Pane-Joyce Index
Isaac (1658 - 1712)
Isaac (1671 - 1692)
Isaac (1683 - )
Isaac (1685 - 1748)
Lieut. Israel (1644 - 1704)
Lieut. Israel (1644 - 1704)
Jacob (ca1701 - 1776)
Jacob (1710 - ca1738)
Jacob (1710 - ca1738)
Jacob (1710 - ca1738)
Jacob (1738 - )
Jacob (1738 - )
Jael (1721 - )
Jael (1732 - 1814)
Jael (1732 - 1814)
Jael (1732 - 1814)
James (1641 - )
James (1641 - 1641)
James (1717 - )
James (1717 - )
James (1732 - 1820)
James (1747 - )
James (1747 - )
Col. James (1773 - 1861)
Col. James (1773 - 1861)
James B. (1817 - )
James Bird (1817 - 1863)
James Bird (1817 - 1863)
Jane ( - 1709)
Jemima (1695 - 1789)
Jemima (1695 - 1789)
Jemima (1695 - 1789)
Jemima (1731 - 1784)
Jeremiah (1728 - 1807)
Jesse (1709 - 1759)
Jesse (1709 - 1759)
Jesse (1709 - 1759)
Jesse (1709 - 1759)
Jesse (1744 - 1811)
Jesse (1744 - 1811)
Jesse (1744 - 1811)
Jesse (1744 - 1811)
Jesse (1783 - 1876)
Jesse (1783 - 1876)
Job (ca1664 - )
Job (ca1664 - )
Job (ca1664 - )
Job (1726 - )
Job (1748 - )
Job (1748 - )
John ( - <1680)
John (ca1577 - ca1639)
Sergt. John (ca1614 - 1707)
Sergt. John (ca1614 - 1707)
Sergt. John (ca1614 - 1707)
John (ca1629 - )
John (ca1629 - )
John (ca1629 - )
John (1639 - )
John (1639 - 1715)
Capt. John (1642 - 1704)
Capt. John (1642 - 1704)
John (ca1649 - <1718)
John (ca1649 - <1718)
John (1653 - )
John (1653 - )
John (1653 - )
John (1653 - )
John (1653 - )
John (1667 - )
John (1670 - )
John (1670 - )
John (1670 - )
John (1670 - )
John (1670 - )
John (ca1673 - )
John (1698 - 1719)
John (1699 - 1775)
John (1699 - 1775)
John (1701 - )
John (1708 - )
John (1709 - 1799)
John (1709 - 1799)
John (1709 - 1799)
John (1709 - 1799)
John (1709 - 1799)
Capt. John (ca1710 - )
Capt. John (ca1710 - )
John (1737 - )
John (1737 - )
Jonathan (1645 - <1681)
Jonathan (ca1673 - 1717)
Jonathan (ca1673 - 1717)
Jonathan (1679 - 1770)
Jonathan (1679 - 1770)
Jonathan (1682 - 1765)
Jonathan (1685 - )
Joseph (1644 - )
Joseph (1644 - 1683)
Joseph (1644 - 1683)
Ens. Joseph (1650 - 1742)
Ens. Joseph (1650 - 1742)
Joseph (ca1653 - ca1706)
Joseph (1664 - 1690)
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1664 - )
Joseph (1689 - 1777)
Joseph (1691 - 1756)
Joseph (1691 - 1756)
Joseph (1691 - 1756)
Joseph (1693 - 1753)
Joseph (1693 - 1753)
Joseph (1693 - 1753)
Joseph (1693 - 1753)
Joseph (1693 - 1753)
Joseph (1693 - 1753)
Joseph (1713 - 1785)
Joseph (1731 - )
Joshua (1646 - <1706)
Joshua (ca1713 - 1758)
Joshua (1733 - 1791)
Joshua (1733 - 1791)
Joshua (1733 - 1791)
Josiah (1662 - <1745)
Josiah (1668 - )
Josiah (1696 - 1777)
Josiah (1696 - 1777)
Josiah (1696 - 1777)
Keziah (1741 - 1787)
Keziah (1741 - 1787)
Lemuel (1731 - 1807)
Lemuel (1731 - 1807)
Louisa Hunt (1817 - 1869)
Lucy (1741 - 1817)
Lucy (1741 - 1817)
Lucy (1761 - )
Lucy (1783 - )
Luke (ca1722 - )
Lusanna ( - 1826)
Lusanna ( - 1826)
Lusanna (1753 - )
Lusanna (1753 - )
Luther (ca1749 - 1830)
Luther (ca1749 - 1830)
Lydia (1673 - )
Lydia (1695 - 1768)
Lydia (1695 - 1768)
Lydia (1695 - 1768)
Lydia (1714 - 1777)
Lydia (1714 - 1777)
Margaret (1685 - )
Margaret (1685 - )
Margaret (1726 - 1766)
Maria (1801 - )
Martha (ca1587 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1657 - )
Martha (1701 - )
Martha (1701 - )
Martha (1701 - )
Martha (1701 - )
Martha (1701 - )
Martha (1713 - )
Martha (1713 - )
Martha (ca1745 - )
Martha (1754 - )
Mary ( - <1712)
Mary ( - 1709)
Mary (ca1562 - )
Mary (1589 - 1674)
Mary (1589 - 1674)
Mary (1589 - 1674)
Mary (ca1618 - 1713)
Mary (ca1618 - 1713)
Mary (ca1618 - 1713)
Mary (ca1618 - 1713)
Mary (ca1648 - >1707)
Mary (ca1648 - >1707)
Mary (1655 - 1719)
Mary (1675 - )
Mary (ca1681 - 1682)
Mary (ca1682 - 1683)
Mary (1691 - 1727)
Mary (1691 - 1727)
Mary (1701 - 1756)
Mary (1702 - )
Mary (1706 - <1752)
Mary (1706 - 1777)
Mary (1706 - 1777)
Mary (ca1713 - 1753)
Mary (ca1713 - 1753)
Mary (ca1713 - 1753)
Mary (ca1713 - 1753)
Mary (ca1713 - 1753)
Mary (ca1713 - 1753)
Mary (1720 - )
Mary (1729 - 1776)
Mary (1729 - 1776)
Mary (1729 - 1776)
Mary (1732 - )
Mary (1737 - )
Mary (1741 - 1817)
Mary (1751 - )
Mary (1767 - 1814)
Mary (1767 - 1814)
Mary (1767 - 1814)
Mary (1796 - )
Mary Francis (1834 - 1912)
Mehitable (1675 - )
Mehitable (1684 - )
Mehitable (1726 - )
Mehitable (1734 - 1808)
Mehitable (1734 - 1808)
Mehitable (ca1735 - )
Mehitable (ca1751 - )
Melzar (1745 - )
Mercy (1679 - <1716)
Mercy (1679 - <1716)
Mercy (1679 - <1716)
Mercy (1679 - <1716)
Mercy (1679 - <1716)
Mercy (1679 - <1716)
Mercy (1707 - 1759)
Michael (1739 - )
Michal (1786 - 1824)
Michal (1786 - 1824)
Mindwell (1727 - 1801)
Mindwell (1727 - 1801)
Miriam (1673 - )
Miriam (1715 - 1756)
Miriam (1715 - 1756)
Miriam (1715 - 1756)
Miriam (1734 - 1807)
Miriam (1734 - 1807)
Miriam (1737 - 1813)
Miriam (1737 - 1813)
Molly Vinal (1780 - )
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Sergt. Nathaniel (1677 - 1763)
Nathaniel (ca1728 - )
Nathaniel (1737 - 1802)
Nehemiah (1733 - 1816)
Noah (1750 - )
Oliver (1740 - 1815)
Orphan (1759 - )
Paul (1737 - )
Paul (1766 - 1786)
Peleg (1710 - 1711)
Peleg (ca1712 - 1797)
Peleg (ca1756 - 1835)
Peter (1713 - 1756)
Peter (1713 - 1756)
Phebe ( - 1718)
Phebe (ca1687 - )
Phebe (ca1687 - )
Phebe (ca1687 - )
Phebe (1719 - 1776)
Phebe (1719 - 1776)
Philip (ca1591 - )
Lieut. Philip (ca1632 - 1675)
Philip (ca1659 - 1659)
Philip (1660 - )
Polly (1789 - 1790)
Rachel (1710 - 1711)
Rachel (1712 - <1717)
Rachel (1715 - 1803)
Rachel (1715 - 1803)
Rachel (1717 - )
Rachel (1717 - )
Rachel (ca1730 - )
Rachel (1739 - )
Rachel (ca1741 - 1816)
Rachel (1774 - )
Rebecca (ca1675 - )
Rebecca (1688 - 1753)
Rebecca (1688 - 1753)
Rebecca (1697 - )
Rebecca (1697 - )
Rebecca (1697 - )
Rebecca (1697 - )
Rebecca (1697 - )
Rebecca (1699 - )
Rebecca (1722 - 1753)
Rebecca (1722 - 1753)
Rebecca (1730 - )
Rebecca (1730 - )
Rebecca (1740 - )
Rebecca (ca1754 - )
Rebecca (ca1771 - 1798)
Rebecca (ca1771 - 1798)
Relief (1738 - )
Reuben (1729 - 1758)
Reuben (1729 - 1758)
Reuben (ca1762 - 1806)
Reuben (ca1762 - 1806)
Reuben (ca1762 - 1806)
Rhoda (1721 - )
Rhoda (1721 - )
Rhoda (ca1770 - )
Richard (ca1611 - 1681)
Richard (ca1620 - 1693)
Richard (ca1620 - 1693)
Richard (ca1620 - 1693)
Richard (ca1620 - 1693)
Richard (ca1620 - 1693)
Richard (1702 - )
Robert (ca1565 - )
Ruth ( - 1683)
Ruth ( - 1742)
Ruth (1699 - 1708)
Ruth (1700 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1712 - )
Ruth (1735 - 1750)
Ruth (ca1739 - 1807)
Ruth (1743 - )
Ruth (1749 - )
Ruth (1793 - )
Saba (1787 - 1831)
Saba (1787 - 1831)
Saba (1787 - 1831)
Sally (1798 - )
Samuel (1645 - 1688)
Samuel (1646 - )
Samuel (1659 - )
Samuel (1659 - )
Samuel (1659 - )
Samuel (1659 - )
Samuel (<1679 - 1679)
Samuel (1679 - 1769)
Samuel (1679 - 1769)
Samuel (1679 - 1769)
Samuel (1679 - 1769)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1747)
Samuel (1681 - 1740)
Samuel (1681 - 1740)
Samuel (1681 - 1740)
Samuel (1681 - 1740)
Samuel (1681 - 1740)
Samuel (1688 - 1772)
Samuel (1688 - 1772)
Samuel (1695 - )
Samuel (1708 - 1794)
Samuel (1711 - 1715)
Samuel (1712 - 1779)
Samuel (1716 - 1802)
Samuel (1716 - 1802)
Samuel (1719 - )
Samuel (1719 - )
Samuel (1719 - )
Samuel (1724 - 1756)
Samuel (1724 - 1756)
Samuel (1724 - 1756)
Samuel (1724 - 1756)
Samuel (1724 - 1756)
Samuel (1724 - 1756)
Lieut. Samuel (1724 - 1758)
Lieut. Samuel (1724 - 1758)
Samuel (1750 - )
Samuel (1750 - )
Capt. Samuel (1754 - 1803)
Capt. Samuel (1754 - 1803)
Samuel (1779 - 1879)
Samuel (1786 - 1787)
Samuel (1788 - 1790)
Samuel (ca1821 - )
Sarah (ca1575 - )
Sarah (ca1627 - )
Sarah (1642 - ca1743)
Sarah (1659 - 1659)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (1663 - ca1739)
Sarah (ca1673 - )
Sarah (1675 - <1736)
Sarah (1679 - )
Sarah (1685 - )
Sarah (1685 - )
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1687 - 1760)
Sarah (1697 - )
Sarah (1697 - )
Sarah (1697 - )
Sarah (1702 - 1769)
Sarah (1702 - 1769)
Sarah (1702 - 1769)
Sarah (1712 - 1799)
Sarah (1712 - 1799)
Sarah (1712 - 1799)
Sarah (1712 - 1799)
Sarah (1719 - )
Sarah (1733 - )
Sarah (ca1742 - 1816)
Sarah (ca1742 - 1816)
Sarah (1744 - 1789)
Sarah (1749 - )
Sarah (1757 - )
Sarah (1757 - )
Sarah (1757 - )
Sarah (1757 - )
Simeon (1720 - 1810)
Simeon (1720 - 1810)
Simeon (1720 - 1810)
Simeon (1720 - 1810)
Simeon (1720 - 1810)
Simeon (1720 - 1810)
Simeon (1739 - )
Simeon (1743 - )
Simeon (1756 - )
Snow (ca1755 - 1823)
Snow (ca1755 - 1823)
Stephen (1673 - 1723)
Stephen (1673 - 1723)
Stephen (1673 - 1723)
Stephen (1673 - 1723)
Stephen (1677 - 1758)
Stephen (1694 - ca1794)
Stephen (1694 - ca1794)
Stephen (1694 - ca1794)
Stephen (1694 - ca1794)
Dea. Stephen (1710 - 1781)
Dea. Stephen (1710 - 1781)
Stephen (ca1739 - )
Susanna (1680 - )
Susanna (1680 - )
Susanna (1702 - 1709)
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D. Pane-Joyce
Created Nov 2018 with the reluctant help of Reunion,
from Leister Productions, Inc.