Pere Marquette Railroad and the Newaygo Portland Cement Company. In later life he was employed by the village until a heart attack in the 1940's forced him to retire.
    Surviviing are one brother, Frank Race of Petoskey; one step-son, A.J. Hughes of Muskegon; two step-daughters, Mrs. Cal Blackmer of Mount Morris and Mrs. Dora Kallas of Racine, Wisconsin.
    Services were held a the the Pieschel Funeral Home Tuesday, September 28. Burial was in Newaygo Cemetary.

Newaygo Cemetery
    Albert J. Race. 1883-. Section F, Lot 4, Grave1
    Metta K. Race, 1884-1941.
    Emma C. Race, 1880-1938. Section F, Lot 4, Grave 2
On 25 Jan 1905 when Albert James was 21, he first married Emma C. Wagner, daughter of Gordon Wagner (May 1830-) & Sarah Welch, in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born on 31 Mar 1880 in Canada. Emma C. died in Fremont, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 1 Jan 1938; she was 57. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

1900 Federal Census. Sherman Twp., Huron County, Michigan
Roll 715, page 3B
Gordon Wagner, head, b. about May 1830, 70, farmer
    Dan Wagner, son, b. Mar 1876, 24, farm laborer
    Emma Wagner, daughter, b. Mar 1880, 20
All were born in Canada as were their parents. The immigrated to the United States in 1885, 15 years before. Gordon and Dan are marked off as having been naturalized.

Death Index: Emma Race died 1 January 1938 In Fremont, Newaygo County, Michigan at age 57. She was born in Canada on 31 March 1880 to Gordon Wagner and Sarah Welch. Emma was married when she died. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Emma Race, 1938.

Newaygo Sexton’s Records
state that Emma was interned in the Newaygo Cemetery in January 1938. She was 57. The cause of death was diabetes. She is buried in Section F, Lot 4, Grave 2.
On 11 Sep 1939 when Albert James was 55, he second married Metta K. Miller, daughter of John C. Miller & Metta Herchfeld, in Big Rapids, Mecosta County, Michigan. Born on 17 Jun 1884 in Michigan. Metta K. died in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 26 Sep 1941; she was 57. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

Death Index: Metta K. Race died 26 September 1941 in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan at age 57. She was born 17 June 1884 in Michigan to John C. Miller and Metta Herchfeld. She was married when she died. "Michigan, Death Certificates, 1921-1952," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 30 Apr 2013), Metta K Race, 1941.
On 9 May 1942 when Albert James was 58, he third married Mary E. Millen, daughter of Elbert Millen (Aug 1857-), in Muskegon, Muskegon County, Michigan. Born on 27 Aug 1884 in Indiana. Mary E. died in Fremont, Newaygo County, Michigan in Feb 1951. Buried in Newaygo Cemetery.

1900 Federal Census. Bangor Twp., Van Buren County, Michigan
Roll 745, page 2A
    Albert Millen, head, b. Aug 1857, 46, m. 18 years, b. MI, parents b. NY, marble cutter
    Anna Millen, wife, b. Apr 1864, 40, m. 18 years, [can’ read how many children], b. MI, parents b. NY, mattress maker
    Lydia Millen, mother, b. Sep 1816, 83, m. 43 years, 6 children, 2 living, b. NY, parents b. NY
    Mary Millen, daugher, b. Aug 1884, 15, b. IN, father b. IN, mother b. MI
    Victor Millen, son, b. Apr 1891, 9, b. MI, father b. IN, mother b. MI, at school
    Julia Millen, daughter, b. Mar 1897, 3, b. ditto

Obituary - Feb 21, 1951 Newaygo Republican

Illness Fatal to Mrs. Race

    Mrs. Albert Race passed away at Gerber Memorial Hospital In Fremont Sunday, after an extended illness. She was 66 years of age.
    The former Mary Millen was born August 27, 1884 at Bangor. She was married August 28, 1900 to Elmer Hughes, who passed away in December, 1919, at Muskegon, and they were residents of Newaygo from 1900 to 1917. Mr. Hughes was employed at the Newaygo Portland Cement Company plant. Mrs. Hughes became the bride of Albert Race of Newaygo May 9, 1942.
    She was a past noble grand of the Rebekah lodge of Muskegon; past regent of the Moose lodge of Muskegon, and a member of the Blue Bird Circle of the Newaygo Congregational Church.
    Surviving besides the husband are three daughters; Mrs. Dora Kallas of Racine, Wis., Mrs. Margaret Clark of Flushing, and Mrs. Loraine Hicks of Durand; one son, A.J. Hughes of Muskegon; two brothers, Irving Millen of Eau Clare, Wis., and Victor Millen of Detroit; and twelve grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
    Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at two o'clock at the Congregational Church, witht he Rev. Lawrence Horning officiating. Burial was in Newaygo Cemetary.

Obituary - 20 February 1951 Grand Rapids Press

Mrs. Mary Race, Newaygo, Dies

        Newaygo - Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Race, 67, of Newaygo, wife of Albert Race and widely known in Muskegon Rebekah and Moose circles, will be held at 12 Wednesday at the Congregational church. Burial will be in Newaygo cemetery. She died Sunday at Gerber Memorial Hospital, Fremont.
        Surviving, besides her husband, are a son, by a former marriage, A.J. Hughes of Muskegon; three daughters, Mrs. Dora Kallas of Racine, Wis.; Mrs. Lorraine Hicks of Durand and Mrs. Margaret Clark of Flushing; two brothers, 12 grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Newaygo Cemetery
    Mary E. Hughes Race, 1884-1951. Section F, Lot 206 grave 4
68708. Franklin Ora Race. Born on 26 Jul 1888 in Croton Township, Newaygo County, Michigan. Franklin Ora died in Petoskey, Emmet County, Michigan in Oct 1970.

Newaygo County Historical and Genealogical Society Birth Cards show that Franklin was born 25 July 1888 in Croton Township. His parents are Peter and Olive Race of Croton Township. Peter is a farmer and both parents were born in New York.

14 January 1904, Newaygo Republican, “School Notes”:
“The pupils of the 7th and 8th grades have the following averages for December: Lizzie Hikade, 94; Mary Shutts, 93; Clara Stevesn, 92; Ralph Wagers, 92; Robert Thompson, 91; Cecil Moore, 91; Hazel Grinnell, 91; Phil Hemily, 91; Harrison Edwards, 91; Fernie Pierce, 91; Daniel Aiken, 91; Nealia Balcom, 90; Ray LaRae, 88; Minnie Nelson, 93; Vera Burridge, 93; Ollie Echtinaw, 92; Sina Echtinaw, 91; John Green, 90; Agnes Taylor, 90; Glenn Hayden, 87; Harlan Stanley, 87; Maizie Kennicott, 88; Mabel Whitman, 87; Russsell Taylor, 86; Frank Race, 86; Fred Hubbell, 85; Harry Shick, 83; Harold Wooll, 82; Glenn Burnham, 81.”

Record number 874 book 4 page 261 Newaygo County, MI marriage records indicates that Frank Ora Race married Emma Louise Suits in Newaygo on 14 June 1911. He is 22, was born in Newaygo and is a clerk. She is 18, living at home and was born in Newaygo. His parents are Peter Race and Olive Phelps and hers are Elmer Suits and May Crow. H. C. Chamberlain marries them with Erwin Race and Donna Harden as witnesses.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918
Registered in Newaygo Co., MI. 5 Jun 1917
    Franklin Ora Race. Newaygo
    Age 28. b. 26 Jul 1888, Croton, MI
    Occupation: electrician, Newaygo Portland Cement Co., Newaygo
    Claim exemption to support wife and two children
    Medium height, medium build, brown eyes, brown hair

1920 Federal Census. Brooks Twp. Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 6A
Post Street, Newaygo Village
    Franklin Race, head, 31, b. MI, parents b. NY, electrician, cement mills
    Emma L. Race, wife, 26, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Flanklin Merton Race, son, 7, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Vira Louse Race, daughter, 3, b. ditto
    Erla Jean Race, daughter, 2 months, b. ditto

1930 Federal Census. Brooks Twp. Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll 787, page 6A
Newaygo Village
    Frank Race, head, 41, m. age 23, b. MI, parents b. NY, electrician, cement plant
    Emma Race, wife, 37, m. age 18, b. MI, parents b. MI, cook, restaurant
    Merton F. Race, son, 18, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Vira L. Race, daughter, 14, b. ditto
    Irla J. Race, daughter, 10, b. ditto

Social Security Death Index
Frank Race, b. 26 Jul 1888, d. Oct 1970, last residence 49770 Petoskey MI. Issued PA before 1951.
On 14 Jun 1911 when Franklin Ora was 22, he married Emma Louise Suits, daughter of Elmer E. Suits (ca May 1871-) & Mable Crow (21 Jul 1876-), in Newaygo, Newaygo County, Michigan. Born on 23 Mar 1893 in Agnew, Ottawa County, Michigan. Emma Louise died in Fremont, Newaygo County, Michigan, on 13 Dec 1962; she was 69. Gerber Memorial Hospital. Buried on 15 Dec 1962 in Newaygo Cemetery. Section F, Lot 217, Grave 2. They were divorced on 31 Jul 1943 in Emmet County, Michigan.

1910 Federal Census. Garfield Twp., Newaygo County, Michigan
Roll T624_666, page 11B
Main Street, Newaygo Village
Elmer E. Suits, head, 38, m. 18 years, b. MI, parents b. NY, burner, cement plant
    Mable Suits, wife, 34, m. 18 years, 4 children, all living, b. MI, father b. OH, mother b. MO
    Emma L. Suits, daughter, 17, single, b. MI, parents b. MI
    Merton E. Suits, son, 14, b. ditto
    Ila R. Suits, daughter, 8, b. ditto
    Carrie B. Suits, daughter, 4, b. ditto

19 June 1913, Newaygo Republican, “Local News”:
“Mrs. Frank Race was a guest of friends in Sparta the last of the week.”

Obituary, Newaygo Republican, 15 December 1962
Emma Race, 69, Dies Tuesday; Rites Friday
    Mrs. Emma Race, 69, of Newaygo passed away Tuesday, December 13, at Gerber Memorial hospital, Fremont. She was born March 23, 1893 at Agnew, Michigan and has been a resident of Newaygo since 1908.
    Mrs. Race was a member of the First Methodist church and a past matron of Unity chapter No. 61, Order of the Eastern Star. She is survived by one son, Merten Race of Worthington, Ohio; two daughters, Mrs. Vira Straub of Roscommon and Mrs. Irma Fellows of Grand Rapids; and one sister, Mrs. Ila Markel of Los Angeles.
    Services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the First Methodist church with the Rev. Earle Stine officiating. There will be an Eastern Star service Friday at 7 p.m. Burial will be in Newaygo cemetery. Arrangements by the Pieschel Funeral Home.

Newaygo Cemetery
Emma L. Race, 1893-1926.
Their children include:
Merton Franklin Race (6 Apr 1912-9 Jun 2007)
Vera Louise Race (ca 1917-)
Erla Jean Race (19 Nov 1919-28 Dec 2006)
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